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RSG-SU-GDL-0001 | Revision 00 | 16 Nov 2022

Revision History
Rev. Date Details of Revision Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By

RSG level documents, Alek Zivkovic

00 07-Apr-2022 superseded previous revision Suresh Kumar David Mckenna Raed Albasseet
of TRSDC & AMAALA guidelines Perumal


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ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS.............................................................................................................................................................. 4

DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5

1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Control and Distribution ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Sustainability Vision .............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.4 Sustainability Accreditation Management Strategy (SAMS) Purpose ............................................................................................. 7

2 SUSTAINABILITY FRAMEWORK .......................................................................................................................................................... 9

2.1 Sustainability Framework Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Sustainability Framework Structure ................................................................................................................................................... 9

3 GREEN CERTIFICATION ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10

3.1 Overview ..............................................................................................................................................................................................10
3.2 Potential for LEED Platinum ...............................................................................................................................................................10
3.3 Managing the Approach to LEED Certification ................................................................................................................................11
3.4 Design and Construction – Green Certification Requirements .....................................................................................................11
3.4.1 Buildings ..............................................................................................................................................................................................11
3.4.2 Golf Courses, Beaches and Marinas .................................................................................................................................................11
3.4.3 Masterplan(s) .......................................................................................................................................................................................12
3.4.4 Infrastructure ......................................................................................................................................................................................12
3.5 Construction and Sustainability Management Requirements.......................................................................................................13
3.6 Operations – Green Certificate Requirements .............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.7 Green Certificate Requirements – Summary ...................................................................................................................................14
3.8 Asset List Green Certifications ...........................................................................................................................................................15

4 SUSTAINABILITY IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (SIP) ........................................................................................................................... 16

4.1 Overview ..............................................................................................................................................................................................16

5 SUSTAINABILITY ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES .......................................................................................................................... 17

5.1 Sustainability Roles and Responsibilities .........................................................................................................................................17
5.2 Communication Protocol ...................................................................................................................................................................18

6 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
6.1 Processes .............................................................................................................................................................................................19
6.2 Forms and Templates .........................................................................................................................................................................19
6.3 Supporting Documents ......................................................................................................................................................................19


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Term Expansion

CDP disclosure Carbon Disclosure Project

CESMP Construction Environmental and Social Management Plan

CMP Concept Master Planning

DMP Detailed Master Planning

DoA Delegation of Authority

EA Environmental Assessment

EHS Environmental, Health and Safety

ESG Environmental, Social and Governance

ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

ESMS Environmental and Social Management System

GBCI Green Business Certification Inc.

GRESB Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark

GRI Global Reporting Initiative

GSAS Global Sustainability Assessment System

IgCC International Green Construction Code

KPIs Key Performance Indicators

LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

LEED BD +C LEED Building Design and Construction

MEM Monthly Environmental Metrics

NGOs Non-governmental Organizations or Non-government Organizations

OESMP Operations Environmental and Social Management Plan

PMIS Program Management Information System

RSG Red Sea Global

SBC Saudi Building Code

SEZ Special Economic Zone

SPMS Sustainability Performance Management System

SIP Sustainability Implementation Plan

TCFD Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures

TRSDC The Red Sea Development Company

TRSP The Red Sea Project

USGBC United State Green Building Council


Rev. 00, Dec 15 2022 Page | 4
Term Definition

The party that provides engineering-related services such as design, supervision,

execution, repair, operations, maintenance, technology, creation of drawings and
specifications, and makes recommendations to the Employer. Also, any party that
provides Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) services.

The CDP is an international non-profit organization based in the United Kingdom,

CDP Disclosure Germany and the United States of America that helps companies and cities disclose
their environmental impact.

Circulytics is a digital measuring tool that provides companies with a comprehensive

report of circularity across its entire operations.

A professional organization that is in contract with a client or its consultant to carry

Contractor out the works pertaining to the design, engineering, procurement, construction,
commissioning, and/or management of a project.

Any official documents related to the project such as memos, minutes of meetings,
plans, and reports.

Enablon, a cloud-based software, is the leading provider of integrated risk

Enablon System management, operational risk management, EHS and sustainability software

The surroundings in which an organization operates, and people, animals and

plants live in, including air, water, and land.

An Environment and Social Impact Assessment analyzes the environmental and

social effects (positive and negative) of a human activity, plan, policy, program, or
Environmental and Social Impact actual projects prior to their implementation. In this context, the term ESIA is used
Assessment when applied to actual projects by individuals or companies. ESIAs may be governed
by rules or administrative procedures regarding public participation and
documentation of decision-making and may be subject to judicial review.

An element of office activities, products, or services that can interact with the
Environmental Aspect environment; this interaction may create an issue or concern that requires
procedures to minimize the effect.

