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Introduction Using This Supplement

Here are ways to use this supplement in conjunction with

The Papaya Islands are a geographical location within the the Unofficial Dragon Ball D&D Sourcebook:
Southern Tropics described briefly in the Unofficial Dragon Ball
D&D Sourcebook. This section describes the attacks of a • With your consent, one or more players can create
pungent pirate king and his fanatical crew. This supplement is bio-android characters using the rules in the
written for Dungeon Masters who wish to uncover the greater “Bio-Android” section. These bio-androids have escaped
mystery the lies beneath the sea. This supplement also from the drones in search of sovereignty. They can join the
introduces a new playable character race, the bio-android, and party on the Papaya Islands or some other location.
a new adventure location underground. • The party might encounter a bio-android NPC willing to
Bio-androids are artificially created or enhanced organic guide the players underground so that they may put an
lifeforms, in counterpoint to their robotic brethren. They are end to Cell once and for all. Alternatively, the NPC could
usually intended to improve upon an existing species or be luring the party into a trap, only to seal the exit before
provide a chimeric appropriation of many desired traits, they can escape. With no other choice but to progress
creating warriors conventionally more powerful than their deeper underground, they must confront Cell.
naturally-born siblings. Bio-androids, like most other • While exploring the ruins of a Red Ribbon Army base, the
adventurous races, can appear on any realm. On the Dragon party might encounter a fledgling bio-android weapon
World, the race was recreated from a clone of the powerful that was still in development. If left unchecked it will
bio-android Cell, who spawned many children. surely perish, but could be saved with the right tools and
This supplement assumes you have the D&D fifth edition quick thinking, potentially becoming an ally in due time.
core rulebooks as well as the Unofficial Dragon Ball D&D • The forces of the Dark Empire have constructed a new
Sourcebook produced by Stranger Worlds. type bio-android from an odd assortment of genetics
found across history. The opponent doesn’t seem all that
powerful, so perhaps their genetic makeup was designed
Text that appears in a box like this is meant to be read aloud for another purpose.
or paraphrased for the players when their characters first
arrive at a location or under a specific circumstance, as
Adventure Hooks
described in the text. Here are some hooks you can use to lure characters in the
subterranean caverns below:
A limited number of new monsters appear at the end of this • While exploring the coastline, the characters discover a
supplement. When a creatures name appears in bold type, shipwrecked vessel belonging to the pirate captain
that’s a visual cue pointing you towards its stat block. If a stat Bacterian, adjacent to a cascading waterfall.
block appears elsewhere, the text tells you so. • The mentor of the nearby Tenkaichi Budokai, hires the
Spells and equipment mentioned in the adventure are characters to investigate the disappearance of sailors
described in the Player’s Handbook. Magic items are described along the eastern coastline. Rumors of large bug-like
in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. Additional material is described creatures kidnapping crewman and dragging them into
in the Unofficial Dragon Ball D&D Sourcebook. the cliffs. He arranges for a ship to transport the characters
if they cannot transport themselves.
Adventure Summary • While sailing around the eastern coastline, the character’s
A dark creature has made its nest beneath a peaceful city. ship is raided by numerous pure-cell larva and one
Towa, the dark heiress of the Demon Realm, has reincarnated pure-cell drone. The creatures steal food and supplies fist,
a monstrosity from the past in her never ending mission to before attempting to drag any crewmates overboard. If
become the instrument of the Demon Realms salvation. In her followed, the creatures return to the waterfall and stach
dark endeavors, she has revived the body of the elusive Cell, a their spoils within (see “Spoils,” page 6).
bio-android from the future. The mind however, was not of • After defeating the vile pirate captain Bacterian and his
concern. Left in the care of a fanatical pirate cult while it crew, the characters uncover letters from a mysterious
developed, the creature soon escaped to a nearby cove where third-party within the captain’s quarters. This letter is
it sought to make its nest. from the heiress of the Demon Realm, Towa, which
This supplement sends the party into these caverns to hunt describes the creation process of Cell-X. This this same
down and exterminate the time-traversing plague before its room, the characters discover accounts which recall the
nest becomes too large to contain. While traversing the lair of unhinged bio-android escaping its captivity and taking
this bio-behemoth, the players will encounter the terrifying shelter in a nearby cavern.
bio-android offspring that tend to the nest, and engage in • While resting within 6 miles of Cell’s lair, bio-android
battle with the creature that spawned them. characters receive cryptic visions that depict the time
This is a high level adventure for characters of levels 10-12 traversing Cell hundreds of years ago. Bio-Android player
and can be inserted into any adventure around these levels. characters who listen to this visions will find themselves
slowly drawn closer to Cell’s lair behind the waterfall.

