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Ancient India- The Indus Valley Civilization

Total questions: 10
Worksheet time: 4mins
Instructor name: Naina Pandey

1. What were the features of Indus Valley Civilisation??

2. where was the Great bath located??

a) Mohejodaro b) Mohenjodaro
c) Mhojodara d) Mohojodari

What river did people in ancient India settle along?

a) Tigris b) Nile
c) Indus d) Euphrates
4. What were the capital cities of ancient Indus Valley?

a) Babylon and Thebes b) Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa

c) Harappa and Memphis d) Ur and Sumer

5. Mohenjo-daro designed and built one of the first

a) drainage and sewage system b) park system

c) building complex

6. What advanced technology was developed in the Indus River Valley cities?

a) iron plows and weapons b) bronze weapons and irrigation

c) sewer system and plumbing

7. Each city had a large

a) room b) house
c) granary

8. What is a granary?

a) a place for worship b) a place for making stone seals

c) a place for domesticated animals to live d) a place to store surplus crops

9. What are the two main rivers in ancient India?

a) Ganges, Indus b) Tigris, Euphrates

c) Ganges, Arabian d) Ganges, Tigris

10. What is a citadel?

a) a fortified area in a city b) a place to store grains

c) a market place d) a special temple

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