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Evaluating Fashion Communication Strategies:

Lessons from Mintel’s Sustainability Report (UK,

2023) and Harvard Business Review’s Trend Analysis

Module Name: Communication and Collaboration

Module Code: 402MAN
Assignment Title: Evaluating Fashion Communication Strategies: Lessons from Mintel’s
Sustainability Report (UK, 2023) and Harvard Business Review’s Trend Analysis (2023)
Word Count: 1503 words
Table of Contents


Case Study 1 Analysis: Fashion & Sustainability - UK - 2023 - Executive Summary - Mintel.....3

Case Study 4 Analysis: Harvard Business Review - Are You Ignoring Trends?.............................4

Kolb’s Reflective Blog....................................................................................................................5

Concrete Experience....................................................................................................................5

Reflective Observation.................................................................................................................5

Abstract Conceptualization..........................................................................................................6

Active Experimentation...............................................................................................................6

Kolb’s Reflective Learning Cycle................................................................................................7

Critical Reflection on the Learning of Future Practice as a Manager.............................................7



Fashion today can move quickly, and efficient communication is a critical factor in the

success of a fashion brand. This reflective blog generally aims to assess the selected

communication strategies within fashion brands using two case studies. As per Kolb’s reflective

model, this blog will analyze how the writers derived practical experience from these case

studies and what theoretical concepts the writers learned in the first weeks of this module. The

purpose is to analyze cases concerning the impact of communication and collaboration on

organizational outcomes and consider the lessons that may be applied in future managerial work

(Zhao & Choi, 2021). Besides helping interpret the peculiarities of the fashion market,

knowledge of how effective communication works also provides future managers with a

significant set of tools to form a strong and highly communicative team with a thirst for

innovations (Park & Kim, 2021).

Case Study 1 Analysis: Fashion & Sustainability - UK - 2023 - Executive Summary - Mintel

One of Mintel’s case studies featured in the 2023 executive summary of its fashion industry

analysis is titled “Fashion & Sustainability:” The customer is increasingly becoming

environmentally sensitive, and fashion brands must embrace sustainable solutions. The following

points concern the definition, goal, and examples of sustainability in the context of the given

case study (Wang & Gao, 2020). First of all, it speaks about the points related to the utilization of

sustainable materials and processes. Organic fabrics, globally recycled materials, and products

that are friendly to mother nature are evidence of the brands’ ideas for combating the problem of

carbon deposits. Secondly, the credibility argument also lies in the fact that this case sheds the

most considerable light on the issue of the disclosure of sustainability practices (Thompson &

Han, 2022). Consumers also wish to know more about how products are produced, imposing
pressure on brands to provide information on their products manufacture. This transparency goes

a long way in building and maintaining conscious consumers' trust and brand loyalty. Studying

this case, one can conclude that another critical aspect is the communication of sustainable

practices to the public (Kumar & Singh, 2020). Consequently, lobby communication initiatives

must have ways of supporting other staff members to comprehend and embark on brand

sustainability objectives. Explanations to the consumers that adopt sustainable practices improve

trust and relationships and the brand’s sincerity and help sell a unique brand in the market.

Furthermore, the global case illustrates the part of digital communication in advancing

sustainability (Bala & Verma, 2022).

Case Study 4 Analysis: Harvard Business Review - Are You Ignoring Trends?

In the Harvard Business Review case titled ‘Are You Ignoring Trends?’ The authors explain

why it is essential for a firm to note trends and their implications for strategic management,

especially for fashion-based businesses. Failing to observe trends can lead to managers missing

significant opportunities to provide competitive advantage; therefore, trend awareness should be

integrated into the strategic management processes (Brown, 2021). This case study perfectly

illustrates how market research and trend analysis are vital. It elaborates on how effective fashion

brands are in strategically tracking consumer trends, changes in the market, and even trends

before they can be incorporated into any changes that fashion brands may be planning (Gonzalez

& Torres, 2020). Thus, these trends will help brands to know the needs of the consumers and

develop products or come up with new products that would suit their needs before their

competitors do. Such an approach also assists in gaining market share and setting up the image

as popular among trendsetters. Summarizing the key points, the case study gives some examples

of brand companies that acted in a way that exploited trends. For example, brands that observed
that people’s need for sportswear was increasing, hence diversifying their choice of clothing,

could capture this market and become virtually unchallenged (Gonzalez & Torres, 2020). As with

brands, another trend of digital fashion influencers also emerged, which some brands used to

further improve the promotion of their products and, consequently, expand the circle of

consumers. It also samples how poor communication may affect trend awareness, as indicated in

the case study. Through internal communication, all the departments know the current market

trends and can work together to provide sound strategies that counter the trends (Gonzalez &

Torres, 2020).

Kolb’s Reflective Blog

Concrete Experience

In this brief journey as a fashion designer, I have come across many situations in which

communication was critical. One of the spectacular assignments was the completion of a

campaign for sustainable fashion (Gupta & Mehta, 2021). Due to the multicultural backgrounds,

the primary effort in the form of effective communication assisted in ensuring that we were on

the same page when designing the product to maintain the consistency of the message when

delivered to the public. Still, I saw the adverse effects of the absence of communication in

another project when the project was assigned confusing deadlines, and the company’s marketing

strategy was divided among different departments (Gupta & Mehta, 2021).

