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(1) Read the passage.

We use many means of transport such as planes, ships, trains, cars, etc. The train
which was invented in the nineteenth century is still widely used today. Starting
from its time of invention, trains can be categorized into three: surface trains,
underground trains and sky trains. These trains are powered by steam, electricity
and diesel.
In the year 1804 in England, Richard Trevithick, an engineer and inventor,
designed and developed the first steam locomotive, the engine that pulls the train -
to be used to transport coal or minerals.
His engine hauled 10 tons of iron and 70 men for ten miles at a speed of five miles
per hour. In 1829, George Stephenson, a British engineer, developed the steam-
powered locomotive to haul, for the first time, passengers and freight from
Liverpool to Manchester. Steam locomotives, or railway engines, were used until
about 1940.
Electric trains are powered by electricity from overhead lines, a third rail or on-
board energy storage like a battery. They are used on freight routes or in areas with
advanced rail networks, and they are ideal for commuter rail service with frequent
stops. The locomotive of the first known electric train was built in 1837 by Robert
Davidson of Aberdeen, and it was powered by galvanic cells (batteries). The chief
disadvantage of an electric train is the high cost of infrastructure: overhead lines or
third rail, substations, and control systems.

Comprehension exercises

(A) Write the correct word or words to complete each sentence.

1. We have many different modes of _____ such as planes, ships, trains, cars, etc.
2. ______, which were invented in the nineteenth century, are still widely used
3. Since trains have ____,they can be categorized into three: surface trains,
underground trains and sky trains.
4. All kinds of trains ran on _____ .
5. It was____who designed and developed the first steam locomotive, the engine
that pulls the train.
6. Steam locomotives, also known as ____ were employed until the year 1940.
7. Electric trains run using ____either from overhead lines, a third rail, or stored
energy, like a battery on board.
8. Robert Davidson of Aberdeen _____ the locomotive of the first known electric
train in 1837.
9. The locomotive of the first known electric train ran on _____ .
10. The main drawback of an electric train is that it costs a lot to set up the _____ .

(B) Answer each question in one sentence.

1. When was the train invented?

2. How many kinds of trains are there? What are they?

3. What did the first trains run on?

4. What was Richard Trevithick?

5. What did he design and develop?

6. For what was the first steam locomotive used?

7. Until when were steam locomotives used?

8. What are overhead lines?

9. What is the main weakness of an electric train?

10.What infrastructure do we need for the electric train transport system?

(C) Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets.

1. (transport) The train travels on the tracks. Train is a means of ______ too.
2. (invent) An _______ is someone who comes up with new and useful ideas or
3. (invent) The wheel is considered one of the most important _____ in history.
4. (wide) The Internet is _____ used for finding information and connecting with
5. (frequent) We go to the park_____ to have fun and play games.
6. (design) U Kyaw Ba _____ our school library five years ago.
7. (store) The computer, _____ all our pictures and videos in its memory for us to
see later.
8. (Britain) Our English teacher has a ______ accent.
9. (electric) When we turn on the light switch, _____ makes the light bulb glow.
10. (power) The lion's roar is very ______ and can be heard from far away.
(D) Complete each sentence with the appropriate word given in the box. There
are two extras.

locomotive transport infrastructure ships

transportation skytrains disadvantage

1. The ______ of not studying for a test is that you might not get a good grade.
2. Public ______ is American English.
3. Public_______ is British English.
4. Pirates sailed on old wooden _______ long ago.
5. _______ are a fast and efficient way to travel between different parts of the city.

(2) Read the passage.

In 1860, work on the first Underground began in England. The London

Underground was constructed as a response to the city's rapid growth. The first
underground railway on which carriages were pulled by steam engine was opened
in 1863. Steam engine trains retained their importance in transportation until about
1896, when electric-powered locomotives were used for the sub-way.
Many cities in the world have underground railway nowadays, as underground
trains are more convenient, cheaper and quicker for commuters. Underground
trains are commonly used in New York, Mexico City, Paris, Madrid, Shanghai,
Beijing, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Seoul, Moscow, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Singapore.
It was only in the 20th century that surface trains with diesel-electric locomotives
known popularly as diesels, came into use. These diesel trains offered greater
flexibility and performance than steam trains, as well as substantially lower
operating and maintenance costs. After the Second World War, turbine-electric
locomotives were developed, but they were found to be uneconomical and were
not used or developed further.