Any change to the environment baseline conditions, whether adverse or beneficial,

Environmental Impact
wholly, or partially, resulting from facility activities, products, or services.

The measurable results of an organization’s management of its environmental

Environmental Performance

Promotes and supports the flow of financial instruments and related services
Green Finance Framework towards the development and implementation of sustainable business models,
investments, trade, economic, environmental, and social projects, and policies.

The GRESB Real Estate Assessment is the investor driven global ESG benchmark and
GRESB Assessment reporting framework for listed property companies, private property funds,
developers and investors that invest directly in real estate.

The Global Reporting Initiative is an international independent standards

organization that helps businesses, governments and other organizations
understand and communicate their impacts on issues such as climate change,
human rights, and corruption.

An indicator is a “measurable representation”. It is used to indicator measure the

status or condition of an operation or an activity. Ianthe context of this standard,
indicators can be used to quantify and evaluate environmental performance. They
Indicator can be used to measure how much success you’ve had and how much progress
you’ve made relative to the environmental objectives you wish to achieve and the
environmental policy you wish to implement. Indicators can also be used to monitor
trends and to support decision making.


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Term Definition

A voluntary, consensus-based, market-driven program that provides third-party

Leadership in Energy and Environmental
verification of green buildings administered by the United States Green Building
Design (LEED®)

The term performance refers to a measurable result. It refers to the measurable

results that activities, processes, products, services, systems, and organizations can
achieve. So, whenever processes, products, services, systems, or organizations
perform well it means that acceptable results are being achieved.

The software tool for the implementation of associated processes and procedures to
Program Management Information
manage the exchange of correspondence, document approvals, version control and
retention of project documents.

The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) is a joint initiative by CDP, the UN Global
Compact (UNGC), the World Resources Institute (WRI) and WWF. Science-based
SBT initiative (SBTi) targets show companies how much and how quickly they need to reduce their
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to prevent the worst effects of climate change.
SBTi covers includes a global standard for corporate net-zero targets.

A set of employer’s minimum requirements collectively referred to as our

‘Sustainability Implementation Plan’ (SIP). SIP requirements consist of compliance
SIP (Sustainability Implementation Plan) with Saudi Green Building Code (SGBC), International Green Construction Code
(IGCC 2018) and other bespoke requirements that complements RSG environment &
sustainability policies and their related principles.

The capacity of an activity or solution to endure, whether in the form of the

Sustainability environment, the enterprise, the people, or the capability to replicate the activity or

The Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) is an organization

that was established in December of 2015 with the goal of developing a set of
TCFD Framework voluntary climate-related financial risk disclosures which can be adopted by
companies so that those companies can inform investors and other members of the
public about the risks they face related to climate change.

United States Green Building Council A U.S.-based non-profit organization that promotes sustainability in building design,
(USGBC) construction, and operation.


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1.1 Introduction
Red Sea Global, a Saudi Public Investment Fund (PIF) company is developing large scale, hyper-luxury tourist destinations
across a number of inland, coastal and island locations along the West coast of Saudi Arabia. The Red Sea Project (RSP) and
AMAALA have an aligned Sustainability Framework, based around achieving ambitious sustainability accreditation goals
outlined herein.

RSG has become a GRESB partner since 2020 (for RSP) and in 2022 our partnership with GRESB was extended to also cover
the AMAALA. GRESB (Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark) is an investor-driven assessment system to demonstrate
our ESG credentials, as well as the green building performance of our assets. Using our GRESB assessment scores, investors
will be able to accurately evaluate and compare our management and performance systems against those of our peers.
This will provide a platform for assessing any sustainability-related risks against a potential investor opportunity.

In addition, our assets will be highly rated through globally recognized green certification schemes for their design,
construction and operation. Hospitality buildings on site will aim to achieve a Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design (LEED) Gold rating with the aspiration for a LEED Platinum rating. In addition, we aim to ensure that beaches and
marinas will be designed & operated as per Blue Flag standards ( The golf courses will be designed &
operated under the GEO OnCourse scheme. The third-party verification provided by the green certification schemes will
confirm the environmentally friendly and highly sustainable approach of the assets’ development. Certain Golf course
assets on RSP Ph.1 may also consider the use of Audubon International for Golf.

The green certifications schemes and GRESB benchmarking work harmoniously in support of the sustainability strategy.
Third-party certification, benchmarking and verification together facilitate a comprehensive and transparent strategy to
provide investors, hotel operators and other stakeholders with confidence that environmental and sustainability best
practices are fully integrated into the design, construction, and operation of the development. This strategy provides a clear
roadmap for setting new standards for sustainable development within a diverse habitat and aims to position RSG as a
global sustainability leader in the leisure and hospitality sector.

