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( RPP )


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : VIII (Delapan) / 1
Standar Kompetensi :
1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal
sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
Kompetensi Dasar :
1.1. Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to
get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana secara
akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan
sekitar yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta, memberi, menolak
jasa, meminta, memberi, menolak barang, mengakui, mengingkari
fakta, dan meminta dan memberi pendapat
Indikator : Merespon ungkapan ungkapan :
 meminta, memberi, menolak jasa
 meminta, memberi, menolak barang
 Mengakui, mengingkari fakta
 meminta dan memberi pendapat tentang kerusakan lingkungan
(penambangan liar, penebangan hutan dan kebakaran hutan)
Jenis Teks : Transactional / Interpersonal
Tema : environment
Aspek / Skill : Mendengarkan
Alokasi Waktu : 5 x 40 menit

1 Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat :
a. merespon ungkapan meminta jasa.
b. merespon ungkapan memberi jasa.
c. merespon ungkapan menolak jasa
d. merespon ungkapan meminta barang
e. merespon ungkapan memberi barang
f. merespon ungkapan menolak barang
g. merespon ungkapan mengakui fakta
h. merespon ungkapan mengingkari fakta
i. merespon ungkapan meminta pendapat kerusakan lingkungan (penambangan liar,
penebangan hutan dan kebakaran hutan)
j. merespon ungkapan memberi pendapat kerusakan lingkungan (penambangan liar,
penebangan hutan dan kebakaran hutan)

2. Materi Pembelajaran
1. Percakapan-percakapan singkat memuat ungkapan-ungkapan berikut:
1. A : Can you help me ?
B : Oh my pleasure.
2. A : Shall I throw the trash out?
B : No, thanks. I’ll throw it by myself.
3. A : Can I have a bit ?
B :Sure. Here you are.
4. A : Did you break the glass ?
B Yes, I did / No, it wasn’t me
5. A : what is your opinion about illegal mining?
B : In my opinion it is not good because can destroy our
2. Kosakata terkait tema / jenis teks.
Misalnya : environment, illegal logging, illegal mining, Lotus, watermelon, orchid,
raflesia, dsb
3. Verbs : destroy, plant, grow, fertilize, dig, absorb, dsb
4. Types of animal : mammals, reptiles, insects, poultry, fish, amphiby, dsb.
3. Metode Pembelajaran / Teknik : Three-phase technique

4. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan
a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan
- Tanya jawab berbagai hal terkait kondisi siswa
- Siswa menjawab pertanyaan tentang tumbuhan dan binatang
b. Kegiatan Inti
1. Membahas kata sulit yang digunakan dalam teks.
2. Mendengarkan kalimat-kalimat yang diucapkan guru.
3. Menentukan makna dan fungsi kalimat yang didengar
4. Menirukan kalimat-kalimat yang diucapkan guru
5. Mendengarkan percakapan tentang isi percakapan
6. Menjawab pertanyaan tentang tumbuhan dan binatang
7. Merespon ungkapan-ungkapan : meminta/menolak jasa,
memberi/memberi/menolak barang, mengakui/mengingkari fakta,
meminta/memberi pendapat kerusakan alam (penambangan liar, penebangan
hutan dan kebakaran hutan)
8. Melakukan perintah yang diucapkan guru
c. Kegiatan Penutup
1. Menanyakan kesulitan siswa selama PBM.
2. Menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran
3. Menugaskan siswa untuk menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan yang
dipelajari dalam situasi yang sesungguhnya.

5. Sumber Belajar
a. Buku teks yang relevan :
LKS Yudistira
English On Sky, Erlangga, halaman 1 s.d. 45.
Let’s Talk, English for Junior High School, Pakar Raya, Hal. 1-5
b. Script percakapan atau rekaman percakapan
c. Gambar-gambar yang relevan