Comprehension exercises

(A) Write the correct word or words to complete each sentence.

1. In 1860, the first Underground was built in _____ in England.

2. The first ____ was opened in 1863.
3. Until around 1896, ______ continued to play a significant role in transportation.
4. It was the year ____when electric-powered locomotives were used for the
5. Commuters find underground trains _______ .
6. Steam trains did not offer as _____ performance as diesel trains.
7. _____did not cost as highly as steam trains in their maintenance.
8. _____were further developed as it was high cost of production.

(B) Answer each question in one sentence.

1. When did the construction of the first Underground begin?

2. Why was the London Underground built?

3. What pulled the carriages of the first Underground railway?

4. When were electric-powered locomotives used for the subway?

5. Why do commuters like to take underground trains?

6. In what cities are underground trains used nowadays?

7. What are surface trains with diesel-electric locomotives also called?

8. When was turbine-electric locomotives developed?

9. Why were turbine-electric locomotives not used any further?

10.Why did surface trains with diesel-electric locomotives come into use in the

20th century?

(C) Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets.
1. (grow) The town has seen a lot of ______ , with new buildings and more people
moving in.
2. (rapid) The river flowed _____ after the heavy rain, making a loud sound.
3. (construct) My father is a ____ and he builds houses for people to live in.
4. (important) Listening to our teachers in class is of utmost ______ to learn new
5. (main) Regular brushing and flossing are essential for the ____ of healthy teeth.

(D) Complete each sentence with the appropriate word given in the box. There
are two extras.


1. Yoga helps improve ______, making it easier to stretch and move.

2. Buying too many toys that you don't play with can be ____ because it wastes
3. We need to do regular _____ on our bicycles to keep them in good condition.
4. Turning off the lights when leaving a room is an ____ habit that saves electricity.
5. Yadana's dance ______ at the recital was amazing!

(3) Read the passage.

Among the different types of train, the skytrain runs above the surface. It is fully-
automated, driverless, rapid transit system in the world. The sky-train system is a
quality rapid transit system that is fully separated from vehicle traffic, and is an
alternative for people to avoid being stuck in con-gestion. The Light Rapid Transit
SkyTrain was opened in January 1986, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Skytrains can be seen in the USA, Germany, Japan, China, Australia, and South
Africa. In Thailand, skytrains started operating in 1999.
Today, high-speed bullet trains are becoming popular and common. The first bullet
train in Japan travelled 130 miles per hour. Today the Hayabusa (Falcon) bullet
train can travel 186 miles per hour. Bullet trains are now quite common in France,
Germany, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Saudi Arabia, South Korea,
China, and Japan.
The invention of the train is a significant milestone in the history of human
development. Trains are very eco-friendly, and though are expensive to produce
and maintain, they are still an important system of transport in many countries of
the world.

Comprehension exercises

(A) Write the correct word or words to complete each sentence.

1.The skytrain stands out as the world's most advanced and automated rapid transit
system, operating without _______ .
2. The skytrain offers a practical solution for commuters to bypass, _____ and
reach their destinations efficiently.
3. Starting from 1999, ____ came into use in Thailand.
4. _______ have expanded their reach across the globe.
5. Nowadays, high-speed bullet trains have gained much ____and can be seen in
various places.
6. The emergence of trains as an_____ stands as a remarkable milestone in the
history of human development.
7. The production and _____ of the trains are expensive.

B) Answer each question in one sentence.

1. How does the skytrain run?

2. What is the skytrain system?

3. When did skytrains come into use in Thai-land?

4. How many miles could the first bullet train in Japan travel?

5. Why are trains still an important system of transport in the world?

6. When was the Light Rapid Transit SkyTrain opened in Canada?

(C) Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets.

