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This project report entitled ACCIDENT CRASH AND DETECTION SYSTEM was
prepared and submitted




has been found satisfactory in terms of scope, quality, and presentation as partial
fulfilment of the requirement for the
Diploma Engineering (Computer Engineering) in
Universiti Malaysia Perlis

Checked and approved by

Project Supervisor
Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Technology
Universiti Malaysia Perlis

November 2023


First and foremost, I would like to thank the Almighty Allah S.W.T. for providing me

with the strength I need to fulfil my obligations as a Computer Engineering student and for

enabling me to successfully complete my final year project.

I would like to use this chance to express my gratitude to several individuals and

institutions for their help with my senior project. Initially, I would like to express my gratitude to

my boss, Madam Shariffah Zarihan Bt Syed Zaharim Helmi, for her boundless energy, tolerance,

perceptive remarks, useful data, sensible guidance, and endless suggestions, all of which have

been immensely beneficial to me during this project. Her extensive knowledge and wealth of

experience have enabled me to successfully complete

this project.

I would like to thank all of the generous Diploma in Computer Engineering teachers who

gave their time, advice, and suggestions as the project progressed within the institution. I also

want to thank the technicians and employees in particular for their cooperation and indirect or

direct contributions to the success of my project. Finally, I would like to thank my friends for

encouraging me to finish my project and my family for their support when I told them I wanted

to continue my studies. These people made the success of this endeavour possible. I could not

have asked for a more refined study supervisor.



Sistem Amaran Kemalangan dan Mengesan Pelanggaran Sistem ialah projek canggih

yang direka bentuk untuk bertindak pada masa yang tepat ia diperlukan. Apabila

kemalangan berlaku, sistem ini boleh menghantar makluman secara automatik dengan

data lokasi yang tepat, memastikan tindak balas yang pantas. Ia merupakan penyelesaian

serba boleh yang boleh digunakan di luar kemalangan kenderaan, menawarkan aplikasi

berpotensi dalam pelbagai bidang. Inspirasi projek itu datang daripada pemerhatian

keperluan kritikal untuk makluman kemalangan tepat pada masanya, terutamanya dalam

situasi di mana bantuan segera boleh membuat perbezaan yang ketara. Objektif utama

projek ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keselamatan jalan raya, meminimumkan masa

tindak balas dalam kecemasan, dan menyelamatkan nyawa dengan mengesan kemalangan

dengan pasti dan memberitahu pihak berkuasa atau individu yang berkaitan



The Accident Alert and Crash Detection System is a sophisticated project designed to

spring into action at the exact moment it's needed. When an accident occurs, this system can

automatically send alerts with precise location data, ensuring a swift response. It's a versatile

solution that can be applied beyond vehicle accidents, offering potential applications in various

fields. The project's inspiration came from the observation of a critical need for timely accident

alerts, particularly in situations where immediate assistance can make a significant difference.

The primary objective of this project is to enhance road safety, minimize response times in

emergencies, and save lives by reliably detecting accidents and notifying the relevant authorities

or individuals.










1.1 Project Background 1

1.2 Problem statement 2
1.3 Objective 3
1.4 Scope of project 3
1.5 Summary of the Chapter 3

2.1 Introduction 4
2.2 Previous Review Project 4
2.2.1 Project on Vehicle Tracking and Accident Alert System.[1] 4
2.2.2 Project on Accident Detection and Alert System.[2] 6
2.3 Hardware Description 8
2.3.1 Microcontroller Selection 8
2.4 Summary of the Chapter 12

3.1 Introduction 13
3.2 Project Methodology 13
3.2.1 Accident Detection 13
3.3 Software Development 16
3.3.1 System Requirement 16
3.3.2 Coding Development 17
3.4 Hardware Development 18
3.4.1 ESP32 Microcontroller 18

3.4.2 Vibration Sensor 19
3.4.3 Accelerometer 20
3.5 Summary of the Chapter 21

4.1 Introduction 22
4.2 Simulation Result 22
4.2.1 Design Result 23
4.3 Hardware Result 24
4.3.1 Full Picture of Project 24
4.3.2 The operation of the system 25
4.3.3 Calculation 27
4.3.4 Telegram Integration 29
4.3.5 Maps Link 31
4.4 Project Costing 32
4.5 Summary of the Chapter 33