The purpose of this Sustainability & Accreditation Management Strategy (SAMS) is to define the processes to be followed by
RSG to define, manage, and monitor its sustainability performance and accreditations. The SAMS provides guidance on the
plans, procedures, forms, and documentation requirements to be followed for projects delivery & operations, as well as
RSG corporate sustainability performance. These include evaluation of performance, monitoring measurable outcomes and
the necessary evaluation and analyses to ensure that corrective measures are taken in a timely manner.

1.2 Control and Distribution

This Sustainability & Accreditations Management Strategy (SAMS) Guideline is intended to be an evolving document with
additional content being added when necessary. Approved amendments shall be updated by the Group Environment and
Sustainability (GES) Division of RSG and subsequently communicated to all parties where necessary. Circulation of this
guideline and subsequent updates shall be controlled, monitored, and maintained by the Sustainability function of the GES
Division Sustainability team of RSG.

This document should be used in conjunction with the Sustainability Management Manual (RSG-SU-MNL-0001). Procedures
of this manual for sustainability accreditations should be followed. and used in conjunction with the referenced forms and
further guidance mentioned within this document.

This SAMS applies across all Red Sea Global projects, unless alternative project specific sustainability accreditations
management strategy & guidelines are agreed by GCPDO and GCESO.

1.3 Sustainability Vision

“To become the global leader in regenerative tourism and responsible property development by prioritizing people and

It is therefore an imperative for all parties involved in RSG Project(s) to try and support the sustainability agenda set out in
this Sustainability Accreditation Management Strategy SAMS (Guideline).

1.4 Sustainability Accreditation Management Strategy (SAMS) Purpose

This Sustainability Accreditation Management Strategy SAMS (Guideline) has been created to describe overall Sustainability
Management Framework; sustainability vision and key sustainability goals and targets; relevant Sustainability Management
Processes and Procedures and Sustainability Management Tools to be used across RSG. The SAMS is meant to be
instrumental in delivery of RSG Key Sustainability goals and targets and intended to set a robust framework for
sustainability implementation, delivery, and assurance.


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The SAMS is also intended to be a useful resource for RSG internal, as well as external stakeholders offering relevant guiding
principles to assist with setting individual Project(s) sustainability goals and targets, recognizing relevant and Project(s)
specific sustainability requirements, Project(s) sustainability management throughout their lifecycles, as well as efficient
delivery of relevant external Project(s) accreditation certification(s). The SAMS, although underpinned by a set of clear and
firm principles, should be considered a live document and, as such, may be subject to change as the RSG portfolio of
projects evolves.

The Sustainability Accreditation Management System (SAMS) is aligned with our accreditations strategy, which focuses on
achieving LEED Cities & Communities Certification across our overall masterplan. Accordingly, our SAMS is based on
achievement of (LEED Cities & Communities) across our masterplan and achieving at least 75% of LEED building
accreditation for Hospitality, Commercial & Residential, with remainder Mostadam or other internationally accepted
accreditations. The latter objective is consistent with our objectives to score highly under GRESB (Green Real Estate
Sustainability Benchmark).

Our accreditations strategy lists out the assets that will attempt various types of certifications for design and construction
stages, such as LEED, or Mostadam. In addition, it includes other operational asset certifications, such as: Blue Flag
[Marinas, Beaches], OnCourse [Golf Environmental Organisation - GEO], and Green Key [Hotels]) accreditations.

In the future, it is expected that our destinations will participate in any GSTC (Global Sustainable Tourism Council) ‘Eco-
tourism’ accreditation programs and any KSA Sustainability Frameworks for Tourism by the Ministry of Tourism (or others).


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2.1 Sustainability Framework Overview
RSG is aiming to be an exemplar of sustainability in all the development sectors that we operate in. To deliver its high aspirations for sustainability,
RSG have developed a regional Sustainability Framework. This framework includes a set of goals and targets for our developments.

The Red Sea Project (RSP) and AMAALA have an aligned Sustainability Framework is based on a comprehensive review of the best international
practice, latest global sustainability innovation and global leading sustainability assessment systems and is tailored to RSG’s unique context. The
Framework’s role is:
• To inform the planning, management and the evaluation of activities, in the region;
• To inform the sustainable development of RSG;
• To set meaningful, aspirational but achievable targets;
• To measure, track and document progress against these targets as the design develops;
• To identify ownership and responsibilities, as well as integrate the various project team members in such a way that allows different
disciplines to best utilize their skills to deliver against a mutually agreed common set of sustainability outcomes;
• To ensure flexibility across scales, time, and project type; and
• To ensure strong scientific evidence, innovation and the latest thinking on sustainability are adopted within RSG.

