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Present Value Show Formula

To show fromulas in cells, identify input

0 1 2 3 4 5 Formulas >> Show Formulas
Ctrl + `
Capital value -100000
Cash flows 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000

Total -100000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000

Factor 1 0.90909 0.82645 0.75131 0.68301 0.62092

Net cash flow -100000 25454.5 23140 21037 19124.4 17385.8

NPV 6142.029543
romulas in cells, identify input and calculation, and to evaluate the formula
>> Show Formulas
Present Value

Inputs Management Summary

Capital value 100,000 NPV 11,796
Periodic cash flow 28,000
Discount rate 8.00%

0 1 2 3 4

Capital value (100,000)

Periodic cash flow 28,000 28,000 28,000 28,000

Total (100,000) 28,000 28,000 28,000 28,000

Factor 1.00 0.93 0.86 0.79 0.74

Net cash flow -100000 25925.9259259 24005.4869684 22227.302749 20580.835878

NPV 11,796

Intervals 0.50%
Starting Value 8%
Ending Value 12.00%
Identify input, calculation and output
Sample layout:


Inputs Management Summary

Input in BLUE




© Systematic Finance :

Formating - Number
Home >> Number Format or Ctrl+1
You can experiment with different custom formats: separators, decimals, percentages, etc.
You can also try different custom format, such as accounting style format:
_-* #,##0.00_-;[Red](#,##0.00);_-* "-"_-;_-@_-
Thousands separators >> #,##0
Decimal places >> .00
Formats for negative numbers (red in brackets) >> [Red](#,##0.00)

Text is enclosed in inverted commas, e.g. format so that "Year" is added to the number: "Year " 0.

Formating - Lines and Borders

Lines and borders assist in breaking up the cell code and make the model
look more interesting for the audience both on the screen and in printed

Colours and patterns also help to define inputs and outputs.

Specific colours for inputs show where data is required.
Always uses consistent color formating for input, calculation, and output throughout the model.

For cells with the same formating, we can Copy and then Paste Special, Format
or using Format Painter
Data Validation
Data >> Data Validation (in Data Tools group)
Data validation allows you to set limits for cells.
a. Capital Value Positive number greater than zero
b. Periodic Cash Flow Positive number greater than zero

c. Discount Rate Positive number between 0 and 1, i.e. 100%

For input cells with the same validation, we can Copy and then Paste Special, Validation
rather than typing in all the parameters again.
Data Validation - List
Limit the selection for input.

Example: set the range of disount rate between 8% and 12% with 0.5% intervals.
Tips: create the list for input in separate area.
Form Controls
These features can be accessed in Developer tab. If not available, activate it first:
File >> Options >> Customize Ribbon >> Developer (check)

In Developer tab, Controls, Insert

Example 1:
Create a scroll bar for periodic cash flow input from 0 to 50,000 with 5.000 intervals.

Example 2:
Create a spin button for discount rate input between 8% and 12% with 0.5% intervals.
Conditional Formating
Conditional formatting allows you to display cells differently depending
on the value in the cell. This means fonts, borders and patterns.

In management summary, if
NPV < 0, then the cell color is red
NPV >= 0, then the cell color is green
Dynamic Chart
A single chart is very useful; however, a dynamic graph would allow you to
present any of selected data quickly.
1. Create a list of data from the calculation section to be displayed.
2. Select a data series from the list using validation list and index+match.
3. Create a chart based on selected data series.
Version/ FAST Standard 02d February 2022

