che balane gate

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Fabrication and installation of Gate of Ms. Rochelle balane.

located at fairview 1 , magang, daet camarines

cost per
Item description Dimension/class Quantity total cost remarks

g.i pipe 1.5 inch sched 40 1210 4 4840
angle bar 1.5 inch x 3/16 420 9 3780
flat bar 1 inch x 3/16 350 1 350
welding rod 3/32 180 2 360
epoxy primer liters 360 2 720
cutting disc tyrolit 90 5 450
grinding disc tyrolit 60 0 0 by others
lacquer thinner bottles 50 0 0 by others
paint brush 1.5 inch 60 0 0 by others
circular hinge 3/4 100 8 800
g.i pipe 1.25 inch sched 40 800 1 800
flat bar 2 inches 380 1 380

assembly 5000
installation 0
transpo 0

total cost 17480

1 , magang, daet camarines norte

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