2.2 Sustainability Framework Structure

1. RSG’s Sustainability Vision –

To become the global leader in regenerative tourism and responsible property development by prioritizing people and
2. Environmental and Sustainability Policy (the Policy) – the current and official Policy applies to all RSG Projects (Policy &
associated principles are available upon request from the GES Division’s Sustainability Dept)
3. Key Sustainability Aspirational Principles – in line with our Vision and Policy, RSG has identified nine key sustainability
aspirational principles, as follows:
1. Net-Zero Carbon - an ambitious target set across the development. The NZC commitment has been aligned to
international best practice and the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol
2. Near-Zero Water Discharge to the sea
3. Zero Solid Waste to the sea and Zero Solid Waste to Landfill in Operations
4. Enhanced Energy Efficiency
5. Use of Biofuels and Green-Fuels
6. Green Certification – all projects are encouraged to pursue certification under LEED sustainability assessment
system (where possible). The following targets apply:
• Masterplan(s) – LEED Cities and Communities (N.B. AMAALA programme-wide requirement)
• Buildings – LEED v4/v4.1 minimum GOLD with aspiration for Platinum (selected assets) + SIP Buildings elsewhere
• Mosques – Mostadam Gold
• Golf Courses – GEO Foundation for Sustainable Golf
• Beaches & Marinas - The Blue Flag certification by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE)
7. Smart Site(s) Selection
8. Sustainable Procurement
9. Stakeholder Engagement Principle
4. Sustainability Implementation Plan (SIP) - as the final step in delivering sustainability assurance for non-Green Certified
assets (also see Key Sustainability Aspirational Principles above – Green Certification principle) and offers a comprehensive
set of mandatory sustainability requirements for buildings projects. For projects that may be selected to use the SIP (i.e. SIP
certification route), a project specific version of it will be issued by the GES Division’s Sustainability Dept;.

5. IgCC 2018 Mandatory Sustainability Performance Standards - to ensure that the Sustainability Vision and principles are
delivered at a project level, and complementary to the SIP, all non-Green Certified assets are required to comply with the
International Green Construction Code (IgCC) 2018 to establish a base level of sustainability. IgCC 2018 considered secondary
in importance relative to the SIP on any non-Green Certified assets (i.e. SIP requirements take precedent over IgCC 2018
requirements, should any conflict arise).

6. Sustainability Performance Management System (SPMS) - in line with our RSG Group Sustainability Strategy and Env. &
Sust. Policy, RSG has created the SPMS to support our Group or Project GRI/GRESB reporting & disclosures process. SPMS
outlines the Corporate & Project sustainability KPI’s to be reported across the 3 Pillar (Environment, Social,


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3.1 Overview
Projects are encouraged to achieve certification under LEED, Mostadam, GEO and Blue Flag, sustainability rating systems.
The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) LEED® program is the world’s certification scheme for the design, construction,
operation and maintenance of green buildings and is aligned with RSG’s aspiration to lead globally on building asset
sustainability. RSG requires healthy, efficient and robust buildings that are resilient to the considerable impacts of climate
change. LEED is an ideal framework to manage this effectively. LEED provides a platform for accountability that makes a
difference to investors and operators. LEED is a carefully managed, independent, third-party verification system by the Green
Business Certification Institute (GBCI) which will confirm the sustainability integrity of RSG at building asset level by ensuring
project teams are delivering on design plans and goals. Third-party validation guarantees that each project saves energy,
water and other resources, reducing the overall environmental impact.

Some RSG assets are located on the sea or may require seashore line interventions. Defining the project boundary is a key
element of a LEED assessment and RSG consultants must work with the GBCI to establish suitable boundaries for certification.
If not, this may mean that some project elements are not certifiable (such as sea villas or cabanas), plus certain areas built on
land reclaimed from the sea. Such non-eligible assets for LEED shall consider using Mostadam as an alternative 3 rd Party
Green Certification. Remaining assets not pursuing those external certifications (LEED/ Mostadam) are to ensure SIP

All projects are required to, at pre-concept stage, to undertake a feasibility study on the most appropriate green certification
strategy and present to the GES Division’s Sustainability Dept for review. The study should provide justification for the selected
certification system. RSG will have the ultimate decision on which certification route is to be followed.

All green certification schemes provide design and construction development frameworks within which the consultants and
contractors are driven to develop highly efficient designs to optimize and improve the use of natural resources in construction
and operation without compromising functionality, operations and performance.

In order for RSG to be a sustainability leader, high green certification ratings must be targeted. Accordingly, our aim is to
achieve as a minimum the second highest level of any targeted external green certification system, with aspirations for the
highest level. With respect to the potential for LEED Platinum, the following guidance is noted.

3.2 Potential for LEED Platinum

From late 2018, new projects can be registered under the LEED v.4.1 Beta version. The structure and the credits of the
assessment have remained the same, however there are some changes in the way the points are calculated.

