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Periodo 2024 – 2025


Grade/curse: 7 GRADE Level: MEDIA
Weekly hourly load No. weekly work hours Learning evaluation and Total weeks of classes Total class periods Number of curricular
contingencies units

40 4 36 8


O.EFL 3.6 Read and write short descriptive and informative texts related to personal information or familiar topics and use them as a means of communication and written ex-
pression of thought.
O.EFL 3.7 Appreciate the use of English language through spoken and written literary texts such as poems, rhymes, chants, songs, games and graphic short stories in order to
foster imagination, curiosity and memory, while developing a taste for oral and written literary texts.
O.EFL 3.8 Demonstrate an ability to interact with written and spoken texts, in order to explore creative writing as an outlet to personal expression and intercultural compe-
O.EFL 3.9 Be able to interact in English using basic, frequently used expressions and short phrases in familiar and personalized contexts, demonstrating a limited but effective
command of the spoken language in simple and routine tasks which require a direct exchange of information.
O.EFL 3.10 Demonstrate an ability to use English as a means to interact socially and work cooperatively in pairs and groups.

1. Citizen education and for democracy

4. CROSSCUTTING: 2. Environmental protection
3. The correct development of health and recreation of students
4. Sex education in childhood and adolescence


N.º Unit tittle Specific Contents Methodological orientations Evaluation Duration
objectives of in weeks
the planning

