PLC Unit-II PLC Programming

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Unit-II PLC Programming

Dr D G Pradhan
EEE Department
Contents of Unit-II

❖ Input Instructions

❖ Output Instructions

❖ Operational Procedures

❖ Programming Examples using Contacts and Coils.

❖ Drill Press Operation.

PLC Input Instructions
✓ The various types of inputs are:

➢ Normally Open Contact: When this contact closes, the function carries out some
kind of action.

➢ Normally Closed Contact: When this contact opens, the function carries out some
kind of action.

➢ Latch/Unlatch System: Actuating the latch input turns the function ON or causes it to
change State. The function stays ON even if the latch input is turned OFF. To turn the
function OFF, another input, unlatch is turned ON, which turns the function OFF. If
unlatch is then turned OFF, the function remains OFF.
PLC Input Instructions

➢ Differentiation Up or Rising-Edge Actuation: This involves turning the

function ON for one scan time at the leading edge of an input signal pattern.

➢ Differentiation Down or Falling-Edge Actuation: This involves turning the

function ON for one scan time at the trailing edge of an input signal pattern.
PLC Input Instructions

❑ In a PLC System, each input is assigned a number on the input module and in

the CPU.

❑ The number may be a reserved block of numbers or letters.

❑ In some PLCs, some prefix is used, such as IN.

❑ In a prefix system, the fifth input would correspond to the PLC program

number IN0005.
PLC Output Scheme
PLC Input Devices
PLC Output Instructions

❑ Coils in an internal PLC program are related to output signals that are sent to

external devices.

❑ An output is energized through the output module when its corresponding

coil number is turned on in the PLC ladder diagram.

PLC Output Scheme
PLC Output Devices
❑ Suppose that we wish to program and connect a PLC to accomplish the following discrete
operational procedures: A relay coil is to actuate when two toggle switches and one limit
switch are actuated.
❑ STEP-1:
❑ The first step is to assign individual PLC identification numbers to the inputs and outputs.
❑ Inputs normally have the prefix I or IN.
❑ Outputs normally have the prefix O or CR (Control Relay).
❑ The following numbers should be assigned:
Switch 1 for relay IN001
Switch 2 for relay IN002
Limit Switch for relay IN003
Relay Output CR001
❑ STEP-3:
❑ Figure out how inputs and outputs will be connected to the input and output modules.
❑ Assume an eight-terminal input module and an eight-terminal output module.
❑ It is necessary to set the module switches so that the modules recognize signals as inputs 1
through 8 and outputs 1 through 8.
❑ The connections from the inputs and outputs then are made according to figure shown

❑ STEP-4:
❑ Finally, the ladder program must be
entered into the CPU by means of the
A general procedure for entering the program in ladder format is:
1. Clear the PLC program memory with the CPU on stop. The procedure will be
outlines on a screen menu or in the operation manual for the PLC.
2. Insert the relay control line as follows, in the EDIT mode:
a. Push the NO contact key.
b. Push the Input key.
c. Push 001 numeric keys.
d. Push the Enter key. The contact should appear on the monitor.
e. Move the cursor one space to the right.
f. Repeat steps a and b.
g. Push 002 numeric keys.
h. Push the Enter key. The second contact should appear on the monitor.
i. Move the cursor one more space to the right and repeat the process for 003.
j. Continue the line to the right.
k. Push the Coil/Output key. The coil should appear on the monitor.
l. Push 001 numeric keys.
m. Push Enter.
n. If the line now looks correct(check it). Push the insert ladder key and then Enter.

The resulting PLC diagram should look as shown in below figure.

When the PLC switch is set to RUN, the circuit will be operated as
Example-1: Simple one-contact, one-coil circuit.


Example-2: Standard Start-Stop-Seal Circuit. Alternate latch-unlatch circuit


Example-3: Forward-Reverse-Stop with mutual interlocks.

Example-3: Forward-Reverse-Stop with mutual interlocks.

Example-4: Forward-Reverse-Stop with direct reversal.

Example-4: Forward-Reverse-Stop with direct reversal.

Example-5: Start-Stop Jog.

Example-5: Start-Stop Jog.

Example-6: Alarm System.
There are four hazard inputs to the alarm system that go ON as some operational malfunction occurs.
• If one input is ON, nothing happens.
• If any two inputs are ON, a red pilot light goes ON.
• If any three inputs are ON, an alarm siren sounds.
• If all four are ON, the fire department is notified.
The initial position of the drill press spindle is at the top, as shown.