1. (separate) Mom washed the red shirt and blue pants _____ in the laundry.
2. (rapid) The fast and ______ movement of the dancer amazed the audience.
3. (develop) Economic______is important for every country.
4. (operate) The doctor performed an ______ to fix the broken bone.
5. (travel) We met a kind ________ at the airport who was visiting our city for the
first time.
6. (significant) What is the ____ of this speech?
7. (congest) During rush hour, there is a lot of ____ on the roads, and the cars
move very slowly.

(D) Complete each sentence with the appropriate word given in the box. There
are two extras.


1. The _____ car can drive all by itself with- out anyone steering it.
2. The cartoon show is ___among children because it is funny and entertaining.
3. The construction of the new park is part of the city's ___ plans.
4. If you don't have apples, you can eat an orange as an____ fruit.
5. Seeing a rainbow after the rain is a, moment that makes people happy.

Preparation exercises for Grade 12

(E) Complete the sentences with the appropriate words. The initial words are

1. Trains are a m _____ of transport that run on tracks and can take you on long
journeys between cities.
2. F___ is the term used for goods and items that are transported on ships, trucks,
or trains from one place to another.
3. E _____ is a type of energy that powers our lights and electronic devices.
4. When there is a lot of vehicle t___on the roads, it can take longer to get to our
5. M____ are natural substances found in the earth, like rocks and crystals.
6. A l_____ is a powerful train engine that pulls the other train carriages and helps
them move on the tracks.
7. Planes, trains, and bicycles are all types of t____ that help us travel to different
8. C____ are people who travel to work or school every day using buses, trains, or
9. Using both sides of a piece of paper to draw or write is an e_____ way to save
10. If you don't like apples, you can eat an orange as an a ______ fruit.

(F) Choose the appropriate words or phrases to complete the sentence.

(1) He _____ play soccer every weekend, but now he prefers to play basketball.
A. get used to B. is used to C. used to

(2) She_____ the book you recommended.

A. has been reading
B. has read

(3) Carrying a cloth bag when shopping instead of using plastic bags is an____
choice that reduces waste.
A. child-friendly
B. eco-friendly
C. user-friendly

(4) The hotel staff was very_____, making sure all our needs were taken care of
during our stay.
A. ozone-friendly
B. guest-friendly
C. c. user-friendly
(5) When drawing a rainbow, the colors _______, making a beautiful spectrum of
A. penetrate B. overlap C. mix

(6) Zar Zar has an ____ mind and loves to create stories about magical creatures.
A. imagination
B. imagine
C. imaginative

(7) Cooking involves _____to follow a recipe and add the right amounts of
A. measurement
B. measure
C. measurable

(G) Complete the dialogue with the expressions given in the box. There is an

age is just a number!

that's so sweet of you.
When should we meet to study?
I can't tell you
Let's make it memorable
Thank you!
Zaw Min: Hey, happy birthday!
Ко Ко: (1) ________I can't believe I'm another year older!
Zaw Min: Don't worry. _(2)__So, what did you wish for when blowing out the
Ko Ko: Oh, (3)______ otherwise, it won't come true! But I hope it's a fantastic
year ahead.
Zaw Min: I'm sure it will bet Birthdays are the best time to celebrate with friends
and family.
Ko Ko: You're right And I'm so happy you're here to celebrate with me. It means a
Zaw Min: Of course! I wouldn't miss your special day for anything. (4) _________
Ko Ko; Thanks, ____(5)_. Let's enjoy the cake and have a wonderful time together.
Zaw Min: Absolutely! Here's to a fantastic year filled with happiness, laughter, and
many more great memories! Cheers!

Read the passage. (Unseen)

Long ago, in ancient Greece, people celebrated birthdays by making round cakes to
offer to the goddess of the moon, Artemis. They placed lit candles on the cakes,
believing that the smoke would carry their wishes up to the heavens. As time
passed, this tradition spread to other cultures. In the 18th century, Germans began
using candles on birthday cakes, and the number of candles represented the
person's age. Blowing out the candles in one breath was believed to make the
birthday wish come true. Over the years, this joyful tradition traveled to different
parts of the world. Now, on birthdays, people gather around a cake with candles,
sing the birthday song, and make a wish before blowing out the flames. It's a happy
moment filled with love and celebration, as friends and family cheer and clap for
the birthday boy or girl. The history of blowing candles on a birthday cake brings
joy to people of all ages, making birthdays even more special and memorable.
(A) Write the correct word or words to complete each sentence.

