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Ichchapurti: Script

Narrator: Subal Chandra's son was named Sushil Chandra. But a person is not always like his
name. So Su-bal (strength) was somewhat weak and Su-shil (polite) was not a very quiet

(Sushil running very fast crosses the stage with Subal hot in pursuit, Once normally and twice with
a limp)

Subal: Susheeeeeeel, Susheeeeel, stop you menace, you bumbling mule, I’ll get you, I will ….(he
falls down, then gets back up with a limp) Stop, Susheel, Susheel. (looks here and there)
where did he go… where….

Narrator: The son, Sushil, pestered everyone in the neighborhood. His father, Subal, often chased
after him in order to beat him. But he was old with joint pain while his son could run like the
deer. So the blows did not always fall in the right places. But the days when Sushil got
caught, he received no mercy.

(Sushil getting beaten by Subal across the stage)

Narrator: One fine morning…

(Sushil gets up from his bed)

Sushill: (Yawn) Today again it’s school, shit (slams the bed)...but today’s Saturday so…. it’s half day
school at least. (gets up and starts to arrange his books when suddenly his eyes go wide
and he yells) Shit! It’s Geography test today….oh no I completely forgot…!!!

(Geography test comes and scares Sushil, then Idea comes and punches Geography test then
whispers something in Sushil’s ear, Sushil smiles smugly)

Sushill: If I can fake a stomach ache, I can save myself from Geography test. (aaahhhhaaahh…falls

(Subal comes running)

Sushill: I have a stomach-ache, I will not be able to go to school today. (aahh….)

Subal: Trying to outsmart the pitaji eh…I will teach him a lesson. (to Sushil) Stomach-ache? Well
then, no need to go out anywhere. There will be fireworks at the Boses', but I will not send
you there. I had got some chocolate cake for you. But no need for you to have it today!
Quietly lie down on your bed. I will get you some of that black medicine.

Sushil: Oh no! The one with the horrible bitter taste. Please God No….

(He hurries through the door latches up the door from outside)

(Subal prepares black medicine laughing, then comes inside the room where Suchil hides his face
under the blanket)

Subal: Come beta come have some delicious medicine.

(Sushil springs up from the bed like a frog and stands up absolutely finely)

Sushil: Papa my stomach pain is absolutely gone, I will get ready for school immediately.

Subal: (Wicked smile) No need for that. You have to take this beta, you will get better. Come here
betaaaaaa (chases after him, catches him and forces medicine down his throat)

(Goes away through door locking it from outside as Sushil is almost puking and staggering)

Subal (outside): 'my parents were too lenient with me. That is why I did not get much schooling in my
childhood. If only I could get my childhood back, I would not waste my time but only devote
myself to my incomplete education.

Sushil (inside): If only I could be as old as Baba (father), I could do as I like, and no one would be
able to stop me.

(Shiv Ji comes through the stage looks at both of them then looks at the audience)

Lord Shiva: Tathastu! let us see what comes of my fulfilling their wishes for a while. Your wish will
come true. From tomorrow you will be your son's age. (To the son) from tomorrow you
will be as old as your father. Tathaastu…!
Scene 1 end, Scene 2 Begin

Subal (Subal sleeping): (gets up, realizes his skin, hair, facial hair miss, oversized clothes):
Hey Shiva….am I dreaming? ………What has happened to me? My hair have grown, my beard has
vanished, my skin has tightened. Hey Narayan Bhagwan, I am a child again. (Jumps on the bed a
few times). Yahoo Yahoo, now I can do everything I wanted to…but let me visit the panchayat, I want
to give my advice regarding Moolchand’s case.

Sushil: (continues to twist his body on the bed when he wakes up after hearing his father
Subal’s yelling): (gets up realizes his loose skin and tight clothes): Oh my God, I have become
old, my hairs have disappeared, I have grown up? Oh my God I have grown up! Yes! Wohoooo!
(tries to jump but staggers and falls down on his ass, then keeps sitting and groaning) What is this
pain in my joints? I have never felt so tired. But now it's not the time for laziness. I have to do all the
work that I always wanted to do. I will eat all the mangoes I can, all the toffees I can, I will play with
my friends till sundown, nobody can stop me because I am grown up now.


Sushil: I bought all the toffees that I can with all the money had.(puts all the toffees on the table)
Finally, I am free. (eats toffee) AAhhhh… my teeth….this intense pain, from where it came,
Aaaaahhhh…….(rolls on the ground)...aaahhhh…..


Subal: (comes to panchayat where few panchs are discussing matter)

Panch 1: I think Moolchand should be forgiven for stealing Dhoti from Phoolchand. It’s just a dhoti

Panch 2: Dhoti or Moti, stealing is stealing, Moolchand should pay double the price of dhoti.

Subal: (coming and sitting down beside panchs) I think simply the price of dhoti should be enough.

Panch 2: Who are you little boy? Didn’t you learn any sanskar? Get up and do pranaam to us and sit
on the ground.

Subal: (Does pranaam and sits on the ground): Now listen, I want to offer my view in this case….

Panch 1: Little boy, you do not know anything about the matters of grown ups. I think you should

Subal: But listen….

Panch 1: (picks up a danda and runs after Subal) Just you wait little brat.

(Subal in school)

Master Ji: Complete the homework shaitan bachcha.

Subal: (crying) But I forgot everything.

Master ji: You forgot? Yesterday only I taught you this! You have grown lazy, every other student has
done it. I don't even remember your face. Now complete your homework.(Hits stick on the table)

Subal: (Tries to write while crying).

(Sushil comes to an orchard)

Sushil: Oh wow such ripe mangoes, let me climb and pluck a few of them. (tries to climb but
stumbles and falls, screams, then gets back up): aaaaaaah, my whole body aches, I cannot climb
even one branch where I used to climb to the top. My body feels like a thousand tonnes. Hey
Bhagwan, this body is so slow. (gets back up) Well at least I have my friends with whom I can play
freely now.

(Sushil comes to a place where 4 boys are playing)

Sushil: Hey friends! Let me show you how to play!

Friend1: Hey its a dangerous looking old man!

Friend2: Buddha Khoosat will kill us! Run Run!

(All friends run away)


Sushil: I now understand Prabhu, my baba’s life is not easy. He has so many physical problems and
so much pain in body. He is not as strong as I thought. I am sick and tired of this life and I want to go
back to my own life, please Shivji Please! GIve me my old life back!

Subal: I now understand that the life of my son is not as easy as I thought. He has to do so much
work and yet no one pays him attention. There is no respect in the society, everyone just ignores
what I want. Hey Bole Bhandari, give me my old life back. I want to be respected in my society

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