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LE.S/ISS EXAM-2022 DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO T.B.C. : GVP-U-STSS iN Test Booklet Series of © 1005337 TEST BOOKLET STATISTICS Paper I Time Allowed : Two Hours Maximum Marks : 200 INSTRUCTIONS 1. IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, ETC. IF SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET. 2. Please note that it is the candidate's responsibility to encode and fill in the Roll Number and Test Booklet Series Code A, B,C or D carefully and without any omission or discrepancy at the appropriate places in the OMR Answer Sheet. Any omission/discrepancy will render the Answer Sheet liable for rejection. 3. You have to enter your Roll Number on the ‘Test Booklet in the Box provided alongside. DO NOT write anything else on the Test Booklet. 4. This Test Booklet contains 80 items (questions). Each item comprises four responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item. ‘You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See directions in the Answer Sheet. All items carry equal marks. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer Sheet the response to various items in the Test Booklet, you have to fill in some particulars in the Answer Sheet as per instructions sent to you with your ‘Admission Certificate. After you have completed filling in all your responses on the Answer Sheet and the examination has concluded, you should hand over to the Invigilator only the Answer Sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet. 9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end, y 10. Penalty for wrong answers : THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY A CANDIDATE IN THE OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTION PAPERS. (@ There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one-third of the marks assigned to that question wil be deducted as penal Gi) Ifa candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one ofthe given answers happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as above to that question. (Gi Tf question is left blank, i., no answer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question. DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO se 2 GVP-U-STSS (1-A) 1, Suppose X,, Xj, Xj and X, are independent | 3. where X,, X) Xj has a Bemoulli (3) distribution and X, follows a: 2). Then the distribution of X, +X, +X, +3-X, is: @) 2(5, 3) “2 1 (b) Bi 6,— o 2(6.3) 2 )» Bia? © (5,2) (@ nota Binomial 4. 2, A large number of candidates from three States A, B and C appear at a selection test. Suppose 10 candidates are selected independently out of which X, Y, Z are respectively from A, B and C. If a candidate from State A had twice as much chance as one from B or from C to be selected, then cov(Y, Z) equals : Gr 4 ©) © 0 15 @ 2 GVP-U-STSS (2-A) Suppose -(X, : n > 1) is a sequence of independent random variables, and for each 2 1,X takes the values ~ 52 a . Band a, 2 anda with probability + each, Then the sequence converges in probability to 0 if and only if: (a) a> () a=1 (©) a2 3 a) = @ ar5 ‘A certain city receives three newspapers A, B and C. Newspaper A has 50% of the readers in that city, newspaper B has 30% of the readers and newspaper C has the remaining 20% of the readers, Assuming that no one in that city reads more than one paper, the probability that among 6 randomly chosen readers in that city, 3 will read newspaper A, 2 will