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10 Std Social Science 2023 - 2024

April’ 2024 – Public Exam. - Important Questions

(  Important Questions  Very Important Questions)

Choose the Correct Answer -

UNITS 1 Mark Questions 14 X 1 = 14
(Q. No: 1 to Q. No: 14)

1  27 UNITS

UNITS 2 Mark Questions (Q. No: 15 to Q. No: 28) 10 X 2 = 20

How do you assess the importance of Sino - Japanese

1 
2 His - 1 Name the countries in the Triple Entente.

3 What do you know of trench warfare?

4  What was the role of Mustafa Kemal Pasha?
5  What was the result of Mussolini’s march on Rome?
How did Great Depression impact on the Indian
6 His - 2
7  Define “Dollar Imperialism.”
8 His - 3  Describe the Pearl Harbor incident.
-2 -

9 Name the Bretton Woods Twins.

10  Write a note on Mao’s Long March.
11 His - 4  What was Marshall Plan?
12 Write a note on Third World Countries.
Discuss Mahadev Govind Ranade’s contribution to
social reforms.
His - 5
14  Write a note on reforms of Ramalinga Adigal.
15 List the social evils eradicated by Brahmo Samaj.
16  What were the duties of the Palayakkarars?
17  What was the significance of the Battle of Kalakadu?
What was the bone of contention between the Company
18 His - 6
and Kottabomman?
Highlight the essence of the Tiruchirappalli
19 
Procalamation of 1801.
Name the territories annexed by the British under the
20 
Doctrine of Lapse.
His - 7
21  Highlight the objectives of Home Rule Movement.
22  Summarise the essence of Lucknow Pact.
23  Describe the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre.
Why did Gandhi withdraw the Non Cooperation
24 His - 8
25 Why was Simon Commission boycotted?
26  Write a note on the Tirunelveli Uprising.
His - 9 What is the contribution of Annie Besant to India's
freedom struggle?
-3 -

28  Write a note on Tamil Renaissance.

Name the newspapers published by the South Indian
29 His - 10 
Liberal Foundation.
30  Estimate Periyar as a feminist
1  Name the neighboring countries of India.
2 Give the importance of IST.
3 Geo - 1  Write a short note on Deccan Plateau.

4  State the west flowing rivers of India.

5 Write a brief note on the island group of Lakshadweep

6 List the factors affecting climate of India.
7  What is meant by ‘normal lapse rate’?
8 Geo - 2 What are ‘jet streams’?
9  Name the four distinct seasons of India.
10 Name the areas which receive heavy rainfall.
11  Define soil.
12 Name the types of soil found in India.
13  State any two characteristics of black cotton soil.
14 Geo - 3 Define Agriculture.
15 State the types of agriculture practices in India.
16  Name the seasons of agriculture in India?
17  Mention the plantation crops of India.
18 Geo - 4 Define the resource and state its types.
19 Write any four advantages of railways.
20 Geo - 5  Write a note on Pipeline network transport in India
21  State the merits of Roadways.
-4 -

22  State the boundaries of Tamil Nadu.

23  What is ‘Teri’?
24 Geo - 6  Name the major islands of Tamil Nadu.
25  Name the tributaries of river Thamirabarani.
26 Define : Disaster Risk Reduction
27 What are the cropping seasons of Tamil Nadu
Why Coimbatore is called the Manchester of South
28 
Geo - 7
Name the important multipurpose projects of Tamil
29 
30  What is MRTS?
1  What is a Constitution?
2 What is meant by citizenship?
List out the fundamental rights guaranteed by Indian
3 Civ - 1
4  What is a Writ?
5  What are the classical languages in India?
6  How is President of India elected?
7  Write short note: Money Bill.
Civ - 2
What is the qualification of Judges of the Supreme
What are the qualifications for the appointment of
9 Civ - 3 
10  What is foreign policy?
11  List any four guiding principles of Panchsheel?
-5 -

12 Civ - 4  Name the architects of the Non-Aligned movement.

13  List out the member countries of SAARC.

14  Mention the member countries of BRICS.

Civ - 5 List out any five global groupings in which India is a
15 
1  Define National income.
2 Eco - 1 Write the importance of Gross domestic product.
3  What is per capita income?
4  Write short note on Multinational corporation.
Eco - 2
5 Write any two positive impact of Globalization.
What are the basic three components of food and
nutrition security?
7 Eco - 3  What are the effects of Green Revolution?
Write some name of the nutrition programmers in Tamil
8 
9  Define tax.
10  What are the types of tax? Give examples.
11 Eco - 4  Write short note on Goods and Service Tax.
12  What is progressive tax?

13  What is meant by black money?

14 What is meant by an industrial cluster?
Eco - 5 Mention any three industrial development agencies in
15 
Tamil Nadu.
-6 -

S. Fill in the blanks (or) Match the following

No (Q. No: 29) 5X1=5

1  27 UNITS

5 Mark Questions (Q. No: 29 to Q. No: 40) 8 X 5 = 40

8 Mark Question - History - (Q. No: 43) 1X8=8

1  Discuss the main causes of the First World War.

Explain the course of the Russian Revolution under the
2 His - 1 
leadership of Lenin.
3  Estimate the work done by the League of Nations.
Trace the circumstances that led to the rise of Hitler in
4 His - 2 
5  Analyse the effects of the World War II.
His - 3
6 Assess the structure and the activities of the UN.
Estimate the role of Mao Tse Tung in making China a
7 His - 4
communist country.
Discuss the circumstances that led to the Reform
8 
movements of 19th century.
His - 5
Write an essay on the role played by the 19th century
9 
reformers towards the cause of Women.
Attempt an essay of the heroic fight Veerapandya
10 His - 6  Kattabomman conducted against the East India
-7 -