5.1 Conclusion of the project 34

5.2 Future Work 35
5.3 Impact on Environment and Sustainability 36


Figure 2.1: The project's block diagram, which illustrates how it operates...................... 5

Figure 2.2: The functionality of the project's flow chart. ................................................. 6

Figure 2.3: A example of a microcontroller, the AT89S52. ............................................. 8

Figure 2.4: Shown that example of Arduino Uno ............................................................. 9

Figure 2.5: Demonstrated a GPS module example that was applied to this project. ...... 10

Figure 2.6: Display a sample LCD module that was utilised for this project. ................ 11

Figure 2.7: Show the declaration of the function input in the coding in the example above.

........................................................................................................................................ 12

Figure 2.8: Demonstrate how the programme will receive GPS data and store it in the

"ByteReceived" variable. ................................................................................................ 12

Figure 3.1: Flowchart of the project. .............................................................................. 15

Figure 3.2:Block Diargram. ............................................................................................ 16

Figure 3.3:Arduino IDE. ................................................................................................. 18

Figure 3.4:Example of Esp32 Microcontroller. .............................................................. 19

Figure 3.5:Example of Sensor ........................................................................................ 20

Figure 3.6:Accelerometer. .............................................................................................. 21

Figure 4.1:Simulation Result .......................................................................................... 23

Figure 4.2: Circuit Diagram ............................................................................................ 23

Figure 4.3:Hardware of the project. ................................................................................ 24

Figure 4.4:Working of Accelerometer. ........................................................................... 27

Figure 4.5:The location of the accident. ......................................................................... 31


LCD Liquid Crystal Display

LED Light Emitting Diode

VCC Voltage Common Collector

GND Ground

IDE Integrated Development Environment

MEMS Micro Electro-Mechanical System

GPS Global Positioning System

GSM Global System for Mobile communication

CPU Central Processing Unit

ESP32 Espressif32


1.1 Project Background

A significant number of injuries and deaths resulting from road traffic accidents

highlight the ongoing global road safety crisis [1]. In response to this issue, an accident

alert and crash detection system has been developed. This system can swiftly identify

accidents and instantly transmit essential information to designated individuals, such as

emergency contacts. This information includes the accident's location, the precise time it

occurred, and the angle at which the collision happened. The rapid dissemination of these

alerts to recipients can potentially save lives, as it allows for a quick response in

emergency situations. Furthermore, this system can assist medical rescue teams in saving

crucial time when responding to accident-related casualties. The alert message is

automatically sent to the designated contacts as soon as an accident occurs.

The interfacing of various components used in the project has been crucial, such

as Telegram and GPS modules, and it demonstrates the practical implementation of such

projects in real life[1] . This project equips users with a comprehensive understanding of

the technologies currently employed in accident notification systems and encourages the

exploration of more effective yet less complex alternatives. In this modified application,

the alert message is transmitted using a Telegram module, while a GPS module is still

used to determine the accident's location. Additionally, a vibration sensor and a micro

electro-mechanical system (MEMS) sensor continue to be utilized for precise accident

detection. The message from the MEMS sensor can also be employed to determine the

angle at which the vehicle rolls over. This application offers a viable solution to address

the challenges posed by inadequate emergency services for traffic accidents.

1.2 Problem statement
Inconsiderate drivers on the road are to take some responsibility for an increase

in the number of accidents on traffic hazards nowadays. The country and its citizens

have suffered significant losses in terms of both life and property due to the frequent

occurrence of road traffic accidents. Therefore, if individuals are unable to call for

assistance from the outside when traffic jams occur, there will be serious

consequences. The high number of traffic fatalities and the death rate in our nation are

largely the result of inadequate emergency response.

A person's inability to receive first aid during an accident is, according to a

statistical projection of traffic fatalities, the most obvious cause of death. This is

because there was a delay in getting the information to the public of the accident to

other people or to the hospital.

Due to this, the purpose of the accident alert and crash detection system is to

make it faster and more efficient for other individuals to identify the location of the

accident using GPS and send that information via Telegram application. Sensors built

into cars are used by accident detection systems to identify when an accident has

occurred. In order to allow the owner or a third party to track a vehicle's location, a

vehicle tracking system combines the installation of an electronic device in a vehicle,

or fleet of vehicles, with aim computer software at least at one operational base. This

process collects data from the field and sends it to the base of operation. GPS

technology is often used in modern vehicle tracking systems to locate the vehicle.