6. Penilaian
a. Teknik : Merespon ungkapan / pertanyaan secara lisan dan tulis.
b. Bentuk : Pertanyaan lisan
c. Instrumen :
1. Listen to the expressions and give your response orally
a. Can you water these plants ? ( accept )
b. Do you want me to water the flowers ? (accept )
c. Can I help you dig the soil ? ( refuse )
d. Do you think it is good to do illegal logging in our forest ?
e. I think it will be better if we plant the orchids over here ?
1. Listen to the expressions and choose the best response, a, b, c or d.
1. A: Can you get me any grass to feed the zebra ?
a. Sure, where do you keep them
b. Thank you, that’s very kind of you
c. I don’t think it’s a good idea
d. Don’t worry, they are already full,
2. A: I bring some pet-food for your cat ?
a. Yes, I know.
b. I don’t think I will like it.
c. Oh thank you so much.
d.Sure , here you are
3. A: Did you break the vase ?
B : ………………………..
a. I don’t know.
b. I’m not sure
c. Yes, I did
d. Allright.
4. A: What do you think of forest fire in our country ?
a.Sure I will
b. That’s very kind of you
c.Yes, I know
d. it can make bad effect for our country and to the world
5. A: The coffee is bitter. Can I have some more sugar, please ?
a. Yes, Sir. You have to buy it.
b. Ok, I’ll make another one.
c. No, Sir. It’s sweet already
d. Ok, how much sugar do you need ?

f. Pedoman Penilaian:
1. Untuk nomor I, tiap jawaban benar skor 3
2. Untuk nomor II, tiap jawaban benar diberi skor 2
3. Jumlah skor maksimal I 5 x 3 = 15

II 5 x 2 = 10

Jumlah 25
4. Nilai maksimal = 10
x 10
5. Nilai Siswa = SkorMaksimal

b. Rubrik Penilaian:
No. Uraian Skor
I Isi benar, tata bahasa benar 3
Isi benar, tata bahasa kurang tepat 2
Isi dan tata bahasa kurang tepat 1
Tidak menjawab 0

II Setiap jawaban yang benar 2

Setiap jawaban yang salah/tidak dijawab 0

Mengetahui, Sungailiat,……Juni 2016

Kepala Sekolah
Guru Mata Pelajaran


NIP. 19731115 200212 2 003 Ergina Dewi A, S.Pd

Subject : English
Class/Semester : VIII/2
Genre : Transactional/Interpersonal Text
Theme : environment (global warming)
Skill : Listening and Speaking
Time Allocation : 8 x 40 minutes

A. Competence Standard:
7. Understanding meanings in simple conversations for transactional and interpersonal
purposes, interactively and non interactively in formal and informal situations to
communicate with the closest environment and/or in academic contexts.
9. Expressing meaning in simple conversations for transactional and interpersonal
purposes, interactively and non interactively in formal and informal situations to
communicate with the closest environment and/or in academic contexts.

B. Basic Competency
7.1. Understanding explicit meanings in simple conversations for transactional and
interpersonal purposes employing: asking, giving and refusing information; asking,
giving and refusing something; correcting and denying information; asking, giving and
refusing opinion obout global warming; asking and expressing agreement/disagreement;
responding statement and giving attention to the speaker; beginning, extending, and
closing conversation; beginning, extending, and closing conversation by phone.

7.2 Understanding implicit meanings in simple conversation for transactional and

interpersonal purposes employing: asking, giving and refusing information; asking,
giving and refusing something; correcting and denying information; asking, giving and
refusing opinion asking, giving and refusing opinion obout global warming;; asking and
expressing agreement/disagreement; responding statement and giving attention to the
speaker; beginning, extending, and closing conversation; beginning, extending, and
closing conversation by phone.

9.1. Expressing meaning in short spoken language accurately, fluently and acceptably
in transactional and interpersonal conversations, interactively and non interactively in
informal situation to communicate with the closest environment and/or in academic
context employing: asking, giving and refusing information; asking, giving and refusing
something; correcting and denying information; asking, giving and refusing opinion
asking, giving and refusing opinion obout global warming;; asking and expressing
agreement/disagreement; responding statement and giving attention to the speaker;
beginning, extending, and closing conversation; beginning, extending, and closing
conversation by phone.