The FAST Acronym

Section 1 - Workbook Design

FAST 1.01

FAST 1.01-01

FAST 1.01-02

FAST 1.01-03

FAST 1.01-04

FAST 1.01-05

FAST 1.01-06

FAST 1.01-07

FAST 1.01-08

FAST 1.01-09

FAST 1.01-10

FAST 1.01-11

FAST 1.02

FAST 1.02-01

FAST 1.02-02

FAST 1.02-03

FAST 1.02-04

FAST 1.02-05

FAST 1.03

FAST 1.03-01
FAST 1.03-02

FAST 1.03-03

FAST 1.03-04

Section 2 - Worksheet Design

FAST 2.01

FAST 2.01-01

FAST 2.01-02

FAST 2.01-03

FAST 2.01-04

FAST 2.01-05

FAST 2.01-06

FAST 2.01-07

FAST 2.01-08

FAST 2.02

FAST 2.02-01

FAST 2.02-02

FAST 2.02-03

FAST 2.02-04

FAST 2.02-05

FAST 2.02-06

FAST 2.03

FAST 2.03-01
FAST 2.03-02

FAST 2.03-03

FAST 2.03-04

FAST 2.03-05

FAST 2.03-06

FAST 2.04

FAST 2.04-01

FAST 2.04-02

FAST 2.04-03

FAST 2.05

FAST 2.05-01

FAST 2.05-02

FAST 2.05-03

FAST 2.05-04

FAST 2.05-05

FAST 2.05-06

FAST 2.05-07

FAST 2.06

FAST 2.06-01

FAST 2.06-02
sion/ FAST Standard 02d February 2022

e FAST Acronym

tion 1 - Workbook Design

General Workbook Design Principles

Separate worksheets by type: Foundation, Workings, Presentation and Control.

Maintain consistent column structure across all sheets.

Maintain a consistent time ruler throughout the model

Ensure primary time rulers span time frames of secondary rulers

Proliferate links to maximise navigational efficiency

Mark exports with red font and imports with blue font

Calculate only once

Use normally positive convention on Workings sheets

Use in-flow / out-flow convention on Presentation sheets

Do not overuse macros

Never release a model with purposeful use of circularity

Sheet Organisation

Arrange sheets so that calculation order flows left to right

Do not attempt to optimise calculation layout and user interface / presentation on the same worksheet

Separate flags and factors onto dedicated sheets

Separate Workings sheets into functional ‘chapters’

Minimise inter-linking between sheets

Multiple Workbook Models

Do not split a model across multiple workbooks

Avoid direct (external file) links

Use import / export sheets for line items passed between workbooks

External file links should be Named

tion 2 - Worksheet Design

Universal Layout Principles

Each column should have a single and consistent purpose

Series worksheets should be defined for a single time axis only

Make only two columns matter

Calculation logic should generally flow from top to bottom and left to right

Mark intra-sheet counter-flows with grey shade

Limit counter-flows to opening balance positions

Present information horizontally

Do not hide anything

Calculation Blocks

Construct all calculations in a separate calculation block

Build calculation blocks so they can be replicated

List common calculation block components in a consistent order

List precedents in the order they appear in a formula

Use corkscrew calculation blocks for balance accumulation

Use timing flag and factor components routinely

Header Design

The time axis is best placed on the worksheet only once in a freeze pane
Display a single end-of-period date in a freeze pane

Display the operative period flag

Include a column counter for cross-reference on F11 quick charts

Include master error checks and alert indicators in the freeze pane

Include definition of SMU on Presentation sheets

Input Sheets

Organise inputs both by structure and commercial area

Include a dedicated instruction / comments column on Input sheets

Create self-documenting Input sheets

Presentation Sheets

Use Presentation sheets to present the model’s results

A model must completely explain how it works without the need for other software applications to present the m

Provide a description of the modelling standards and method used to build the model

Provide a description of the model’s flow

Provide keys to colour coding, abbreviation, named ranges, and functions

Selection of chart type should correspond to the nature of the data being presented

Charts should be formatted for ease of comprehension of the main messages being communicated

Control Sheets

Provide a table of contents

Provide a list of model qualifications and weaknesses

Data Validation
Create SMART Drop Down Lists in Excel (with Data Validation)

Conditional Formatting
Excel Conditional Formatting with Formula | How to Get it RIGHT Every Time

Form Controls
Form Controls - Excel for Advanced - Lesson 13

Dynamic Charts
Excel Dynamic Chart with Drop down List (column graph with average line)

Effortlessly Create Dynamic Charts in Excel: New Feature Alert! (for Office 365)

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