The most relevant changes to LEED, which apply to all RSG projects are as follows:

• LEED v4.1 introduces a new credit, Renewable Energy, which better addresses diverse methods of renewables
procurement and evolving global renewables markets.

• LEED v4.1 directly addresses the carbon impact of a building, for the first time, as the energy metric is both cost and
greenhouse gas emissions. This can be beneficial for a RSG development when it is fully connected to the ‘net zero
carbon’ power distribution prior to the construction completion. The GBCI has confirmed that the renewable energy
systems (i.e., solar farms) supplying TRSP assets with power can be categorized as ‘Tier 1: On-site Renewables‘ as per
LEEDv4.1 (subject to conditions being met). Accordingly, when the cost and GHG emissions are considered, many of
our buildings will be eligible to achieve up to 23 points - full points in the optimise energy performance plus
renewable energy credits. Hence the potential for Platinum is high for assets on projects supplied with renewable
power under similar scenarios.

• To ensure leadership in building efficiency, the LEEDv4.1 referenced standard for energy performance is ASHRAE

• Alternatively, Engineering Team may also select ASHRAE 90.1-2010 and utilize the Tier-01 On-Site renewables in
Performance rating method to demonstrate the asset’s energy cost savings 100% with the consideration of all
applicable sections of ASHRAE 90.1- 2010 Mandatory provisions and thresholds listed in Appendix-G. The buildings
therefore must achieve at least 20% improvement in energy efficiency in comparison with ASHRAE 90.1-2010, without
consideration of the renewable energy sources.

• The Materials and Resources credits have been restructured to include options that acknowledge efforts at varying
levels, bridging the gap from where the market is currently to the goals identified in LEED v4 and carried into LEED


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Based on the above LEED v4.1 changes, RSG has requested confirmation from the GBCI that our 100% renewable energy
network at TRSP can count as ‘on-site renewable’ power for our LEED projects. This was subject to demonstrating certain
requirements and producing certain evidence from our PPP operator (e.g. Utility Concession Agreement, Supply v Demand
Energy Modelling, etc.) Effectively, this means our LEED project are fully supplied by renewable power on RSP, while we
expect this precedent to be fully applied across AMAALA after its PPP is agreed. With our buildings fully supplied by ‘on-site
renewables’, our aspirational target rating of LEED v4.1 Platinum is achievable across all our LEED Hospitality assets.

The requirements of LEED v4.1 have been reduced in number in comparison with LEED v4 and more options for
conformance are available.

RSG requests design Consultants to consider the above and the design teams to examine the possibility of achieving the
aspirational target of LEED Platinum and provide any cost and time implications.

3.3 Managing the Approach to LEED Certification

RSG is targeting LEED Platinum rating on all our Hospitality assets, while LEED Gold is accepted on our Staff Village,
Commercia or Residential assets, using both LEED v4 and v4.1, where applicable. This route requires internal management
and overview and early-stage discussions with the USGBC to facilitate the process, due to the scale and complexity of the
project certifications involved. To facilitate LEED Certification across our projects, the following steps have been taken:

• RSG appointed a team within the Sustainability Dept of the GES Division to internally manage the accreditations
process. This team has a thorough understanding and experience of LEED assessments to oversee the entire LEED
certification program.

• RSG joined the USGBC as Platinum members and is engaging with the USGBC for ongoing discussions regarding the
project strategy for LEED and the acceptance of our ‘solar farms’ as ‘Tier 1: On-site Renewables’.

The internal manager or management team should be appointed to, as a minimum:

• Register the organization as a Platinum LEED member. This will provide RSG with a full range of member benefits
including volume certification discounts as well as the benefit of having a dedicated account representative to serve as
a single point of contact to efficiently obtain any information or responses needed.

• Establish working relationships and liaise closely with USGBC throughout the LEED certification program.

• Oversee and manage the LEED certification program and act as the key contact point for all projects undergoing LEED

• Coordinate a common approach for all RSG LEED assessments in relation to the Sustainable Sites prerequisites.

By registering as a LEED Platinum member organization, RSG will have access to a dedicated account representative who
will discuss options with RSG and support them in developing the most efficient and effective certification approach for all
projects. These early discussions will assist RSG in formulating a clear certification roadmap and remove potential obstacles
for the project teams who will be ultimately responsible for the ‘live’ certification by setting out a clear LEED strategy that
the projects’ teams can follow.

3.4 Design and Construction – Green Certification Requirements

Where feasible, the highest rating should be an aspiration. The green certification schemes and the rating targets
applicable under design and construction are as follows:

3.4.1 Buildings
Where external green certifications are used for buildings projects, the Asset Developer must achieve the following
minimum certification level for the project’s selected system:

• LEED BD+C Version 4.0/4.1: Gold with aspiration for Platinum* (*all Hospitality to target Platinum); or

• Mostadam Commercial/Residential buildings 2019: Gold or higher

All non-Green Certified assets may choose to apply SIP for Buildings as applicable to the asset’s typology.