9.2 Expressing meaning in short spoken language accurately, fluently and acceptably in
transactional and interpersonal conversations, interactively and non interactively in
formal situation to communicate with the closest environment and/or in academic context
employing: asking, giving and refusing information; asking, giving and refusing
something; correcting and denying information; asking, giving and refusing opinion
asking, giving and refusing opinion obout global warming;; asking and expressing
agreement/ disagreement; responding statement and giving attention to the speaker;
beginning, extending, and closing conversation; beginning, extending, and closing
conversation by phone
C. Learning Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. *Mention different types of shops and items sold in those shops.
2. *Mention different ways of shopping and describe them.
3. Identify expressions of requests, offers, asking, giving and refusing opinion obout global
warming;, agreement-disagreement, conversation openings and endings.
4. Match questions with appropriate responses
5. Respond appropriately to the expressions given.
6. Answer questions abut the dialog being played
7. Make up dialogs using the above expressions based on the situations given
8. *Express opinions regarding the environment (e.g effects of consumerism on the
9. *Role Play (In a shop as customers and sales person)

D. Expected Character Value : Trustworthines

Love the environment

E. Learning Materials:
1. Conversations :

A: What are you reading?

A: We need to buy some eggs.
B: It’s S. Meyer’s latest novel. I can’t put it down.
B: And some bread.
A: Well, it’s getting late. I promise mom to be
A: Hmm. Can you get some
home by 5. Just buy it and let’s leave soon.
B: But I don’t bring enough money. Can I borrow
B: Sure. And I’ll pick up some cheese, too.
some, please?
A: Sure. Here you are.

2. Grammar
- Simple Present Tense
- To Be
- Adjectives
- Modals
3. Vocabulary
Words related to the theme/topic
4. Expressions and gambits
 Obtaining, giving, and refusing information

A Can I help you?

B: Yes, I’m looking for a digital camera. Do you have anything on sale?
A: Hmm… let me see. How about this Sonnycam? It’s on sale for 300 dollars.
B: 300? No, that’s a little too expensive. I don’t really want to spend more than 200.
A: Two hundred dollars? Hmmm, yes, I think so. Well, we have this Camon on sale for only
180 dollars. We have a special on this week. It’s a very good camera and it can record
video, too.
B: Does it have a good resolution?
A: Well, it’s a 5 mega pixels camera.
B: It looks very heavy and big. I want something smaller than that. And with a better
resolution, too.
A: Well, take a look at this Nicccom. It’s 7.5 mega pixels for only 199 dollars. It’s small and
slim, too.
B: Aha. Well, it’s certainly about the size I was looking for. Is the memory stick included?
A: Yes, you’ll a two Giga byte memory stick.
B: Perfect. I’ll take this one.

 Obtaining, giving, and refusing things

 Accepting and denying information
 Asking for and giving opinions
 Requesting and offerings

 Can you get some milk?  Sure. And I’ll pick up some cheese too.

 Can I borrow some, please?  Sure, here you are.

 What do you think of global  It’s not good because it is dangerous for
warming? the world

 May I help you, ma’am?  Yes, please. I’m looking for a dress for my

E. Method/Technique :
- Three-phase technique (Pre Listening, Whilst Listening, Post Listening)

F. Procedure :
1st Meeting
a. Opening
b. Checking attendance
c.Explain how important the material that will be studied following students competency
to be mastered
d. Discuss students’ feelings about shopping
b. Main activities
In exploration activities, the teacher:
1. Involving students seeking a broader and deeper information about a topic / theme of
the material will be studied.
2. Listen to the explanation of using
3. Using a variety of learning approaches, instructional media, and other learning
4. facilitate interaction between students and students with teachers, environmental and
other learning resources
5. Involving students actively in each learning activity; and
6. Facilitatestudentss to do experiment in the laboratory, studio, or field.
In the elaboration of activities, the teacher:
1. Familiarize students read and write a variety of specific and meaningful tasks
2. complete the sentence based on understanding of a conversation
3. Facilitate students through the provision of tasks,discussions, and others to bring new
ideas both orally and in writing;
4. Provide an opportunity to think, analyze, solve problems, and act without fear;
5. Facilitate students in cooperative and collaborative learning;
6. Facilitate students to compete in a healthy way to improve learning achievement;
7. Facilitate students to make a report of exploration carried out both orally and in
writing, individually or in groups;
8. Facilitate tudents to present the results of individual and group work;
9. Facilitate students doing exhibitions, tournaments, festivals, and the resulting product;
10. Facilitate students to do activities that foster pride and confidence of them.