2 | Artificial Warriors
New Character Race
Bio-Android Visual Characteristics
Organic material fused with the might of mechanical
capability. Bio-androids have been recently reincarnated from Skin Color Blue, Green, or Purple
a series of failed cloning experiments and possess an arsenal Hair Color None
Eye Color Blue or Red
of stolen genetics from various species. Some bio-androids rise
Cachets Cicada-Like Body
to power, continuously pursuing their universal ambition for
perfection. Some venture, seeking out other androids to Physical Characteristics
combine their strengths. Height 6’0” +2d6”
Those unfortunate few who are thought of as freakish Weight 180 lb. x(2d8) lb.
monsters ultimately succumb to this impression, lurking in the
sewers and shadows of rural towns and sites. Cultural Characteristics
Art Increase: Your Energy, Focus, or Soul art increases by Homeworld Earth, Demon Realm
one tier. You choose this art when you select this race. Language Varies
Bonus Equipment: One set of customly crafted traveler’s
clothes, a signet of your creator’s organization, a scroll case
containing information on your own schematics or a trinket
from your life before receiving inorganic enhancements, and a
templates. You gain these racial traits as though you were a
belt pouch containing 15 gp.
member of that race. If a racial trait would provide you with
one or more spells, you may not select another spellcasting
Bio-Android Names racial trait, even if you later get to choose again.
Bio-androids are not given names by their makers. Shortly Additionally, you have advantage on Intelligence checks
after maturing from their larval forms, bio-androids adopt a to recall information about your genetic templates.
name that signifies themselves. Possessing genetic traits from these two races allows the use
Bio-Android Names: Allele, Atter, Biotic, Chondria, Cilia, of certain powers even when they are not intended for you.
Deoxy, Endo, Evo, Gnome, Golgi, Loam, Mito, Neuro, You ignore race requirements for abilities that would
Nucleic, Plasm, Synapse, Thesis, Tigen, Vacuo normally be obtainable by your genetic templates.
Languages: You can speak, read and write, Common and two
Bio-Android Traits extra languages spoken by your genetic templates.
Your bio-android character has an assortment of favorable
traits, part and parcel of your genetic nature.
Origin Type: Earthling
Two new feats are presented here in for your bio-androids that
Size: You are Medium or Small. You choose your size wish to use them. The dormant genetics feat enables players to
when you select this race. expand their genetic traits, whilst the insectoid wings
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet. provides bio-android characters with a means of flight even
Constructed Nature: You were created to have remarkable when they are suppressing their spirit.
fortitude, represented by the following benefits: If you'd like to use any of these feats, talk to your Dungeon
• You have advantage on saving throws against being Master, who may allow one, both, or neither.
poisoned, and you have resistance to poison damage.
• You don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe. Dormant Genetics
• You are immune to disease. Prerequisite: Bio-Android
• You don't need to sleep, and magic can't put you to sleep.
You can finish a long rest in 4 hours if you spend those You’ve unearthed dormant genetics within your design.
hours in an inactive, motionless state, during which you Choose one additional race of humanoids as another genetic
retain consciousness. template and gain one new independent racial trait from this
race. You can select this feat multiple times. Each time you do
Mimicry: You can mimic sounds you have heard, including so, you must choose a different race of humanoids.
voices. A creature that hears the sounds you make can tell

Insectoid Wings
they are imitations with a successful Wisdom (Insight) check
opposed by your Charisma (Deception) check.
Genetics: Your genetic structure has inherited numerous Prerequisite: Bio-Android
favorable traits and special abilities. Choose two races of You sprout insectoid wings. With your wings, you have a
humanoids as your genetic templates. When you do so, flying speed of 20 feet if you aren’t wearing heavy armor and
select one independent racial trait from both genetic aren’t exceeding your carrying capacity.