3.4.2 Golf Courses, Beaches and Marinas

Where external certification is used for golf courses, beaches and marinas, the Assets Developer must achieve the following minimum
certification level for the project’s selected system:
• Golf Courses – GEO Foundation for Sustainable Golf


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• Beaches & Marinas - The Blue Flag certification by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE)

Certain Golf course assets on TRSP Ph.1 may also consider the use of Audubon International for Golf.

3.4.3 Masterplan(s)
Where external certification is used for masterplan projects, the Master Developer must achieve the following minimum
certification level for the project’s selected system:
• LEED for Cities and Communities (selected masterplans)
LEED C&C will be awarded for the Phase 1 submission of our masterplans. The decision to submit any further phases of our
masterplans (i.e., subsequent phases) is not yet confirmed.

3.4.4 Infrastructure
No external green certifications are proposed for infrastructure projects. Such projects must comply with all conditions of
environmental permits and mitigation measures proposed in their Environmental Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs).

Project teams from Project Delivery Division shall consult with Env & Sustainability Division’s Sustainability Accreditations Dept to
review, finalise and approve the ‘Employers Requirements’ and associated Annexures for issue to any designers on all LEED or
Mostadam related construction packages.

Refer to the Design Stage Delivery Model below for further details, as well as Section 7 with Roles & Responsibilities.

Figure 1: Design Stage Delivery Model


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3.5 Construction and Sustainability Management Requirements
Refer to Annexure 7 of the Employer’s Requirements containing LEED or Mostadam Sustainability Design & Construction
Guidelines, as well as the RSG Sustainability Management Plan (SMP) template (document ref. RSG-SU-TMP-011) for relevant
Contractor’s construction stage sustainability scope and requirements. Requirements set out in these documents must be
complied with by Contractors, as well as other requirements contained in the design and specifications.

Project teams from Project Delivery Division shall consult with Env & Sustainability Division’s Sustainability Accreditations Dept
to review, finalise and approve the ‘Employers Requirements’ and associated Annexures for issue to any Contractors and
Construction Supervision Consultants on all LEED or Mostadam related construction packages.

Refer to the Construction Stage Delivery Model below for further details, as well as Section 7 with Roles & Responsibilities.

Figure 2: Construction Stage Delivery Model

3.6 Operations – Green Certificate Requirements

For operational performance, Hospitality Department shall recommend Operators to pursue an external certification system relevant
to the project typology and scale. GES Department shall act only in facilitator capacity. Appropriate certification schemes for operational
performance include, but are not limited to:
a. Green Key – e.g. Hotels
b. GEO Foundation – e.g. Golf Courses

c. Blue Flag – e.g. Beaches & Marinas

d. LEED Zero


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3.7 Green Certificate Requirements – Summary
The table below provides a summary of our Green Certification requirements across various asset types and should be read in
conjunction with the current list of green certifications in RSG-SU-GDL-0003 SAMS.



Residential SBC + IgCC 2018 LEED v4.1 Residential / Mostadam

Hospitality LEED BD+C v4.0/4.1 Gold with aspiration for
SBC + IgCC 2018 Green Key/ LEED Zero
and anchor Platinum

Precincts (or Hospitality Mostadam Commercial Gold with aspiration
SBC + IgCC 2018 Green Key / LEED Zero
Districts on RSG and anchor for Diamond
projects) tenants

Mosques SBC + IgCC 2018 SIP Building TBC

Golf Course SBC + IgCC 2018 GEO Foundation

Marina and
SBC + IgCC 2018 - Blue Flag by FEE

Residential –
LEED v4.1 Residential / Mostadam Residential
Selected SBC + IgCC 2018 Green Key / LEED Zero
/ Mostadam Commercial/ SIP Buildings
Civic and
ancillary LEED v4/4.1 BD+C -NC /Mostadam
SBC + IgCC 2018 TBC
buildings – Commercial /SIP Buildings
Staff Village selected

Mosques SBC + IgCC 2018 SIP Building TBC

Beaches SBC + IgCC 2018 - Blue Flag by FEE

LEED BD+C v4.0/4.1 Gold with aspiration for Airport Carbon Accreditation /
Regional (terminal SBC + IgCC 2018
Platinum LEED Zero
Infrastructure buildings)
SBC + IgCC 2018 - TBC

Figure 3: Green Certification requirements summary


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3.8 Asset List Green Certifications
For project specific list of assets to be green certified, refer to RSG-SU-GDL-0003 SAMS Asset List of Green Certifications. This
document is updated periodically in order to maintain a list of all the accreditations we are targeting. It denotes the status,
i.e. what certification are registered/ design submissions completed / construction submissions completed / awarded. It
contains separate sections for each project of the group.