In confirmation of activities, the teacher:
1. Provide positive feedback and reinforcement in the form of oral, written, gesture, or a
to the success of learners,
2. Provide confirmation of the results of exploration and elaboration of a students
a variety of sources,
3. Facilitate students to reflect on learning experiences to gain that has been done,
4. Facilitate students to gain meaningful experience in achieving the basic competencies:
- Serves as a resource and facilitator in answering questions of students who face
difficulty, using a standard language and correct;
- To help resolve the problem;
- Giving the reference so that students can check the results of exploration;
- Provide information to explore further;
- To provide motivation to students who lack or have not actively participated.
5. The teacher asks questions about things that have not known by the students
6. Teacher with students do asking for straightening misconceptions, provide
reinforcement and inference
c. Closing
In the closing activity, the teacher:
1. together with students and / or create your own summary / conclusion lesson;
2. make an assessment and / or reflection of the activities that have been implemented in
a consistent and programmed;
3. give feedback on process and learning outcomes;
4. planning a follow-up activities in the form of remedial learning, enrichment
programs, counseling services and / or assign tasks both individual and group tasks a
ccording to the learning outcomes of students;
5. submit lesson plans at the next meeting.

2nd Meeting
a. Opening
- Greetings
- Taking the roll
- Review previous lesson
- Introduction to the new lesson
b. Main Activities
In exploration activities, the teacher:
1. Involving students seeking a broader and deeper information about a topic / theme of
the material will be studied.
2. Listen to the explanation of using
3. Using a variety of learning approaches, instructional media, and other learning
4. facilitate interaction between students and students with teachers, environmental and
other learning resources
5. Involving students actively in each learning activity; and
6. Facilitatestudentss to do experiment in the laboratory, studio, or field.

In the elaboration of activities, the teacher:
1. Familiarize students read and write a variety of specific and meaningful tasks
2. complete the sentence based on understanding of a conversation
3. Facilitate students through the provision of tasks,discussions, and others to bring new
ideas both orally and in writing;
4. Provide an opportunity to think, analyze, solve problems, and act without fear;
5. Facilitate students in cooperative and collaborative learning;
6. Facilitate students to compete in a healthy way to improve learning achievement;
7. Facilitate students to make a report of exploration carried out both orally and in
writing, individually or in groups;
8. Facilitate tudents to present the results of individual and group work;
9. Facilitate students doing exhibitions, tournaments, festivals, and the resulting product;
10. Facilitate students to do activities that foster pride and confidence of them.

In confirmation of activities, the teacher:
1. Provide positive feedback and reinforcement in the form of oral, written, gesture, or a
to the success of learners,
2. Provide confirmation of the results of exploration and elaboration of a students
a variety of sources,
3. Facilitate students to reflect on learning experiences to gain that has been done,
4. Facilitate students to gain meaningful experience in achieving the basic competencies:
- Serves as a resource and facilitator in answering questions of students who face
difficulty, using a standard language and correct;
- To help resolve the problem;
- Giving the reference so that students can check the results of exploration;
- Provide information to explore further;
- To provide motivation to students who lack or have not actively participated.
5. The teacher asks questions about things that have not known by the students
6. Teacher with students do asking for straightening misconceptions, provide
reinforcement and inference

c. Closing
In the closing activity, the teacher:
1. together with students and / or create your own summary / conclusion lesson;
2. make an assessment and / or reflection of the activities that have been implemented in
a consistent and programmed;
3. give feedback on process and learning outcomes;
4. planning a follow-up activities in the form of remedial learning, enrichment
programs, counseling services and / or assign tasks both individual and group tasks
ccording to the learning outcomes of students;
5. submit lesson plans at the next meeting.

3rd Meeting
a. Opening
- Greetings
- Taking attendance
- Review previous lesson
b. Main activities
In exploration activities, the teacher:
1. Involving students seeking a broader and deeper information about a topic / theme of
the material will be studied.
2. Listen to the explanation of using
3. Using a variety of learning approaches, instructional media, and other learning
4. facilitate interaction between students and students with teachers, environmental
and other learning resources
5. Involving students actively in each learning activity; and
6. Facilitatestudentss to do experiment in the laboratory, studio, or field.