3 | Artificial Warriors
New Transformation Cave Behind The Falls
Although bio-android characters can obtain transformations The adventure begins as the player characters arrive at a
from any race of which they possess genetic traits from, a new cascading waterfall east of the nearest port town. Before
transformation is provided here. continuing with the adventure, take a few minutes to
accomplish the following:
• Encourage the players to introduce their characters to one
Perfect Android another if they have not done so already.
Android or Bio-Android, Super Class-Up • Ask the players to give you their marching order as they
descend into the cavern, along with how they are
planning to travel. Who’s in front and who’s bringing up
Class Art: Energy Art
the rear? If the characters are being lead by a bio-android
Duration: Up to 8 Hours
guide as described on the second page of this document,
Stress Test: 18 DC.
take a moment to consider their placement as well.
— — ★ ★ — — General Features
The sandy hollow of the waterfall is hidden in shadow
beneath the cliffside. There is noticeable debris scattered
Super Class-Up (12 BP*) among the coastline and signs of a struggle.
Adamantine Awakening. Your bio-body is reinforced with Ceilings. Most of the caves and passageways have steeply
adamantine. While in your perfect form, any critical hit sloping ceilings that create stalactite-covered vaults rising 20
against you becomes a normal hit. to 30 feet above the floor.
Light. Area 1 is located just outside the cave entrance. The
Perfect Power. You are immune to the effects of exhaustion. rest of the complex descends deep underground and is dark
Moreover, you can use your action to end an ongoing effect unless otherwise stated. The boxed text for those areas
on yourself. Once you use this ability, you cannot use it assumes the characters have darkvision or an alternative
again until you transform once again, unless you expend a source of light available.
minimum of 6 Battle Points to use it again. Stream. The stream that flows from area 4 out to area 1 is
Data Input. By analyzing information around you, you learn only about 2 feet deep in most areas, cold, and slow moving.
to weave a string of probabilities in an instant that gives you Creatures can easily wade through it.
extraordinary insights.
In response to an attack hitting you, you can use your 1. Cave Mouth
reaction to impose disadvantage on that attack roll, The trail of debris and destructions leads to cave entrance
potentially causing it to miss. obscured by a flowing waterfall from the cliffside above.
Power Multiplier: Super Class-Up (x100)

Just beyond the vale of the waterfall, you spy a large cavern
in the cliffside. A shallow pool of water collects mere feet
away before spilling down the coastline. The path leading
within this obscure nook seems well traveled.

Characters using light or darkvision to peer farther into the

cavern can see strands of luminescent pink webbing coating
the caves walls. Although this webbing seems to glow, on its
own, it is not enough to provide light.

If the characters investigate the debris scattered along the
shore with a DC 12 Investigation check, they find various
waterlogged rations and shipping supplies, all of which seem
to be broken or in varying states of decay. If the players are not
already aware of the infamous pirate Bacterian, a DC 12
History check reveals that these crates and debris likely once
belonged to a pirate ship.

4 | Artificial Warriors
Cave Behind
the Falls
1 Square = 5 feet

2. Larval Hive point they unfurl their wings and attempt to surprise and
When the characters turn the corner, they discover the first attack the players whilst they are distracted. Players have no
larval hive within this cavern. This hive is smaller than the reason to suspect the eggs of anything dangerous unless they
rest and houses the runts of the biological litter. There is one encountered the peculiar egg which was guarding the
single peculiar egg which hovers up and down the path entrance to this chamber.
between areas 1 and 2, keeping an eye out for any intruders. If If a character makes contact with the walls of this area, they
they players are rather loud when entering the cavern, the egg must succeed on a DC 12 Athletics check or be restrained by
spots them and immediately flees into area 4 so that it may the pink webbing. A creature can use their action to cut a
alert the guards of their presence. restrained creature free using a sharp object on their turn.
Cell-X becomes aware of any creatures who make contact with
the webbing and will send additional reinforcements into area
Exposed along the south wall of the cavern is a small room 4 in response.
which gives off a rosy glow. Each wall is coating in a slimy
webbing like substance. A large unnatural fissure protrudes Developments
from the ground to the right like some form of earthen hive. Once the larva are defeated, the players can uncover the small
You eyes are quickly drawn to the clicking sounds of three chamber of area 3 or proceed down the cavern tunnel.
four legged insectoid creatures below.
3. Pirate Prisoners
The small chamber beyond the reaches of the first hive serves
Three pure-cell larva are stationed within this hive and will as a prison for any live subjects captured by drones while on
attack any non bio-android creature which enters the chamber. patrol outside of the cavern.
Characters who inspect the nest discover two peculiar eggs
tucked away within their shells. They remain completely
motionless until the players enter area 3, at which The secondary passageway drops steeply into a small room.
In the dim glow of the webbing, you can make out what
seems to be two small figures bound in webbing.