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4.1 Overview
Sustainability Implementation Plan (SIP) which is a set of world-leading sustainability requirements which is meant to be
used to complement Green Certification across our portfolio of projects. This section provides an overview of its elements
and benefits for our projects. The SIP is structured around the Key Sustainability Assurance Principles and is to be applied at
a project level. Figure 2 below provides an overview of the SIP and its wider Sustainability Framework context

The SIP provides a comprehensive set of mandatory sustainability performance requirements for all projects not pursuing
(external) Green Rating System Certification. These performance requirements have been developed based on the Policy
and all allied sustainability principles and design guidelines, and a review of leading sustainability rating systems, the latest
innovations in global sustainability and our unique context and sustainability ambitions. Importantly the requirements have
been designed to be practical and realistically achievable for all projects whilst helping them to focus on sustainable
performance outcomes. Achieving the mandatory requirements outlined in the SIP will provide a level of sustainability
performance that is commensurate with a high level of certification within leading sustainability rating systems.

Mandatory compliance with International Green Building Code (IgCC) 2018 standards still applies to all non-Green Certified
projects and should be considered as an ultimate backstop to SIP.

Specific assets requiring (external) Green Certification are listed in RSG-SU-GDL-0003 SAMS.

Figure 4: SIP and its wider Sustainability Framework context

• SIP Progress Tracker – for projects following the SIP certification route, a bespoke version of the SIP will be issued in spreadsheet
formal (MS Excel). This spreadsheet shall be adapted to meet the specific requirements of the project. It will also incorporate
interactive tools to help project teams and RSG to keep track of progress against each of the sustainability requirements and
associated targets. The SIP Tracker to be issued by GES Division Sustainability Dept shall assist with achieving the fully integrated
design under Integrated Design Process (IDP) and meeting our Sustainability Framework goals on projects that are not targeting
green certifications (LEED or Mostadam).


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5.1 Sustainability Roles and Responsibilities
The table below outlines the sustainability roles and responsibilities of relevant project team members.

The Client Appointed Sustainability Consultant (CASC) roles and responsibilities have been identified to help streamline the
process and ensure efficient delivery of relevant sustainability goals and targets.

The responsibilities of the Design Consultant (DC) team members are mainly linked to the delivery of LEED or Mostadam
compliance as well as meeting other and overarching sustainability goals and targets of the sustainability framework.

The role of our Project Delivery department is mainly related to projects achieving their accreditations targets (EPMO Ref: D3,
D6 and C9) in accordance with the Shared KPI Responsibility Matrix (RSG-SU-GDL-0004).

Role Responsibility

During Construction stages, Director of Sustainability Accreditations shall assign Associate Directors and Senior
Managers to manage the sustainability accreditations for each LEED or Mostadam asset. In summary, the
Sustainability Accreditations team from the Env & Sust. Division covers the following:
Facilitate procurement of Client Appointed Sustainability Consultants (CASC) and monitor their
performance, identify areas of unsatisfactory performance, and ensure potential performance
improvement opportunities are capitalized upon
Oversee and ensure that detailed review & comments is provided on designers, contractors, and
service provider documentation at all stages of the project from initial design to implementation to
ensure that all efforts are aligned, and projects are compliant with sustainability standards and overall
sustainability accreditation objectives
Director –
Sustainability Coordinate with Project Delivery to ensure sustainability requirements incorporated into Contractor
Accreditations Employers Requirements, as well as the Employers Requirements of the Construction Supervision
Monitor the progress and completion of projects throughout their development life cycle to ensure
that sustainability accreditations are maintained throughout the project
Set up KPIs for each Design Package Lead and evaluate their performance according to their assigned
assets in terms of cost, time, and quality
Coordinate development and construction stage review & approval of LEED or Mostadam related
submissions and complete any workflows assigned
Issue any non-compliance or warnings to the Contractors, with respect to LEED, based on the CASC
Audits and Monthly Progress reports

During Construction stages, sustainability consultants shall be appointed by the Client from a Framework
Consultancy Agreement (i.e. CASC). In summary, these CASC consultants shall carry out the following activities
(inter alia):
Review monthly progress reports from the Contractors of packages with LEED or Mostadam
Client Appointed
Review contractor’s material submittals related to LEED or Mostadam
Consultant Review LEED (or Sustainability) Management Plans (e.g. Erosion, Sedimentation Control, Construction
Indoor Air Quality, Construction Waste Management, etc.).
Facilitate quarterly site Audits and a LEED Site Audit Report on a quarterly basis and coordinating with
contractors to gather required evidence before, during and after any quarterly LEED audits.
Provide monthly progress reports to be reviewed by the Project Delivery project team and the Env +
Sust. Division’s Sustainability Accreditation Dept.