11 Highlight the tragic fall of Sivagangai and its outcome.

12  Account for the outbreak of Vellore Revolt in 1806.
13  Discuss the causes of the Revolt of 1857?
His - 7 How did the people of Bengal respond to the Partition of
Bengal (1905)?
Examine the factors that led to the transformation of
15 
Gandhi into a mass leader.
His - 8
Critically examine the Civil Disobedience Movement as
16 
the typical example of Gandhian movement.
Discuss the response to Swadeshi Movement in Tamil
17 
His - 9
Describe the role of Tamil Nadu in the Civil
18 
Disobedience Movement.
Describe the background for the formation of the Justice
19  Party and point out its contribution to the cause of social
His - 10 justice.
Estimate Periyar E.V.R’s decisive contribution to the
20 
social transformation of Tamil Nadu.
Explain the divisions of Northern Mountains and its
importance to India.
Geo - 1
2  Give an account on the major peninsular rivers of India.
3  Give a detailed account on the basin of the Ganga.
4  Write about South West Monsoon.
Geo - 2
5  Describe the forests of India.
-8 -

State any five types of soil in India and explain the

characteristics and distribution of soil.
Geo - 3
What is Multipurpose projects and write about any two
7 
Multipurpose projects of India.
Write about the distribution of cotton textile industries in
Geo - 4 India.
9  Describe the major challenges of Indian industries.
10  What is urbanization? Explain its problem.
Geo - 5
11  Classify and explain the roadways in India.
Describe the nature of the plateau region of Tamil
13 Geo - 6  Write an account on river Cauvery.
 Bring out the types and distribution of soils in Tamil
15 Geo - 7 Write about the plantation farming of Tamil Nadu.
1  Explain the salient features of the Constitution of India.
2  Point out the Fundamental Rights.
Civ - 1
Mention the differences between Fundamental Rights
and Directive Principles of State Policy.
Describe the Executive and Judicial powers of the
4 
President of India.
What are the Duties and functions of Prime Minister of
5 Civ - 2 
Explain any three Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of
-9 -

7  Describe the legislative powers of the Governor.

Civ - 3 What are the powers and functions of the Chief
8 
9 Civ - 4  Write a detailed note on Non-alignment.
Trace the reason for the formation of BRICS and write
10 
its objectives.
Mention OPEC missions and how does it help other
11 Civ - 5 
Highlight India and International organization with
special reference to any three India’s global groupings.
Briefly explain various terms associated with measuring
1 
of national income.
What are the methods of calculating Gross Domestic
2 Eco - 1 
Product? and explain its.
Write any five differences between the growth and
3 
Briefly explain the advantages and disadvantages of
4 
Eco - 2 MNC.
5  Write the challenges of Globalization.
6  Explain Minimum Support Price.
Eco - 3
7  Elaborate the Public Distribution System.
8  Explain some direct and indirect taxes.
9 Eco - 4  Write the structure of GST.
10  What is black money? Write the causes of black money.
-10 -

What are the important characteristics of successful

industrial clusters?
Eco - 5 Write in detail about the types of policies adopted by the
12 
Tamil Nadu government to industrialise.
13 Explain the role of entrepreneur?

S. Distinguish between -
No 5 Mark Question (Q. No: - )
1  Himalayan rivers - Peninsular rivers

2 Geo - 1  Western Ghats - Eastern Ghats

3 Western Coastal Plains - Eastern Coastal Plains

4  Weather - Climate

5 Geo - 2 Tropical Evergreen Forest - Deciduous Forest

6  North East Monsoon - South West Monsoon

7 Rabi crop seasons - Kharif crop seasons

8 Geo - 3 Marine fishing - Inland fishing

9 Alluvial soils - Black soils

- Non Renewable
10  Renewable resources

11 Geo - 4  Metallic minerals - Non metallic minerals

12 Agro based industry - Mineral based industry

13 Jute industry - Sugar industry

-11 -

14  Roadways - Railways

15 Geo - 5  Waterways - Airways

16  Internal trade - International trade

17 Geo - 6  Thamiraparani - Cauvery

18 Food crops - Non food crops

Geo - 7
19 Surface water - ground water

UNITS Give Reasons 1X1=1
1  Himalayas are called young fold mountains
2 Geo - 1 North Indian Rivers are perennial
3  South Indian rivers are east flowing
4 India has a tropical monsoon climate.
Geo - 2
5  Mountains are cooler than the plains.
6  Agriculture is the backbone of India.
Geo - 3
7  Rain water harvesting is necessary.
8  Eastern Ghats are not a continuous range.
Geo - 6 Tamil Nadu receives low rainfall during southwest
9 
10 Farmers switch over from inorganic to organic farming.
Geo - 7
11  Cities are densely populated than the villages
-12 -

S. Time Line -
No 5 Mark Question (Q. No: 41)
Draw a Time Line for the following:

His - Write important World Events between 1900 to 1950

1 
1 to 3 First World War Events between 1914 to 1919

Second World War Events between 1939 to 1945

Write important Indian Events between 1900 to 1950

His - Indian National Movement between 1900 to 1950
2 
7 to 9 Gandhian Phase between 1919 to 1948

Indian Freedom Struggle Movement between 1900 to 1950

Write any five important Events between 1900 -1950

3  World Events & Indian Events

World Events (or) Indian Events

UNITS History - Map (Q. No: 42) 5 Marks

1 History - 1 & 3  World Map

2 History - 7 & 8  India Map

UNITS Geography - Map (Q. No: 44) 8 Marks

1 Geography - 1 to 5  India Map

2 Geography - 6 & 7  Tamil Nadu Map

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