5 | Artificial Warriors
Characters who enter this room will discover two animal-type Treasure
fish pirates restrained by webbing. Both can be freed with a Kod carries a pouch containing 11 gp, a single piece of
successful DC 15 Athletics check (as this webbing appears to aquamarine (worth 500 gp), a dice set, a forgery kit, and three
be much thicker) or can be cut free with a sharp object. These vials of perfume, all of which contain a bizarrely strong sent.
two pirates are named Guphy and Kod, and were once first A creature subjected to this sent must succeed on a DC 12
and second mate respectfully of pirate captain Bacterian’s Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour. If the
crew before they were captured. saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature is also
Both Guphy and Kod use the bandit captain stat blocks unconscious while poisoned in this way. The creature wakes
(Monster Manual p344), but with the following modifications: up if it takes damage or if another creature takes an action to
Size. Both Guphy and Kod and Small creatures. shake it awake.
Amphibious. Guphy and Kod can breathe air and water.
Sea Legs. Guphy and Kod have advantage on ability checks 4. Drone Hive
and saving throws to resist being knocked prone. Upon entering this section of the cavern, they players are
presented with an unusual earthen hive similar to the one
Roleplaying Guphy and Kod found in area 2, only much larger. This appears to be the
Both Guphy and Kod are animal-type earthlings who central chamber of the cavern.
resemble the common catfish, complete with long whiskers
atop their lips and chins. Guphy is a long-lived and shrewd
This large cavern seems to be the source of the exterior
brigand with speckled green scales and a blue blouse several
waterfall. The far northern and eastern ends the cavern
sizes too small for him. He was once captain Bacterian’s first
seems to split off in two gloomy pathways. A thick coating of
mate with a knack for subterfuge.
webbing obscures the northern passage. A large hive
Kod is a youthful and excitable prankster with glossy
protrudes from the nearby reservoir of muddy water. An
purple scales, and orange bandana, a knackered leather coat
insectoid buzzing sound fills the air around you.
with enough pockets to plunder a jeweller single handed, and
an eyepatch. Whether or not the patch covers an old wound or
is merely for show is a closely guarded secret, though if asked Six pure-cell larva inhabit this chamber, all of which can be
he will insist he lost the eye battling against a cybernetic found crawling along the hive protruding from the nearby
octopus. Guphy doubts this story. reservoir. Two peculiar eggs lay concealed a top this hive. If
Together, Guphy and Kod can provide the characters with the single egg from area 2 escaped, there are instead three
the following pieces of information: peculiar eggs in this chamber. Guarding the eastern corridor
• Captain Bacterian was hired by a strange women who are two pure-cell drones, each of which have a clear line of
seemed to hail from an unknown land. She entrusted him the hive and will abandon their posts in an attack.
with a large purple egg that gave off a dark aura. She If a player character was at any point restrained by webbing
proclaimed that she would one day return for the egg. before reaching this room, Cell-X became aware of their
• In due time, the egg hatched into a strange larval creature presence. In this case, two additional pure-cell drones have
not unlike the ones in this very cave. The crew tried to moved from their posts in area 6 and are now stationed just
keep it fed to the best of their abilities but it gradually before the northern passageway.
began to grow violent towards the crew.
• By the time the creature had sprouted arms it began 5. Spoils
talking to itself, about what no one was sure. It seemed to This is the only area of the cavern that seems to be constructed
be reliving some events but all the creature had ever with unnatural materials. Splintered planks of wood have
known was the lower deck of their ship. been placed as supports within the collapsing cave.
• One day the creature grew too big for them to contain and
in a rush it hurried off the ship and into the open sea.
They thought the creature had perished beneath the This cavern is supported by various planks of splintered
waves for sure. It wasn’t until several weeks later that wood and masts, all of which seem to have been stolen from
they came under attack by similar looking creatures. passing vessels. At the entrance is a hastenly placed hatch
hanging loosely on broken hinges.
Guphy and Kod inform the characters that they want to return
to their crew if possible but not before dealing out an adequate
amount of revenge against the creatures who attacked their Within this room is a collection of various equipment and
crew and kidnapped them. materials collected by the scavenging bio offspring. If the
If the characters have already battled Bacterian before characters were attacked before the start of their adventure,
starting this adventure, Guphy and Kod are unaware of this any spoils stolen are found stashed away here. Hidden behind
fact. If they players choose to inform them, they do not attack. a collection of shattered planks at the back of the chamber is a
Rather they are quite influence by the characters strength and narrow passageway on the verge of collapse. It can be
wish to declare them pirate captains should they survive. discovered with a DC 15 Investigation check. The passage is
much to small for a Medium sized creature to crawl through.
Only a Small sized creature can fit. If a creature enters they
move at half speed until arriving at the east side of area 6,
hidden from view.