1 One O. EFL. 3.7 Skills with performance criteria: Motivation Evaluation criteria
O. EFL. 3.8 Read and comprehension of
O. EFL. 3.9 COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL many words that be CE.EFL.3.3. Interact with others
O. EFL. 3.10 AWARENESS approached in the unit. using a variety of both verbal and
EFL 3.1.4 Use a variety of oral, print and nonverbal communication features
electronic forms for social communication Observation and and express likes and dislikes while
and for writing to oneself. (Example: understanding giving recommendations in basic
friendly notes, yet effective terms.
invitations, diary entries, notes to self, In group read the activities I.EFL.3.3.1. Learners can employ a
electronic messages, etc.) with adverbs of quantity and range of verbal and nonverbal com-
EFL 3.1.8 Interpret and demonstrate repeat. munication features to express likes
knowledge in classroom activities of Repeat the use of and dislikes and can give recommen-
nonverbal and oral communication fea- comparatives with the dations in basic yet
tures, and understand the teacher. effective terms. (I.3, S.4)
contexts in which they are used appropri- Complete the sentences with
ately. (Example: gestures, use of before – after. CE.EFL.3.9. Production - Fluency:
body language, volume, etc.) Repeat some new words Respond to simple questions and
Make sentences. familiar everyday social situations,
ORAL COMMUNICATION such as an invitation or request, rel-
EFL 3.2.12 Ask and answer questions and Linguistic resources atively quickly. Spontaneously ini-
exchange information on familiar tiate interactions in order to express
topics in predictable everyday situations. Read and learn. opinions or give accounts
(Example: ask for directions, give direc- Practice the dialogues with
of personal experiences
tions, express a personal opinion, etc.) I.EFL.3.9.1. Learners can answer
adverbs of quantity,
EFL 3.2.13 Respond to simple questions simple questions quickly and initiate
comparatives, use of before –
basic interaction spontaneously when
in quite a short time and initiate basic in- after. given opportunities.
teraction spontaneously when there are op- Read sentences and short (Example: make an invitation,
portunities to speak. Speech is produced a paragraphs give a suggestion, etc.) Learners can
little less slowly and hesitantly. describe simple, familiar situations
EFL 3.2.14 Make and respond to invita- Produce and communicate and talk about past experiences. (I.3,
tions, suggestions, apologies and requests. J.3)
Look the graphics. Listen the
READING sentences with adverbs of CE.EFL.3.15. Make and support
EFL 3.3.8 Make and support inferences quantity, comparatives, use of inferences from evidence in a text
from evidence in a text with reference before – after. with reference to features of written
to features of written English. (Example: Repeat any sentences. English and apply other learning
vocabulary, facts, format, sequence, rele- Look at the pictures and strategies to examine
vance of ideas, etc.) pronounce the sentences. and interpret a variety of written
EFL 3.3.9 Identify and use reading strate- materials.
gies to make text more comprehensible Personal Production I.EFL.3.15.1. Learners can make and
and meaningful. (Example: skimming, Write simple paragraph with support inferences using evidence
scanning, previewing, predicting, reading adverbs of quantity, from texts and features of written
for main ideas and details, etc.) comparatives, use of before – English (e.g., vocabulary, format, se-
EFL 3.3.10 Follow short instructions illus- quence, etc.) and apply other learning
trated through step-by-step visuals after. strategies in order to examine and in-
in simple experiments and projects. (Ex- Read in class. terpret a variety
ample: simple science experiments, Develop Literacy activities. of written materials. (I.2, J.3)
instructions for an art project, etc.). Develop the progress test.
CE.EFL.3.18. Write a variety of
WRITING Evaluation short simple familiar text-types –
EFL 3.4.5 Write a questionnaire or survey Heteroevaluation online or in print – using appropri-
for friends, family or classmates Co-evaluation ate language, layout and linking
using WH- questions in order to identify Self-appraisal words.
things in common and preferences. I.EFL.3.18.1. Learners can write
EFL 3.4.9 Make effective use of a range short simple text-types and narra-
of digital tools to write, edit, revise and tives, online and in print, using ap-
publish written work in a way that sup- propriate language, layout and link-
ports collaboration. ing words. (I.3, J.2)
(Example: add sound or images to a pre-
sentation, use an app to CE.EFL.3.21. Elaborate personal
collaborate on a mind map, contribute to a responses to both oral and written
class wiki, etc.) literary texts through pictures, au-
dio/video or ICT in order to evalu-
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS ate literary texts
EFL 3.5.8 Create stories, poems, songs, using pre-established criteria, indi-
dances and plays including those that re- vidually or in groups.
I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can employ
flect traditional and popular Ecuadorian
audio, video, pictures and ICT to re-
culture, observing the conventions of the
spond to oral and written texts and
genre. (Example: purpose, settings, audi- use pre-established criteria to evalu-
ence, voice, rhythm, etc.) ate literary texts individually or in
EFL 3.5.9. Engage in collaborative groups. (I.2, I.3, I.4)
activities through a variety of student group-
ings to create and respond to literature and
CE.EFL.3.24. Organize ideas and
other literary texts. (Example: small groups,
relevant information from literary
cooperative learning groups, literature cir-
cles, process writing groups, etc.) texts using group or class brain-
storms and/or mind maps in order
to enhance collaborative
responses to Literature.
I.EFL.3.24.1. Learners can work in
groups to create brainstorms and/
or draw mind maps to describe and
organize ideas or useful information
from literary texts and create collabo-
rative responses to literature through
process writing groups or literature
circles. (I.4, S.4, J.3)
2 TWO O. EFL. 3.7 Skills with performance criteria: Motivation Evaluation criteria
O. EFL. 3.8 Read and comprehension of
O. EFL. 3.9 COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL many words that be CE.EFL.3.3. Interact with others
O. EFL. 3.10 AWARENESS approached in the unit. using a variety of both verbal and
EFL 3.1.4 Use a variety of oral, print and nonverbal communication features
electronic forms for social communication Observation and and express likes and dislikes while
and for writing to oneself. (Example: understanding giving recommendations in basic
friendly notes, yet effective terms.
invitations, diary entries, notes to self, In group read and compare I.EFL.3.3.1. Learners can employ a
electronic messages, etc.) between objects. range of verbal and nonverbal com-
EFL 3.1.8 Interpret and demonstrate Repeat the use of munication features to express likes
knowledge in classroom activities of comparative and superlative and dislikes and can give recommen-
nonverbal and oral communication fea- with the teacher. dations in basic yet
tures, and understand the Complete the sentences with effective terms. (I.3, S.4)
contexts in which they are used appropri- use of long adjectives.
ately. (Example: gestures, Make a dialogue about CE.EFL.3.9. Production - Fluency:
body language, volume, etc.) computers. Respond to simple questions and
Lets know how to write a familiar everyday social situations,
ORAL COMMUNICATION letter and invitation. such as an invitation or request, rel-
EFL 3.2.12 Ask and answer questions and Repeat some new words atively quickly. Spontaneously ini-
exchange information on familiar Make slogans. tiate interactions in order to express
topics in predictable everyday situations. opinions or give accounts
(Example: ask for directions, give direc- Linguistic resources
of personal experiences
tions, express a personal opinion, etc.) I.EFL.3.9.1. Learners can answer
EFL 3.2.13 Respond to simple questions simple questions quickly and initiate
Read and learn.
basic interaction spontaneously when
in quite a short time and initiate basic in- Practice the dialogues with given opportunities.
teraction spontaneously when there are op- use of comparative and (Example: make an invitation,
portunities to speak. Speech is produced a superlative, long adjectives, give a suggestion, etc.) Learners can
little less slowly and hesitantly. computers, and know how to describe simple, familiar situations
EFL 3.2.14 Make and respond to invita- write a letter and invitation. and talk about past experiences. (I.3,
tions, suggestions, apologies and requests. Read a letter and invitation in J.3)
READING CE.EFL.3.15. Make and support
EFL 3.3.8 Make and support inferences Produce and communicate inferences from evidence in a text
from evidence in a text with reference with reference to features of written
to features of written English. (Example: Look the graphics. Listen the English and apply other learning
vocabulary, facts, format, sequence, rele- sentences with use of strategies to examine
vance of ideas, etc.) comparative and superlative, and interpret a variety of written
EFL 3.3.9 Identify and use reading strate- long adjectives, computers, materials.
gies to make text more comprehensible and know how to write a I.EFL.3.15.1. Learners can make and
and meaningful. (Example: skimming, letter and invitation. support inferences using evidence
scanning, previewing, predicting, reading Repeat any sentences. from texts and features of written
for main ideas and details, etc.)
EFL 3.3.10 Follow short instructions illus- Look at the pictures and English (e.g., vocabulary, format, se-
trated through step-by-step visuals pronounce the sentences. quence, etc.) and apply other learning
in simple experiments and projects. (Ex- strategies in order to examine and in-
ample: simple science experiments, Personal Production terpret a variety
instructions for an art project, etc.). Write simple paragraph with of written materials. (I.2, J.3)
use of comparative and
WRITING superlative, long adjectives, CE.EFL.3.18. Write a variety of
EFL 3.4.5 Write a questionnaire or survey computers, and know how to short simple familiar text-types –
for friends, family or classmates write a letter and invitation. online or in print – using appropri-
using WH- questions in order to identify Read in class. ate language, layout and linking
things in common and preferences. Develop Literacy activities. words.
EFL 3.4.9 Make effective use of a range Develop the progress test. I.EFL.3.18.1. Learners can write
of digital tools to write, edit, revise and short simple text-types and narra-
publish written work in a way that sup- tives, online and in print, using ap-
propriate language,
ports collaboration. Heteroevaluation
layout and linking words. (I.3, J.2)
(Example: add sound or images to a pre- Co-evaluation
sentation, use an app to Self-appraisal
CE.EFL.3.21. Elaborate personal
collaborate on a mind map, contribute to a
responses to both oral and written
class wiki, etc.)
literary texts through pictures, au-
dio/video or ICT in order to evalu-
ate literary texts
EFL 3.5.8 Create stories, poems, songs,
using pre-established criteria, indi-
dances and plays including those that re-
vidually or in groups.
flect traditional and popular Ecuadorian
I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can employ
culture, observing the conventions of the audio, video, pictures and ICT to re-
genre. (Example: purpose, settings, audi- spond to oral and written texts and
ence, voice, rhythm, etc.) use pre-established criteria to evalu-
EFL 3.5.9. Engage in collaborative ate literary texts individually or in
activities through a variety of student group- groups. (I.2, I.3, I.4)
ings to create and respond to literature and
other literary texts. (Example: small groups,
CE.EFL.3.24. Organize ideas and
cooperative learning groups, literature cir-
relevant information from literary
cles, process writing groups, etc.)
texts using group or class brain-
storms and/or mind maps in order
to enhance collaborative
responses to Literature.
I.EFL.3.24.1. Learners can work in
groups to create brainstorms and/
or draw mind maps to describe and
organize ideas or useful information
from literary texts and create collabo-
rative responses to literature through
process writing groups or literature
circles. (I.4, S.4, J.3)

