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Daily Stock Trading by Type of Market (Regular and Non Regular Market) - Feb 2024

Regular Market Non-Regular Market Total Market

regularVolume Value (IDR) Freq. (X) nonRegularVolume Value (IDR) Freq. (X) totalVolume Value (IDR) totalFreq
02/01/2024 15,740.91 9,508,846.59 1,210,916.00 2,351.41 1,277,452.62 871.00 18,092.32 10,786,299.21 1,211,787.00
02/02/2024 11,436.49 8,402,058.08 1,037,441.00 1,400.51 1,262,434.36 1,192.00 12,837.00 9,664,492.44 1,038,633.00
02/05/2024 13,732.59 8,069,891.37 1,123,630.00 18,539.15 3,447,597.13 915.00 32,271.74 11,517,488.50 1,124,545.00
02/06/2024 13,802.03 7,820,230.86 965,674.00 1,811.68 1,192,165.99 819.00 15,613.71 9,012,396.84 966,493.00
02/07/2024 13,805.48 8,155,333.04 1,005,631.00 1,765.70 1,399,013.77 1,249.00 15,571.18 9,554,346.80 1,006,880.00
02/12/2024 17,866.13 10,986,582.24 1,371,742.00 3,397.07 1,155,082.02 1,579.00 21,263.20 12,141,664.25 1,373,321.00
02/13/2024 12,828.74 8,679,620.62 1,190,970.00 879.55 1,281,924.17 684.00 13,708.28 9,961,544.79 1,191,654.00
02/15/2024 18,442.04 14,926,575.04 1,413,020.00 766.10 1,678,262.84 733.00 19,208.14 16,604,837.88 1,413,753.00
02/16/2024 14,642.78 10,915,775.21 1,199,082.00 2,069.55 5,646,761.05 650.00 16,712.33 16,562,536.26 1,199,732.00
02/19/2024 15,123.80 8,383,967.99 1,173,244.00 888.49 1,602,616.49 670.00 16,012.29 9,986,584.48 1,173,914.00
02/20/2024 12,997.20 9,525,738.44 1,316,244.00 838.77 1,272,534.14 598.00 13,835.96 10,798,272.58 1,316,842.00
02/21/2024 15,257.01 10,121,320.71 1,388,290.00 516.59 914,981.64 816.00 15,773.59 11,036,302.36 1,389,106.00
02/22/2024 15,452.38 8,309,550.24 1,279,137.00 656.61 938,420.50 633.00 16,108.99 9,247,970.74 1,279,770.00
02/23/2024 14,625.95 8,501,238.94 1,182,647.00 670.76 1,167,475.69 937.00 15,296.71 9,668,714.62 1,183,584.00
02/26/2024 14,708.04 7,782,626.61 1,311,286.00 1,744.71 868,919.72 1,002.00 16,452.75 8,651,546.33 1,312,288.00
02/27/2024 18,385.10 7,961,231.77 1,289,492.00 1,346.00 2,221,751.97 791.00 19,731.11 10,182,983.74 1,290,283.00
02/28/2024 22,035.65 9,184,162.45 1,248,405.00 1,768.29 1,548,337.51 568.00 23,803.94 10,732,499.96 1,248,973.00
02/29/2024 23,005.09 12,943,147.70 1,465,832.00 4,941.95 2,690,039.64 789.00 27,947.03 15,633,187.34 1,466,621.00

Total 283,887.40 170,177,897.88 22,172,683.00 46,352.88 31,565,771.25 15,496.00 330,240.28 201,743,669.13 22,188,179.00

Daily Stock Trading by Type of Market (Non Regular Market) - Feb 2024

Negotiated Market Cash Market

ngVolume Value (IDR) Freq. (X) tnVolume Value (IDR) Freq. (X)
02/01/2024 2,351.30 1,277,112.04 860.00 0.11 340.57 11.00
02/02/2024 1,400.49 1,262,433.19 1,190.00 0.02 1.17 2.00
02/05/2024 18,539.09 3,447,546.07 913.00 0.06 51.06 2.00
02/06/2024 1,811.66 1,192,160.44 814.00 0.02 5.55 5.00
02/07/2024 1,765.65 1,398,967.57 1,241.00 0.05 46.19 8.00
02/12/2024 3,397.06 1,155,063.09 1,563.00 0.01 18.93 16.00
02/13/2024 879.54 1,281,906.45 676.00 0.01 17.72 8.00
02/15/2024 765.91 1,677,465.00 715.00 0.19 797.84 18.00
02/16/2024 2,069.08 5,646,709.25 646.00 0.46 51.80 4.00
02/19/2024 888.49 1,602,616.49 670.00 - - -
02/20/2024 833.67 1,272,248.72 572.00 5.09 285.42 26.00
02/21/2024 516.59 914,979.24 815.00 0.00 2.40 1.00
02/22/2024 651.60 938,145.90 625.00 5.01 274.60 8.00
02/23/2024 666.51 1,166,949.69 894.00 4.25 525.99 43.00
02/26/2024 1,743.68 868,748.69 991.00 1.02 171.03 11.00
02/27/2024 1,345.27 2,221,692.56 787.00 0.73 59.42 4.00
02/28/2024 1,768.14 1,548,319.33 562.00 0.16 18.18 6.00
02/29/2024 4,941.94 2,690,038.30 780.00 0.01 1.34 9.00
Total 46,335.68 31,563,102.03 15,314.00 17.20 2,669.22 182.00

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