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Reg. No.

Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal – 637018
Accredited by NBA & NAAC “A” Grade
Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai

Model Test – I
B.E – Computer Science and Engineering Year/Sem II/IV
Course Code C214 Date 20.05.2023
Subject Code / CS3451 – Introduction to Operating
Regulation R2021
Name Systems
Maximum Marks 100 Marks 3:00 Hours

PART – A (5 × 2 = 10)
Answer All Questions
Q.No COs Questions Marks
1 CO3 L4 State the difference between logical address and physical address. 2

2 CO3 L1 What is thrashing? How to resolve this problem? 2

3 CO3 L4 Differentiate paging and segmentation. 2

Suppose that disk rotates at 7200 rpm. What is the average rotational
4 CO4 L1 2
latency of the disk drive?
5 CO4 L1 What is elevator algorithm? Give an example. 2
What is the maximum size of disk which contains following
6 CO4 L1 2
parameters? Cylinder = 1024, heads = 16 and sectors per track is 63.
7 CO5 L4 Difference between Android OS and IPhone OS. 2
8 CO5 L1 What is Virtual Machine? Write its benefits and features. 2
9 CO5 L1 List the types of android OS. 2
10 CO5 L1 What is Dalvik Virtual Machine? 2
PART – B (4 × 10 = 40)
Answer Any Four Questions
A computer system has a 36- bit virtual address space with a page
size of 8k, and 4 bytes per page table entry.
i) How many pages are in the virtual address space?
11 CO3 L3 ii) What is the maximum size of addressable physical memory in 13
this system?
iii) If the average process size is 8 GB, would you use a one-level,
two-level or three level page table? Why?
Consider the following page reference string: 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 6, 2,
1, 2, 3, 7, 6, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, and 6. How many page faults would occur
12 CO3 L6 13
for the following page replacement algorithms, assume 1 and 3 free
frames. Remember that all frames are initially empty so that first
unique page request will all cost one fault each. LRU replacement,
FIFO, Optimal replacement.
13 CO3 L2 Explain the various page table structures in detail. 13

Explain how paging supports virtual memory with a neat diagram
14 CO3 L2
explain how logical address is translated into physical address.
15 CO4 L2 Explain in detail about the file directory structure. 13

Explain in detail about various allocation methods with their pros
16 CO4 L2 13
and cons.
On a disk with 1000 cylinders, numbers 0 to 999, compute the
number of tracks the disk arm must move to satisfy all the request
in the disk queue. Assume the last request received was at track
345 and the head is moving towards track 0. The queue is FIFO
order contains requests for the following tracks: 123, 874, 692,
475, 105, and 367. Perform the computation for the following
17 CO4 L2 scheduling algorithm. 13
e. C – SCAN
f. C – LOOK
Explain the Architecture iOS. Discuss the media and service layers
18 CO5 L2 13
What is Virtual Machine? Explain the various types of Virtual
19 CO5 L2 13
Machine and their implementations.
PART – C (1 × 15 = 15)
Answer Any Four Questions
Consider a disk with rotational rate of 10,000 RPM, an average seek
time of 8 ms, and an average of 500 sectors per track. Estimate the
20 CO4 L5 15
average time to read a random sector from disk. Do this by summing
the estimates of the seek time, rotational latency and transfer time.
21 CO5 L5 Explain the architecture of Android OS. 15
* BL: L1-Remembering, L2-Understanding, L3-Applying, L4-Analyzing, L5-Evaluating, L6-Creating.

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