In the elaboration of activities, the teacher:
1. Familiarize students read and write a variety of specific and meaningful tasks
2. complete the sentence based on understanding of a conversation
3. Facilitate students through the provision of tasks,discussions, and others to bring new
ideas both orally and in writing;
4. Provide an opportunity to think, analyze, solve problems, and act without fear;
5. Facilitate students in cooperative and collaborative learning;
6. Facilitate students to compete in a healthy way to improve learning achievement;
7. Facilitate students to make a report of exploration carried out both orally and in
writing, individually or in groups;
8. Facilitate tudents to present the results of individual and group work;
9. Facilitate students doing exhibitions, tournaments, festivals, and the resulting product;
10. Facilitate students to do activities that foster pride and confidence of them.

In confirmation of activities, the teacher:
1. Provide positive feedback and reinforcement in the form of oral, written, gesture, or a
to the success of learners,
2. Provide confirmation of the results of exploration and elaboration of a students
a variety of sources,
3. Facilitate students to reflect on learning experiences to gain that has been done,
4. Facilitate students to gain meaningful experience in achieving the basic competencies:
- Serves as a resource and facilitator in answering questions of students who face
difficulty, using a standard language and correct;
- To help resolve the problem;
- Giving the reference so that students can check the results of exploration;
- Provide information to explore further;
- To provide motivation to students who lack or have not actively participated.
5. The teacher asks questions about things that have not known by the students
6. Teacher with students do asking for straightening misconceptions, provide
reinforcement and inference

c. Closing
In the closing activity, the teacher:
1. together with students and / or create your own summary / conclusion lesson;
2. make an assessment and / or reflection of the activities that have been implemented in
a consistent and programmed;
3. give feedback on process and learning outcomes;
4. planning a follow-up activities in the form of remedial learning, enrichment
programs, counseling services and / or assign tasks both individual and group tasks a
ccording to the learning outcomes of students;
5. submit lesson plans at the next meeting.
4th Meeting (Role Play)
a. Opening
- Greetings
- Taking attendance
- Check students preparation for the role pla
b. Main activities
In exploration activities, the teacher:
1. Involving students seeking a broader and deeper information about a topic / theme of
the material will be studied.
2. Listen to the explanation of using
3. Using a variety of learning approaches, instructional media, and other learning
4. facilitate interaction between students and students with teachers, environmental
and other learning resources
5. Involving students actively in each learning activity; and
6. Facilitatestudentss to do experiment in the laboratory, studio, or field.

In the elaboration of activities, the teacher:
1. Familiarize students read and write a variety of specific and meaningful tasks
2. complete the sentence based on understanding of a conversation
3. Facilitate students through the provision of tasks,discussions, and others to bring new
ideas both orally and in writing;
4. Provide an opportunity to think, analyze, solve problems, and act without fear;
5. Facilitate students in cooperative and collaborative learning;
6. Facilitate students to compete in a healthy way to improve learning achievement;
7. Facilitate students to make a report of exploration carried out both orally and in
writing, individually or in groups;
8. Facilitate tudents to present the results of individual and group work;
9. Facilitate students doing exhibitions, tournaments, festivals, and the resulting product;
10. Facilitate students to do activities that foster pride and confidence of them.

In confirmation of activities, the teacher:
1. Provide positive feedback and reinforcement in the form of oral, written, gesture, or a
gift to the success of learners,
2. Provide confirmation of the results of exploration and elaboration of a students
a variety of sources,
3. Facilitate students to reflect on learning experiences to gain that has been done,
4. Facilitate students to gain meaningful experience in achieving the basic competencies:
- Serves as a resource and facilitator in answering questions of students who face
difficulty, using a standard language and correct;
- To help resolve the problem;
- Giving the reference so that students can check the results of exploration;
- Provide information to explore further;
- To provide motivation to students who lack or have not actively participated.
5. The teacher asks questions about things that have not known by the students
6. Teacher with students do asking for straightening misconceptions, provide
reinforcement and inference
c. Closing
In the closing activity, the teacher:
1. together with students and / or create your own summary / conclusion lesson;
2. make an assessment and / or reflection of the activities that have been implemented in
a consistent and programmed;
3. give feedback on process and learning outcomes;
4. planning a follow-up activities in the form of remedial learning, enrichment
programs, counseling services and / or assign tasks both individual and group tasks a
ccording to the learning outcomes of students;
5. submit lesson plans at the next meeting.