Through the Internet, one can view vehicle information on digital maps.

1.3 Objective
The objectives of this system are listed below:

• To design a system that identifies the changes in the axis of vehicles due to
a crash by using accelerometer.

• To demonstrate the vibration sensors that detect signals when a car is in an

accident right away.

• To develop an alert message that includes the user's location and information via

Telegram application.

1.4 Scope of project

The main goal of this project is to notify the emergency contact of the victim

of the car accident. The accident's location is transmitted at the same time as the

accident. When the readings reach a predetermined line that indicates a high risk

of a crash, an accident occurs. Based on the information gathered from these

sensors, it will send messages via Telegram app to other people informing them of

the accident's location and whether it is severe or not.

1.5 Summary of the Chapter

The introduction has stated the project's specific details. The project's source

and planned use are both very beneficial to the user. To ensure that the user

completes the project correctly, there are a few issues, and solutions have been

provided. There are some strict limits on this project, and if they are exceeded,

problems may occur that could cause it to fail.


2.1 Introduction
A literature review is crucial to the development of a successful system

because it helps project which is the Accident Alert and Crash Detection System,

in studying previous works from other researchers. Creating a plan to enhance the

systems' performance is also helpful. This literature review was created based on a

website that was located online. By identifying on comparison of the strength and

the weakness existing system’s usability and the user experience will help in

improving on project Accident Alert and Crash Detection System. Even though the

objectives of those projects differ with project's method and procedure are literally

the same.

2.2 Previous Review Project

2.2.1 Project on Vehicle Tracking and Accident Alert System.[1]

The main purpose of this project is to design accident alert systems in all

vehicles, which are intended to save lives in the event of an accident. Today, GPS

systems, for instance, are very helpful because they enable the owner to keep track of

both the movement and recent activities of his vehicle. When an accident occurs, this

accident alert system finds the scene and alerts the appropriate computer, mobile

device, etc. with the GPS coordinates.

This project's primary goal is to locate accidents and notify the control room so

that the victim can get help. It can assess the seriousness of an accident without any

visual contact from the control room. It will be easy to determine how many vehicles

are involved in a specific accident and how serious it is if this system is installed in

every vehicle. in order for the help from the control room to obey its commands.

Because the current board design includes both vehicle tracking and accident alert

systems, it is more valuable and useful. This board issues theft and accident detection

warnings as well. This device can also detect fire accidents by coupling a fire detector

to one of the interrupt pins.

The concept behind this project is to use the GSM module to send the GPS information

from the vehicle tracking system to the desired mobile device. The vehicle tracking

system is one of the most important technological advancements for tracking vehicle

activity. The security system uses the Global Positioning System (GPS) to find the

monitored or tracked vehicle, and then transmits the coordinates and location data to the

monitoring centre via radio or satellite. The monitoring centre maps the vehicle using

several software tools. This allows for real-time tracking of the vehicles by their owners.

The project's flow diagram is shown in

Figure 2.1: The project's block diagram, which illustrates how it operates

2.2.2 Project on Accident Detection and Alert System.[2]
The main goal of this project was to create an application that uses mobile

phone sensors like the GPS and Accelerometer to detect collisions if there is a

sudden external change in speed. This project used the Sensor Fusion Based

Algorithm, which was first developed at the dawn of the modern mobile phone era.

Security applications based on GPS were proposed with the introduction of GPS

sensors in mobile. Then they suggested unique hardware components that could

connect to mobile phones.

Figure 2.2: The functionality of the project's flow chart.

Even after all precautions have been taken, the system still recognises an

accident even though the initial focus of this project was on the system's capacity

to prevent vehicle collisions. The system immediately alerts the ambulance service

and police station after detecting a vehicle accident in order to avoid the casualty

losing their life due to a delay in receiving medical attention. In the car, the system

is configured. Vehicle accidents are detected by accelerometers, and reporting is

done using GPS and GSM modules. A motor (control switch) controls the engine,

and buzzers and LED lights are used as warning devices. All of these gadgets are

connected to the primary microcontroller (Arduino Uno) unit. The accelerometer

alerts the microcontroller when a mishap occurs so it can keep running. The GPS

module provides the precise location, speed, time, and date of the place where the

vehicle is in real-time. The accelerometer detects an accident, locates it using GPS,

and then uses a GSM module to send the information to the police and emergency

services. The message received via mobile phone contains a google map link

indicating the location of the accident scene, helping emergency services like the

ambulance service and police station locate the victim and save lives.