3. THREE O. EFL. 3.7 Skills with performance criteria: Motivation Evaluation criteria
O. EFL. 3.8 Read and comprehension of
O. EFL. 3.9 COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL many words that be CE.EFL.3.3. Interact with others
O. EFL. 3.10 AWARENESS approached in the unit. using a variety of both verbal and
EFL 3.1.4 Use a variety of oral, print and nonverbal communication features
electronic forms for social communication Observation and and express likes and dislikes while
and for writing to oneself. (Example: understanding giving recommendations in basic
friendly notes, yet effective terms.
invitations, diary entries, notes to self, In group read the list of I.EFL.3.3.1. Learners can employ a
electronic messages, etc.) irregular verbs and repeat. range of verbal and nonverbal com-
EFL 3.1.8 Interpret and demonstrate Repeat the list of regular munication features to express likes
knowledge in classroom activities of verbs with the teacher. and dislikes and can give recommen-
nonverbal and oral communication fea- Complete the sentences with dations in basic yet
tures, and understand the present perfect. effective terms. (I.3, S.4)
contexts in which they are used appropri- Repeat activities with before /
ately. (Example: gestures, during / after CE.EFL.3.9. Production - Fluency:
body language, volume, etc.) Make short descriptions. Respond to simple questions and
familiar everyday social situations,
ORAL COMMUNICATION Linguistic resources such as an invitation or request, rel-
EFL 3.2.12 Ask and answer questions and atively quickly. Spontaneously ini-
exchange information on familiar Read and learn. tiate interactions in order to express
topics in predictable everyday situations. Practice the dialogues with opinions or give accounts
(Example: ask for directions, give direc- regular and irregular verbs,
of personal experiences
tions, express a personal opinion, etc.) I.EFL.3.9.1. Learners can answer
present perfect, before and
EFL 3.2.13 Respond to simple questions simple questions quickly and initiate
after and during.
basic interaction spontaneously when
in quite a short time and initiate basic in- Read description sentences given opportunities.
teraction spontaneously when there are op- and short paragraphs (Example: make an invitation,
portunities to speak. Speech is produced a
give a suggestion, etc.) Learners can
little less slowly and hesitantly. Produce and communicate describe simple, familiar situations
EFL 3.2.14 Make and respond to invita- and talk about past experiences. (I.3,
tions, suggestions, apologies and requests. Look the graphics. Listen the J.3)
sentences with with regular
READING and irregular verbs, present CE.EFL.3.15. Make and support
EFL 3.3.8 Make and support inferences perfect, before and after and inferences from evidence in a text
from evidence in a text with reference during. with reference to features of written
to features of written English. (Example: Repeat any description English and apply other learning
vocabulary, facts, format, sequence, rele- sentences. strategies to examine
vance of ideas, etc.) Look at the pictures and and interpret a variety of written
EFL 3.3.9 Identify and use reading strate- pronounce the sentences. materials.
gies to make text more comprehensible I.EFL.3.15.1. Learners can make and
and meaningful. (Example: skimming,
scanning, previewing, predicting, reading Personal Production support inferences using evidence
for main ideas and details, etc.) Write simple paragraph with from texts and features of written
EFL 3.3.10 Follow short instructions illus- regular and irregular verbs, English (e.g., vocabulary, format, se-
trated through step-by-step visuals present perfect, before, after quence, etc.) and apply other learning
in simple experiments and projects. (Ex- and during. strategies in order to examine and in-
ample: simple science experiments, Read in class. terpret a variety
instructions for an art project, etc.). Develop Literacy activities. of written materials. (I.2, J.3)
Develop the progress test.
WRITING CE.EFL.3.18. Write a variety of
EFL 3.4.5 Write a questionnaire or survey Evaluation short simple familiar text-types –
for friends, family or classmates Heteroevaluation online or in print – using appropri-
using WH- questions in order to identify Co-evaluation ate language, layout and linking
things in common and preferences. Self-appraisal words.
EFL 3.4.9 Make effective use of a range I.EFL.3.18.1. Learners can write
short simple text-types and narra-
of digital tools to write, edit, revise and
tives, online and in print, using ap-
publish written work in a way that sup-
propriate language, layout and link-
ports collaboration.
ing words. (I.3, J.2)
(Example: add sound or images to a pre-
sentation, use an app to
CE.EFL.3.21. Elaborate personal
collaborate on a mind map, contribute to a
responses to both oral and written
class wiki, etc.)
literary texts through pictures, au-
dio/video or ICT in order to evalu-
ate literary texts
EFL 3.5.8 Create stories, poems, songs, using pre-established criteria, indi-
dances and plays including those that re- vidually or in groups.
flect traditional and popular Ecuadorian I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can employ
culture, observing the conventions of the audio, video, pictures and ICT to re-
genre. (Example: purpose, settings, audi- spond to oral and written texts and
ence, voice, rhythm, etc.) use pre-established criteria to evalu-
EFL 3.5.9. Engage in collaborative ate literary texts individually or in
activities through a variety of student group- groups. (I.2, I.3, I.4)
ings to create and respond to literature and
other literary texts. (Example: small groups, CE.EFL.3.24. Organize ideas and
cooperative learning groups, literature cir- relevant information from literary
cles, process writing groups, etc.)
texts using group or class brain-
storms and/or mind maps in order
to enhance collaborative
responses to Literature.
I.EFL.3.24.1. Learners can work in
groups to create brainstorms and/
or draw mind maps to describe and
organize ideas or useful information
from literary texts and create collabo-
rative responses to literature through
process writing groups or literature
circles. (I.4, S.4, J.3)