1. When ancient Greek celebrated their birth-days, round cakes _____ to the
goddess of the moon, Artemis.
2. It was believed that their wishes would ______ by the smoke up to the heavens.
3. With the passage of time, the tradition of ____ gradually extended its influence
to other cultures.
4. The number of candles on the cake corresponds to the ________ of the person
whose birthday it is.
(5) People of all ages find ______ by making their birthdays even more special and

(B) Answer each question in one sentence.

1. Who celebrated birthdays in ancient Greece by making round cakes?

2. Why did they place lit candles on the cakes?

3. Why did they blow out the candles in one breath?

4. What do people do before blowing out the flames?

5. Who does the history of blowing candles on a birthday cake bring joy to?

(A) Make an affirmative sentence, negative, sentence or question using "used to+
1. I/ live in a flat when I was a child.

2. We/ go to the beach every summer.

3. She/ love eating chocolate, but now she hates it.

4. He/ not/ smoke.

5. I/ get up early/ but not now.

6. She/ be able to speak Thai, but she had forgotten it all.

7. I/ play tennis when I was at school.

8. He/ play golf every weekend?

9. Ko Min/ study Chinese.

10.I/ not/ hate/ exams.

Present perfect and present perfect continuous

The Present Perfect Tense is used to talk about actions that happened at an
unspecified time in the past, while the Present Perfect Continuous is used to talk
about actions that started in the past and are still happening now.

(A) Fill in the blanks with Present Perfect Tense or

Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. I ____ (finish) my homework.

2. She (visit) the zoo.

3. We (play) soccer.

4. He (eat) lunch.

5. They (watch) a movie.

6. The cat (chase) a mouse.

7. Mom (cook) dinner.

8. The students(study) for the test.

9. Dad (fix) the car.

10. We (clean) our room.

11. I (learn) English for six months.

12. She (finish) her work, and now she is taking a break.

13. They (play) soccer all afternoon.

14. He (study) hard for the exam.

15. We (wait) for the bus for twenty minutes.

16. The cat (sleep) all day.

17. Mom (clean) the house while listening to music.

18. The students (work) on their project since morning.

19, Dad (cook) dinner, and the delicious aroma fills the kitchen.

20. We (watch) a movie, and it's very exciting.

(B) Rewrite the sentence according to the instruction given in brackets.

1. I (have lived/ have been living) in this city for five years. (Underline the
correct answer.)

2. We (have lived/ have been living) in Yangon since the year 2000. (Underline
the correct answer.)

3. We (have talked/ have been talking) about this movie for a long time.
(Underline the correct answer.)
4. They (live) in the countryside before moving to the city. (Rewrite using the
correct form of used to'.)
5. While I (watched/ was watching) a movie, the phone (rang/ was ringing).
(Underline the correct answer.)

6. When I (walked/ was walking) into the room, everyone (worked/ was
working). (Underline the correct answer.)

7. Yesterday, we (went/ were going) to the park when it (started/ was starting)
raining. (Underline the correct answer.)

8. Usually, I (am going/ go) to the gym on Fri-days, but this week I (stay/ am
staying) home and relax.

9. The thieves (hid/ were hiding) in the kitchen when the police (came/ were
coming) in. (Underline the correct answer.)

10.1 didn't recognize him because of his new bread. He _____(have) a beard!
He looks completely different now. (Rewrite using the correct form of 'used

(a) Read the passage.