The procedure on this project:

• The Arduino setup is mounted in the vehicle's crash guard or in the side


• When a collision occurs, the push button is activated and an alert is sent to

the Arduino Board.

• This input will be processed by Arduino and sent to the SIM808.

• The coordinates are transmitted via GSM.

• The notification is sent to the saved mobile number via GSM.

• It includes the precise GPS location.

• The application is used to determine the location and route.

• If the collision is not serious, the person can turn off the buzzer, and the

gadget will resume its regular operation.

2.3 Hardware Description
The main goal of the online mechanical product identification and sorting

system is to categorise different mechanical products according to specific

qualities that are automatically detected.

2.3.1 Microcontroller Selection At89s52 Microcontroller
The primary components of a microcontroller are a CPU, memory, and

various I/O pins. This microcontroller is fast enough to run programmes in real

time [2]. This particular microcontroller was chosen because the experiment

requires at least an 8-bit microcontroller. This microcontroller has a built-in flash

memory of 4Kb, which is enough for it to store the code. The circuit is established

as shown in the following diagram, and this microcontroller has 40 pins. Figure

2.3:1 A example of a microcontroller, the AT89S52. The 40 microcontroller pins'

various qualities and functions are demonstrated by the AT89S52.

Figure 2.3: A example of a microcontroller, the AT89S52.

8 Arduino Uno
A widely used open microcontroller board called the Arduino UNO was

created by and is based on the ATmega328P microcontroller. A

variety of expansion boards (shields) and other circuits can be interfaced with the

board's sets of digital and analogue input/output (I/O) pins. The board has 6

analogue pins and 14 digital pins [3]

Figure 2.4: Shown that example of Arduino Uno

The main control system for detecting or warning when an accident occurs is the

Arduino. It gathers information from vibration sensors, GPRS, and GSM modules

and outputs it either through a message or a display system. Here, the vibration

sensor is crucial. The vehicle's vibrations will be picked up by this vibration sensor,

which doubles as an accident detection system. The GSM module is used by

Arduino to transmit the message to the receiver after collecting data from all other

modules [2]

9 GPS Module

A GPS module can use the division of the earth into a number of coordinates

to quickly pinpoint a location on the planet. A SIM28M GPS is being used down

below. The abbreviation GPS stands for "global positioning system," which is used

to pinpoint a location's latitude, longitude, and time. It is the primary source of the

vehicle's latitude and longitude in the project, which is crucial for determining

where an accident occurred and even for tracking a vehicle that has been stolen.

Every single second, this GPS module receives the coordinates from the satellite.

The centrepiece of the vehicle tracking project is this device [2]

Figure 2.5: Demonstrated a GPS module example that was applied to this project. LCD Module

There are many uses for LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screens, which are

electronic display modules. A 16x2 LCD display is a very fundamental module

that is frequently incorporated into many different devices and circuits. A 16x2

LCD can display up to 16 characters per line on each of its two lines[4].

Figure 2.6: Display a sample LCD module that was utilised for this project.

The parallel interface of LCDs necessitates simultaneous manipulation of multiple

interface pins by the microcontroller in order to control the display. The pins [5]

that make up the interface are as follows:

• A register select (RS) pin that regulates where data is written to in the

LCD's memory. You can choose between using an instruction register,

which is where the LCD's controller looks for instructions on what to do

next, or a data register, which stores the information that appears on the


• A Read/Write (R/W) pin for choosing between reading and writing mode

• An enable pin that permits register writing

• Eight data pins (D0 -D7). When you write or read data to or from a register,

the states of these pins (high or low) represent the bits or values that are

being read, respectively.

11 Example Coding

Figure 2.7: Show the declaration of the function input in the coding in the
example above.

Figure 2.8: Demonstrate how the programme will receive GPS data and store it in the
"ByteReceived" variable.

2.4 Summary of the Chapter

This project has benefited greatly from some thorough research that has been

done by looking up a few projects online. Two techniques are needed for the

project, and they have been named. Additionally, the techniques have been fully

described and discussed. Together, the two approaches will be used to make this

project successful.