Reflective Observation

Looking at these experiences, measures like these are only reasonable because they directly

result from effective team communication. In a successful campaign, everyday gatherings, open

information dissemination, and the creation of a collaborative culture were found to have been in

place (Gupta & Mehta, 2021). Every individual was aware of their positions and responsibilities
mainly because they were aware of their value to the team. In contrast, on the failed project,

there were relatively scarce updates on the situation, and the instructions provided were also

somewhat vague, along with a lack of enthusiasm among the workers (Chen & Wang, 2023).

Abstract Conceptualization

Many course theories and concepts, such as the Communication Process Model and

Tuckman’s stage of group development, help in the analysis of such experiences. The

Communication Process Model is all about ensuring that the message sent is accurate, that there

is feedback, and that noise is kept to the barest minimum (Chen & Wang, 2023). The successful

campaign implemented all principles correctly, and the encoding, transmission, and decoding

processes underwent almost no distortion (Mintel, 2023). The activities exhibited Tuckman’s

forming, storming, norming, and performing model of team development as well. By assignment

of the team leadership and coordination, all the stages were completed rapidly within a short

period. On the other hand, the failed project was in the storming phase, which contained

problems associated with conflict and misunderstanding (Chen & Wang, 2023).

Active Experimentation

Regarding possible improvements in the future project, the following measures will be

undertaken to improve communication and cooperation (Johnson & Park, 2021): First, I will

schedule meetings and proper reporting to make things clear for everyone in the team. Secondly,

I will ensure that employees and end consumers are welcome to give feedback as I seek to ensure

that there is an organizational culture that supports improving ongoing processes through

feedback. Finally, I will apply organizational and coordination tools to share and assign projects.
Kolb’s Reflective Learning Cycle

Kolb’s Reflective Learning Cycle is a continuous process involving four stages. The theory

comprises the following four categories: CE, RO, AC and AE. It starts with Concrete Experience,

where one is exposed to a new experience or a repeat of the past (Davis, 2022). Reflective

Observation succeeds in this, whereby they give feedback on the experience and think about

what transpired and why it transpired. They produce conclusions and theories/ conceptions based

on their reflections on the Abstract Conceptualization stage at this stage. Last, Active

Experimentation is when the person transforms their idea using the gained knowledge and forms

theories to test them (Smith, 2022).

Critical Reflection on the Learning of Future Practice as a Manager

Regarding the two case studies, it is now possible to subscribe to the conclusions using

Kolb’s learning cycle:| Reflecting on the paper's findings, one can point out the importance of

communication and cooperation with other people to achieve organizational goals (Smith, 2022).

These reflections, as a future manager, illustrate several specific critical practices. First,

predicting the schedule and the availability of understandable means of communication is vital.

Such prompt reporting helps provide regular feedback to every team member, crucial to

maintaining and developing effective communication and creating a productive and motivated

employee team (Li & Zhao, 2023). Second, fostering organizational culture allows feedback and
rewards to be given and received to promote improvements and innovations. This approach

fosters increased productivity of the teams and cultivates trust and respect as the staff members

come together in a team (Li & Zhao, 2023).


Hence, communication and cooperation are indispensable to fashion brands due to the

volatile conditions in the fashion industry. From the case studies on sustainability and trend

awareness, it can be inferred that effective and efficient communication strategies play a crucial

role in brand building and establishing a better market position. Using Kolb’s Reflective

Learning Cycle has proved helpful in continuously enhancing these skills in their progression.

Analyzing my experience and theoretical knowledge, I have outlined the significant

recommendations for future managerial practice: Checking in, constructive feedback, and project


Bala, M., & Verma, D. (2022). Understanding the role of digital communication in the fashion

industry. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 26(1), 56–72.

Brown, S. (2021). The impact of sustainability practices on consumer loyalty in fashion.

International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 49(3), 285–301.

Chen, J., & Wang, Y. (2023). Trend analysis in the fashion industry: A comprehensive review.

Fashion and Textiles, 10(1), 1-19.

Davis, F. (2022). The role of social media influencers in fashion marketing. Journal of Global

Fashion Marketing, 13(4), 298–314.

Gonzalez, R., & Torres, M. (2020). Fast fashion and its impact on sustainability: A case study

analysis. Journal of Fashion Business, 24(2), 115-130.

Gupta, P., & Mehta, R. (2021). Communication strategies for sustainable fashion brands.

Sustainability, 13(5), 2587.

Johnson, K. K. P., & Park, J. (2021). Consumer perceptions of sustainability in fashion. Journal

of Consumer Marketing, 38(4), 385–398.

Kumar, V., & Singh, A. (2020). Leveraging digital tools for effective communication in fashion.

Fashion Technology and Innovation, 7(3), 220–235.
Li, Y., & Zhao, X. (2023). The evolution of communication practices in the fast fashion industry.

International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 16(2), 159–174.

Mintel. (2023). Fashion & Sustainability - UK - 2023 - Executive Summary.

Park, H. H., & Kim, J. (2021). Consumer engagement with sustainable fashion brands on social

media. Fashion and Textiles, 8(1), 1-18.

Smith, J. (2022). Communicating sustainability in the fashion industry: Challenges and

opportunities. Sustainability, 14(4), 1742.

Thompson, S., & Han, S. (2022). Trends in the fashion industry: How brands are adapting.

Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 26(2), 196-212.

Wang, S., & Gao, H. (2020). The role of communication in fashion brand management. Journal

of Business Research, 118, 412-419.

Zhao, L., & Choi, T. M. (2021). Sustainable fashion supply chain management: An overview.

Sustainability, 13(1), 147.

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