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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 14–37

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Hybrid power sources (HPSs) for space applications: Analysis of PEMFC/ T

Battery/SMES HPS under unknown load containing pulses

Nicu Bizona,b,
University of Pitesti, Faculty of Electronics, Communications and Computers Science, 1 Targu din Vale, 110040 Pitesti, Arges, Romania
University Politehnica of Bucharest, Doctoral School, Bucharest, Romania


Keywords: This study presents a brief review of Hybrid Power Sources (HPSs) for space applications to compare the results
Space technology obtained for a HPS under unknown load containing pulses. The reliable technologies for energy sources and
Solar energy Energy Storage Systems (ESS) that can operate safety in extreme environments (very low temperature, intense
Fuel Cell radiation environments etc.) and under dynamic load demand (including load pulses) are compared based on the
targets for power and energy density, efficiency, and lifetime. The pros and cons for HPS architectures and ESS
Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage
topologies proposed in the literature are discussed in frame of optimization of the whole system. Two new
Optimization optimization strategies were proposed to optimally operate the Fuel Cell (FC) system based on two control loops
implemented based on the global optimization control of the boost DC-DC converter and the load-following
control of the fuel flow rate or of the air flow rate. The comparative study performed (under constant load,
dynamic load, and variable PV power) points out the advantages of one of the proposed optimization strategy in
all performance indicators. For example, the gaps compared with the reference strategy are of 1.88%, 13.61 W/
lpm, and 293 lpm for FC system efficiency, fuel consumption efficiency, and fuel economy, if the maximum load
is considered. Also, different control methods are proposed at the ESS side to mitigate the load pulses (protecting
the FC system) and regulate the DC voltage. The results obtained in this paper are discussed related to other ESS
hybridizations and control solutions reported in the literature.

1. Introduction high-speed Fly-Wheels (FWs), were considered to design the ESS for
load pulses [2].
It is well known that the requirements and constraints for gen- In recent decades, the Proton Exchange Membrane FC (PEMFC)
erating and storing energy are very specific for space applications due gained the competition with other FC types to be used into AES for
to environmental conditions and profile requested for load demand. In terrestrial and space applications [3]. Thus, NASA is considering up-
general, the load demand is unknown and has a sharp profile containing grading the existing alkaline FC units with PEMFC units or Regenerative
load steps and pulses. Furthermore, the energy must be available during Fuel Cells (RFCs) [4]. The latter were further developed for high alti-
the eclipse phases in orbits or on surfaces. Thus, an Energy Storage tude and space missions in the Low Emissions Alternative Power Project
System (ESS) (e.g. energy and power storage devices) and Auxiliary [5]. Fuel cells have been used starting with human space missions such
Energy System (AES) (e.g. regenerative Fuel Cells (FC)) are necessary as Gemini, Centaur, Apollo, and the space shuttles and lunar vehicles
[1]. Also, different power storage technologies, such as ultracapacitors [6], so NASA has gained large expertize in the safe and effective
(UCs), Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) devices, and handling of hydrogen for its optimal use in PEMFC systems. Note that

Abbreviations: AES, Auxiliary Energy System; AirFr, Air Flow rate; AFC, Alkaline Fuel Cell; AV, Average Value; BMS, Battery Management System; BTS, Base
Transceiver Stations; BoP, Balance-of-Plant; BPF, Band-Pass Filter; DBPFC, Direct borohydride–hydrogen peroxide fuel cell; DOD, Depth of Discharge; DRFC, Discrete
Regenerative Fuel Cell; EFSS, Energy Flow Split Strategies; ES, Extremum Seeking; ESS, Energy Storage System; FC, Fuel Cell; FCHPS, Fuel Cell Hybrid Power System;
FW, Flywheel; Fueleff, Fuel consumption efficiency; FuelFr, Fuel Flow rate; GES, Global Extremum Seeking; HF, High frequency; HPF, High-Pass Filter; LC, Load
Cycle; LSS, Life Support System; LF, Low Frequency; LFW, Load-Following; LPF, Low-Pass Filter; PCS, Power Condition System; PEM, Proton Exchange Membrane;
PEMFC, Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell; PMAD, Power Management And Distribution; PV, Photovoltaic; PWM, Pulse Width Modulation; RFC, Regenerative
Fuel Cell; RES, Renewable Energy Source; RTO, Real-Time Optimization; SMES, Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage; SOC, State-of-Charge; SOFC, Solid Oxide
Fuel Cell; sFF, Static Feed-Forward; FuelT, Total fuel consumption; UC, ultracapacitors; URFC, Unitized Regenerative Fuel Cell; ηsys, FC system efficiency

Correspondence address: University of Pitesti, Faculty of Electronics, Communications and Computers Science, 1 Targu din Vale, 110040 Pitesti, Arges, Romania.
E-mail address:

1364-0321/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

N. Bizon Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 14–37

these past applications were all nonregenerative and request enough Seeking (GES) control of the DC-DC converter (of boost type) and the
fuel in cryogenic tanks to support the entire spatial mission because the load-following (LFW) control of the fuel flow rate (FuelFr) or of the air
hydrogen production in space is not yet possible. Thus, besides the flow rate (AirFr); (iv) a comparative study of the two proposed opti-
developing the RFC systems, the components integration durability and mization strategies for HPS under unknown load is performed in com-
reliability of PEMFC system was continuously improved [7], resulting parison with a reference strategy; (v) two new current-mode control
in IEC standards for safety use of stationary [8] and portable [9] FC methods are proposed on the SMES side to mitigate the load pulses,
power systems, and for performance indicators as well [10]. protecting the PEMFC system; (vi) a comparative study of the methods
The RFC is a single system that can either work in electrolyser mode for DC voltage regulation is performed by analyzing where is best to
or FC mode. Two RFC types were developed: discrete RFC (DRFC) and correct the reference current; three cases were considered, with voltage
unitized RFC (URFC) [11]. In a DRFC system, two separate devices are regulation implemented on the control of the backup energy source (the
initially used for power generation and electrolysis process and these PEMFC system), the energy storage device (the battery), or the power
were integrated in one system for aerospace applications [12]. A URFC storage device.
is a single device that can operate in FC-mode and electrolyser-mode, The structure of the paper is presented as follows.
ensuring the dual functions of electricity and hydrogen generation [13]. Section 2 is dedicated to HPS design requirements and challenging
So, URFC systems have a reduced mass and volume in comparison with targets (Section 2.1), power generation subsystems (Section 2.2), load
DRFC systems, having huge potential to be used in ESSs for different estimation (Section 2.3), and hybrid ESS topologies and technologies
terrestrial and space applications [14]. The overview on the URFC usually used for space applications (Section 2.4). The Alkaline FC
technology, including the main technical issues (such as a lack of op- (AFC), Solid Oxide FC (SOFC), PEMFC, and PV technologies (which can
erating experience at high efficiency of kW scaled URFC stacks) and the operate in low-intensity and low temperature conditions with high ef-
solutions to overcome them are shown in [14]. The study presented in ficiency) were briefly presented as potential energy sources based on
[14] have shown comparable efficiency for URFC with specialized de- the targets for power and energy density, efficiency, and lifetime. The
vices such as PEM electrolyser and PEMFC, but the URFC efficiency for ESS hybridization using energy storage devices (such as batteries, RFC,
the FC mode requires improvements by taking into account the Balance- and FW) and power storage devices (such as capacitors, UCs, SMESs,
of-Plant (BoP) energy consumption. and high speed FW) in active or semi-active topologies is briefly ana-
Space Hybrid Power Sources (HPS) use different converters to lyzed in Section 2.4. The challenging objectives for Power Management
convert the energy flow according to load demand [16,17]. So, it is And Distribution (PMAD) are highlighted in Section 2.5.
important to develop reliable and effective HPS architectures by mod- Section 3 is dedicated to RES/PEMFC/ESS Hybrid Power Source
eling and simulation of these HPSs during the design and testing phase proposed here and the first subsection presents the HPS architecture
[18,19]. and modeling. The power on-board needed for a space application is
HPSs for space applications (such as spacecrafts, spatial vehicles, arguably one of the key design requirements, so this is carefully ap-
communication satellites, Life Support Systems (LSSs), extravehicular proached in Section 3.2 to design appropriately the need of energy from
space suit LSS etc.) are designed to comply with specific mission re- the energy sources and ESS. Control of the battery/ SMES hybrid ESS is
quirements such as required service lifetime, restrictions imposed by performed in Section 3.3 using a dynamic profile for load demand.
distance and trajectory, dynamic profile of the load demand, the level The optimization of the RES/PEMFC/ESS Hybrid Power Source is
of reliability and redundancy imposed, the range of operating tem- analyzed in Section 4 (in first three subsections using constant load,
perature, the size and weight limits, the overall cost, etc., which all are dynamic load, and variable RES power). The performance indicators,
finally the design parameters of an HPS [15,20–23]. such as the total fuel consumption (FuelT), the fuel consumption effi-
As spatial HPS projects are always faced with size and weight ciency (Fueleff ≅ PFCnet / FuelFr), and the FC system efficiency (ηsys), are
constraints, energy and power density are essential parameters for evaluated for both optimization strategies proposed here and compared
choosing the ESS devices by integrating different technologies [23,24]. with the static Feed-Forward (sFF) control (which is considered as re-
For example, a portable LSS for astronauts combining cooling and ference). The behavior of the hybrid ESS is analyzed in the subsection
power functions with the metal-hydride, fuel cell and absorption chiller 4.4 using different scenarios (with dynamic load, with load pulsed, and
is proposed in [24]. The new LSSs provide improved safety by im- with/without RES) and the results obtained are discussed in subsection
proving the management of residual water and reducing in the same 4.5. The Conclusion section ends the paper.
time the hydrogen storage tank [23,24]. Thus, both energy generation
and drinking water production processes were improved.
If Renewable Energy Sources (RES) such as photovoltaic (PV) or 2. Hybrid power sources (HPSs) for space applications
wind energy are available, these will be used to recharge the ESS. Space
applications are ultimate test for RES/PEMFC/ESS HPSs because here HPSs must be accommodated in the narrow space of spacecraft
the load profile is unknown [15,25], containing sharp load levels and power system or communication satellite in order to provide required
pulses, including HPSs for communication satellites [26,27] and their power on the DC bus by using both energy and power storage devices to
Base Transceiver Stations (BTS) [28]. Thus, in this study, besides a brief compensate the power flow balance [29–32].
review of HPS architecture for space applications, it is proposed a RES/ In first space applications, both primary (one discharge) and sec-
PEMFC/ESS HPS under unknown load profile with pulses. ondary (rechargeable) batteries have been used for ESS [15,25].
This study proposes a PV/PEMFC/ESS HPS architecture that could The power system consisting from power generation sources, ESS,
be optimal solution for terrestrial autonomous applications and could and PMAD unit requires further technological improvements to comply
meet most of the requirements for space missions. with requirements of a space mission, which are as follows [32]: to
The main objectives and the novelty of this study are mentioned produce power systems with considerable mass and volume cuts, to
below as follows: (i) a brief review of recent proposals related to HPSs have higher efficiency in large temperature range, and to operate in
for space applications under unknown load in order to compare the extreme environments (very low temperature, intense radiation etc.).
results obtained for HPS proposed in this paper; (ii) a brief review of the For example, the architecture of PV/PEMFC/ESS HPS with semi-
potential energy storage devices and advanced power topologies in active ESS topology (where only power storage device is interfaced with
order to highlight the pros and cons of the ESSs reliable for space ap- the DC bus using a DC-DC bidirectional converter) is shown in Fig. 1. If
plications under load pulses; (iii) two new optimization strategies have both power and energy devices are interfaced with the DC bus using a
been proposed to operate the PEMFC system at the optimal point by DC-DC bidirectional converter, then the PV/PEMFC/ESS HPS with ac-
using the feedback loops implemented based on the Global Extremum tive ESS topologies is obtained (see Fig. 2) [33].