3.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the data analysis in a structured manner. For analysis

and development research, technical analyses will be conducted. The project's flow

is also described in this chapter, which is almost successfully completed. The

development of a vehicle accident alert and crash detection system is the main

objective of this project. In other words, this project will assist the individual in

identifying the accident by providing information about participant location

accidents to the Telegram app.

3.2 Project Methodology

The increasing number of physical devices and human interaction is

causing a lot of attention. Therefore, this project presents a technique that can

help people to get an information about location’s accidents also provide crash


3.2.1 Accident Detection

In this system, a sensor is integrated into a GPS-type device to monitor for

collisions. The accident detection module is designed to identify external

disturbances. When such disturbances occur, the module activates the location

detection component, which utilizes GPS technology to determine the user's current

location. This system is also equipped to establish a connection with a dedicated

application on a mobile device via the Telegram messaging platform. Upon

detecting an accident, the system initiates an alert, sending the user's precise GPS

location to the Telegram application. The motion sensor utilizes an advanced

motion processor to generate highly accurate data. It aids in distinguishing risky

driving behaviors and employs an accelerometer to monitor the vehicle's status

before, during, and after a collision. This approach ensures the rapid detection of a

severe accident by analyzing accelerometer signals. If the vehicle experiences a

rollover or collision, a vibration sensor promptly detects the event and informs the

ESP32. Subsequently, the ESP32 conveys this incident information, including the

exact location of the user, to the Telegram application. This system prioritizes the

prompt recognition of accidents and relays the details to designated contacts,

utilizing a range of precise sensors to collect data from the field. Figure 3.1 shows

the flowchart of the system.

Figure 3.1: Flowchart of the project.

3.3 Software Development
Software development part consist of several process which is system

requirement, block diagram, coding development, and hardware development.

3.3.1 System Requirement

To build the accident alert and crash detection system, it involves the use of

both software and hardware. Figure 3.2 shows the block diagram of the system


Figure 3.2:Block Diagram.

The block diagram of the Accident Alert and Crash Detection System

is shown in Figure 3.2 In the event of an accident or crash, this alert system is

designed to notify other people and the appropriate authorities. This system

includes a GPS module, an accelerometer, a vibration sensor, and an ESP32

microcontroller. The ESP32 microcontroller coordinates system activities, such

as sending the GPS location of the accident. It is connected to the accelerometer

and the vibration sensor. To trigger the transmission of the accident's GPS

location, the crash must be a major accident and not a minor one, surpassing a

predefined threshold. In the event of a severe incident, the system will now utilize

the Telegram application as the output to send the GPS location of the accident,

along with axis change information, to designated recipients.

3.3.2 Coding Development

ESP32 microcontrollers are programmed using the Arduino IDE,

PlatformIO, or other compatible development environments. Developers can write

code in languages like C and C++ to control the microcontroller and build various

applications. Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) shown in Figure

3.3 can be adapted for programming and uploading code to ESP32 microcontrollers

as well. It provides a straightforward and user-friendly interface for creating,

compiling, and uploading code to ESP32-based boards. The IDE offers support for

a wide range of ESP32 boards and modules, making it accessible to both beginners

and advanced users.

The IDE provides a code editor with features such as syntax highlighting

and code completion, which greatly simplify the process of writing code for ESP32.

It also includes a serial monitor that enables real-time communication with the

ESP32 board, facilitating code debugging and troubleshooting.

In addition to these features, the Arduino IDE includes a library of pre-

written code, often referred to as sketches, which can be used as building blocks

for a variety of ESP32 projects. Users can also create their own libraries to be

reused in future ESP32 projects. Overall, the Arduino IDE is a versatile and

essential tool for anyone interested in programming ESP32 microcontrollers and

engaging in do-it-yourself (DIY) electronics projects.

Figure 3.3:Arduino IDE.

3.4 Hardware Development

The hardware that has been used in this project which is microcontroller (AT

mega 328P). The board that is in use is ESP32 microcontroller. In addition, there

also some components used as well such as LCD module, Vibration Sensor,

Accelerometer, GPS Module, Power Supply and resistor.

3.4.1 ESP32 Microcontroller

The ESP32 is a microcontroller module with multiple functions, including

a dual-core processor, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, and various GPIO pins.