4. FOUR O. EFL. 3.7 Skills with performance criteria: Motivation Evaluation criteria
O. EFL. 3.8 Read and comprehension of
O. EFL. 3.9 COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL many words that be CE.EFL.3.3. Interact with others
O. EFL. 3.10 AWARENESS approached in the unit. using a variety of both verbal and
EFL 3.1.4 Use a variety of oral, print and nonverbal communication features
electronic forms for social communication Observation and and express likes and dislikes while
and for writing to oneself. (Example: understanding giving recommendations in basic
friendly notes, yet effective terms.
invitations, diary entries, notes to self, In group read the I.EFL.3.3.1. Learners can employ a
electronic messages, etc.) conversation and repeat. range of verbal and nonverbal com-
EFL 3.1.8 Interpret and demonstrate Repeat the use of present munication features to express likes
knowledge in classroom activities of perfect and dislikes and can give recommen-
nonverbal and oral communication fea- continuous/Affirmative with dations in basic yet
tures, and understand the the teacher. effective terms. (I.3, S.4)
contexts in which they are used appropri- Complete the sentences with
ately. (Example: gestures, Negative / interrogative form CE.EFL.3.9. Production - Fluency:
body language, volume, etc.) Talk about musical Respond to simple questions and
instruments. familiar everyday social situations,
ORAL COMMUNICATION Repeat some new words such as an invitation or request, rel-
EFL 3.2.12 Ask and answer questions and Make sentences and read in atively quickly. Spontaneously ini-
exchange information on familiar class. tiate interactions in order to express
topics in predictable everyday situations. opinions or give accounts
(Example: ask for directions, give direc- Linguistic resources
of personal experiences
tions, express a personal opinion, etc.) I.EFL.3.9.1. Learners can answer
EFL 3.2.13 Respond to simple questions simple questions quickly and initiate
Read and learn.
basic interaction spontaneously when
in quite a short time and initiate basic in- Practice the dialogues use of given opportunities.
teraction spontaneously when there are op- present perfect (Example: make an invitation,
portunities to speak. Speech is produced a continuous/Affirmative, give a suggestion, etc.) Learners can
little less slowly and hesitantly. sentences with negative / describe simple, familiar situations
EFL 3.2.14 Make and respond to invita- interrogative form, musical and talk about past experiences. (I.3,
tions, suggestions, apologies and requests. instruments and new words. J.3)
Read sentences and short
READING paragraphs CE.EFL.3.15. Make and support
EFL 3.3.8 Make and support inferences inferences from evidence in a text
from evidence in a text with reference Produce and communicate with reference to features of written
to features of written English. (Example: English and apply other learning
vocabulary, facts, format, sequence, rele- Look the graphics. Listen the strategies to examine
vance of ideas, etc.) sentences with Practice the and interpret a variety of written
EFL 3.3.9 Identify and use reading strate- dialogues use of present materials.
gies to make text more comprehensible perfect I.EFL.3.15.1. Learners can make and
and meaningful. (Example: skimming, continuous/Affirmative, support inferences using evidence
scanning, previewing, predicting, reading sentences with negative / from texts and features of written
for main ideas and details, etc.) interrogative form, musical English (e.g., vocabulary, format, se-
EFL 3.3.10 Follow short instructions illus- instruments and new words quence, etc.) and apply other learning
trated through step-by-step visuals Repeat any sentences. strategies in order to examine and in-
in simple experiments and projects. (Ex- Look at the pictures and terpret a variety
ample: simple science experiments, pronounce the sentences. of written materials. (I.2, J.3)
instructions for an art project, etc.).
Personal Production
CE.EFL.3.18. Write a variety of
WRITING Write simple paragraph with
short simple familiar text-types –
EFL 3.4.5 Write a questionnaire or survey online or in print – using appropri-
Practice the dialogues use of
for friends, family or classmates ate language, layout and linking
present perfect
using WH- questions in order to identify words.
I.EFL.3.18.1. Learners can write
things in common and preferences. sentences with negative /
short simple text-types and narra-
EFL 3.4.9 Make effective use of a range interrogative form, musical tives, online and in print, using ap-
of digital tools to write, edit, revise and instruments and new words propriate language, layout and link-
publish written work in a way that sup- Read in class. ing words. (I.3, J.2)
ports collaboration. Develop Literacy activities.
(Example: add sound or images to a pre- Develop the project. Top Ten CE.EFL.3.21. Elaborate personal
sentation, use an app to Develop the progress test. responses to both oral and written
collaborate on a mind map, contribute to a literary texts through pictures, au-
class wiki, etc.) Evaluation dio/video or ICT in order to evalu-
Heteroevaluation ate literary texts
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS Co-evaluation using pre-established criteria, indi-
EFL 3.5.8 Create stories, poems, songs, Self-appraisal vidually or in groups.
dances and plays including those that re- I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can employ
flect traditional and popular Ecuadorian audio, video, pictures and ICT to re-
culture, observing the conventions of the spond to oral and written texts and
genre. (Example: purpose, settings, audi- use pre-established criteria to evalu-
ence, voice, rhythm, etc.) ate literary texts individually or in
EFL 3.5.9. Engage in collaborative groups. (I.2, I.3, I.4)
activities through a variety of student group-
ings to create and respond to literature and CE.EFL.3.24. Organize ideas and
other literary texts. (Example: small groups, relevant information from literary
cooperative learning groups, literature cir- texts using group or class brain-
cles, process writing groups, etc.) storms and/or mind maps in order
to enhance collaborative
responses to Literature.
I.EFL.3.24.1. Learners can work in
groups to create brainstorms and/
or draw mind maps to describe and
organize ideas or useful information
from literary texts and create collabo-
rative responses to literature through
process writing groups or literature
circles. (I.4, S.4, J.3)