6 | Artificial Warriors
Treasure Cell resides within this web covered chamber, his massively
The storage rooms contains various chests taken from passing mutated form crawling along the northern wall. As the
ships. In total, the room contains 17,000 gp and 1,300 pp, a characters enter the chamber, Cell drops from his perch,
black pearl (worth 500 gp), two pieces of topaz (worth 500 gp landing with a thunderous slam in the center of the lair.
each), and one star ruby (worth 1,000 gp). Sitting in the Although both hives appear empty, they will begin releasing
western corner of the room is a disheveled pirate robot peculiar eggs once the battle begins. On initiative count 20,
(Unofficial Dragon Ball D&D Sourcebook p75). The machine is two larva emerge from the hives and make their way towards
damaged, but not destroyed and will awaken again when a any characters who keep their distances from Cell-X.
creature moves within 5 feet of it. The robot has only 42 hit
points (instead of 84) and its gatling seems to be damaged Developments
beyond use. The robot cannot be reprogrammed, but will If a player character was at any point restrained by webbing,
attack players and bio-androids alike. Cell-X will already be aware of the characters presence within
At your discretion, your characters might discover a Dragon the cavern, otherwise he is surprised by their arrival.
Ball buried within the pirate’s treasure hoard. If Cell-X is unaware of the characters presence, he is instead
found pacing the floor of his lair with his back turned to the

6. Sentry Post entranceway, leaving him open to attack.

Once defeated, Cell-X erupts in a burst of dark energy
This region of the cave is coated in thick webbing which
which fills the chamber. Although this aura deals no damage,
counts as difficult terrain (see “Difficult Terrain” in the Player’s
in leaves the party with an unsettling feeling that they were
being watched at they battled Cell-X.

Just inside the small northern passage is a mess of webbing. Awarding Experience
A steep natural staircase leads down into an unknown If Cell-X is defeated, divide 25,000 XP among the party.
chamber. The ground begins to shake with quiet vibrations
which echo from deeper within the cavern.
Having fought through the swarms of bio offspring and
Two pure-cell drones guard this passage. If a player character defeated the time-traversing evil himself, the players will have
was at any point restrained by webbing, Cell-X became aware been victorious in the quest. Their deeds will long be
of their presence. These two drones were sent into area 4 as remembered by the citizens of the Papaya Islands. As the days
reinforcement. If this is the case, this room is left empty. pass, the dangerous effects of Cell’s lair will begin to fade,
The eastern section of this chamber contains the collapsing letting the sailors return to their normal routes with little to
egress of the hidden tunnel found in area 5. If the tunnel is fear other than the common pirates. That said, the mystery of
entered from this location, the character arrives in area 5. Cell-X’s creator is unknown, leaving potential for more
Immediately in front this tunnel is a series of stalagmites adventures. If Guphy and Kod survive, they will eagerly wait
which provide half cover (see “Cover” in the Player’s to return to their crew. If they have been made aware of
Handbook) and can hide a character from view. Bacterian’s fate, they instead wish to honor the characters as
pirates in their own right, if they allow.
Developments If the players wish to continue their adventures, you can use
If the two drones were sent as reinforcements, this room is left the content detailed in the Unofficial Dragon Ball D&D
empty. Despite the mass of webbing, this room can easily be Sourcebook to keep exploring the world. The identity of the
used to rest before entering the last chamber. Dry wood can be mysterious women is only one of many possible story hooks
scavenged from area 5 and used for a fire, which in turn will you may use to continue your adventures.
burn away the majority of the webbing.
Although the players may not learn the identity of the

