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Reg. No.

Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal – 637018
Accredited by NBA & NAAC “A” Grade
Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai

Internal Assessment Test – II

B.E – Electrical and Electronics Engineering Year/Sem III/V
Course Code C305 Date 18.11.2022
Subject Code /
CS8392 - Object Oriented Programming Regulation R2017
Maximum Marks 50 Marks 1:30 Hours
PART – A (5 × 2 = 10)
Answer All Questions
Q.No COs Questions Marks
1 CO4 L1 What are the two ways of creating a thread? 2

2 CO4 L1 Why do we need run() and start() method ? 2

3 CO5 L2 How do you manage the color and font of graphics in applet? 2

4 CO5 L1 What is meant by frame window? 2

5 CO5 L3 Write an applet program for displaying the circle in green color. 2
PART – B (4 × 10 = 40)
Answer Any Four Questions
Illustrate the concept of generic classes and methods in java with
6 CO4 L2 10
suitable example.
7 CO4 L1 Write a java program to illustrate multithreaded programming. 10
Demonstrate inter thread communication and suspending, resuming
8 CO4 L3 10
and stopping threads.
9 CO5 L1 Write short notes on graphics programming. 10
What is applet? Write an applet program to draw an flower with
10 CO5 L3 10
color packages.
Write a java program to plot the path of small circle moving around
11 CO5 L3 10
the circumference of a large circle.
* BL: L1-Remembering, L2-Understanding, L3-Applying, L4-Analyzing, L5-Evaluating, L6-Creating.

Subject Incharge HoD IQAC

Reg. No:

Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal – 637018
Accredited by NBA & NAAC “A” Grade
Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai

Internal Assessment Test – II

B.E – Electrical and Electronics Engineering Year/Sem III/V
Course Code C305 Date 18.11.2022
Subject Code /
CS8392 - Object Oriented Programming Regulation R2017
Maximum Marks 50 Marks 1:30 Hours
PART – A (5 × 2 = 10)
Answer All Questions
Q.No COs Questions Marks
1 CO4 L1 What are the different stages in thread. 2

2 CO4 L1 What is multithreading. 2

3 CO5 L1 What are the steps needed to show a frame? 2

4 CO5 L1 What is AWT? 2

5 CO5 L4 Point out the features of AWT in java. 2

PART – B (4 × 10 = 40)
Answer Any Four Questions
6 CO4 L1 Write notes on multithreaded programming. 10

7 CO4 L2 Explain the generic classes and generic methods with example. 10

8 CO4 L2 Explain in detail about inter thread communication in java. 10

Explain about applet lifecycle. How applets are prepared and
9 CO5 L2 10
10 CO5 L1 List the methods available in the graphics for color. 10

11 CO5 L3 Demonstrate the concept of graphics programming. 10

* BL: L1-Remembering, L2-Understanding, L3-Applying, L4-Analyzing, L5-Evaluating, L6-Creating.

Subject Incharge HoD IQAC

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