A part to be drilled is placed under the spindle.

The drill is then to come down after two start buttons are depressed.

The drill spindle rotates as it is brought downward.

Downward spindle force is furnished by a pneumatic cylinder pushing against an upward return spring; Pneumatic control air is
supplied through an electrical solenoid.

When the spindle is completely down and the drill bit goes through the part to be drilled, a down sensor is actuated.

The solenoid is then deenergized, and the drill returns up by means of the return-up spring.

When the spindle is completely back up, the system is to be reset to the off condition.

If no part is in place initially, the drill spindle cannot descend.

In addition to the operation described, a safety shield is included.

For extra safety, a screen shield comes down before the drill can start down.

The shield returns up at the same time as the drill by its own spring return.

The shields descent is powered by its own separate pneumatic solenoid.

When the stop button is pushed at any time, the drill and shield return up.
The steps recommended for a problem of this type are:
1. Define the process operation and list the step-by-step sequence of operation.
2. Define and list the input and output devices and sensors required for proper
3. Assign corresponding PLC numbers to the input and output devices.
4. Draw up the PLC scheme. Note that margin notes are helpful.
5. Enter the program into PLC.
6. Optional Step: Check the program sequence by using the FORCE Mode.
7. Wire the PLC system to a simulator and check its operation.
8. Check the actual process operation. Try various out-of-sequence operations to
check the hidden safety defects or sequencing problems.
9. Make modifications as required.
Step one is to list the sequence:
• Push system start switch.
• Put part in place to actuate LSPP. (Part in place limit switch.)
• Push the two Start buttons simultaneously.
• Safety shield comes down, actuating LSSD. (shield down limit switch).
• Drill starts rotating and descends.
• Drill at bottom actuates LSDD. (Drill down limit switch).
• System shuts down. Drill and Shield return up by springs.
• System is Reset.

Note: Pressing stop button at any time stops the sequence and resets the spindle
and safety shield to the top.
Step two is to list the Input and Output devices:
➢ System start switch.
➢ System stop switch. Stops everything.
➢ System Pilot Light.
➢ Shield and Drill Start - Left hand switch
➢ Shield and Drill Start - Right hand switch
➢ Shield and Drill Stop - Left hand switch
➢ Shield and Drill Stop - Right hand switch
➢ Position Indicator – part in place
➢ Position Indicator – shield down
➢ Position Indicator – drill down.
Step three is to assign Input and Output numbers to all components. These
includes Switches and Sensors.
IN001 System start OUT017 System Pilot Light
IN002 System stop OUT018 Shield Down Solenoid
IN003 LSPP-part in place OUT019 Drill Rotate Motor
IN004 Left Start OUT020 Air Solenoid to Drill down
IN005 Right Start cylinder
IN006 Left Stop
IN007 Right Stop
IN008 LSSD-Shield down
IN009 LSDD-Drill down
Step four is to sketch the PLC System:
Step five is to load the sketch into CPU. The ladder diagram formulated is shown
in figure.
A sequence by line for the ladder diagram in figure is:
• Line-A: Push system start. CR017 goes ON.

• Line-B: CR017 seals ON. PL1 goes ON.

• Line-C: Put part in place. In003/LSPP closes. CR017 contact is closed and
IN009/LSDD is closed. Pushing the two start buttons, IN004 and IN005
causes Cr018, the shield air solenoid, to go ON- lowering the shield.

• Line-D: CR018 seals through CR018 and IN008/LSSD as the shield goes into
place. The two start buttons must be held in the depressed position until the
shield is down.
• Line-E: CR019 goes ON through CR018 and IN008/LSSD, starting drill motor

• Line-F: Drill goes down, CR020, by another air solenoid, and drills the hole.
When the drill reaches the bottom of the hole. IN009/LSDD is actuated,
opening the circuit on Line-C.

• Reset/OFF: CR018 is turned off by the opening of the NC Contact, causing the
shield to go back up. CR018 goes OFF, in turn turns OFF the drill motor,
Cr019, on line E and the drill down air solenoid, CR020. The system is reset
and part is removed.
• Step Six is an optional FORCE

• Step Seven is to wire the

system to a simulator. A
wiring scheme appears in
below figure.

• Step Eight, circuit operation


• Step Nine, modifications.

For any queries:
Dr D G Pradhan
EEE Department

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