5. FIVE O. EFL. 3.6 Skills with performance criteria: Motivation Evaluation criteria
O. EFL. 3.7 Read and comprehension of
O. EFL. 3.9 COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL many words that be CE.EFL.3.1. Cultivate an aware-
AWARENESS approached in the unit. ness of different cultures and iden-
EFL 3.1.9 Compare and contrast oral tra- tify similarities and differences be-
ditions, myths, folktales and literature Observation and tween them through oral and writ-
from Ecuador and international regions/ understanding ten literary texts.
cultures and identify similarities and dif- I.EFL.3.1.1. Learners can show an
ferences, as well as universal cultural Read about The Solar System. awareness of different cultures and
themes, Read the use of simple identify similarities and differences
through the use of graphic organizers and present tense and read with between them through oral and writ-
dramatic enactments de students. ten literary texts. (I.2, S.2, J.1)
in class. Repeat sentences with
EFL 3.1.10 Recognize and demonstrate an present continuous. CE.EFL.3.8. Production – Accu-
appreciation of some commonalities and Complete the sentences with racy and Intelligibility: Communi-
distinctions across cultures and groups reflexive pronouns cate needs clearly in class by asking
(differentiated Repeat the sentences. questions or requesting clarifica-
by gender, ability, generations, etc.) in- tion. Demonstrate
cluding the students’ own, Linguistic resources acquisition of skills taught in class,
by asking WH- questions and formulating such as being able to spell out
simple, culturally aware statements. Read and learn. words or use some grammatical
Practice the conversation structures (albeit with frequent er-
ORAL COMMUNICATION about the solar System, using rors).
EFL 3.2.15 Provide a simple description simple present tense, present I.EFL.3.8.1. Learners can ask others
and/or opinion of a common object to repeat themselves or to say some-
continuous and reflexive
or a simple account of something experi- thing in a different way and ask for
enced. (Example: an Ecuadorian common classroom needs. Learners
Read sentences and short can spell out words in English and
celebration, a class trip, a party, a game paragraphs can describe matters
played, etc.)
of immediate need or interest using
EFL 3.2.16 Use a series of phrases and Produce and communicate some grammatical structures prac-
sentences to describe aspects of personal ticed in class (although there may be
background, immediate environment and Look the graphics. Listen the errors with tenses, personal pronouns,
matters of immediate need in simple terms read the use of the solar prepositions, etc.). (I.3, J.4)
using grammatical structures practiced System, using simple present
in class (although there may be frequent tense, present continuous and CE.EFL.3.11. Demonstrate com-
errors with tenses, personal reflexive pronouns. prehension of most of the details of
pronouns, prepositions, etc.) Repeat any sentences. a short simple online or print text
Look at the pictures and and follow short instructions in
READING pronounce the sentences. simple experiments and projects if
EFL 3.3.8 Make and support inferences illustrated through step-by-step vi-
from evidence in a text with reference Personal Production suals.
to features of written English. (Example: Write any short paragraph I.EFL.3.11.1. Learners can under-
vocabulary, facts, format, sequence, rele- about the solar System, using stand most details in a short simple
vance of ideas, etc.) simple present tense, present online or print text and can follow
EFL 3.3.9 Identify and use reading strate- continuous and reflexive short instructions in simple
gies to make text more comprehensible pronouns. experiments and projects if step-by-
and meaningful. (Example: skimming, Read in class. step visuals are provided. (I.3, I.4)
scanning, previewing, predicting, reading Develop Literacy activities.
for main ideas and details, etc.) Develop the progress test. CE.EFL.3.19. Create a question-
EFL 3.3.10 Follow short instructions illus- naire or survey using WH- question
trated through step-by-step visuals Evaluation words in order to identify things in
in simple experiments and projects. (Ex- Heteroevaluation common and preferences while dis-
ample: simple science experiments, Co-evaluation playing an ability to convey and or-
instructions for an art project, etc.) Self-appraisal ganize information using facts and
WRITING I.EFL.3.19.1. Learners can write
EFL 3.4.5 Write a questionnaire or survey questionnaires and surveys for peers
for friends, family or classmates and family using WH- questions in
order to identify things in common
using WH- questions in order to identify
and preferences, while demonstrating
things in common and
an ability to
preferences. convey and organize information us-
EFL 3.4.9 Make effective use of a range ing facts and details in order to illus-
of digital tools to write, edit, revise and trate diverse patterns and structures in
publish written work in a way that sup- writing. (Example: cause and effect,
ports collaboration. problem and solution, general-to-spe-
(Example: add sound or images to a pre- cific presentation,
sentation, use an app to etc.) (I.2, S.2)
collaborate on a mind map, contribute to a
class wiki, etc.) CE.EFL.3.25. Observe and expand
on the conventions of genre in order
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS to create a variety of texts that re-
EFL 3.5.8 Create stories, poems, songs, flect traditional and popular
dances and plays including those that re- Ecuadorian culture and
flect traditional and popular Ecuadorian identify select literary elements in
culture, observing the conventions of the order to relate them to other works,
genre. (Example: purpose, settings, audi- including the learners’ own writing.
ence, voice, rhythm, etc.) I.EFL.3.25.1. Learners can create
EFL 3.5.9. Engage in collaborative stories, poems, songs and plays to re-
activities through a variety of student group- flect traditional and popular Ecuado-
ings to create and respond to literature and rian culture, observing the conven-
other literary texts. (Example: small groups, tions of the genre.
cooperative learning groups, literature cir- Learners can find and identify se-
cles, process writing groups, etc.) lected literary elements in texts to re-
late them to other works and personal
experiences. (S.2, J.1)