read newspaper B and 1 (one) will read newspaper Cis: 1 @ ¢ ® + 8 27 o Zt 27 @ 7 5. If X is a Poisson random variable with | 8- A group of 2n boys and 2n girls is divided at PAX = 1) = P(X = 2), then what is VOX) equal random into two equal batches, What is the or probability that each batch will be equally Haas divided into boys and girls ? a C2a,n) sola 2 Caan © 2 : (Cn, n)} {Cn ny? or © giana) 2 6 IfXhas binomial distribution with n=3and| {@) (C@n.m . {C(4n, »)?? » then what is the value of E((X ~ 1)%)? C(2n,n) @ —CGmn- (a) t (C (4n, 20)? grea Consider the following for the next two (02) items 9 that follow : @ 4 Let the joint density function of X and ¥ be 9 x z a te 20, y20 ore fix,y)= ace =) eae 9 0 otherwise 7. The random variables X and Y have the joint probability mass function given by : 9. Whatis the value of E[Y|X = 10] ? (a) 22 xty E*Y forx=1,2,8 y=12 roe pe, &) 2% ° otherwise ean What is POX -Y< 05) equal to? ee 2 @ 2 o 4 10. What is the equation of regression of Y on X? ig (@) Y=2x+2 o 2 @) Y=3X+5 7 (©) Y=(X/2)+5 @ it 21 (@) Y=38X+(6/2) GVP-U-STSS (3-A) i. 13, GVP-U-STSS Consider the following bivariate data : 14. x a a y 4 ‘What is the correlation coefficient ? @ 0 () = @ -1 15. @ 1 Let X,, X, .. X, be a random sample of size 5 from a population having standard normal distribution. Let X = T = DS (x, - X)*, What is (I? + KX”) equal to? (a) 40 tb) 42 (©) 242, @ 22 16. If(X, Y) ~ BVN(10, 20, 100, 100, 0-5), then what is the value of E(e**¥)? (a) @50 ) (©) @10 (@) #20 (4-A) It is given that n = 4, Ex” = 164, Dy? = 572, Dx = 24, Dy = 44 and ¥ xy = 300. What is the estimated value of X when ¥ = 10? (a) 259 (b) 359 © 459 @ 559 Let (X,, X,) follow bivariate normal with E(X,) = E(K,) = 0, ViX,) = VOX) = 1 and Cor(X,, X;) = p. What is the value of OX} X3) ? (@) p+ 3 For a trivariate distribution, it is given that Typ = Tyg = Tog =F Where 1 is the correlation coefficient between X; and Xj for all i + j. If Rigg i8 the multiple correlation coefficient, then the expression for (1 -Ri, m8: (@) (@-n(@-2)G4+r7 ) G-nd+2nd+n7 (© @-na-2a-11 @ @-na+2na-nt 17. 18. GVP-U-STSS IfX is normally distributed with mean y and | 19. variance1 and Y* is _ independently distributed as central x? with f degrees of freedom, then what is the value of a0? +y3 @ rT (Se? fh tthe ©) r(§)2 2 Je? © vre® @ r(fjaz vee ® Let (X,Y) ~ BVN(O, 0, 1, 1, p). Consider the following statements : 1. (K+ Y) and (X - Y) are independently distributed. 2. (K+ ¥) follows normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 2 (1 + p). 3. K~Y) follows normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 2 (1 ~p). Which of the statements given above is/are correct ? (a) lonly (&) Land 2 only © 2and3 only @ 1,2and3 (5-A) If r is a sample correlation coefficient in a random sample of size n from a bivariate normal population with p=0, then the distribution of r? is: (a) BQ,n-2) () (U2, (n—2y2) © B@n-3) (@) B13, (n- 8y/3) If Ryy5 = 0, then which of the following statements is/are correct ? 1. X; is uncorrelated with X, and X,. 2. X, is uncorrelated with X, 2 2), 8 Gari d-22 a1 Select the correct answer using the code given below : (a) 1only (b) land 2 (@ lands (@ 2and3 21. Suppose f is a three time differentiable | 95. 