6. Time-Traversing Evil mysterious women, Towa will proceed to go about her plan of
altering history for the betterment of the Demon Realm. What
This final chamber is where the massive monstrosity known as
will Towa alter next? You can find this out soon in the next
Cell-X resides, and serves as as his lair.
book in development by Stranger Worlds: Towa’s Book of
Unknown History, which will provide a collection of new
The density of crimson webbing only increases as you rule options for both players and Dungeon Masters alike, in
descend into caverns depths. A maddening voice can faintly addition to content cut from the sourcebook, subclasses, spells,
be heard muttering. The dark tunnel finally gives way to a and much more.
massive chamber dimly lit by the webbing that saturates its
walls. Two additional hives protrude from the cavern,
although no bio offspring appear to cling to their exteriors.
The chamber is mysteriously empty.

7 | Artificial Warriors
New Monsters Pure-Cell Drone
Believed to be the workforce and soldiers of the nest, the
Player characters may encounter any number of these
pure-cell drones are horrendous equine cicidias. Capable
bio-android spawn in their adventures.
of tracking down and tearing apart intruders with deadly
precision, the pure-cell drones are the primary defense of
Peculiar Egg the nest and the young hatchlings within. They are almost
The life cycle of a bio-android relates to that of Cell and forms never encountered alone, favoring to travel in pairs as the
taken over the course of his existence. Spheric creatures, the patrol the netted caverns below..
peculiar eggs are the youngest of the bio offspring. Although
they are still young, the eggs act as sentries, patrolling the
outer walls of nests and reporting back to drones to deliver the

Pure-Cell Drone
information they have gathered.

Large monstrosity (bio-android), chaotic neutral

Armor Class 14 (natural)
Peculiar Egg Hit Points 88 (10d10+30)
Speed 50 ft.
Small monstrosity (bio-android), chaotic neutral
Armor Class 17 (natural) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Hit Points 12 (2d6+6) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 2 (-4)
Speed 10 ft., fly 30 ft.
Skills Athletics +6, Perception +5
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Damage Resistances Poison
5 (-3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 2 (-4) Condition Immunities Poisoned
Senses passive Perception 15
Skills Stealth +4, Perception +2 Languages any two languages
Damage Resistances Poison Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
Condition Immunities Poisoned Charge. If the drone moves at least 30 feet straight toward
Senses passive Perception 12 a target and then hits it with a claw attack on the same
Languages — turn, the target takes an extra 10 (3d6) slashing damage.
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Mimicry. The drone can mimic any sounds it has heard,
Shell Guise. While fully withdrawn into its shell, the peculiar including voices. A creature that hears the sounds can tell
egg cannot see and is indistinguishable from they are imitations with a successful DC 10 Wisdom
a spiny green or purple egg. (Insight) check.
Keen Sight. The peculiar egg has advantage on Wisdom Web Walker. The drone ignores all movement restrictions
(Perception) checks that rely on sight. caused by walking through webbing.

Actions Actions
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Multiattack. The drone makes two attacks with its claws.
target. Hit: 4 (1d6+2) bludgeoning damage.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Escape. The peculiar egg can take the Dash, Disengage, or target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) slashing damage.
Hide action as a bonus action on each of its turns.
Poison Breath (Recharge 6). The drone exhales a 15-foot
cone of poison. Each creature in that area must make a DC
13 Constitution saving throw, taking 24 (8d6) poison
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.

Variant: Peculiar Egg Familiar

Some peculiar eggs are created expressly to serve as familiars.
Such creatures have the following trait.
Familiar. The peculiar egg can serve another creature as a
familiar, forming a magical, telepathic bond with its willing
master. While the two are bonded, the master can sense what
the peculiar egg senses, as long as they are within 1 mile of
each other.