N. Bizon Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 14–37

2.1. HPS design requirements and challenging targets

HPSs are necessary for anything that requires power in missions of

space exploration, such as spacecraft, launch vehicles, landers, rovers,
LSSs, and measurement and communication equipment. For example,
the actual HPSs represents up to one third from the spacecraft's mass.
So, HPS miniaturization based on new HPS architectures is a design
goal that will improve the landing impact, increase the available space
for crew, equipment and samples, and enable the large scale use of
nanosatellites and small planetary probes as well.
Thus, HPS capability must be from tens of watts (W) to MW in order
to cover all range of space applications, but with a specific mass per
energy up to tens of kg/kWe as a challenging target. This means high
power density for actual technologies (higher than 1 kWe/kg or
3600 Wh/kg), but higher for far-term advanced technologies (when the
power density could achieving tens of kWe / kg).
Because the HPS architecture includes power generation units, ESS,
and PMAD unit, it is necessary to use efficient power converters (with
efficiency greater than 95%), and optimal energy management based on
intelligent and adaptive control loops. The challenging goals for power
converters of tens of kW are as follows: power density higher than
500 W/kg and at least 96% efficiency.
Furthermore, HPS must operate safety up to 300 °C and tolerate the
Jovian radiation levels as challenging goals for safe operation in deep
space or difficult environments of planets.
The hybridization of all subsystems is mandatory to take the ad-
vantages of different available technologies (the mature technologies or
in the testing phase), but the HPS cost must be kept within rational
limits that will further ensure an affordable life cycle requested by
specific mission.
Also, safety and reliability of the HPS must be maintained high by
Fig. 1. PV/PEMFC/ESS HPS with semi-active ESS topology.
integrating new technologies and materials. The selection of them must
comply with above mentioned requirements, which are briefly as fol-
lows: high power density of used technologies, with increased effi-
ciency, and sufficient durability, safety and reliability, as well as the
ability to feed an unknown load profile, even in a wide range of tem-
perature and radiation.

2.2. Power generation subsystems

The subsystem of power generation could include radioisotope

power generators, PV arrays, FC systems, and fission and fusion nuclear
reactors [32,34], as well as energy scavenging (or energy harvesting)
techniques [35] to obtain power from other sources (e.g., waste liquids,
waste heat utilization etc.) [23]. The latter is already integrated into the
power generation units.
The radioisotope, fusion and fission energy sources are quite ex-
pensive in comparison with PV array and FC system. Furthermore, the
Carnot efficiency limits the specific power of a fission system at max-
imum operating temperature. Anyway, these energy generation solu-
tions remain good candidates for deep space missions.
In this study, the PV arrays and PEMFC system are considered as
power generation subsystems.

2.2.1. Fuel Cell (FC) systems

FC candidates are the ones who use oxygen (O2) and hydrogen (H2)
or methane (CH4) as fuels, such as: Alkaline Fuel Cells (AFCs), Solid
Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs), and PEMFCs [32]. The fuels will be obtained
by electrolysis process using a RFC system.
The above FC systems have specific power and power density in
range of 50–100 We/kg and 500–1000 Wh/kg, including tank and fuel
needed, and ensure a reliable operation for up to 5000 h, but with an
efficiency lower than 50%. The target for performance of FC systems
are as follows: specific power and power density higher than 130 We/kg
Fig. 2. PV/PEMFC/ESS HPS with active ESS topology.
and 2000 Wh/kg (including tank and fuel needed), and lifetime and
efficiency higher than 10,000 h and 70%.

N. Bizon Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 14–37

On the DC bus of the PV/PEMFC/ESS HPS shown in Fig. 1 (or hydroxide (KOH) electrolyte. Because the alkaline separator requires
Fig. 2), the power flow balance can be written as below: asbestos, which is now unavailable, other advanced proton and alkaline
(OH-) exchange membranes are under test to obtain very high effi-
CDC udc = pFC + pESS + pPV − pload ciency FC (having efficiency of 80%) [32,38,39].
dt (1)
where CDC is the filtering capacitor of the DC voltage (udc), pFC is the FC Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs). CH4-air solid oxide fuel cell
net power, and pESS = pESS-P + pESS-E, pPV and pLoad are the ESS power, (SOFC) systems are now commercially available for terrestrial
the PV power, and the load power requested on the DC bus. applications [40,41], but integrated SOFC systems for space
The average value (AV) written for the power flow balance (1) will applications are not yet built [32]. These are still in the testing phase,
be given by (2): but the results shown that could be potential candidates for missions on
0 = PFC (AV ) + PESS (AV ) + PPV (AV ) − Pload (AV ) (2) planetary surfaces to establish sustainable outposts due to ability to
directly process residual propellants from landers and fuels, which are
So, since that the load-following (LFW) control of PDC(AV) = generated from in-situ resource utilization systems. Integrated systems
PLoad(AV) - PPV(AV) is used, then the AV of the ESS power will be almost for space applications are not yet built. Furthermore, high-temperature
zero (3): (700–1000 °C) SOFCs enable high compatibility with fuel reformed
PESS (AV ) ≅ 0 (3) from such hydrocarbons as natural gas, reliable operation under
thermal transients during the on-off cycles, and a better heat
Thus, the size of the ESS could be minimized because the ESS de- rejection per unit mass [32]. The specific power is now of 100 W/kg,
vices will compensate dynamically the sharp changes and pulses from the efficiency up to 50% and the lifetime is limited to 3000 h
the load profile. [32,38,39].
FC systems generally ensures the load demand when solar power is
unavailable, but here, considering (3) due to the LFW control, the FC Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs). Due to
power (P`FC = PFC / ηboost) will generate the AV of requested energy on availability of hydrogen as a fuel, PEMFC systems are intensively
the DC bus (PDC(AV)). used for terrestrial applications (mobile applications [41–43] or
PDC (AV ) stationary applications [44] up to 400 kWe). PEMFC systems use pure
P′FC = hydrogen and air (rather than to use corrosive pure oxygen) to generate
ηboost (4)
energy and expel product water (which is clean and drinkable).
where ηboost is the AV of energy efficiency of the boost converter (the The specific power is now of 100 W/kg, the efficiency higher than
DC-DC power converter which interfaces the FC system with DC bus in 50% (but up to 70%) and the lifetime of the PEM membrane is limited
Figs. 1 and 2). to 5000 h due to variable hydration and heat effects [32,38,39].
PDC(AV) may be obtained by low-pass filtering of the pDC = PEMFC can also be utilized as Uninterrupted Power Supply or AES
pload−pPV, the difference of load power and PV power, but other fil- unit in stationary RES/ESS HPSs. The PEMFC is operated here to use the
tering techniques could be used as well [36]. in-situ fuel production. Obviously, the space applications also need
This means that ESS will be used only for dynamic compensation of hydrogen and oxygen stored in tanks or fuel that is generated in-situ
the power flow balance (1), and the battery's capacity (from the ESS) production units. Hydrogen and oxygen production in space by means
could be reduced appropriately. This advantage means an increased of electrolysis as part of a RFC system is likely to become the best
specific energy of the HPSs used for space application (because the method candidate, besides the utilization of nuclear power [32]. Be-
actual batteries have the specific energy of 100 Wh / kg, with target for cause the methane pyrolysis is currently at low technological readiness,
next years of 200 Wh / kg, but much less than that of the FC system) oxygen generation (e.q. for LSSs on the International Space Station) by
[32]. water electrolysis is a state-of-the-art technology, and hydrogen is a by-
It is known that time response of the FC stack is higher than the time product that can be then stored either physically (compressed hydrogen
response of the boost converter or other power converter used to in- in tanks, liquid or cryogenic-compressed) or chemically (bonded hy-
terface the FC system, as well as the pDC profile [37]. Consequently, drogen in sorbents, metal hydrides, chemical hydrides or graphite nano-
high-voltage capacitors on DC bus (CDC) and power storage devices on fibers) [45–47].
the ESS, such as ultracapacitors (UCs), SMES, or high-speed FW, will The high-performance cryo-coolers could be good candidate for
quickly compensate the power flow balance (1). Therefore, the response long-term space missions, but for short space missions of few weeks the
time of FC system and dynamic of the pDC profile will set the shape and HPS may be based on primary (nonregenerative) PEMFC [48,49].
level of the power pulses that will be sustained (charged/discharged) by Research on other technologies candidate for FC membrane elec-
the power storage device. Besides other advantages, the PEMFC system trode assembly (MEA) such as MEA based on graphene oxide, which
has the shortest response time comparing with both AFC and SOFC uses nano-filtration for high performance separation processes, is al-
technologies, so PEMFC was used for NASA space applications (con- ready in testing phase [50].
ducted between 1960 and 2011) and could be a good candidate for next PEMFC can be supplied with hydrogen and oxygen using as source
missions, considering the improvements obtained in meantime the sodium borohydride (NaBH4) and the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2),
[15,25,32]. but new developed direct borohydride–hydrogen peroxide FCs
In next sections, the AFC, SOFC, and PEMFC actual technologies will (DBPFCs) could solve such problems associated with PEMFCs [51].
be briefly presented as potential candidates for space applications, However, DBPFCs need to be further improved to become a competitive
considering the following targets for next products: power higher than energy source for space missions [13,32].
5 kW and 50 kW for mobile and stationary applications, both with
specific power higher than 130 W/kg, more than 75% efficiency and a 2.2.2. PV arrays
lifetime of 10,000 h at least [32,38,39]. Photovoltaic panels for space applications must have a specific
power and efficiency higher than 100 W/kg and 50%, lifetime at least Alkaline Fuel Cell (AFC). The AFC was the last FC used on the one year under acid attack, intense Jovian radiation, and at high tem-
Space Shuttle Orbiter, generating 2–12 kWe and using pumps and perature [32]. The actual PV panels using triple-junction solar cells can
separators to safe manage the water flow [15]. reach conversion efficiency around 31, 34% and 41% under the space
The specific power is now of 50 W/kg, the efficiency up to 70% and spectrum, the standard 1 sun global spectrum, and the concentrated
the lifetime is limited to 5000 h due to leakage of the caustic potassium sunlight [52,53]. Simulations show that 70% conversion efficiency