It is designed for a wide range of applications and is particularly suited for Internet

of Things (IoT) projects. The ESP32's functions encompass wireless

communication, power-saving features like deep sleep mode, and support for

communication protocols such as SPI, I2C, and UART. Additionally, it offers over-

the-air (OTA) update capabilities and benefits from a robust development

ecosystem, including libraries and resources, making it an excellent choice for

developers working on diverse projects.

Figure 3.4:Example of Esp32 Microcontroller.

3.4.2 Vibration Sensor

The accident is discovered using the sensor. This one-stage shock sensor

keeps an eye out for any sizable impacts. The processor's pin 12 (INT), a

microcontroller, will be connected to the sensor's output, which will be +5 volts

after an impact. These sensors are fastened to the car's sides in order to detect an

impact. To detect at least one impact, these sensor outputs are routed to the OR

gate. It is integrated into the circuit system by attaching every sensor to a gate or

other element whose output is connected to the microcontroller's int pin. As a result

of their connectivity, these sensors can detect force impacts coming from any side

of the vehicle.

Figure 3.5:Example of Sensor
3.4.3 Accelerometer
The ADXL335 is an analog-output, triple-axis accelerometer sensor. It is

designed to measure acceleration in three dimensions: X, Y, and Z. The ADXL335

provides analog voltage output that is proportional to the acceleration it measures

The ADXL335 can detect acceleration in three perpendicular axes: X, Y, and Z.

This makes it suitable for applications where you need to measure motion and tilt

in multiple directions. The sensor provides analog voltage outputs for each axis.

The output voltage varies with the acceleration applied to the sensor. You can read

these voltage levels using analog-todigital converters (ADCs) on microcontrollers

to obtain acceleration values. The ADXL335 allows you to select different

sensitivity ranges, typically ±3g, ±6g, or ±15g, by setting appropriate pins. This

enables you to tailor the sensor's sensitivity to your specific application. It has

relatively low power consumption, which is beneficial for battery-operated devices

and applications where power efficiency is essential. The sensor comes in a

compact package, which makes it suitable for small and portable devices.

ADXL335 sensors are commonly used in various applications, including motion

and tilt sensing in robotics, gaming controllers, impact detection, and vibration


Figure 3.6:Accelerometer.

3.5 Summary of the Chapter

In this chapter, a detailed discussion of the project's methodology is

presented. Several flowcharts are utilized to elucidate the project's workflow and

the sequential procedures involved. An exposition of the hardware in use is

provided, including the hardware configuration and the specific type of

microcontroller board employed. Certain components initially considered for

inclusion in the project, such as a GSM module and an Arduino Uno, were

subsequently substituted with an ESP32 microcontroller. This modification was

made to enable the transmission of location data to the Telegram application.


4.1 Introduction
This chapter will explain the result obtained from the project and each of

the result A written summary of the progress made towards completing a current

project is a project progress report. It enumerates the completed tasks, the actions

taken, and the objectives attained. A progress report will contain one or more of the


• Completed work;

• Work that is currently being done

• Issues or difficulties encountered when implementing the project

• General project development

4.2 Simulation Result

The Accident Alert and Crash Detection System is a sophisticated

vehicle safety solution designed to detect and respond to accidents or crashes. This

system is built upon an Arduino-based platform and incorporates several key

components to ensure rapid and accurate accident detection and notification.

At its core, the system employs an accelerometer sensor, which

continuously monitors the vehicle's acceleration. During normal driving

conditions, the accelerometer records data within an established baseline range.

However, in the event of a sudden and significant change in acceleration, such as a

collision or crash, the system's crash detection algorithm is triggered.

Upon detecting a potential accident, the system initiates a multi-step

response process. First, it interfaces with a GPS module to obtain real-time location

data, including latitude and longitude. This information is crucial for alerting

emergency services or notifying concerned parties about the accident's precise

location. Figure 4.1 shows simulation result.

Figure 4.1:Simulation Result

4.2.1 Design Result

Figure 4.2: Circuit Diagram

4.3 Hardware Result
The hardware components involved in the Accident Alert and Crash Detection System

play a critical role in ensuring its effectiveness

4.3.1 Full Picture of Project

Figure 4.3:Hardware of the project.