8 | Artificial Warriors
Pure-Cell Larva Cell-X
Clinging to walls within the dark regions of the nest, these Reborn from the perfect terror that was Perfect Cell, this
larval creatures have only recently hatched from their peculiar incarnation is nothing more than a destructive force guided
eggshells. Although not necessarily a threat when confronted only by primal instincts. This ever growing monstrosity seems
alone, the young bio offspring is sure to guarded by legions of to have no discernable lifespan. Instead, it only seems to
drones waiting in the shadows for any unwanted adventures. evolve itself within the subterranean wastes of its nest. To
enter the vile nest of this creature, is to battle against an
unhinged army of budding bio offspring.
The Swarm. At one point in time, the creature known as
Pure-Cell Larva Cell existed for but a single purpose. Complete perfection.
This goal has since been stripped away by the dark being
Medium monstrosity (bio-android), chaotic neutral
which returned him to this era. As thing stand, Cell’s goal is
Armor Class 17 (natural) only that of survival and multiplication.
Hit Points 45 (6d8+18) Fractured History. Although his mind is in ruin, Cell still
Speed 40 ft. possess fragments of his incoherent past. The resurrection,
although successful, has reduced him to a muttering
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA monstrosity, speaking of events in the wrong tense and
14 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 2 (-4) recalling his own history although he was reliving it then and
there within the nest of his lair. Every battle fought, every
Skills Perception +3
human he absorbed for nutrience, every word uttered.
Damage Resistances Poison
Condition Immunities Poisoned If a creature goes mad in Cell-X’s lair or while it can see
Senses passive Perception 13 Cell-X, it gains a form of indefinite madness. Roll on the
Languages — Madness of Cell table to determine the nature of this madness,
Challenge 3 (700 XP) which takes the form of a character flaw that lasts until cured.
Spider Climb. The larva can climb difficult surfaces, Chapter 8 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide has more information
including upside down on ceilings, without needing to on madness.
make an ability check.
Larval Pack Tactics. The larva has advantage on an attack Cell-X’s Lair
roll against a creature if at least one of the larva’s allies is Cell-X has created his lair within the subterranean tunnel
within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated. systems not far from the cities of Papaya Island.
The larva otherwise has disadvantage on attack rolls. Lair Actions. While within his nest, Cell-X can utilize the
Web Walker. The drone ignores all movement restrictions webbing and bio offspring to his advantage. On initiative
caused by walking through webbing. count 20 (losing initiative ties), Cell-X can take a lair action to
cause one of the following effects; he can’t use the same effect
Actions two rounds in a row:
Multiattack. The larva makes two attacks: one with its bite
• Cell-X webs a square area of ground he can see within the
and one with its slam.
lair. The area can be up to 10 feet on a side. The webbing
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one lasts for 1 hour or until it is burned away with fire. When
target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) bludgeoning damage. the web appears, each creature in that area when it's
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one created, or that moves into it for the first time on a turn,
creature. Hit: 6 (1d8+2) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 22 Strength saving throw or
must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, taking 18 become restrained.
(4d8) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much A restrained creature is stuck as long as it remains in the
damage on a successful one. If the poison damage reduces
webbed area or until it breaks free. The restrained
the target to 0 hit points, the target is stable but poisoned
creature, or another creature that can reach it, can use its
for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points, and is paralyzed
while poisoned in this way. action to make a DC 22 Strength check, breaking the
creature free on a success. If the webbing is set on fire, it
burns away after 1 round.
• Shaking his lair, Cell-X forces jagged stalactites to fall on
all creatures. Roll a single attack roll with a +7 bonus. Any
creatures with an AC equal to or lower than this roll suffer
10 (3d6) piercing damage.
• Cell-X casts the insect plague spell with a DC of 22.

Dungeon Masters wanting to know more about Cell-X and his

bio offspring can find their debut appearance in the 2010
MMORPG Dragon Ball Online, developed by Shueisha and
Bandai Namco Holdings.