2 function on [0, 2]. The integral i} fix) dx is Jo computed using trapezoidal rule partitioning {0, 2] into 10 equal sub-intervals. Then the error is given by : (a) -2£'@ forsome te [0,21 25 1 24. -=f" e (0, 2] ) = if") for some t ¢ (0,21 © = ZAjt"W for some t (0,2 1 -— fre) e (0, 2) (@) Et") forsome t « 10,2 22, Euler method is used to solve the initial value problem ae sin y, yO) = 1, t € (0, 7). Then the local truncation error is always bounded by: h 25. @ # w o © w o = 3h @ * GVP-U-STSS (6-A) equal to? a Ee’ What is (4) ee (with interval of differencing equal to h) fa) 0 (db) e* @ & @ & Consider the following data : x o | 10 | 15 | 20 ft) | 11 | 24 | 57 | 81 Let I= f~ dx. Application of combination A of Trapezoidal rule on 0, 1) and Simpson’s one-third rule on [1, 2] gives the value of I as : (a) 7:30 : (b) 5:55 © 365 @ 333 What is (x?2*) equal to? E-8 (take interval of differencing to be unity) @) & (ox? 6x— ) Ox -6x-D cont © - ee +ex+5) & ext @ Fx +6r+5) 26. Bessel's interpolation formula appropriate when p = (x —xq)/h: @ (b) ©) @ 27. Applying Lagrange’s formula inversely, the value of x from the data y,=4, y= 12, yq= 19 and y, = 7 is approximately : (@) (b) © @) 28. Central finite difference approximation for second order derivative of fix) at x, with equally spaced points of step length h is : lies between — 0-25 and + 0-25 lies between 0-25 and 0-75 lies between 0:75 and 1 is greater than 1 1:86 198 216 2:36 fia + fi + fist @) uy fiefs 2h? © @ ic Mept fe Seas et: GVP-U-STSS most | 29. If fx) = 2, then the value of -m1%,) is equal to : fixp Xp (b) © @ 30. What is E(A" e™*») equal to? (Step length h = 1) (a) ett (et_ yt (b) oP 8 (e* 1)? (© em b(et_- 1 @) eet (et)? (7-A) 31. Which one of the following registers keeps track of the next instruction to be executed ? (@) Cc) © @ 32, The Program counter Instruction register Accumulator RAM Memory Address Register highest digit possible in any number system is : @) (b) © @ equal to base of the number system equal to one less than the base of the ‘number system equal to one more than the radix of number system equal to two less than the base of the number system 38. Consider the following conditions : 1 2 8, Mutual exclusion Hold and wait ‘No pre-emption Under which of the above conditions deadlock situation may arise ? (a) (b) © @ Land 2 only Jand 3 only 2and 3 only 1,2and3 34. Which one of the following refers to associative memory ? @ (b) © @ GVP-U-STSS ‘The address of the data is generated by the CPU ‘The address of the data is supplied by the users ' The data are accessed sequentially ‘There is no need for an address because the data is used as an address (8- 35. 3% A) The 2's complement representation of the number — 59 in an 8-bit word size computer system is : (a) 11000100 (b) 11000101 (© 00111011 (@ 11011010 Which of the following are raster image formats ? 1. JPEG 2 GIF 3. PNG svG Select the correct answer using the code given below : (a) 1,2and3 (b) 1,2and4 @® 1,8and4 @) 2,3and4 Data Encryption Standard (DES) is : (a) Asymmetric-key cryptographic algorithm, (b) Symmetric-key cryptographic algorithm (c) High speed data transmission algorithm (@) Low speed data transmission algorithm ‘88. Which one of the following is a dedicated | 41. GVP-U-STSS phone line that connects a computer to internet ? (a) Dial-up access () Digital subscriber line (©) Integrated Services Digital Network (@) Leased line In octal number system, the hexadecimal | 42- number (32FC.76) is equivalent to : (a) (81875.452), (b) (73256.732), (©) (81374,352), (@) (26758.175), Consider the following statements about Batch processing operating systems : 1. All jobs are processed as per their priority. 2 The debugging of a program at execution time is not possible in this system. 