Once upon a time, there was a very wealthy man. He owned flocks of sheep,
herds of cattle, orchards, vineyards, and wheat farms. He had two Sons, Dan and
Ben. Dan, the elder one, was serious, hardworking, and was a great help of his
father. Ben, the younger one, was a happy-go-lucky young man and never bothered
to help his father. All he kept thinking was how to have a good time with his
One day, he said to his father, "Father, give me my share of the inheritance. I wish
to go to a distant land and lead an independent life.
"Are you sure you wish to do that? Do you think you'll make it?"
*Of course, Father," he answered. *I'm sure I’ll succeed."
"All right then," said the father and gave Ben whatever the son was entitled to.
Father and son hugged and kissed each other as was the custom, said goodbye, and
the young man left. He did not even say goodbye to his brother Dan or the
workmen on his father's land.
In a distant land, Ben led a very free and easy life, just squandering the money his
father gave him. When his money ran out, he sold one piece of precious jewelry
after another he had received from his father. In no time he became a pauper with
nowhere to stay and nothing to eat. He had only the clothes he was wearing. Then,
to keep his body and soul together, he worked as a swineherd of a wealthy man in
that distant land. He became so poor that he had to eat what the swine were fed

Comprehension exercises
(A) Write the correct word or words to complete each sentence.
1. Flocks of sheep, herds of cattle, orchards, vineyards, and wheat farms were

possessed by ______.

2. _____was known for his seriousness, diligence, and invaluable assistance to

his father.

3. The younger son always thought about _____ time with his friends.

4. The younger son asked his father for his ______ to lead an independent life.

5. In a distant land, Ben lived, ______and easily.

6. Ben _____ the money his father gave him in that distant land.

7. When Ben became poor, he worked as a ____ of a wealthy man.

8. Not saying _____to his brother, Ben left for the distant land.

9. Ben was so ______ that he never bothered to help his father.

10.Ben and his father hugged and kissed each other as was the custom before he

(B) Answer each question in one sentence.

1. Who owned flocks of sheep, herds of cattle, orchards, vineyards, and wheat


2. Why did Ben sell his precious jewelry in that land?

3. What did Ben do in order to keep his body and soul together?

4. How did Ben live in the distant land later?

5. How many sons did the wealthy man have, and what were their names?

6. What were the characteristics of Dan, the elder son?

7. What kind of person was Ben, the younger son?

8. What did Ben keep thinking about most of the time?

9. Did Ben think that he would lead an independent life?

10.What did Ben do before leaving for the distant land?

(C) Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets.
1. (luck) We are ______ to have such wonderful friends.
2. (prodigal) Avoid ______ and save your money wisely for the future.
3. (celebrate) _____ are famous people like actors, singers, and athletes.
4. (serve) The ______ clean the house and make it tidy.
5. (jewelry) The skilled _____ repaired my broken bracelet.

(D) Complete each sentence with the appropriate word given in the box. There
are two extras.

prodigal happy-go-lucky wealthy

nowhere inheritance swineherd independent

1. A ____ person does not plan much and accepts what happens without

becoming worried.

2. A ______ is a person who leaves home and wastes their money and time on

a life of pleasure, but who later is sorry about this and returns home.

3. The ______ businessman owned a big house and many expensive cars.

4. Swe Swe is an _______ girl who likes to do things on her own.

5. When his grandfather passed away, Ko Myo received a large _______ which

included money and a house.

(2) Read the passage.

I'm not even half as rich as my father's work-men," he often thought sadly, I
think I should go back to my father, but I'm afraid. He would certainly drive me
away." he often said to himself.
One day he fell Ill. He had nothing to eat, and he was in rags. He decided to
go back to his father and he did.
He was still at a distance from his father's house when his father saw him
and came rushing towards him. His father hugged him and kissed him and
welcomed him. He called his servants and said to them, "Some of you, wash my
son up and dress him up in the best of clothing. Some others, go kill the fatted calf
and prepare a grand meal. We shall celebrate."
Just then, his elder son Dan got back from the orchards and said, "What's
going on?" One of the workmen answered, "Your younger brother is back and your
father is going to celebrate."
Dan went to his father and said, "Father, why are you doing all this for the
naughty prodigal son? He deserves to be driven out."
"No, Dan," said the father, "Yes, your brother was naughty but he has
repented of his folly and has come back. You lost a brother, and I list a son, but
now we have found him. We should rejoice and celebrate."