N. Bizon Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 14–37

could be obtained with multijunction solar cell, allowing for efficiency

of the concentrated photovoltaics module to be over 50% [54], but all
these technologies are still in testing phase for space application [32].
New technologies for PV system are recently developed that can
operate in low-intensity and low temperature conditions with high ef-
ficiency, being candidate solutions for space missions farther from the
sun (because it is known that the PV power decreases with the square of
the distance to the Sun). For example, PV efficiency of carbon nanotube
conductive coatings on III-V PV cells and full-spectrum hybrid solar-
thermal systems could be up to and higher than 50%, but these tech-
nologies are under testing phase [32].
Because these technologies are very costly (up to $1000/W), ad-
vanced technologies that can reduce the cost are of high interest.
The communication satellites and fly space missions usually request
PV arrays that can generate up to 10 kWe, but power requested by
electric propulsion spacecraft and LSS on the International Space
Station is much higher, being up to 100 kWe [32]. So, the estimation of
load demand (power on-board needed) for a space vehicle or stationary
base is arguably one of the key design requirements [55].

2.3. Load estimation

The HPS enables the safe operating of all equipment for scientific
activities, including for propulsion and communication, and LSS if is the
case. The load demand has increased from few watts up to hundreds of
kW for manned missions. If small power is requested, this can be as-
sured with small PV panels and batteries, but for a higher power de-
mand it is necessary to use multiple PV arrays balanced with PEMFC
and ESS during its orbiting period [15]. FC systems with PEMFC and/or
RFC units will provide energy for primary shuttle operations and LSS as
well as energy for other equipment and spacecraft in the storage bay.
PEMFC systems are similar to primary batteries in that the delivered
energy is limited to the fuel and oxidant from cryogenic tanks [46,47],
but RFC systems open new way to optimally manage the available
energy and water considering load demand and existing constrains
Load demands of tens of kW or less will mandatory request the use
of FC systems, because the battery technologies will not be effective any
longer [38,39].
Also, it is known that there are different telecommunication sa-
tellites as size and power, using different orbits and different fre-
Fig. 3. ESS topologies.
quencies, which transmit very different types of signals and operate
based on HPSs appropriately designed according to their purpose
[26,27]. In the same measure, different BTSs exist as well [28]. A PMAD.
communication satellite or a BTS can use the PV energy excepting the
eclipses (periods during which this is shadowed by the earth) or ex- 2.4. Energy Storage System (ESS)
cepting the nights and cloudy days, respectively.
In this study, the load demand for PV/PEMFC/ESS HPS was esti- The batteries, regenerative fuel cells, and flywheels are usually used
mated for a medium sized BTS, but this solution can be redesigned for as energy storage devices in ESS for space applications. The hy-
other load demand profile. The advantage of reduced size of ESS re- bridization of ESS with power storage devices is a mature storage so-
mains, being a control feature of FC system that follows PDC(AV). lution for terrestrial applications such as the smart grids integrating
Anyway, the ESS is necessary to compensate the power flow balance RES [59,60], and other stationary [61] and transport applications
(1), but hybridization of FC system has other advantages as follows: the [62,63].
FC system efficiency increase, and stability and reliability of the FC
system are sufficient high for space applications by using hybrid FC/ESS 2.4.1. Hybrid ESS topologies
systems. The hybrid ESS topologies can efficiently provide power and op-
Parallel UC hybridization has advantages for pulse load, but the erate safely in space temperature and intense radiation with sufficient
ripple FC current could be higher (for example, the ripple is about 3.6 A lifetime, and significant size reductions and high specific energy.
/ 10 A × 100 = 36% in [56]) than admissible limits (which must to be Furthermore, hybridization of ESS can avoid some of the battery ESS
up to 5% for low frequency (LF) power ripple [16,17]). Thus, appro- disadvantages related to operation, maintenance, and potential en-
priate methods must be used to mitigate the LF ripple by spreading it in vironmental hazards [30,63–65].
a large band of frequencies [57,58]. In general, hybrid ESS topologies use active or semi-active topology
So, hybrid ESS with semi-active or active topologies are usually in comparison with passive topology due to their flexibility and per-
used, even if this hybrid approach requests a supplementary cost due to formance (Fig. 3).
use of one bidirectional power converter or two such converters, and The energy and power storage devices for space applications are in
appropriate control circuitry of the Power Condition System (PCS) from short presented in the following two sections.