4.3.2 The operation of the system

The accelerometer sensor in vibration detectors with crash detection systems notices

abrupt and notable changes in acceleration, which could be signs of an impending

collision or accident. After that, an LCD screen presents the gathered GPS data, making

it readily available for quick reference.



showed that

there had

been no




detects when

the crash



value is high

The direction

changes at the

time of the

crash are

calculated by



r sensor.

GPS shows




occurred in

terms of

latitude and


4.3.3 Calculation

The x, y, and z axes formula were used to calculate the changes in direction axis for the


Figure 4.4:Working of Accelerometer.

The formula given:

float Ax_initial = 0.0;

float Ay_initial = 0.0;

float Az_initial = 0.0;

float Ax = readAcceleration(xPin);

float Ay = readAcceleration(yPin);

float Az = readAcceleration(zPin);

float DeltaAx = abs(Ax - Ax_initial);

float DeltaAy = abs(Ay - Ay_initial);

float DeltaAz = abs(Az - Az_initial);

float readAcceleration(int pin) {

int value = analogRead(pin);

float acceleration = (value - 0.5 * 1023) / 1023 * sensitivity;

return acceleration;

4.3.4 Telegram Integration

Function: Facilitates communication and alerts through the Telegram application.

Role in Crash Detection: Sends automated alerts to predefined recipients with vital

information about the accident, including GPS coordinates. Enables two-way

communication for receiving messages.


Popup Notification



One of the standout features of this system is its ability to send automated alerts to

predefined recipients through the Telegram application. These alerts contain vital

information about the accident, including GPS coordinates, and a link to view the accident

location on a map. This functionality is facilitated by the integration with the Telegram

application. Furthermore, the system incorporates a message reception feature, allowing

it to receive incoming messages. This capability can be useful for receiving

acknowledgments or instructions from emergency responders or receiving additional

information about the accident situation via the Telegram application.

4.3.5 Maps Link

Figure 4.4 shows the location of the accident is displayed when the maps link is clicked.

Figure 4.5:The location of the accident.

4.4 Project Costing


1 GY-NEO6MV2 GPS 65.0 1 PCS 65.00
2 SW-420 2.70 1 PCS 2.70
3 ADXL335 18.60 1 PCS 18.60
4 ESP32 38.00 1 PCS 38.00
5 JUMPER WIRES 4.96 4 PCS 19.84
6 ACRYLIC 29.90 1 PCS 29.90
7 BATTERY 3.50 4 PCS 14.00
8 BATTERY 3.00 1 PCS 3.00

When looking at the project's listed costs, it is evident that the project is

reasonably inexpensive, consisting mainly of the previously mentioned

components. The main parts, such as sensors, GPS modules, and ESP32, are

readily available and reasonably priced. The software is also open-source, which

lowers development expenses.

In conclusion, this project provides a accident alert system and crash

detection that is reasonably priced and can improve safety in a variety of

situations. For people and organisations concerned with safety and emergency

response, its ease of use, low cost, and potential for life-saving make it a desirable


4.5 Summary of the Chapter

This chapter provides a concise overview of the project's outcomes. The

Accident Alert and Crash Detection System serve as an efficient means of promptly

and accurately detecting and responding to vehicle accidents. By merging

accelerometer data, GPS coordinates, and alerts through the Telegram application,

this system presents a comprehensive solution for bolstering road safety and

ensuring swift assistance in emergency situations. The foundational code, based on

the ESP32 microcontroller and Wi-Fi connectivity, seamlessly integrates these

components to create a robust accident alert system.


5.1 Conclusion of the project

In conclusion, our accident alert and crash detection system represents a

significant advancement in road safety and emergency response capabilities.

Throughout the development and testing phases, we successfully integrated a GPS

module with the ESP32 microcontroller and Wi-Fi connectivity, creating a robust

communication channel that allows the system to send immediate alerts via the

Telegram application, along with precise location data. This integration ensures

that in the unfortunate event of an accident or crash, vital information can be rapidly

shared with emergency services or concerned parties, potentially saving lives.

Our system's reliable accident and crash detection, based on data from a

calibrated accelerometer, has been a major achievement. The integration of this

feature significantly enhances the system's effectiveness, enabling it to respond

swiftly to potentially life-threatening situations. The accelerometer, which

measures changes in velocity and can detect sudden deceleration indicative of a

collision, has been fine-tuned to minimize false alarms while maximizing detection


User-friendliness and accessibility were paramount considerations during the

system's design. The inclusion of a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) provides users

with a clear and intuitive interface to monitor the system's status and receive

important notifications. This feature is essential for building trust in the system, as

it enables users to understand how the system operates and what to expect during

various scenarios.