9 | Artificial Warriors
Regional Effects. The organic tendrils of Cell-X’s lair reach Madness of Cell
outwards for miles on end like a massive web. The region d6 Flaw
containing Cell-X’s lair is warped by this corruption, which
1 “My opponent is nothing but a young child.”
creates one or more of the following effects:
2 “I must hunt humans for nutrients!”
• Within 1 mile of the lair, white stone pillars that mimic the
design of the Cell Games are mysteriously discovered. 3 “I’ve decided to test my perfection against this
• Creatures sailing the waters within 1 mile of the lair are world's strongest fighters.”
ransacked by bio offspring hunting for supplies. 4 “I’m supposed to be hunting down two androids.”
• Creatures who rest within 1 mile of the lair must succeed “Pursuing perfection is my one true goal and I’ll
on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or descend into a type do whatever it takes to achieve it!”
of madness (see “Madness of Cell” to the right). A creature “Someone killed two individuals close to me. The
that succeeds on this saving throw can’t be affected by this only way to find them is to go back in time.”
regional effect again for 24 hours.
If Cell-X dies these effects fade away after 1d10 days.

Cell-X Actions
Gargantuan monstrosity (bio-android), chaotic evil Multiattack. Cell-X makes two attacks: one with his critical
slam and one with his trampling stomp. Cell-X can replace
Armor Class 20 (natural) his critical slam attack with dark critical drain if he has a
Hit Points 380 (20d20+140) creature grappled.
Speed 40 ft.
Critical Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 20 ft.,
one target. Hit: 23 (4d8+7) bludgeoning damage. If the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA target is a Medium or smaller creature, it is grappled
25 (+7) 10 (+0) 25 (+7) 1 (-5) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) (escape DC 22).

Saving Throws Dex +7, Int +2, Wis +11, Cha +11 Trampling Stomp. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach
Damage Resistances Poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and 20 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (3d10+7) bludgeoning damage.
slashing damage from nonmagical attacks Dark Critical Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach
Condition Immunities Poisoned 20 ft., one incapacitated creature grappled by Cell-X. Hit: 40
Senses passive Perception 14 (8d10) necrotic damage.
Languages Common, telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge 20 (25,000 XP) Valiant Breath (Recharge 5-6). Cell-X exhales chromatic
energy in a 120-foot line that is 10 feet wide. Each creature
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Cell-X fails a saving throw, in that line must make a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw. A
he can choose to succeed instead. creature takes 33 (6d10) force damage on a failed save, or
Spider Climb. Cell-X can climb difficult surfaces, including half as much damage on a successful one.
upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an Children of Terror (1/Day). Cell-X calls 1d4 peculiar eggs
ability check. and 1d4 pure-cell larva, provided he is within his lair. The
Perfect Xenobody. Cell-X has immunity to all damage called creatures arrive in 1d4 rounds, acting as allies of
unless he takes 15 or more damage, in which case he takes Cell-X and obeying his spoken commands. The creatures
damage as normal. Any damage that fails to meet or remain for 1 hour, until Cell-X dies, or until he dismisses
exceed this amount is considered superficial. them as a bonus action.

Artificial Creation. Cell-X has advantage on saving throws Legendary Actions

against exhaustion and is immune to disease. Cell-X is Cell-X can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
considered a construct in regards to all spells and effects. options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a
Siege Monster. Cell-X deals double damage against time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Cell-X
objects and structures. regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.

Web Walker. Cell-X ignores all movement restrictions Detect. Cell-X makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
caused by walking through webbing. Move. Cell-X moves up to his speed.
Trampling Stomp (Costs 2 Actions). Cell-X makes one
Web Sense. While in contact with a web, Cell-X knows the trampling stomp attack against a single creature.
exact location of any other creature that is in contact with
the same web.

10 | Artificial Warriors
Written by Cameron Schleicher

Cover Illustration by Guillaume Menuel

Dragon Ball D&D Team: Austin Marschner, Cameron Schleicher, Drake Smellie, Hunter Smellie, Jared Smellie

Playtest Team: Austin Marschner, Drake Smellie, Hunter Smellie, Jonathan Smellie

Discord: Stranger Worlds / Subreddit: r/DragonBallDnD

Disclaimer: The Dragon World, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Super, and any additional works
are, as always, owned by FUNimation, Toei Animation, Fuji TV, and Akira Toriyama.

OPEN GAME License Version 1.0a The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, LLC. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved.
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15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC. System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, LLC.;
Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on
original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt,
Roberti Schwalb, Bruce R Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.


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