N. Bizon Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 14–37

2.4.2. Energy storage devices Capacitors. Capacitors are best candidates for space
Energy storage devices are needed for stationary (LSS bases) and applications (such as communications satellites) where is required to
mobile (rovers) space applications. If RFCs are used in long-term ex- compensate high power pulses at low temperatures [26,46,56]. The
ploration missions and high energy satellites for Earth observation and main technological challenges for ultracapacitors are to improve the
communications due to the energy densities higher than 500 Wh/kg, specific energy and power over wide operating temperature (−60 °C to
the batteries are first candidates for short-term missions even if the +300 °C) and radiation (higher than 100 Wh/kg and 10,000 W/kg,
energy densities is smaller than 150 Wh/kg for current Li–ion-battery respectively), to reduce the equivalent series resistance, and to obtain a
systems [32]. Therefore, PEMFC and RFC systems will not be used for capacity of hundreds of mF at 1500 V voltage in a small sized volume
small satellite, even if FC systems have higher energy densities than the (less than 1 cm3) [17,32].
batteries [26]. High-speed Flywheels (FW). The main technological challenges Batteries. There are many battery technologies from which one for high-speed FW are to store energy for LSSs in range of kWh to MWh,
can be chosen and evaluated based on terrestrial applications needs and with at least 2700 Wh/kg specific energy higher and 20 years lifetime
performance requirements such as follows: lead acid (which are used by using carbon nanofiber rotors, advanced generators, and
for high pulse applications that requires very low costs, so it is not a superconducting magnetic bearings [32,76]. Replacing momentum
potential technology for space applications), nickel metal (which has wheels and batteries, the FW reduces the mass of the integrated
twice energy density in comparison with lead acid technology, being system [76]. This technology is under testing phase, being reported
used for today and past space applications), sodium-based batteries stationary prototypes (of about 25 Wh/kg specific energy; see for
(which are used for very high temperatures applications, having about example, the Japan prototype with 100 kWh storage capacity and
the same level of the energy density with the nickel-based batteries), weight of 4 t, 133 kWh pack of the University of Texas at Austin, NASA
and lithium-ion (which has twice energy density in comparison with ground-tested units etc. [77]) and mobile applications with specific
nickel technology, so it won the competition, being used into ESSs for energy in range 3–7 Wh/kg [78]. The main issue in any high-speed FW
both terrestrial and space applications) [20,63–66]. is the carbon composite [79].
The most used cathode chemistries and anode materials are based SMES and FW devices have a low self-discharge rate compared with
on graphite and both hard and soft carbons [67–71]. The used energy any ESS device and can quickly and repeatedly deliver the energy
management strategy sets the performance of large-scale lithium-ion stored [29,80]. So, the SMES devices were used for high-tech ESS [81]
(Li-ion) battery [72–75]. and have recently attracted the attention of the specialists in the field of
Li-ion battery must operate at extreme temperatures, from space applications [82].
−150–450 °C, and depth of discharge (DOD) lower than 30% or up to
90% for outer or inner planet missions. The main technological chal- Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) devices. The
lenges for Li-ion batteries are obtaining of higher energy density than Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) devices were used in
1000 Wh/kg, high-voltage and conductive electrolytes with safe cap- terrestrial applications such as energy storage, power energy system
abilities related to the flame retardant and overcharge protection, and stability, uninterruptible power supply, and RES integration in smart
high lifetime [32]. For example, 2600 Wh/kg energy density has ob- grids [83–85]. The SMES can compensate the pulse load in a Shunt
tained for Li-sulfur batteries (LSBs), which means that is ten times Active Power Filter topology, maintain power system stability based on
higher than those of the Li-ion batteries, but the technology is still droop control algorithm [86]. The high-temperature SMES in pulsed
under testing phase for space applications [32,75]. While the specific power supply for high-power electric thruster [82], and for military and
energy is major objective for any battery, to comply it with other high-tech applications is shown in [87,88].
mission requirements mentioned above, different technology are re- The methodology to design the battery / SMES ESS is proposed in
searched for very low- or high temperature Li-ion batteries and high- [89,90] and will be used in this study as well, but a new control is
reliability batteries (with lifetime higher than 15 years) that maintain proposed here for PCS to sustain the load pulses with unknown levels
high energy density required for each specific mission. and shapes, and regenerative load if is the case.
Because the energy density of the RFCs is three times higher in Note that among others requirements, the choosing of any of these
comparison with Li-ion batteries [14], air-based RFCs are used for devices mentioned before will mainly depend on load power profile and
terrestrial applications [10–12] and the RFC could be a good candidate mission duration. In general, both are unknown, but both of which can
for mobile space applications, even if higher complexity is added to the be estimated at least from statistical point of view.
PCS [10,32]. Besides the power generation and ESS, the energy management and
control from PMAD is a critical unit that must be designed appro-
priately based on power flow balance (1) and other control objectives Regenerative Fuel Cells (RFCs). Because the air is not available and constraints [91].
for space applications [32], the RFC must to recycle oxygen [14]. The
RFC systems must be designed for zero gravity up to high gravity levels 2.5. Power Management and Distribution (PMAD)
(during launch operations) and also for optimal thermal and water
management in vacuum conditions. The challenging objectives for PMAD are as follows: design of an
Both the PEM and the solid oxide RFC technologies are candidates effective energy management, and intelligent and adaptive control for
for space applications and the prototypes tested have demonstrated the autonomous and safe operation of the space system without commu-
viability of these technologies. The targets for high reliability RFCs are nication from base station on the Earth, on ground of planet, or in the
1500 Wh/kg specific energy, 70% efficiency, and lifetime of 10,000 h. mother station; use of sensors with wireless connections that are able to
So, the research is focused to design such RFCs by developing high- operate in space environment (high radiation and range of extreme
efficiency fuel cells and electrolyzers, and improving the thermal and temperatures); high-fidelity system tests for verification and validation
water management subsystems operating in vacuum conditions [32]. of all units as state of operation compared with the original mission
tasks and targets [32]. It is obviously that this requires real-time sys-
2.4.3. Power storage devices tems to evaluate the state variables and then to perform advanced
Considering the PV/PEMFC/ESS HPS with active or semi-active ESS control [71].
topologies shown in Fig. 3, the hybridization of ESS with power storage The sensors and control algorithms developed for terrestrial Smart
devices is necessary in case of pulsed load [32]. Grid technologies could be applied for space applications after testing

N. Bizon Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 14–37

and validation [41]. As it is known, the Smart Grids is a complex by superposition of three rectified sinusoidal signals of frequency f0,
system, with many sources, ESS and loads interconnected via power 3f0, and 5f0, where f0 = 50 Hz, and 450 W peak amplitude. Besides the
system, which requires reliable, effective and advanced power flow LF ripple, in order to test the capability of SMES converter control to
strategies and intelligent control algorithms [31,44,92]. The design of mitigate the pulses, two patterns are used for the pulses: one is shown in
intelligent PMAD is a challenging task which requires research and Fig. 5 and the other will be presented later. The first pattern contains
future developments of equipment for future space missions. The im- one power pulse (with 0.0225 s width and power level of 800 W), and
plementation of the artificial intelligence concepts in PMAD and fault two more short and small pulses (one positive and other negative with
detection, isolation, and recovery units will allow systems' autonomy power of 40 W and both with 0.1 s width). The second pattern will also
and on-board decision making, reducing the risks of misconduct, lack of contains one short power pulse, but the power of positive and negative
communication with base station, and finally the failure of mission pulses is of 400 W instead of 40 W in order to test the filters used to
[92]. generate the reference currents for control loops of the power con-
Space applications must be inspired from terrestrial proposals (in- verters from ESS.
cluding biomimetic applications) as preliminary test of operation and The dynamic load with stair type profile (step-up and step-down
then validated based on space standards [93–95]. Therefore, here is stairs represented in top plot from Fig. 5) has Pload1(AV) = 6 kW, but the
proposed a RES/PEMFC/ESS HPSs for a medium-sized Base Transceiver average value will be changed in range of 2–6 kW, without overloading
Station, which could supply with energy a communication satellite or the 6 kW / 45 V PEMFC used (with maximum FC power of 8 kW).
space rover as well, after it passed the space specific standards. PEMFC systems are used in last decades for automotive, airplanes,
submarines and space vehicles due to recent improvements in perfor-
3. Proposed RES/PEMFC/ESS hybrid power source mance and safe use [96,97]. Most of PEMFC hybridizations proposed
are based on battery ESS with a Battery Management System (BMS) that
The medium-sized BTS considered in this study has peak power will keep the battery State-of-Charge (SOC) into imposed range,
(short impulse at the start-up of the air conditioner or other high power avoiding overcharging the battery during the charging phases with the
equipment) less than 8 kW, and normally the power demand has a stairs extra power generated by the PEMFC and RES (pload < pFC+ pRES) and
profile type, containing power pulses (requested during communication deep DOD during discharging phases when is lack of power on DC bus
phases and other required operations) and LF ripple (as effect of normal (pload > pFC+ pRES) [98–100].
operation of the inverter on DC bus) as well. So, the load demand (pload A review of the proposed RES/PEMFC/ESS HPS architectures is
profile) will be modeled here as in Fig. 4, using (5): presented in [98], including standard control methods. A review of the
pload = pload1 + pload2 + pload3 (5) advanced control methods is made in [99], where an adaptive control is
proposed for AirFr.
where pload1, pload2, and pload3 are the load demand with stairs profile, BMS proposed in [100] is quite simple and practical for dynamic
pulses, and LF ripple. load with stair type profile, but it is unpractical for load power pulses
For example, pload1, pload2, and pload3 profiles are shown in Fig. 5 because uses switching of two relays controlled by a state diagram
during 12 s of simulation (including zooms). The LF ripple is obtained

Fig. 4. The diagram of the equivalent load on DC bus.

N. Bizon Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 14–37

Fig. 5. The load profiles: dynamic load with stair type profile (top), pulses (middle), and LF ripple (bottom).

designed for PV/FC/Battery HPS of unmanned aerial vehicles. reducing the battery lifetime.
Most of BMSs used for RES/PEMFC/ESS HPS architectures proposed But even if a tight voltage regulation can be achieved with low
in the literature are based on charging / discharging cycles of the voltage ripple on DC bus, the bidirectional converter tied to UC has
battery to sustain the power flow balance (1). So, it is obvious that the poor utilization factor. Thus, a reconfigurable FC/UC HPS architecture
battery lifetime will decrease. The BMS proposed here operates the is proposed in [101], which improves the utilization factor of the UC
battery in charge sustaining mode based on proposed LFW control for converter and uses a flow chart for energy management algorithm to
the PEMFC system. This concept of LFW control for the PEMFC system ensure a controlled power flows from the FC and UC stacks to the dy-
was previously proposed, with RES [33] and without RES [101,102], by namic load with stair type profile and voltage regulation on output DC
using a semi-active battery / UC hybrid ESS topology with feedback bus. The issues of this proposals are as follows: high capacity are re-
loop to stabilize the voltage on DC bus at VDC(ref) based on UC stack quested for UC stack for power pulsed that must be sustained only by
power. This approach need to oversize the UC stack in order to regulate UC stack; high spikes on FC current can be observed in experimental
DC bus voltage under dynamic load and to maintain the voltage ripple results (at start and end of mode 3), which could damage the FC stack
low. If not, the high ripple on DC bus (where the batteries stack is di- (by starvation phenomena); the state diagram designed could generate
rectly connected) means a high ripple of the battery power as well, different sequences of the operating modes that were not studied for

N. Bizon Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 14–37

Fig. 6. The diagram of the RES/PEMFC/ESS HPS using the Fuel-LFW/Boost-GES-RTO strategy.