Despite these notable achievements, we recognize that our system may have

certain limitations, primarily relating to complex driving scenarios. Further testing

and refinement are needed to comprehensively address these limitations. While our

system excels in detecting accidents with sudden deceleration, it may encounter

challenges in scenarios with gradual deceleration or low-speed impacts. To

enhance its effectiveness in such scenarios, we plan to investigate additional

sensors and data fusion techniques, possibly incorporating machine learning

algorithms to differentiate between accident types more accurately.

5.2 Future Work

To further enhance our system, our future work will concentrate on refining

our accident detection algorithms, possibly incorporating advanced machine

learning techniques. We will explore real-time monitoring and reporting

capabilities, ensuring quicker emergency response times. Implementing data

logging and analysis will enable post-incident reviews for continuous system

improvement. We will also integrate redundancy mechanisms to ensure system

reliability, providing a backup

communication channel.

Additionally, we will focus on optimizing power efficiency to extend the

system's battery life, making it suitable for remote locations or areas with limited

power sources. We plan to develop a companion mobile app to enhance user

interaction and system configuration. Seeking user feedback, ensuring regulatory

compliance, and conducting thorough testing in diverse environments will be our

top priorities to make our system more robust and reliable for widespread


It's worth noting that the choice of using a GSM module and Arduino Uno,

rather than the ESP32 with Wi-Fi, could be a valid alternative for scenarios with

limited or no internet connectivity. This configuration would allow for SMS-based

communication, which doesn't rely on an active internet connection, potentially

overcoming delays in sending crash alerts in areas with poor or no internet access.

This adaptation could be particularly valuable in remote or less-connected region.

5.3 Impact on Environment and Sustainability

This subchapter will summarize the main points and findings related to the

"Environmental Impact and Sustainability". It involves explaining how the project

affects the natural environment and is consistent with the principles of

sustainability. The description takes into account environmental factors such as

energy consumption, emissions, waste generation and resource use. It also

examines how the project contributes positively to the goals of environmental

preservation and sustainability.

The development and implementation of the Accident Alert and Crash

Detection System present a unique opportunity to consider its impact on the

environment and sustainability. While the primary goal of the system is to enhance

road safety and emergency response, we must also assess its implications for the

natural environment and its alignment with sustainability principles.

1. Energy Efficiency: The system's energy consumption is a critical factor

to consider. To minimize its impact on vehicle batteries and overall energy use, we

are actively working on optimizing power management and exploring low-power

components. By extending battery life and promoting energy efficiency, we aim to

reduce the environmental footprint associated with the system's operation.

2. Emissions Reduction: Although the system itself does not emit

pollutants, its potential to contribute to emissions reduction indirectly should not

be overlooked. Swift accident detection and emergency response can lead to

reduced idling times, thereby lowering vehicle emissions associated with

prolonged engine running.

3. Resource Efficiency: To promote resource efficiency, we are exploring

options for sourcing materials and components with minimal environmental

impact. Additionally, our focus on software improvements, such as more advanced

accident detection algorithms, aims to maximize the system's effectiveness without

requiring additional physical resources.

4. Positive Contribution to Sustainability: The Accident Alert and Crash

Detection System make a positive contribution to sustainability by potentially

reducing the severity of accidents and their associated environmental impacts. By

facilitating quicker emergency response and potentially saving lives, the system

aligns with broader sustainability goals related to human well-being and safety.




[2] C. K. Gomathy, K. Rohan, B. Mani Kiran Reddy, V. Geetha, and -Assistant




AND ALERT SYSTEM.” [Online]. Available:

[3] “Arduino Uno The Arduino UNO is a widely used open-source... | Download

Scientific Diagram.” Accessed: Feb. 10, 2023. [Online]. Available:


[4] “Standard LCD 16x2 Display - Thingbits Electronics.” Accessed: Feb. 10, 2023.

[Online]. Available:

[5] “Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) with Arduino | Arduino Documentation | Arduino

Documentation.” Accessed: Feb. 10, 2023. [Online]. Available:


Code for Arduino IDE.


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