6. SIX O. EFL. 3.6 Skills with performance criteria: Motivation Evaluation criteria
O. EFL. 3.7 Read and comprehension of
O. EFL. 3.9 COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL many words that be CE.EFL.3.1. Cultivate an aware-
AWARENESS approached in the unit. ness of different cultures and iden-
EFL 3.1.9 Compare and contrast oral tra- tify similarities and differences be-
ditions, myths, folktales and literature Observation and tween them through oral and writ-
from Ecuador and international regions/ understanding ten literary texts.
cultures and identify similarities and dif- I.EFL.3.1.1. Learners can show an
ferences, as well as universal cultural Look and read new words awareness of different cultures and
themes, with the students. identify similarities and differences
through the use of graphic organizers and Read and solution of riddles between them through oral and writ-
dramatic enactments with the teacher. ten literary texts. (I.2, S.2, J.1)
in class. Read and write answers.
EFL 3.1.10 Recognize and demonstrate an Talk about the Incas. CE.EFL.3.8. Production – Accu-
appreciation of some commonalities and Make a puzzle. racy and Intelligibility: Communi-
distinctions across cultures and groups cate needs clearly in class by asking
(differentiated Linguistic resources questions or requesting clarifica-
by gender, ability, generations, etc.) in- tion. Demonstrate
cluding the students’ own, Read and learn. acquisition of skills taught in class,
by asking WH- questions and formulating Practice the dialogues with such as being able to spell out
simple, culturally aware statements. new words, riddles, the Incas. words or use some grammatical
Read sentences and short structures (albeit with frequent er-
ORAL COMMUNICATION paragraphs. rors).
EFL 3.2.15 Provide a simple description I.EFL.3.8.1. Learners can ask others
and/or opinion of a common object to repeat themselves or to say some-
Produce and communicate
or a simple account of something experi- thing in a different way and ask for
enced. (Example: an Ecuadorian common classroom needs. Learners
Look the graphics. Listen the can spell out words in English and
celebration, a class trip, a party, a game read with new words, riddles, can describe matters
played, etc.) the Incas of immediate need or interest using
EFL 3.2.16 Use a series of phrases and Repeat any riddles. some grammatical structures prac-
sentences to describe aspects of personal Look at the pictures and ticed in class (although there may be
background, immediate environment and pronounce the sentences. errors with tenses, personal pronouns,
matters of immediate need in simple terms prepositions, etc.). (I.3, J.4)
using grammatical structures practiced Personal Production
in class (although there may be frequent Write a short paragraph using
errors with tenses, personal new words, riddles and the
pronouns, prepositions, etc.) Incas. Read in class. CE.EFL.3.11. Demonstrate com-
READING Develop Literacy activities. prehension of most of the details of
EFL 3.3.8 Make and support inferences Develop the progress test. a short simple online or print text
from evidence in a text with reference and follow short instructions in
to features of written English. (Example: Evaluation simple experiments and projects if
vocabulary, facts, format, sequence, rele- Heteroevaluation illustrated through step-by-step vi-
vance of ideas, etc.) Co-evaluation suals.
EFL 3.3.9 Identify and use reading strate- Self-appraisal I.EFL.3.11.1. Learners can under-
gies to make text more comprehensible stand most details in a short simple
and meaningful. (Example: skimming, online or print text and can follow
scanning, previewing, predicting, reading short instructions in simple
for main ideas and details, etc.) experiments and projects if step-by-
EFL 3.3.10 Follow short instructions illus- step visuals are provided. (I.3, I.4)
trated through step-by-step visuals
in simple experiments and projects. (Ex- CE.EFL.3.19. Create a question-
ample: simple science experiments, naire or survey using WH- question
instructions for an art project, etc.) words in order to identify things in
common and preferences while dis-
WRITING playing an ability to convey and or-
EFL 3.4.5 Write a questionnaire or survey ganize information using facts and
for friends, family or classmates details.
using WH- questions in order to identify I.EFL.3.19.1. Learners can write
things in common and questionnaires and surveys for peers
preferences. and family using WH- questions in
order to identify things in common
EFL 3.4.9 Make effective use of a range
and preferences, while demonstrating
of digital tools to write, edit, revise and
an ability to
publish written work in a way that sup- convey and organize information us-
ports collaboration. ing facts and details in order to illus-
(Example: add sound or images to a pre- trate diverse patterns and structures in
sentation, use an app to writing. (Example: cause and effect,
collaborate on a mind map, contribute to a problem and solution, general-to-spe-
class wiki, etc.) cific presentation,
etc.) (I.2, S.2)
EFL 3.5.8 Create stories, poems, songs, CE.EFL.3.25. Observe and expand
dances and plays including those that re- on the conventions of genre in order
flect traditional and popular Ecuadorian to create a variety of texts that re-
culture, observing the conventions of the flect traditional and popular
genre. (Example: purpose, settings, audi- Ecuadorian culture and
ence, voice, rhythm, etc.) identify select literary elements in
EFL 3.5.9. Engage in collaborative order to relate them to other works,
activities through a variety of student group- including the learners’ own writing.
ings to create and respond to literature and I.EFL.3.25.1. Learners can create
other literary texts. (Example: small groups, stories, poems, songs and plays to re-
cooperative learning groups, literature cir- flect traditional and popular Ecuado-
cles, process writing groups, etc.) rian culture, observing the conven-
tions of the genre.
Learners can find and identify se-
lected literary elements in texts to re-
late them to other works and personal
experiences. (S.2, J.1)