FC/UC HPS operating under standard and unknown load cycles. maximum).
Anyway, the conclusion of this study is that would be helpful to be used The Air-LFW/Boost-GES-RTO strategy is obtained considering both
an ESS with more storage devices compared with ESS with single sto- switches SW1 and SW2 in the upper positions, and switch SW3 remains
rage device if the requirements for performance and safe are more re- in the same position. In this case, the LWF control can optimally control
strictive. the both AirFr and FuelFr inputs by the FC current. To compare the
Therefore, an RES/FC/ESS HPS with active Battery / SMES hybrid results obtained with both Boost-GES-RTO strategies, the sFF control
ESS topology is proposed here. The Real-Time Optimization (RTO) al- strategy will be used as reference. The sFF-control strategy is obtained
gorithm designed ensures the voltage regulation on DC bus, the op- considering the switches SW1 and SW2 in position of sFF control, and
eration in charge sustaining mode for battery (so a reduced capacity SW3 in LFW position to follow the load demand. Thus, the sFF-control
and an extended lifetime for battery will result), the load demand for strategy will not use the GES-based optimization loop to control the
any type of load cycle (which includes pulses and LF ripples), and the AirFr and FuelFr in Boost-GES-RTO strategies proposed in this paper.
efficient operation of the PEMFC system. The PEMFC model used here is the 6 kW / 45 V PEMFC default
model from the library of Matlab-Simulink®. This model is a detailed
model including the dynamical part, which is used in other studies as
3.1. The HPS architecture and modeling
well [99,102], being a model with sufficient accuracy, as it is reported
in [103]. The FC time constant was set to 0.1 s. A DC-DC unidirectional
The architecture of RES/PEMFC/ESS HPS using the Fuel-LF/Boost-
boost converter boosts the FC voltage to VDC ≅ VDC(ref) = 200 V. The
GES-RTO strategy is presented in Fig. 6 (with the switches SW1, SW2,
boost DC-DC converter is controlled by a hysteretic controller, which
and SW3 as it is shown in Fig. 6). In this case the LWF control is applied
has the inputs IFC and IrefLFW. The last signal (IrefLFW) is generated by
to FuelFr and AirFr is controlled by the FC current, which will find
LFW control block (see Fig. 7) or by the GES control block (see Fig. 8;
under a RTO algorithm (such as the GES algorithm used here) the op-
the latter being used only in Boost-GES-RTO strategies).
timal value Iref (where the optimization function implemented is

Fig. 7. The diagram of the load-following (LFW) con-


N. Bizon Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 14–37

Fig. 8. The diagram of the GES control.

The LFW control block implements (4), with PDC(AV) obtained by a where P′FC and Pcm are the FC power generated and the air compressor
low-pass filtering (LPF) of the pDC = pload -pPV. The AV efficiency of the power.
boost DC-DC converter was set at 95% and the saturation block limits The Pcm power can be estimated using (9) [104]:
the range of FC current.
Pcm = Icm⋅Vcm = (a2⋅AirFr 2 + a1⋅AirFr + a0)⋅(b1⋅IFC + b0) (9)
The GES control block will implement (6):
y = f (v1, v2), yN = kNy⋅y (6a) where the coefficients are [104]: a0 = 0.6, a1 = 0.04, a2
= −0.00003231, b0 = 0.9987, and b1 = 46.02.
• •
yf = −ωh⋅yf + ωh⋅yN , yHPF = yN − yf , yBPF = −ωl⋅yBPF + ωl⋅yHPF The inputs FuelFr and AirFr are estimated based on (10) using the
reference currents Iref(H2) and Iref(O2):
yDM = yBPF ⋅sd, sd = sin(ωt ), (6c) 60000⋅R⋅(273 + θ)⋅NC⋅Iref (H 2)

FuelFr =
yInt = yDM 2F ⋅(101325⋅Pf (H 2) )⋅(Uf (H 2)/100)⋅(xH 2 /100) (10a)

1 60000⋅R⋅(273 + θ)⋅NC⋅⋅Iref (O2)

Gd = yMV , yMV =
⋅ ∫ yBPF dt (6e)
AirFr =
4F ⋅(101325⋅Pf (O2) )⋅(Uf (O2)/100)⋅(yO2 /100) (10b)
yM = Gd (6f) where the constants and parameters are all defined in [104].
The FuelFr and AirFr can be selected as control variables of the FC
p1 = k1⋅yInt , k1 = γsd⋅ω (6g) power using the fuel and air regulators (10) and the reference currents
p2 = k2⋅yM ⋅sd (6h) Iref(H2) and Iref(O2) selected by switches SW1 and SW2 in order to im-
plement one of the Boost-GES-RTO strategies or the sFF control
p3 = Am ⋅sd (6i) strategy.
The proposed GES control will search the optimum (the maximum
IrefGES = kNp⋅(p1 + p2 + p3 ), (6j) value) of the optimization function f [105], optimizing the operation of
The switch SW3 is used to select the reference currents: IrefGES in the PEMFC system: low fuel consumption at high efficiency operation of
Boost-GES-RTO strategies and IrefLFW in sFF control strategy. the PEMFC system. The PEMFC safety operation will be ensured by
The normalization gains are set to kNy = 1/YMax and kNp= IFC(rated) including a slope limiters in both air and fuel regulators. Furthermore,
/ 2, where IFC(rated) and YMax are the rated FC current and the maximum these regulators will ensure the oxygen and hydrogen stoichiometry
estimated for the optimization function. The optimization function f within admissible range.
used in this study is defined to increase the FC system efficiency and An interesting LQR/LQG control of oxygen stoichiometry is pro-
reduce the total fuel consumption [102] by maximizing: posed in [106]. An optimal control for AirFr is proposed in [107] to
maximize the FC net power. The FC net power is maximized using time
knet⋅PFCnet + kfuel⋅Fueleff = f (x , AirFr , FuelFr , PLoad ) (7a) delay control of AirFr [108]. Control of AirFr proposed in [109] could
subject to: increase the PEMFC life time. Nonlinear control (such as the second
order sliding mode control proposed in [110]), adaptive control [98],
x ̇ = g (x , AirFr , FuelFr , PLoad ), x ∈ X (7b) and ES control (such as the load governor strategy based on ES control
where the weighting coefficients are knet= 0.5, kfuel= 25, and x, g, and proposed in [111]) are proposed as advanced control variants in the
PLoad are the state vector, the dynamics function of the FC system, and literature.
the disturbance input. The performance indicators used in this study are In this study, the GES control is proposed as an advanced control of
the FC net power (PFCnet), the FC system efficiency (ηsys), the fuel air flow rate or fuel flow rate. One of the fueling rates is optimized by
consumption efficiency (Fueleff ≅ PFCnet / FuelFr), and the total fuel GES control, the other is LFW controlled. Note that LFW control is
consumption (FuelT), being defined by (8): different than the methods of intrusive and non-intrusive load mon-
itoring of loads analyzed in [112].
′ − Pcm
PFCnet ≅ PFC (8a) Due to LFW control, the boost DC-DC converter will supply the DC
PFCnet bus with
ηsys =
PFC (8b) ′
PDC (AV ) = ηboost PFC (11)
P This value is evaluated as AV value of output power of the boost
Fuelefft = FCnet
FuelFr (8c) converter to be compared with the PDC(LPF), which is estimated by the
LPF from the LFW block (see Fig. 7), having as input the pDC power
FuelT = ∫ FuelFr (t ) dt (8d) (12):

N. Bizon Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 14–37

Fig. 9. The diagram of the Battery/SMES hybrid ESS.

pDC = pload − pPV (12) simulation's results show that this value may be lower (less than 0.1F).
Thus, considering (3), the AV power exchanged by ESS will be al- During the pulse, the SMES current varies from ISMES - ΔISMES to
most zero, which means that the battery operates in charge-sustaining ISMES + ΔISMES, and can store the energy (18):
mode if no other control conditions (such as the DC voltage regulation) 2 2
will be implemented for it: ΔELsmes = 2
⎢ 1 + ISMES
⎜ − ⎛1 − SMES ⎞ ⎤
⎟ ⎜ ⎟

2 ⎣⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ISMES ⎠ ⎥
⎦ (18)
PBAT (AV ) ≅ 0 (13)
If ΔELsmes ≅ ΔEload , then the value of the SMES inductance will be
3.2. ESS design given by (19):

The ESS block represented in Fig. 6 implements the diagram of the LSMES =
Battery/SMES hybrid ESS detailed in Fig. 9.
The load 2 may contain many individual pulses, which can appear

(1 + ISMES
−) (1 − ISMES )⎦ ⎤
for ncycle(i) – times during a load cycle considered. If the amplitude and
LSMES = 112 mH is obtained for the SMES inductance considering in
duration of each pulse(i) are ΔPload(i) and Δtload(i), then the energy of
(13) the same values of the load pulse, and ISMES = 500 A (the max-
pulse(i) is given by (14):
imum value) and ΔISMES= 2.5% ISMES = 12.5 A.
ΔEpulse (i) = ΔPload (i)⋅Δtload (i)⋅ncycles (i) (14) The value of 100 mH will be used first for the LSMES, but then the
inductance was reduced to LSMES = 10 mH to see if the SMES still
So, the energy of load 2 during a load cycle considered is (15)
supplies/stores the power pulses.
ΔEload = ∑ ΔPload (i)⋅Δtload (i)⋅ncycles (i) The SMES is modeled using a 100 mH/0 Ω inductance from Matlab
i (15) & Simulink ® toolboxes. The shape of the current Ipulse is controled by
signal PWMsmes applied to an asymmetric full-bridge DC-DC converter.
The capacitor on DC bus (CDC) will be discharged or charged if the
The voltage on the capacitor CDC is initially set to VDC= 200 V and
pulse is of consumption type or regenerative type. Limiting the voltage
the battery voltage was chosen of Vbat= 100 V. So, 100 Ah/100 V li-
ripple at ± ΔVDC, the charging energy will be (16):
thium-ion battery from Matlab & Simulink ® toolboxes was chosen, with
2 2
1 2 ⎡⎛ ΔVDC ⎞ ΔVDC ⎞ ⎤ 80% initial SOC and the other values set to the default values.
ΔECdc = ⋅CDC⋅VDC ⋅⎢ 1 + ⎜ − ⎛1 −
⎟ ⎜ ⎟

2 ⎣⎝ VDC ⎠ ⎝ VDC ⎠ ⎥⎦ (16)

The battery's capacity (CBat) was estimated for same energy pulses
and ΔVbat = 15%Vbat.
If ΔECdc ≅ ΔEload , then the value of the capacitance CDC will be given If ΔEBat ≅ ΔEload , then the value of the capacity of battery CBat will
by (17): be given by (20):
CDC ≅ ΔPload⋅ncycles⋅Tcycle (Bat )
ΔVDC 2 ΔVDC 2 CBat =
2 ⎡

( 1+ VDC ) (− 1− VDC )⎦ ⎤
(17) ΔVBat (20)

The value obtained for the capacitance is CDC = 1.1667 F con- The battery's power flow to DC bus is controled by signal PWMbat
sidering VDC= 200 V and voltage ripple of ΔVDC= 1,5% VDC = 3 V for via the half-bridge DC-DC converter. The 10 mH/0.01 Ω inductance
only one type of pulse in (15) with the following parameters: ΔPload (LBat) will operate the half-bridge DC-DC converter in continuous-cur-
= 4Pload = 400 W, Δtload = 1% Tcycle = 3,5 ms, and ncycle= 1000. rent mode, considering DBat = VDC / VBat = 0.5 (the duty cycle), ΔIbat
The value of 1F will be used first for the capacitor CDC, but the = 20%Ibat, Ibat < Ibat(max)= 100 A, and fmin = 250 kHz in (21):

N. Bizon Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 14–37

Fig. 10. The BMS diagram of control for the hybrid ESS.

