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UNITS 1 - 3
1. What are some of the biggest changes that people experience in life?

2. What is your opinion about people's ability to change?

3. What changes have you faced?

4. What habits do you have that prevent you from moving forward? How can you tackle these

5. What things would you like to change in your life?

6. What items were popular in the past that no longer exist?

7. Which everyday objects from the past are still used in the present?

8. What objects from the past do you miss?

9. What did you used to do in the secondary school that you don't do anymore?

10. What popular movements around the world can you remember?

11. What do you think about them?

12. Would you be interested in becoming a maker?

13. How many friends do you have on Facebook?

14. How did people use to do everyday chores?

15. What tech items did they have?

16. How did they entertain themselves?

17. What are the advantages and disadvantages of space and ocean exploration?

18. What environments do people explore?

19. What do you think are the top areas of research and exploration that can help the planet and

20. What wild animals can you find in your country? Which are the most unusual ones? Why?

21. What makes a living thing a "tough cookie"?

22. What would be the most difficult thing about living in a very cold area?

23. Could you live in Artantica for a month?

24. In what kind of text would you expect to see a lot of numbers? What kind of information do
they provide?

25. Describe the interesting features of your city.

26. Which outdoor experience would you recommend to your friends? Why?

27. How would you describe yourself?

28. In what jobs do you think it's helpful to be an introvert? An extrovert?

29. What little things in life do you love and hate?

30. Talk about how you feel in the following situations, give examples, reasons or justifications: -at
the beach - in a party - during a difficult exam

31. What kind of work would you like to do?

32. Which job would you like to have the most? Why?

UNITS 4 – 6
33. In your opinion, what are the biggest advantages or challenges of teamwork?

34. Have you ever had to coordinate a group of people? Talk about that experience.

35. How do you feel when someone criticizes your ideas? 36. Do you think negative comments are

37. Talk about an experience working on a team.

38. How do people make group decisions? How effective is this process?

39. Do you think that working in teams is a good idea? Why?

40. What characteristics make a team effective?

41. What events in your opinion would raise good funds in your community?

42. How do you feel about flying?

43. Have you ever used virtual reality?

44. How can VR be useful in medicine? In sports? For shopping? In education?

45. In your lifetime, what have been the biggest changes in how we communicate?"

46 .How can changes in technology affect the way we communicate with people?

47. Have you ever used a translation app? Did you find it useful?

48. Can you show your feelings through a translation app? Why?

49. In your opinion, what community improvement campaign would benefit your community the

50. Can you think of an example when an ordinary person became accidentally famous?
51. Why do people seek fame? What are the pros and cons?

52. When was the last time something did not go according to your plan? What happened?

53. After an unexpected situation, what would have made the situation better?

54. Have you ever made an embarrassing mistake? What happened?

55. Talk about an unexpected situation you have experienced.

56. Do you have an interesting story? Can you talk a little bit about it?

UNITS 7 – 9
57. How do people choose their future careers?

58. Talk about the job you'd like to have. Explain what satisfaction you would get out of it.

59. Do you read product reviews when you are deciding to buy an item online? Do they influence
your purchase?

60. What factors influence your online shopping?

61. When is it necessary to bargain?

62. What’s a good bargaining strategy?

63. How do you make your study area more practical?

64. How do you personalize it?

65. In what other areas of your life can you use small things to make them more pleasant or

66. Who would you find more annoying to live with?

67. Which behaviors from others annoys you?

68. What compromises do we need to make when living with other people?

69. What side projects do you or other people have?

70. Do you think they will help you achieve your dreams?

71. Talk about your plans and predictions about your studies and side projects.

72. Talk about someone who played a part in any of your life- changing experiences.

73. Think about how your life might be different if you had gone to study in a different university.

74. What could you have done differently to have a more successful semester?

75. What can you do to stop climate change?

76. What strategies can you implement in your city to help the environment?

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