7 SEVEN O. EFL. 3.6 Skills with performance criteria: Motivation Evaluation criteria
O. EFL. 3.7 Read and comprehension of
O. EFL. 3.9 COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL many words that be CE.EFL.3.1. Cultivate an aware-
AWARENESS approached in the unit. ness of different cultures and iden-
EFL 3.1.9 Compare and contrast oral tra- tify similarities and differences be-
ditions, myths, folktales and literature Observation and tween them through oral and writ-
from Ecuador and international regions/ understanding ten literary texts.
cultures and identify similarities and dif- I.EFL.3.1.1. Learners can show an
ferences, as well as universal cultural Read and pronounce poems awareness of different cultures and
themes, with students. identify similarities and differences
through the use of graphic organizers and Read any short stories, between them through oral and writ-
dramatic enactments riddles, tongue twisters with ten literary texts. (I.2, S.2, J.1)
in class. de students.
EFL 3.1.10 Recognize and demonstrate an Repeat the read aloud. CE.EFL.3.8. Production – Accu-
appreciation of some commonalities and racy and Intelligibility: Communi-
distinctions across cultures and groups Linguistic resources cate needs clearly in class by asking
(differentiated questions or requesting clarifica-
by gender, ability, generations, etc.) in- Read and learn. tion. Demonstrate
cluding the students’ own, Practice reading poems, short acquisition of skills taught in class,
by asking WH- questions and formulating stories, riddles, tongue such as being able to spell out
simple, culturally aware statements. twisters. words or use some grammatical
Read sentences and short structures (albeit with frequent er-
ORAL COMMUNICATION paragraphs rors).
EFL 3.2.15 Provide a simple description I.EFL.3.8.1. Learners can ask others
and/or opinion of a common object to repeat themselves or to say some-
Produce and communicate
or a simple account of something experi- thing in a different way and ask for
enced. (Example: an Ecuadorian common classroom needs. Learners
Look the graphics. Practice can spell out words in English and
celebration, a class trip, a party, a game reading and memorize of can describe matters
played, etc.) riddles and tongue twisters. of immediate need or interest using
EFL 3.2.16 Use a series of phrases and Repeat any riddle some grammatical structures prac-
sentences to describe aspects of personal Look at the pictures and ticed in class (although there may be
background, immediate environment and pronounce the tongue errors with tenses, personal pronouns,
matters of immediate need in simple terms twisters. prepositions, etc.). (I.3, J.4)
using grammatical structures practiced
in class (although there may be frequent Personal Production CE.EFL.3.11. Demonstrate com-
errors with tenses, personal Write riddles and tongue prehension of most of the details of
pronouns, prepositions, etc.) twisters. a short simple online or print text
Read in class. and follow short instructions in
READING Develop Literacy activities. simple experiments and projects if
EFL 3.3.8 Make and support inferences Develop the progress test. illustrated through step-by-step vi-
from evidence in a text with reference suals.
to features of written English. (Example: Evaluation I.EFL.3.11.1. Learners can under-
vocabulary, facts, format, sequence, rele- Heteroevaluation stand most details in a short simple
vance of ideas, etc.) Co-evaluation online or print text and can follow
EFL 3.3.9 Identify and use reading strate- Self-appraisal short instructions in simple
gies to make text more comprehensible experiments and projects if step-by-
and meaningful. (Example: skimming, step visuals are provided. (I.3, I.4)
scanning, previewing, predicting, reading
for main ideas and details, etc.) CE.EFL.3.19. Create a question-
EFL 3.3.10 Follow short instructions illus- naire or survey using WH- question
trated through step-by-step visuals words in order to identify things in
in simple experiments and projects. (Ex- common and preferences while dis-
ample: simple science experiments, playing an ability to convey and or-
instructions for an art project, etc.) ganize information using facts and
WRITING I.EFL.3.19.1. Learners can write
EFL 3.4.5 Write a questionnaire or survey questionnaires and surveys for peers
and family using WH- questions in
for friends, family or classmates
order to identify things in common
using WH- questions in order to identify
and preferences, while demonstrating
things in common and
an ability to
preferences. convey and organize information us-
EFL 3.4.9 Make effective use of a range ing facts and details in order to illus-
of digital tools to write, edit, revise and trate diverse patterns and structures in
publish written work in a way that sup- writing. (Example: cause and effect,
ports collaboration. problem and solution, general-to-spe-
(Example: add sound or images to a pre- cific presentation,
sentation, use an app to etc.) (I.2, S.2)
collaborate on a mind map, contribute to a
class wiki, etc.) CE.EFL.3.25. Observe and expand
on the conventions of genre in order
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS to create a variety of texts that re-
EFL 3.5.8 Create stories, poems, songs, flect traditional and popular
dances and plays including those that re- Ecuadorian culture and
flect traditional and popular Ecuadorian identify select literary elements in
culture, observing the conventions of the order to relate them to other works,
genre. (Example: purpose, settings, audi- including the learners’ own writing.
ence, voice, rhythm, etc.) I.EFL.3.25.1. Learners can create
EFL 3.5.9. Engage in collaborative stories, poems, songs and plays to re-
activities through a variety of student group- flect traditional and popular Ecuado-
ings to create and respond to literature and rian culture, observing the conven-
other literary texts. (Example: small groups, tions of the genre.
cooperative learning groups, literature cir- Learners can find and identify se-
cles, process writing groups, etc.) lected literary elements in texts to re-
late them to other works and personal
experiences. (S.2, J.1)