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During Construction stages, suitably qualified and experienced in LEED ‘Sustainability Champions’ shall be
appointed by each Contractor to coordinate amongst the Contractor’s team and other stakeholders and
ensure/verify that the various targeted LEED Credit’ requirements are met. In summary, the Sustainability
Champion on each package shall carry out the following activities (inter alia):
Contractor’s • Prepare and issue contractor’s LEED (or Mostadam) Sustainability Management Plans, during
Sustainability mobilisation and submit for approval by CASC and Client’s Sustainability Accreditations Dept.
Champion • Manage & control day-to-day compliance with targeted LEED credits assigned to the Contractor

(From each • Manage & control any specialists to provide necessary reports, calculations, drawings or simulations
package related • Prepare and issue monthly progress reports from the Contractors outlining progress towards or
to LEED or compliance with LEED or Mostadam requirements,
Mostadam) • Prepare and issue contractor’s material submittals related to LEED or Mostadam, including any Green
Material Forms summarizing key LEED related information & indexing where it can be found (Page,
Appendix, etc.)
• Coordinate with the CASC and the Construction Supervision Consultant on any LEED or Mostadam
related credits and any audits or inspections or site-visits scheduled.

During Construction stages, the Construction Supervision Consultant (CSC) shall assign a focal point to
coordinate with the Contractor’s Sustainability Champions, the CASC and the Client’s Sustainability
Accreditations Dept. In summary, the CSC shall carry out the following activities (inter alia):
• Review and approve contractor’s material submittals related to LEED or Mostadam
Construction • Coordinate with the CASC and the Client’s Sustainability Accreditation Dept. on review of material
Supervision submittals related to any LEED or Mostadam related credits,
• Coordinate with the CASC and the Client’s Sustainability Accreditation Dept. to arrange any meetings
with any of the Contractor’s Sustainability Champions to resolve or follow up on LEED or Mostadam
issues, including issuance of meeting minutes
• Facilitate any LEED or Mostadam quarterly site audits, monthly progress inspections or site-visits
scheduled by the CASC and the Client’s Sustainability Accreditation Dept.

5.2 Communication Protocol

Communication on sustainability must be clear, concise, recorded, distributed and confirmed as received, by all those
affected/involved in the content of the communication. RSG has developed and is utilizing a Program Management
Information System (PMIS). Our PMIS electronic platform (ACONEX) is essential to enable online collaboration and
document management for RSG using a secure suite of interactive web-based tools.

Communications will be through formalized channels through ACONEX platform. Appropriate records will be maintained to
ensure that there is an auditable trail for the decision making and information management processes. All records will be
maintained within the project filing structure on ACONEX. Refer to Program Document Management System Manual for all
details on project correspondence and document numbering.

All sustainability formal correspondence shall be transmitted to project stakeholders are per the table below. The
communication protocol shall ensure that the GES Division’s Sustainability Dept representative assigned to the project is
informed of all formal and informal communications with Green Rating System Authorities made by the employers

Communications protocols shall factor in the ‘Shared KPI Responsibility Matrix Sustainability Accreditations’ in RSG-SU-GDL-


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6.1 Processes

Description Reference No.

Refer to earlier Sections 5 (Green Certifications) Section 5

Refer to earlier Sections 6 (SIP) Section 6

6.2 Forms and Templates

Description Reference No.

(Accreditations) Green Certification Route: Relevant forms & templates to be obtained from external accreditation bodies behind
LEED, Mostadam, GEO, or other bodies. Check relevant forms.
(Accreditations) SIP Certification Route: Relevant forms & templates to be obtained from GES Division – Sustainability
Departments. Such tools and templates are provided as a courtesy, to designers and contractors for their use on our projects –
subject to being requested from GES Division Sustainability Dept.

Contractor’s Sustainability Management Plan template (to be provided by Sustainability Accreditations Dept.)

Client Sustainability Consultant’s Monthly Progress Report template (to be provided by Sustainability Accreditations Dept.)

6.3 Supporting Documents

Description Reference No.

Environment and Sustainability Policy RSG-SU-PLC-0001

Environment and Sustainability Principles RSG-SU-GDL-0005
Sustainability Management (SM) Manual RSG-SU-MNL-0003
Sustainability Performance Management System (SPMS) RSG-SU-GDL-0002
SAMS - Asset List Green Certifications RSG-SU-GDL-0003
Shared KPI Responsibility Matrix Sustainability Accreditations RSG-SU-GDL-0004

RSG Sustainability Strategy RSG-SU-GDL-0006


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