3. After the execution of one job, next job is fetched automatically. Which of the above statements are correct ? (a) Land 2only (b) 2and 3 only (©) Land 3 only (@ 1,2and3 (9-A) @ A sequence of independent and identically distributed (.i.d.) random variables (X,) obeys the strong law of large numbers if : (a) VardX,) <2 (b) Varcx,) = © EX)<= (d) Information is insufficient to conclude An urn contains 3 white and 4 black balls. A ball is drawn at random. Its colour is noted and returned to the urn along with two additional balls of the same colour. If a ball is drawn again from the urn, then what is the probability that the ball drawn is white ? (a) ) ©) @ 1 cole alm alco Let X be a continuous variable with density fx) = ; el#l; — 22 n = (a) Distribution function of a random variable degenerating at 0 (©) Distribution function of a random variable degenerating at 1 (©) Distribution function of a U(0,1) random variable (d) The limiting distribution function does not exist (10-A) in a sequence of Bernoulli trials, the pattern SFSF appears infinitely often, is equal to : @ 1 1 (b) rs 1 © Ff @ 0 ‘The pdf of a random variable X is given by x? Salter ae 0, otherwise What is the value of k ? (a) 80 (b) 160 (ce) 240 (d) 320 A beta distribution of first type with parameters m and n has mean > and variance 2. What are the values of m and n respectively ? (a) 2,4 (b) 4,2 © 22 @ 3,6 GVP-U-STSS 49. Let (X, Y) be jointly distributed with pdf fix, y) = 2, 05 What is P[1‘5 1. Which of the statements given above are correct ? (@) Land 2only (b) 2and3 only (©) Land 3 only @) 1,2and3 Let Xj be iu i=1,2,3,.. nwith cdf F(x) and pag. fix) Then, the pdf. Z=min &%,X,...X,)is: random variables where 8,00, where (@) nlFoo)1 to) (b) all - FQ)" ft) © [1-F@ fx @) [Feo ft) 53. 55. GVP-U-STSS Which one of the following non-parametric tests is analogous to a Chi-square test of goodness of fit? (a) Mann-Whitney test (b) Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (©) Wilcoxon test (d) Median test Ifit is desired to test Hy : 0? = 62 in a normal distribution N(0, 0”), then the appropriate test would be : (a) ttest (b) Chi-square test (©) F-test (d)_ Normal test Let B,, = El|x|"] be the n'® absolute moment about origin. Consider the _ following statements for non-degenerate random values ee a, 6k > PEt fork =1, 2,8; a ie 1 2. By < 82 < Bo S$ BB Which of the statements given above is/are correct ? (a) 1lonly () only (©) Both 1 and2 (@) Neither 1 nor 2 56. 57. (12-A) Consider the following data in respect of COVID-19. Among 1482 persons in a locality exposed to COVID-19, 368 persons were attacked with the virus. Among 1482 persons, 343 persons were vaccinated and among them only 35 persons were attacked with the virus. Which of the following statements is/are correct ? 1. Vaccination and attack are positively associated. 2, Vaccination may be a preventive measure. Select the correct answer using the code given below = (a) lonly (b) 2only (© Both land2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Which one of the following is correct regarding non-parametric methods ? (a) _ Sign test uses rank only (b) Wilcoxon test uses both sign and rank (©) Mann-Whitney test is a one-sample test (@) Kruskal-Wallis test is a two-sample test 59. The 95% Confidence Interval for population mean, if a random sample of size 100 is taken from N(j, 26) and sample mean is 5:96 is (Z=1-96) (@) (5-47, 6-45] (b) (4:98, 6:94] © 15,6) @) (41,699) 60. If X has uniform distribution in (0, 1], then pdf of (— 2 log X) is ; (a) Uniform 1 » (22) (© 12.9 degrees of freedom (d) Exponential with @ = /2 GVP-U-STSS, Suppose a person has 10 black, 8 red, 5 green, 12 orange and 15 blue balls. The Chi-square value obtained after testing null hypothesis that the colours of the ball occur with equal frequency is : @) 69 ) 58 © 56 @) 54 61. (13-A) Consider the following expressions ; 1 Bx? = (Ex)? 