X - Social English Mediam 2 Marks

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X - Social science (English Medium)

Public Exams – Related Two Marks Questions

Important Two Marks : ( HISTORY )

1. Name the countries in the Triple Entente.

2. What were the three militant forms of nationalisam in Eroupe.

3. List out any to causes r for the failure of the League of Nations.

4. How did Depression impact on the Indian agriculture.

5. Define “ Doller Imperalism”.

6. Name the Bretton Woods Twins.

7. Describe the Pearl Harbour Incident.

8. Who were the three prominent dictators of the post World War.

9.What was Marshall Plan.

10. Write a note on Third World Countries.

11. List the evils eradicated by Brahmo Samaj.

12. Write a note reforms of Ramalinga Adical.

13. Whjat were the duties of Palayakkarars ?

14.Identify the Palayams based on the division of East and West .

15. How were the peasent uprisings in British India classified ?

16. Name the territories annexed by the British under the Doctrine of Laps.

17. Highlight the objectives of Home Rule Movement.

18. Why did Gandhi withdraw the Non Cooperation Movement.

19. What is Poorna Swaraj ?

20. What are the terms of Poona Pact.

21. List out contribution of the moderates.

22. What is the contribution of Annie Besant to India’s freedom struggle.

23. Name the newspapers published by the South Indian Liberal Foundation.

24. List out the personalites who contributed to the revival of Tamil literature through their writings
Important Two Marks : ( GEOGRAPHY )

1. Name the neighbouring countries of India.

2. Write a short note on Deccan Plateau.

3. State the west following Rivers of India.

4. Write brief note on the island group of Lakshadweep.

5. List the factors affecting climate of India.

6. What are ‘Jet strems’ ?

7. Write a short Note on ‘Monsoon wind’.

8. Name the areas which receive heavy rainfall.

9. Define soil.

10. Name the type of soil found in India.

11. State the types of agriculture practices in India.

12. Mention the plantation crops of India.

13. Define the resource and state its types.

14. Name the different type of coal with their carbon contant.

15. Mention the major areas of jute production in India.

16. Define “ International trade “ .

17. What is communication ? What are its types.

18. What is “ Teri “ .

19. State the boundaries of Tamil Nadu.

20. Name the major Island of Tamil Nadu.

21. Name the tributaries of river Thamirabarani.

22. Why is Combatore called the Manchester of Tamil Nadu ?

23. What is MRTS ?

24. List out air ports and sea ports of Tamil Nadu.
Important Two Marks : ( CIVICS )

1. What is a Constitution.

2. List out the fundamental rights guaranteed by Indian – Constitution.

3. What Is Writ ?

4. What are the classical languages in India.

5. What is meant by citizenship.

6. List out the three heads of the relations between the centre and the state.

7. What are the different categories of Ministers at the Union level.

8. What is the qualification of Judges of the Supreme Court ?

9. Write short note : Money Bill.

10. What are the qualification for the appointment of Governor ?

11. List out four guiding principles of Panchsheel ?

12. List out the member countries of SAARC.

13. Explain India’s nuclear policy.

14. Mention the main tools of foreign policy.

15. Name of the neibouring countries of India.

16. Mention the member countries of BRICS.

17. What is the role of Japan India Institute of Manufacturing (JIM).

Important Two Marks : ( ECONOMIC )

1. Define National Income.

2. What is Per Capital Income.

3. Write the name of economic policies in India.

4. Write the importance of Gross domestic product.

5. What is Globalization ?

6. Write the types of Globalization.

7. Write any two positive impact of Globalization.

8. Define food security according to FAO.

9. What are the basic components of food and nutrition security.

10. What are the effects of Green Revolution.

11.write some Name of the nutrition programmes in Tamil Nadu.

12. Define tax.

13. Why we pay tax to the government .

14. What is ment by block money ?

15. What are the types of tax ? Give examples.

16. Write short note Good and service tax.

17.Why are wages low in the agricultural sector.

18. What are the problems of industrialization currently in Tamil Nadu.

Time Line : Very Very Important.

1. 1900 to 1930 or 1905 to 1930

1. Partition of Bengal - 1905

2. Home Rule League - 1916
3. Non – Cooperation Movement - 1920
4. Chauri Chaura incident - 1922
5. First Round Table Conference - 1930

2. 1920 to 1950 or 1930 to 1950 or 1910 to 1950

1. Non – Cooperation Movement - 1920

2. Chauri Chaura incident - 1922
3. First Round Table Conference - 1930
4. Third Round Table Conference - 1932
5. India got Independence - 1947


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