VDC⋅(1 − DBat ) (HF) noise in the SMES converter control loop. The cut-off frequency of
LBat =
2⋅fmin ⋅ΔIBat (21) the LPFSMES is set at 1000 Hz in order to not mitigate the LF ripple
considered (pload3) and to not distort the pulses too much (pload2).
The pulses and LF ripples could be mitigated by appropriate com-
3.3. ESS control mand of the SMES power converter based on the errors ePulse = IPulse(ref)
− IPulse(LPF), where IPulse(LPF) is the output of the LPFPulse (with the cut-
The ESS control proposed in the literature is based on the Energy off frequency of 1000 Hz):
Flow Split Strategies (EFSS) [113–115] such as rules-based control
[116], filtering-based control [117], and AI-based control [118,119]. IPulse (LPF ) = LPFPulse (Ipulse ) (24)
The rule based control proposed in [116] uses rules tables to calculate
IPulse is the current that supply (or is generated by) the SMES power
the weighting parameters and select the operation modes. The filtering-
converter (see Fig. 10). If,
based control is simple and efficient to separate the power in LPF and
HPF frequency bands [117]. ePulse = 0 (25)
Most of proposed hybrid ESS are based on batteries and ultra-
then, considering (23a) and (24):
capacitors as energy and power storage devices. In comparison with
different energy storing applications based on Battery/UC ESS, only few Pload2 + Pload3
IPulse ≅
papers report the use of SMES as power storage device VDC (26)
[29,64,83,89,90,120–122]. In this study a Battery/SMES ESS is pro-
posed to mitigate the load pulses or the LF ripple on DC bus in order to Two control methods were implemented: one is based on the
protect the PEMFC system. The BMS diagram of control for the hybrid Proportional-Integral (PI) controller and the Pulse Width Modulation
ESS is presented in Fig. 10. (PWM) generator, and other is based on hysteresis current-mode con-
The EFSS filtering-based control is implemented here considering troller.
the BPFSMES and LPFBat to generate the reference currents IPulse(ref) and It was observed that both control methods can ensure (25) with
IBat(ref) using as inputs Pload and dP given by (5) and (22): sufficient precision.
So, the control method implemented for battery power converter
dP = pESS = pload − pFC − pPV (22) uses a hysteresis current-mode controller based on the errors eBat =
I′Bat(ref) – IBat, where
So, the reference currents IPulse(ref) and IBat(ref) will be given by (23):
IPulse (ref ) = BPFSMES (Pload/ VDC ) ′ (ref ) = IBat (ref ) − VDC (correction)
IBat (27)

IBat (ref ) = LPFBat (dP /VDC ) VDC(correction) is the PI correction of the battery reference current
(23b) based on the voltage errors eVdc = VDC−VDC(ref), if SW4 is on
The BPFSMES is used instead of HPFSMES to filter the high frequency position shown in Fig. 10, or VDC(correction) = 0 if SW4 is switched to

N. Bizon Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 14–37

Fig. 11. Searching of the optimal point for FC/Battery/SMES HPS under 6 kW load by using Air-LFW/Boost-GES-RTO strategy.

Table 1 4. Results
The Air-LFW/Boost-GES RTO strategy applied to FC/battery/SMES HPS at
different Pload1. The simulation results without RESs (PRES = 0) and without DC
Pload1 IFC1A FuelFr1A AirFr1A PFCnet1A ηsys1A Fueleff1A FuelT1A voltage regulation (by using VDC(correction) = 0) are shown in next two
[kW] [A] [lpm] [lpm] [W] [%] [W/lpm] [l] section for constant and dynamic load in order to compare the perfor-
mance of the Boost-GES-RTO strategies.
2 57.78 22.07 105.1 2513 92.32 113.2 52.49
3 82.52 31.58 159.7 3494 90.61 109.6 73.01
4 85.37 32.53 192.3 3928 90.3 120.2 74.85 4.1. Constant load
5 112.7 42.87 254.5 4612 88.59 111.9 98.5
6 130.3 49.04 312.3 5206 86.98 106.7 117.8 The pload1 is a constant load if switch SW6 is respective position
7 161.8 60.76 388.3 5876 85.05 97.96 136.6
(constant load) in Fig. 4. The noise added to it is given by pload2, and
8 162.4 60.89 441.8 5861 84.18 97.36 137.4
pload3 shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 11 (the second plot). Fig. 11 represents
the searching of the optimal point for FC/Battery/SMES HPS under a
0 V. In both cases, (13) is ensured during the stationary regimes. 6 kW load by using Air-LFW/Boost-GES-RTO strategy.
Considering [114], the proportional gains of the PI controllers for The structure of the plots is as follows: first two plots represent the
DC voltage error (eVdc) and pulse current error (ePulse) are 5 and 1, and load components; the variation of the DC voltage (VDC) around the
the integral gains are 1 for both PI controllers. The hysteresis value was reference VDC(ref) = 200 V is represented in the 3rd plot (the voltage
chosen 0.1 A for both hysteresis current-mode controllers. drop is about 14 V during startup without DC voltage regulation (by
using VDC(correction) = 0), but then the DC voltage fluctuates around
reference due to the battery's operation in charge-sustaining mode; the
battery's power (pBat) is represented in 4th plot (it is observed that

N. Bizon Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 14–37

Fig. 12. Searching of the optimal point for FC/Battery/SMES HPS under 6 kW load by using Fuel-LFW/Boost-GES-RTO strategy.

Table 2 Table 3
The Fuel-LFW/Boost-GES RTO strategy applied to FC/Battery/SMES HPS at The sFF control applied to FC/Battery/SMES HPS at different Pload1.
different Pload1.
Pload1 IFC3 FuelFr3 AirFr3 PFCnet3 ηsys3 Fueleff3 FuelT3
Pload1 IFC2A FuelFr2A AirFr2A PFCnet2A ηsys2A Fueleff2A FuelT2A [kW] [A] [lpm] [lpm] [W] [%] [W/lpm] [l]
[kW] [A] [lpm] [lpm] [W] [%] [W/lpm] [l]
2 36.62 14.58 85.52 1935 93.15 135.7 34.02
2 44.59 16.11 101.3 2111 92.36 131.9 38.6 3 58.95 24.05 144.2 2991 91.55 126.2 56.3
3 67.12 24.86 156.1 3119 90.82 124 59 4 82.62 31.65 189.2 3773 90.25 119.9 74.88
4 92.4 34.04 212 3992 90.08 116.5 80.83 5 108.1 41.45 248.1 4632 88.51 111.5 98.6
5 120.2 44.15 272.6 4798 88.39 108.6 104.5 6 138.9 53.25 318.1 5441 86.57 102.6 125.58
6 139.6 52.59 314.3 5475 86.94 104.8 124.5 7 173 67.5 404.6 6178 84.19 91.9 158.34
7 172.4 65.74 392.3 6306 84.95 95.62 153.3 8 220.6 82.8 496.2 6912 82.3 83.75 196
8 208.5 79.91 473.9 6977 83.14 87.12 181.6

Iref (O2) = =
battery ensure the power balance (1) until the PEMFC will generate the VFC ηboost VFC (28)
requested power by the load, but then PBat(AV) ≅ 0).
The FuelFr (represented in the 6th plot) is controlled by the FC The performance indicators (8) are also shown in Fig. 11: the total
current (represented in the 5th plot), so both signals have the same fuel consumption (FuelT) in the 7th plot, the fuel consumption effi-
shape. The FC current follows the reference current IrefGES (6j), ciency (Fueleff ≅ PFCnet / FuelFr) in the 9th plot, and the FC system
searching the maximum of the optimization function f (7a). Due to the efficiency (ηsys) in the last plot.
LFW control (4), the reference current Iref(O2) will follow the load de- The results of simulations for different levels of constant load Pload1
mand on DC bus based on (28) (see the AirFr shown in the 8th plot): are summarized in Table 1.

N. Bizon Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 14–37

Table 4
The performance indicators difference for Air-LFW/Boost-GES RTO strategy compared to sFF control.
Pload1 ΔPFCnet=PFCnet1A-PFCnet3 Δηsys= ηsys1A-ηsys3 ΔFueleff=Fueleff1A-Fueleff3 ΔFuelT1A=FuelT1A-FuelT3 60·ΔFuelT1A/ 12
[kW] [W] [%] [W/lpm] [l] [lpm]

2 578 − 0.83 − 22.5 18.47 92.35

3 503 − 0.94 − 16.6 16.71 83.55
4 155 0.05 0.3 − 0.03 − 0.15
5 − 20 0.08 0.4 − 0.1 − 0.5
6 − 235 0.41 4.1 − 7.78 − 38.9
7 − 302 0.86 6.06 − 21.74 − 108.7
8 − 1051 1.88 13.61 − 58.6 − 293

Table 5
The performance indicators difference for Fuel-LFW/Boost-GES RTO strategy compared to sFF control.
Pload1 ΔPFCnet=PFCnet2A-PFCnet3 Δηsys= ηsys2A-ηsys3 ΔFueleff=Fueleff2A-Fueleff3 ΔFuelT2A=FuelT2A-FuelT3 60·ΔFuelT2A/12
[kW] [W] [%] [W/lpm] [l] [lpm]

2 176 − 0.79 − 3.8 4.58 22.9

3 128 − 0.73 − 2.2 2.7 13.5
4 219 − 0.17 − 3.4 5.95 29.75
5 166 − 0.12 − 2.9 5.9 29.5
6 34 0.37 2.2 − 1.08 − 5.4
7 128 0.76 3.72 − 5.04 − 25.2
8 65 0.84 3.37 − 14.4 − 72

Fig. 13. The difference in Fueleff (see Tables 4 and 5) using the Boost-GES-RTO
strategy with Air-LF (♦) and Fuel-LF (■) compared to sFF control.
Fig. 15. The difference in FuelT (see Tables 4 and 5) using the Boost-GES-RTO
strategy with Air-LF (♦) and Fuel-LF (■) compared to sFF control.