2 EPs(1+a" 8. EME™ fix) = E™"™ tx) 4. AMA fox) = AD ftx) where n, m are positive integers. How many of the above expressions are correct ? (a) Only one expression (b) Only two expressions (©) Only three expressions (d) All four expressions It is given that f0)=5, f(1)=1, f2)=9, (8) = 25, fl4) = 55. What is the approximate value of (5) obtained by —_ using Newton-Gregory forward interpolation ? (a) 108 &) 0 @ 12 @ 15 If yy = 8 Yyy = 8, Yyq = M1, yyy = 18 and Y4=27, then what is y, equal to? fa) 3 ) 4 © 9 (@) 27 67. GVP-U-STSS If A and V are the forward and the backward difference operators respectively, then what is A-V equal to? (a) av (b) av @ Atv 4 @ > Consider the data f(1) = 12, f(2) = 40, (3) = 90, f{4)=168, f15)=280 and £(6)=432. The polynomial which conforms to the data, is : (a) fix)=x3 45x + 5x41 (b) fix)=x3 +4x?+6x+1 (©) fix)=x9+ 5x? + 4x +2 (d) fix) =x! + bx? + 6x Ifu = Alftx— 1)Agtx — 1], v = Vifix)AgGo] and w = Affix — 1)Vg60)] with difference interval equal to 1, then which one of the following is correct ? (a) Onlyu=v (b) Onlyv=w (©) Onlyu=w @ = u=v=w Consider the following expressions : How many expressions correct ? (a) Only one expression (b) Only two expressions (c) All three expressions (@)_No expression given above are 70. (14-A) For the data 20) =6512, £40) = 346 and 150) = 243, following statements : £30) = 439, consider the 1. The function f(x) can be approximated by a polynomial of degree 2. 2. The value of f(25) can be obtained as 477 approximately by _using Newton-Gregory forward difference interpolation formula. Which of the statements given above is/are correct ? (a) only () 2only (© Both 1and2 (@) Neither 1 nor 2 {with the interval of differencing as 1) (a) (a? + Dt a® aX o > @? +1? (© (a? +1? a® at oO =z (a? +n* What is AE? [(3x — 3))] at x = 1 equal to? [with the interval of differencing as 1] 1 @ -% » Z © -a © a 71. On which type of ROM can data be written | 74. Consider the following statements in respect ‘ily aasca ? of machine cycle : 1. Tt consists of four phases, namely a toe fetching, decoding, executing and (») EPROM storing. (@ EEPROM 2. It is a eycle in which machine language instructions are executed. One 3. If a program consists of 6 machine language instructions, 6 separate 72. What is the correct sequence of a cycle of a Sy Oe ee oes process in execution ? Gear fa) ily 0 ae aig 5 Which of the statements given above are Terminated -> Blocked Se (a) 1and2only ©) Ready > Waiting + Executing > Go. seleans pee (©) Land 3 only (© Waiting > Ready -+ Executing > @ 1,2and3 ae 75. Which one of the following provides (@) Waiting + Ready -» Executing > application independent security and privacy Terminated over the internet ? (a) IP security protocol 78. By using which of the following units is data (b) Secure socket layer processing performed by a computer (© Internet protocol vie (@) ‘Transmission control protocol 1. Monitor 76. Which of the following is/are non-volatile ? 