8 EIGHT O. EFL. 3.6 Skills with performance criteria: Motivation Evaluation criteria
O. EFL. 3.7 Read and comprehension of
O. EFL. 3.9 COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL many words that be CE.EFL.3.1. Cultivate an aware-
AWARENESS approached in the unit. ness of different cultures and iden-
EFL 3.1.9 Compare and contrast oral tra- tify similarities and differences be-
ditions, myths, folktales and literature Observation and tween them through oral and writ-
from Ecuador and international regions/ understanding ten literary texts.
cultures and identify similarities and dif- Read and practice asking a I.EFL.3.1.1. Learners can show an
ferences, as well as universal cultural favor. awareness of different cultures and
themes, Read and complete the identify similarities and differences
through the use of graphic organizers and sentences. between them through oral and writ-
dramatic enactments Answer the questions. ten literary texts. (I.2, S.2, J.1)
in class. Write orders.
EFL 3.1.10 Recognize and demonstrate an Use prepositions, and CE.EFL.3.8. Production – Accu-
appreciation of some commonalities and complete sentences. racy and Intelligibility: Communi-
distinctions across cultures and groups Read the story and use the cate needs clearly in class by asking
(differentiated dictionary. questions or requesting clarifica-
by gender, ability, generations, etc.) in- tion. Demonstrate
cluding the students’ own, Linguistic resources acquisition of skills taught in class,
by asking WH- questions and formulating such as being able to spell out
simple, culturally aware statements. Read and learn. words or use some grammatical
Practice the dialogues with structures (albeit with frequent er-
ORAL COMMUNICATION answering the questions, rors).
EFL 3.2.15 Provide a simple description complete the sentences. I.EFL.3.8.1. Learners can ask others
and/or opinion of a common object to repeat themselves or to say some-
Read sentences and short
or a simple account of something experi- thing in a different way and ask for
enced. (Example: an Ecuadorian common classroom needs. Learners
can spell out words in English and
celebration, a class trip, a party, a game Produce and communicate can describe matters
played, etc.)
of immediate need or interest using
EFL 3.2.16 Use a series of phrases and Look the graphics. Listen the some grammatical structures prac-
sentences to describe aspects of personal read the use any words that ticed in class (although there may be
background, immediate environment and learn. errors with tenses, personal pronouns,
matters of immediate need in simple terms Repeat any sentences. prepositions, etc.). (I.3, J.4)
using grammatical structures practiced Look at the pictures and
in class (although there may be frequent pronounce the sentences. CE.EFL.3.11. Demonstrate com-
errors with tenses, personal prehension of most of the details of
pronouns, prepositions, etc.) Personal Production a short simple online or print text
Write a short story using and follow short instructions in
READING questions and answers. simple experiments and projects if
EFL 3.3.8 Make and support inferences Read in class. illustrated through step-by-step vi-
from evidence in a text with reference Develop Literacy activities. suals.
to features of written English. (Example: Develop the progress test. I.EFL.3.11.1. Learners can under-
vocabulary, facts, format, sequence, rele- stand most details in a short simple
vance of ideas, etc.) Evaluation online or print text and can follow
EFL 3.3.9 Identify and use reading strate- Heteroevaluation short instructions in simple
gies to make text more comprehensible Co-evaluation experiments and projects if step-by-
and meaningful. (Example: skimming, Self-appraisal step visuals are provided. (I.3, I.4)
scanning, previewing, predicting, reading
for main ideas and details, etc.) CE.EFL.3.19. Create a question-
EFL 3.3.10 Follow short instructions illus- naire or survey using WH- question
trated through step-by-step visuals words in order to identify things in
in simple experiments and projects. (Ex- common and preferences while dis-
ample: simple science experiments, playing an ability to convey and or-
instructions for an art project, etc.) ganize information using facts and
WRITING I.EFL.3.19.1. Learners can write
EFL 3.4.5 Write a questionnaire or survey questionnaires and surveys for peers
and family using WH- questions in
for friends, family or classmates
order to identify things in common
using WH- questions in order to identify
and preferences, while demonstrating
things in common and
an ability to
preferences. convey and organize information us-
EFL 3.4.9 Make effective use of a range ing facts and details in order to illus-
of digital tools to write, edit, revise and trate diverse patterns and structures in
publish written work in a way that sup- writing. (Example: cause and effect,
ports collaboration. problem and solution, general-to-spe-
(Example: add sound or images to a pre- cific presentation,
sentation, use an app to etc.) (I.2, S.2)
collaborate on a mind map, contribute to a
class wiki, etc.) CE.EFL.3.25. Observe and expand
on the conventions of genre in order
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS to create a variety of texts that re-
EFL 3.5.8 Create stories, poems, songs, flect traditional and popular
dances and plays including those that re- Ecuadorian culture and identify se-
flect traditional and popular Ecuadorian lect literary elements in order to re-
culture, observing the conventions of the late them to other works, including
genre. (Example: purpose, settings, audi- the learners’ own writing.
ence, voice, rhythm, etc.) I.EFL.3.25.1. Learners can create
EFL 3.5.9. Engage in collaborative stories, poems, songs and plays to re-
activities through a variety of student group- flect traditional and popular Ecuado-
ings to create and respond to literature and rian culture, observing the conven-
other literary texts. (Example: small groups, tions of the genre.
cooperative learning groups, literature cir- Learners can find and identify se-
cles, process writing groups, etc.) lected literary elements in texts to re-
late them to other works and personal
experiences. (S.2, J.1)

6. BIBLIOGRAPHY/ WEBGRAPHY (Use APA VI edition standards)
MINEDUC. Documento de Ajustes Curriculares 2016. The novelties in the fulfillment of the planning will be consigned. In
EDIPCENTRO. I Speak 7 addition, you can suggest adjustments for the best compliance with what
is planned in the instrument.


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