Fig. 14. The difference in ηsys (see in Tables 4 and 5) using the Boost-GES-RTO
strategy with Air-LF (♦) and Fuel-LF (■) compared to sFF control.

Then, the Fuel-LF/Boost-GES-RTO strategy is analyzed. Fig. 12 re-

presents the searching of the optimal point for FC/Battery/SMES HPS
under the same 6 kW load by using Fuel-LF/Boost-GES-RTO strategy in Fig. 16. The optimal points position for the Boost-GES RTO strategies with Air-
order to compare the results. The structure of the plots of Fig. 12 is the LF ( ) and Fuel-LF ( ) compared to sFF control ( ).
same as of Fig. 11.
The DC voltage (VDC) varies around the reference VDC(ref)= 200 V

N. Bizon Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 14–37

Table 6
Fuel economy for the Air-LFW/Boost-GES-RTO compared to sFF control.
Pload1(AV) sFF-RTO strategy Air-LF/Boost-GES RTO strategy ΔFuelT2A(LC)=FuelT2A(LC)-FuelT3(LC) 60·ΔFuelT2A(LC)/12

IFC3(AV) FuelFr3(AV) AirFr3(AV) FuelT3(LC) IFC2A(AV) FuelFr2A(AV) AirFr2A(AV) FuelT2A(LC)

[kW] [A] [lpm] [lpm] [l] [A] [lpm] [lpm] [l] [l] [lpm]

2 26.07 10.39 62.86 34.52 46.83 17.6 79.65 49.33 14.81 74.05
3 43.92 16.39 97.59 54.23 63.55 24.05 117.5 64.49 10.26 51.3
4 57.23 22.42 134.2 75.96 78.81 29.7 154.4 82 6.04 30.2
5 73.38 28.99 173.3 100.4 79.25 30.43 179.1 96.79 − 3.61 − 18.05
6 90.1 36 215.3 129.1 99.16 37.28 221.5 109.9 − 19.2 − 96
6.25 104.2 40.53 244 149 104.7 39.42 233.6 112.1 − 36.9 − 184.5

Table 7
Fuel economy for the Fuel-LFW/Boost-GES-RTO compared to sFF control.
Pload1(AV) sFF-RTO strategy Fuel-LF/Boost-GES RTO strategy ΔFuelT1A(LC)=FuelT1A(LC)-FuelT3(LC) 60·ΔFuelT1A(LC)/12

IFC3(AV) FuelFr3(AV) AirFr3(AV) FuelT3(LC) IFC1A(AV) FuelFr1A(AV) AirFr1A(AV) FuelT1A(LC)

[kW] [A] [lpm] [lpm] [l] [A] [lpm] [lpm] [l] [l] [lpm]

2 26.07 10.39 62.86 34.52 34.01 12.03 77.71 38.43 3.91 19.55
3 43.92 16.39 97.59 54.23 48.6 18.09 113.3 58.09 3.86 19.3
4 57.23 22.42 134.2 75.96 65.62 24.38 152.1 79.21 3.25 16.25
5 73.38 28.99 173.3 100.4 85.78 31.5 196 103.2 2.8 14
6 90.1 36 215.3 129.1 107.4 39.02 242.6 125.9 − 3.2 − 16
6.25 104.2 40.53 244 149 110.8 40.81 252 132.4 − 16.6 − 83

searching the maximum of the optimization function f (7a).

Thus, the performance indicators (8) are a bit different, being re-
presented in Fig. 11 (the total fuel consumption (FuelT) in the 7th plot,
the fuel consumption efficiency (Fueleff ≅ PFCnet / FuelFr) in the 9th
plot, and the FC system efficiency (ηsys) in the last plot) and summar-
ized in Table 2 for different levels of constant load Pload1.
The sFF control was chosen as reference strategy to control the FC/
Battery/SMES HPS due to its frequent use in different applications re-
ported in the literature [35–41], including the commercial ones
[37,38]. The results obtained are summarized in Table 3 for different
levels of constant load demand (Pload1).
The performance indicators difference using the data from Tables 1
and 2 for Boost-GES RTO strategies compared to sFF control (Table 3)
are computed in Tables 4 and 5.
The gaps in performance indicators shown in Tables 4 and 5 are
represented in Fig. 13 (Fueleff), Fig. 14 (ηsys), and Fig. 15 (FuelT). The
following conclusions result from analysis of these results:
Fig. 17. Fuel (see Tables 6 and 7) for the Boost-GES RTO strategy with Air-LF
(♦) and Fuel-LF (■) compared to sFF control. – In range of load demand from 3.8 kW up to 8 kW, the Air-LFW/
Boost-GES RTO strategy compared to Fuel-LFW/Boost-GES RTO
(see the 3rd plot) in the same manner as shown in Fig. 11, having a strategy gives better results in all performance indicators;
voltage drop of about 14 V during startup if the DC voltage regulation – For light load (up to 3.8 kW), the sFF control compared to both
by using VDC(correction) is not used. The battery's power (pBat) have the Boost-GES RTO strategies gives better results in all performance
same variation as shown in Fig. 11 (see the 4rd plot) due to the battery's indicators.
operation in charge-sustaining mode that results from the power bal- – In range of load power from 4 kW up to 8 kW, the Air-LFW/Boost-
ance (1). Minor differences appear in shapes of signals related to ESS GES RTO strategy compared to sFF control gives better results in all
behavior because the same ESS control is used in both Boost-GES-RTO performance indicators; furthermore, the differences in all perfor-
strategies. But different control loops are used for each Boost-GES-RTO mance indicators increase with the level of the load power.
In case of the Fuel-LF/Boost-GES-RTO strategy, the LFW control (4) The position of optimal points for Boost-GES RTO strategies com-
is applied to the reference current Iref(H2): pared to sFF strategy are presented in the phase plane of the control
variables FuelFr and AirFr based on data from Tables 1–3 (see Fig. 16).

PFC PDC (AV ) This illustrates that optimization function is a dynamic surface de-
Iref (H 2) = =
VFC ηboost VFC (29) pending by controllable variables FuelFr and AirFr in the control loops
of each strategy considered here. Note that even if the positions of
so the FuelFr (represented in the 6th plot) will follow the load demand
optimal points are close one to another, the values obtained for per-
on DC bus based on (29).
formance indicators may be very different [105] due to dynamic sur-
The AirFr (represented in the 8th plot) is controlled by the FC
face that depends by process's inputs and used strategy [123,124].
current (represented in the 5th plot), so both signals have the same
shape. The FC current follows the reference current IrefGES (6j),

N. Bizon Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 14–37

Fig. 18. Searching of optimal points by using Air-LFW/Boost-GES RTO strategy for RES/FC/Battery/SMES HPS under 6 kW AV-LC.

4.2. Variable load strategy; furthermore, the fuel economy increases with the level of
the load power.
The pload1 is a variable load if switch SW6 is on position shown in
Fig. 4. Also, the noise added to it is given by pload2, and pload3 shown in Therefore, the Air-LFW/Boost-GES RTO strategy will be considered
Fig. 5 and Fig. 11 (the second plot). below to be tested with a variable profile of RESs (which can be
The findings for constant load must also be verified for a dynamic available), but still without DC voltage regulation.
load with stairs profile (pload1) having the levels and the AV value
(Pload1(AV)) mentioned the same as in [33] for further comparison of the 4.3. Dynamic load and variable RES power
results obtained with different RTO strategies.
For dynamic load, only FuelT performance indicator can give re- The simulation results in case of variable RES power and dynamic
levant information about the Boost-GES-RTO strategies compared to profile of load demand is shown in Fig. 18 for the Air-LFW/Boost -GES-
sFF strategy. The simulations have been performed and the results are RTO strategy. The profiles of the RES power and dynamic load (pload1)
presented in Tables 6 and 7. The gaps in FuelT performance indicator are represented in first two plots of Fig. 18. The rest of the plots are as
shown in Tables 6 and 7 are represented in Fig. 17. follows: the variation of the DC voltage (VDC) around the reference
The following conclusions result from analysis of these results: VDC(ref)= 200 V is represented in the 3rd plot (in addition to voltage
drop of about 14 V during startup, others voltage variations of max-
– In range of load power from 4.3 kW up 8 kW, the fuel economy is imum 5 V can be observed due to changes in both RES and load power
higher for Air-LFW/Boost-GES RTO strategy compared to Fuel-LFW/ profiles; anyway the DC voltage still fluctuates around reference due to
Boost-GES RTO strategy; the battery's operation in charge-sustaining mode); the shape of the
– For light load (up to 4.6 kW), the fuel economy is higher for sFF battery's power (pBat) represented in 4th plot confirm this mode of
strategy compared to Air-LFW/Boost-GES RTO strategy. operation (PBat(AV) ≅ 0).
– In range of load power from 4.6 kW up 8 kW, the fuel economy is The FuelFr (represented in the 6th plot) follows the FC current
higher for Air-LFW/Boost-GES RTO strategy compared to sFF (represented in the 5th plot) due to (28), but AirFr (represented in the