2 Memory unit rE, DRAM 3. CPU 2. SRAM Select the correct answer using the code given 3, EPROM en Select the correct answer using the code given (@) Land 2only peey (a) 1only ©) 2and3only () Sonly (© Land 3 only eo Dae (@) 2and3 GVP-U-STSS (15-A) 77. Consider the following network topologies : 1. Bus 2 Star Ring 4. Mesh In which of the above does the failure of one computer not affect the other computer in the network ? (a) 1,2and4 (b) 1,8and4 (© 3and4only @ Land 2only 78. Consider the following terms : 1. Shared region 2. Cache memory 3. Message passing 4, Shared memory Which of the above are related to interprocess ‘communication ? (@) Land 2only (b) 1,2and3 (© 2and4only (@) Band 4only GVP-U-STSS 79. (16-A) Which of the following are the goals of an operating system ? 1. Efficient use of CPU 2. Efficient use of memory 3. Efficient use of /0 devices Select the correct answer using the code given below : (a) Land 2only () 2and3 only (© Land 3 only (@) 1,2and3 Which of the following properties of, transaction mechanism in a database system are correct ? 1. Atomicity 2. Durability 3. Isolation 4. Security Select the correct answer using the code given below : (a) 1,2and3 (b) 1,2and4 © 1,3and4 @) 2,3and4 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK GVP-U-STSS (17-A) SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK GVP-U-STSS (18-A) SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK GVP-U-STSS (19-A) tot SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK GVP-U-STSS (20-A) ISS-2022 STATISTICS-PAPER-ONE Maximum Marks-200 Series-A No, ofitems-80 ° No of items taken for scoring-80 No. of items dropped-NIL 1 BL 21 B 41 A 61 7 c 2 B 22 B 42 A 62 D 3 “TA 23 D 43 A 63, D 4 D 24 A a) 64 8 5 c 25 c 45 D _ | 65. D 6 B 8 % A 6 (d 7 c 7 A 47 D 67 c 8 B 28 c 48 A 68 D 9 A 29 8 9 B 9 € 10° a 30 B 50 D a i a ~ [3 a Bi D 7 a R c 32 B 52 B 7 m B B 8 3 D 33 8 B B i o 34 D 34 B 7” [3 15 D 35 a 55 BC 7% " |B 16 8 36 A 36 B 76 [8 17 B 37 B 57 B 7 D {a8 D 38 D 38 B 78 D 19 B 39 c 59 B 79 D 20 € 40 B 60 D 80 a 88-2022 STATISTICS-PAPER-ONE* Maximum Marks-200 _Series-B No. of items-80 No of items taken for scoring-80 No. of Items dropped-NIL © 1 A 21 A 41 A 61 2 B 22 Cc 42 B 62 3 D | 23, B 43 B eS 4 D 24 D 44 D 64 5 B 25. D 45 B 65 é a 26 B 46 B 66 7 B 27 B 47 D 67 8 Do 28 D 48 D 68 9 € 8 B 49 D 69 70 8 30 € 50 x 70 11 B 31 B 51 c 7 12 B 32 B 52 Do 72 B D 3 a 33 D 7B 14 A 34 D 54 B 4 6 c 35 c 35 D a 6 B 36 8 36 D 76 7 A 37 c 37 c WT 18 c 38 B 58 D 78: FT B 39 x 59 c 79 20 B 40 A 60 c 80 1SS-2022 STATISTICS-PAPER-ONE’ Maximum Marks-200 Series-C No. of items-80 No of items taken for scoring-80 _No. of items dropped-NIL 1 B 21 A 41 c 61 2 B ; 22 B 42 D 62 3 D 23 D 43 D 63 4 rN 24 D aa a le Ly Cc 25 B 45 D 65° | 6 B 26 Le 46 D 66 : 7 | A 27 B 47 c 7 , t c 28 D 48 D 68 7 | E 9 B 23 c 49 c 69 10 B 30 B 50 c 70 1 B 31 : A 51 A 7 2 B 32 c 52 A 72 B a 33 B 3 a a : 4 D 34 D 74 is € 35 . 55 D 6 FT a, /36 8 36 x 76 | 17 c 7 8 37 D 7 | 3B. B 38 D se S«A w : 3 aK 39 B 59 B 7s ! 20 a 40 C, 60. D 30 L No. of itéms-80 Iss-2022 No of items taken for scoring-80 STATISTICS-PAPER‘ONE- No. of items dropped-NIL ‘Maximum Marks-200 Series-D i x a B a D -| 2 c 2 8 a2 8 2 3 8 B a rey 8 63 4 D 2 D a B 64 5 D B c 45 B 6. 6 B 26 B 46 B 66 7 B 7 c a7 B 67 8 D 2B B 48 B 8 9 B 23 a 49 B 69 10 c 30 a 50 D 70 it A 31 B St A 71 2 B 32 B 52 BY} i772 2B D 33 D 53” B - B 1a D 34 A 54 D 7a 15 B 35 c 35 B = 16 A 36 B 56 B 76 7 B 37 A 37 D 77 18 D 38 c 58 D 78 19 c 39 B 59 D 79 20 B “aD 8 60 a 80

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