G. Learning Sources
1. Conversation Scripts
2. Recordings
3. List of comprehension questions
4. List of expressions
5. Pictures of sopping places
6. Price list
7. Realia

H. Assessments
I. Indicator, Techniques, Form, and Examples.
No Indicator Techniques Form Example
A *Identify different shopping Ongoing Oral With a friend, discuss the
places and the items sold Assessment conversation items you can buy in each
shopping place

B *Identify different ways of Non Test Questions- Do you know different ways
shopping Answers of shopping? Match the
pictures and the answers. Then
explain each of the items.

C Identify expressions of Ongoing Questions- Complete the table with the

requests, offering, and Assessment Answers correct expressions.
opinions about global
D Ongoing Listening Listen to conversation and
Respond to requests, offers, Assessment Activities answer the questions that
and opinions about global follow.
E Ongoing Oral practice
Assessment Match the questions on the left
Match the questions with the with the answers on the right.
correct responses (of Then practice the dialog with a
conversations in a friend.
F department store) Ongoing Listening
Assessment Activities Answer these questions about
Answer questions about the the dialog.
dialog being played  Where does the dialog take
 Who are speaker A and B?
 What does A say to greet
G Ongoing Oral activities B?
Express opinions through Work in groups of two or
H global warming Non Test Role Play/ three. Study the rules below to
Performance play the game on the
Role play (In a shop as following page
customer and sales person) Work in your group. Pretend
you’re a sales person in a
shop. Use your price list and
the items you bring to offer
products to the customers
(your friends in the same
group). Your friends will ask
questions and decide whether
to buy the food or not.

II. Assessment Instruments

1. Instructions
 What items can you buy in each place? Work with a friend and write at least
5 things in each blank.
 Here are some other ways to go shopping. Match the phrases with the
2. Pictures

3. Questions
 How does B respond?
 What does B want to buy?
 How much is his/her budget?
 What brand does B decide to buy?
4. a. List of questions tobe identified
 Can you get some milk?  Sure. And I’ll pick up some cheese too.

 Can I borrow some, please?  Sure, here you are.

 What do you think of global  It’s not good because it is dangerous for
warming? the world

 May I help you, ma’am?  Yes, please. I’m looking for a dress for my

5. Conversation Script
A: Can I help you?
B: Yes, I’m looking for a digital camera. Do you have anything on sale?
A: Hmm… let me see. How about this Sonnycam? It’s on sale for 300 dollars.
B: 300? No, that’s a little too expensive. I don’t really want to spend more than
A: Two hundred dollars? Hmmm, yes, I think so. Well, we have this Camon on
sale for only 180 dollars. We have a special on this week. It’s a very good
camera and it can record video, too.
B: Does it have a good resolution?
A: Well, it’s a 5 mega pixels camera.
B: It looks very heavy and big. I want something smaller than that. And with a
better resolution, too.
A: Well, take a look at this Nicccom. It’s 7.5 mega pixels for only 199 dollars. It’s
small and slim, too.
B: Aha. Well, it’s certainly about the size I was looking for. Is the memory stick
A: Yes, you’ll a two Giga byte memory stick.
B: Perfect. I’ll take this one.
III. Assessment Rubric

N Maximu
Assessed Aspects Score
O m Score
A 1 – 5 Listening for specific information
(Part B.4.)
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer 12.5 8 x 12.5
0 100
B 1 – 5 Identify correct responses for questions used in a
(Part B.2 & 3) 20 5 x 20
Correct Answer 0 100
Wrong Answer
C 1 – 5 Identify expressions of requests, offering, and
(Part A.2.d) 5
Correct Answer 0 20 x 5
Wrong Answer 100
D Express opinions through opinion game
(Part C.2)
Arguments 25
Pronunciation 25
Language 25
Participation 25 100

E 1 – 5 Role play (In a shop as customer and sales person)

Participation 20
Comprehension 20
Pronunciation 20
Fluency 20
Accuracy 20 100

Mengetahui, Sungailiat,……Juni 2016

Kepala Sekolah
Guru Mata Pelajaran


NIP. 19731115 200212 2 003 Ergina Dewi A, S.Pd

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