N. Bizon Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 14–37

Fig. 19. The behavior of the Battery/SMES hybrid ESS under the two patterns of pulses by using Air-LFW/Boost-GES-RTO strategy, hysteresis current-mode con-
troller for both SMES and battery power converters, and DC voltage regulation. (a) Under the first pattern of pulses considered. (b) Under the second pattern of pulses

8th plot) follows the load demand on DC bus based on (27). The shapes next section considering the error ePulse (25)
of the RES power profile can be identified in the AirFr variation.
The performance indicators (8) are also shown in Fig. 18: the total 4.4. Battery/SMES ESS behavior
fuel consumption (FuelT) in the 7th plot, the fuel consumption effi-
ciency (Fueleff ≅ PFCnet / FuelFr) in the 9th plot, and the FC system The mitigation control will use the hysteresis current-mode control,
efficiency (ηsys) in the last plot. A fair comparison of the RTO strategies but the PI control is also tested here (even if this is not recommended to
for RES/PEMFC/ESS HPS can be made if the fuel economy is compared track a sinusoidal (alternative)) reference due to error in both magni-
under same test conditions (related to load cycle, RES profile etc.) tude and phase parameters [31,35,57,58,125,128], but some improved
[31,33,125–127]. This comparison was made for Boost-GES RTO stra- schemes are reported recently for both controllers [129–131] to avoid
tegies proposed here, and the results obtained confirm the superiority of their disadvantages [125]. The hysteresis controller generates directly
the Air-LF/Boost-GES RTO strategy (but the results are not shown here the PWM commands (without a PWM generator that is mandatory for
because is outside of the goal of this study). It will be interesting to PI controller), but the switching frequency varies in a large band,
compare in next study the Air-LF/Boost-GES RTO strategy proposed generating harmonics in frequency band considered (21). The LPF for
here with others RTO strategy proposed in [33,102,105] based on LFW Ipulse (LPF_Pulse in Fig. 10) is designed to filter these HF harmonics.
control and GES control (one or two GES control loops) but different Besides the LF load ripple pload3 (a superposition of three rectified
applied to controllable inputs. sinusoidal signals of frequency f0, 3f0, and 5f0, where f0 = 50 Hz), two
In this study the mitigation of load pulses and LF load ripples will be patterns are used for the load pulses (see Fig. 19a and b) to test the
analyzed considering the hysteresis current-mode control for both capability of SMES convertor control to mitigate the pulses. Fig. 19 il-
battery and SMES power converters. Thus, the behavior of the Battery/ lustrates the behavior of the Battery/SMES hybrid ESS under the pulses
SMES ESS with voltage regulation of the DC voltage, and mitigation shown in the last plot of Fig. 19 by using Air-LF/Boost-GES-RTO
control of the load pulses and LF load ripples will be analyzed below. strategy, hysteresis current-mode controller for both SMES and battery
Note that the mitigation effect could be observed on the DC voltage power converters, and DC voltage regulation.
presented in previous Figs. (11 and 12), as only very small voltage sag The first pattern (see Fig. 19a) contains one power pulse (with
during the pulse, but the performance of mitigation will be shown in 0.0225 s width and power level of 800 W), and two more short and

N. Bizon Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 14–37

Fig. 19. (continued)

small pulses (one positive and other negative with power of 40 W, but SMES can compensate these changes in load demand pDC, but also short
both with 0.1 s width). The second pattern (see Fig. 19a) will also load pulses and LF load ripples.
contains the short power pulse, but the power of positive and negative
pulses is now of 400 W (instead of 40 W). ESMES = ∫ pSMES dt (30)
The structure of plots for Fig. 19a and b are the same and minor
The mitigation process of short load pulses and LF load ripples will
differences can be observed between the shapes of same signals: the DC
be better shown in Figs. 20–22. Figs. 20 and 21 represent the behavior
voltage regulation is represented in first plot (the use of VDC(correction)
of ESS for the first and second pattern of the pulses during the startup
for battery reference current (23b) based on PI correction of the voltage
phase (Fig. 20a and Fig. 21a), the pulse (Fig. 20b and Fig. 21b), and the
errors, eVdc = VDC - VDC(ref), reduces the voltage sag during startup at
LF ripple (Fig. 20c and Fig. 21c) by using hysteresis current-mode
less than 0.8 V compared with 14 V without DC voltage regulation); the
controller to generate the commands for the SMES power converter.
SMES current is represented in second plot, and the SMES power and
The structure of the plots is the same for both Figs. 20 and 21.
remaining SMES energy (30) are represented in 6th and 7th plots; the
Fig. 20a and Fig. 21a represent the signals during the startup phase:
battery current is represented in 4th plot, and the battery power and the
the reference current IPulse(ref) (in the first plot), the pulse (IPulse) gen-
battery SOC are represented in 5th and 8th plot (the battery supply the
erated by the SMES converter (in the second plot), and the errors ePulse
DC bus with energy to regulate the DC voltage and sustain the power
= IPulse(ref) - IPulse(LPF) (in the 3rd plot), where IPulse(LPF) is given by (24).
flow balance (1) during changes in load or RES power).
Fig. 20b and Fig. 21b represent the same signals during the phase of
In fact, the both energy and power storage devices compensate
a load pulse and Fig. 20c and Fig. 21c represent the same signals during
dynamically the power flow balance on the DC bus during changes in
the phase of a load LF ripple. It is observed that the pulse (IPulse) sup-
load demand pDC (12). The shape (30) of the SMES energy shows that
plied (or generated) by the SMES converter can follow the reference

N. Bizon Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 14–37

Fig. 20. The generation of the Ipulse considering the first pattern of pulses (using Air-LFW/Boost-GES-RTO strategy and hysteresis current-mode controller for SMES
power converter). (a) The startup phase. (b) Zoom of the pulse. (c) Zoom of the LF ripple.

current IPulse(ref) with peak error ePulse less than 0.5 A. Also, the battery the main problem remains at ESS level [113–119] in choosing the
current will follow the reference current I′Bat(ref) with peak error eBat = simplest strategy to generate the reference currents IPulse(ref) and IBat(ref)
I′Bat(ref) – IBat less than 1 A. This error generates a HF power ripple with (23), which seems to be one that is based on filtering [117]. The cut-off
level less than 100 W and 200 W, which will be filtered by the capacitor frequency of the sharing filters LPFFC and HPFSMES was chosen here of
on DC bus (CDC). The DC voltage in Fig. 19 has no HF ripple. 0.1 Hz. The value of this sharing frequency is important in sizing the
To compare the results using the same structure of plots as Figs. 20 power storage device without support of the battery in ensuring the
and 21, Fig. 22 represents the generation of the Ipulse considering the power flow balance (1) [117]. A lower value will better mitigate the LF
second pulse pattern and the PI controller to command the SMES power ripple from the reference current for the FC system (ILF(ref)), but the
converter. response time of the LPFFC increase as well. So, a faster type for the
LPFFC must be used [117].
4.5. Discussion Other problem is where the DC voltage regulation will be performed
as correction (VDC(correction)) of the reference current: on the control side
Thus, based on the results obtained and reported in the literature, of the PEMFC system, the battery, or the power storage device (UC or

N. Bizon Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 14–37

Fig. 21. The generation of the Ipulse considering the second pattern of pulses (using Air-LFW/Boost-GES-RTO strategy and hysteresis current-mode controller for
SMES power converter). (a) The startup phase. (b) Zoom of the pulses. (c) Zoom of the LF ripple.

SMES). The DC voltage regulation was tested here at the FC control side as
For example, in FC/UC HPS analyzed in [117], the DC voltage well considering the same time response for FC and battery converters.
regulation was performed at both FC control and UC control sides, but The results obtained are less good due to use of slope limiters for the
the results are commented only from point of view of power sharing fueling rate flows.
between the FC and UC.
The results shown in [33,132] for FC/UC HPS with DC voltage
5. Conclusion
regulation at the UC control side have shown that the battery power
results more noisy than the shape obtained here, where the DC voltage
The HPS architectures and the ESS topologies proposed in the lit-
regulation is performed at the battery control side. Anyway, the control
erature are discussed here in frame of the space applications, where
cannot be implemented here at the SMES control side because the SMES
extreme environments (very low temperature, intense radiation en-
control is designed to mitigate the load pulses and the correction of the
vironments etc.) and dynamic load demand (including load pulses) are
IPulse(ref)will deteriorate the mitigation control performance.
standard test conditions. The potential energy sources (including FC

N. Bizon Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 14–37

Fig. 22. The generation of the Ipulse considering the second pattern of pulses (and using Air-LFW/Boost-GES-RTO strategy and PI controller for SMES power

systems and PV array) and the reliable technologies for HPS and hybrid The results obtained here have been discussed compared to other
ESS are also discussed here in frame of the performance (power and HPS architectures, ESS hybridizations and control solutions reported in
energy density, efficiency, and lifetime) for space applications and fu- the literature.
ture targets.
The optimization strategies proposed to optimally operate the Fuel Acknowledgements
Cell (FC) system using two control loops implemented based on the
global optimization control of the boost DC-DC converter and the LFW This work was supported by a grant of the Ministry of National
control of the FuelFr or the AirFr are analyzed for constant load, dy- Education and Scientific Research, Romania (167STAR) within RDI
namic load, and without RES power. Program for Space Technology and Advanced Research - STAR, project
The main findings for constant load are: (1) Air-LFW/Boost-GES number 167/2017: “Concept Development of an Energy Storage Unit
RTO strategy compared to Fuel-LFW/Boost-GES RTO strategy gives Using High Temperature Superconducting Coil for Spacecraft Power
better results for all performance indicators in range of load power from Systems (SMESinSpace)”.
3.8 kW up 8 kW; (2) Air-LFW/Boost-GES RTO strategy compared to sFF
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