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ECN Visit: NEC Headquarters

to Get Boost to Solar

Power Installations

The President also requested for collabora ons on the NSE Smart
Innova on hub adding that this was crucial especially that NSE is
spear-heading the adapta on of curricula and teaching methods to
ensure that engineering professionals and students are innova ve.
Addi onally, she said that training programmes were being created
and developed to upskill and reskill NSE members to meet the He said: “Madam President, there is no NO in my dic onary. Part of Dr. Mustapha went further to say: “For the conference, we will be
demands of the 4 Industrial Revolu on (4IR), no ng that the NSE our mandates at ECN is to promote energy efficiency and to upscale there. We are not just going to be there; we will be there to support
Smart Innova on Hub was established to meet those set goals. the use of renewable energy in every part of the country. I'm happy you. Maybe we will require another le er detailing the specific
aspects of support that you need, whether in the areas of
that you men oned that you have 100KVA already installed. Our facilita on, paper presenta on and monetary support. In fact, we
According to her, the project is a model for engineering innova on aim is to go completely net zero. So, when we hear about an want ECN logo to fly conspicuously as one of the Strategic Partners
which comprises of an Engineering Laboratory; Ar ficial Intelligence organisa on already moving towards net zero, we are le with no or Sponsors of the conference”.
(AI)/Internet of Things (IoT) Laboratory; Virtual Offices, SMART op on than to support. I am also happy that you men oned that
Physical offices, e-library and other training facili es. “This project there has been an arrangement between ECN and NSE in that On the team of Madam President was the Deputy President of NSE,
will create an enabling environment for innova ons, research, regard before I came in. I will demand a report from the Director, Engr. Ali Alimasuya Rabiu, FNSE, MFR; Vice President,
Collabora ons and Linkages, Engr. Bemigho Ofoeyeno, FNSE; Engr.
product development, business development, as well as Renewable Energy on the status of the discussions. Once we know Wilson Ali; Director of Membership Services, Engr. Babatunde
entrepreneurship training for engineers and other stakeholders”, she that, we will ensure that we upscale and complete that project Odunlami, FNSE, and Engr. Emmanuel Ejika, MNSE.
noted. quickly”.
A er the exchange of speeches by the two
Similarly, Engr. Oguntala requested partnership from ECN on the CEOs, the ECN DG paved way for a brief
interac on session between Madam President
Madam President, Engr. Margaret Aina Oguntala, FNSE 2024 Na onal Engineering Conference. She emphasized on the and the ECN Engineers in the top management.
delivering her speech importance of the annual event saying “one of the special purpose During the session, the President elucidated on
the ma er of proper placement of Engineers in

vehicles for achieving the objec ves of our organisa on, especially
he President of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), Engr. the civil service.
with regards to acquisi on and improvement of technology as well as
Margaret Aina Oguntala, FNSE has recorded a milestone with a
incuba ng innova ons in engineering, is the Annual Na onal
direct posi ve response to the fi h pillar of the NSE Strategic Similarly, the Deputy President explained the
Engineering Conference and Exhibi on, Workshops and Seminars, as issue of engineering curriculum update in the
Agenda, being Improved Community Impact, as the Energy
well as publica on of Technical Journals. country's citadels of learning, no ng Nigeria's
Commission of Nigeria (ECN) pledges support in achieving green, efforts on the quest for interna onal level
zero-carbon-emission environment at the Na onal Engineering recogni on, including ensuring that the country
“I am pleased to inform you that the theme for the 2024 edi on of the was at parity with other advanced countries like
Centre (NEC) Headquarters, Abuja.
Na onal Engineering Conference and Exhibi on is “Sustainable the provisional membership of the Washington
Engineering Solu ons to Food Security and Climate Change”, the Accord.
During a courtesy visit to the Director General of ECN, Dr. Abdullahi
Mustapha, on Thursday, April 4, 2024, Madam President invited the Council of NSE carefully considered and approved the theme for the
Commission to be part of efforts of the Society in expanding the conference to reflect the yearning of the President and Commander- Also, the management of ECN expressed their
renewable energy project already commissioned at the NEC in-Chief to achieve sustainable food security for Nigeria in his tenure”. desire for NSE to take special interest in the
Headquarters. The visit was in part fulfilment of the objec ves of development of Solar Water Heaters being
undertaken by ECN at their Nsukka and Sokoto
NSE, to engage in collabora ons with government agencies with a research outlets. The job crea on aspect and
view to contribu ng to the holis c development of the country. economic benefit of the
project to the na onal economy were
It will be recalled that the NEC Headquarters Phase II is currently eminently highlighted.
equipped with 100KVA solar installa ons as alterna ve source of
power. With this partnership arrangement secured, the installa on is NSE President and the Director General/Chief Executive Energy Commission of Nigeria
expected to be upscaled with addi onal installa ons. This is one of
the items amongst several which Madam President presented to the
DG, ECN for considera on for collabora on, all of which she received
endorsement for.

In her speech, Madam President explained that her administra on

has a five-pillar agenda that it is running with. She said, “…the fi h
pillar, being Improved Community Impact, has direct correla on with
the mandate of the Energy Commission of Nigeria, this is why I am
seizing this opportunity to express my utmost apprecia on, on behalf Director General of ECN, Dr. Abdullahi Mustapha, in his response,
of the Council of NSE, to the management of ECN for acceding to the assured Madam President of the commitment of the Commission on
request made by NSE during the tenure of the last administra on, for collabora ng with NSE in the areas men oned and in many other
a collabora ve venture between NSE and ECN, the ini a ve was set areas in future. He thanked NSE for the various symbio c
towards actualising our dream of achieving a green, zero-carbon-
emission environment at the Na onal Engineering Centre (NEC) arrangements with NSE in the past and appreciated NSE for the
Headquarters.” confidence reposed in ECN.

Group Photograph after the Meeting

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