Comprehension exercises
(A) Write the correct word or words to complete each sentence.

1. Ben thought that _____would certainly drive him away when he came back
2. He decided to ______ back to his father because he was ill.
3. Ben was ____ by his father, welcoming him.
4. Ben's father told his servants to ______ a grand meal.
5. According to Dan,_____ deserves to be driven out.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.

1. Why did Ben think he should go back to his father?

2. what did den think his father would certainly do when he came back?

3. What did Ben's father do when he saw Ben?

4. What did Ben's father tell his servants to do?

5. Why didn't Ben's father drive him away when he came back?

(C) Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets.

1. (distant) What is the exact ____ between Yangon and Nay Pyi Taw?
2. (serve) Money is a good ______but a bad master.
3. (celebrate) There will be a _____ in our house tomorrow.
4. (young) I am three years ______than my elder brother.
5. (prodigal) The younger brother was a ____ son.
(D) Complete each sentence with the appropriate word given in the box. There
are two extras.

servants celebrate certainly welcome naughty deserve

1. They are faithful _______of the company.
2. He will _____die if you don't call a doctor.
3. He was very ______when he was a child.
4. It is my birthday. Let's ______ .
5. He ___ when he saw his friend alive.

Read the passage. (Unseen)

Global warming is the temperature of Earth's surface, oceans and

atmosphere going up. Average temperatures today are about 1 degree Celsius (1.8-
degree Fahrenheit) higher than before the Industrial Revolution, which happened
around 1850. The most noticeable change because of this increase in temperature is
the melting of ice caps all around the world. Sea level is rising steadily because of
continental ice melting into the sea. Many cities are often flooded by the ocean.
Among the greenhouse gases, the increase of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the
atmosphere is the main cause of global warming. When people burn fossil fuels
like coal, oil and natural gas, this adds carbon dioxide into the air. When people cut
down many trees (deforestation), this means less carbon dioxide is taken out of the
atmosphere by those plants. As the Earth's surface temperature becomes hotter, the
sea level becomes higher. This is partly because water expands when it gets
warmer. It is also partly because warm temperatures make glaciers and ice caps
melt. The sea level rise causes coastal areas to flood. Weather patterns are
changing. Deserts will probably increase in size. Colder areas will warm up faster
than warm areas. Strong storms may become more likely and farming may not
make as much food.
To reduce global warming, we can do to reduce the contribution of
greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Therefore, the solutions that we can reduce
global warming are reducing gasoline, electricity and our activities that cause
global warming.
Another way to reduce global warming is re-cycle. Recycle can reduce
garbage by reusing plastic bags, bottles, papers or glass. If all this is being reused,
human can reduce deforestation and help save environment. Trees will help to
improve the temperature on earth.

(A) Write the correct word or words to complete each sentence.

1. Global warming is the increase of _____ of Earth's surface, oceans and

2. ______ happened around 1850.
3. The increase in temperature makes ice caps ______.
4. Due to _______, weather patterns are changing.
5. Another way to reduce global warming is _____ .

(B) Answer each question in one sentence.

1. What is global warming?

2. Why does the sea level become higher?

3. How do we reduce global warming?

4. What does deforestation mean?

5. How can we do to save environment

Say/ tell

(A) Fill in the spaces with a form of the verbs say or tell. You will need to
change the form of the verb.

e.g. He ____ his mother to stay at home.

Ans: told

1. I _____ my friend about the movie I watched yesterday.

2. Please, _____me your phone number so I can call you later.
3. He ____ that he would come to the party tonight.
4. My mom _____me to clean my room before going out to play.
5. She _____ her teacher that she couldn't finish her homework because of the
internet problem.
6. They ____ they were going on a vacation to the beach next week.
7. Can you _____ me what time the train will arrive?
8. The little boy _________ his parents that he was hungry.
9. The news anchor _______ there was a traffic jam on the highway.
10. She ____ her sister a secret that she had been keeping for a long time.
11. Please _____ "hello" to your grandparents from me.
12. He ______ he would be late for the meeting due to heavy traffic.
13. The teacher _____ the students to be quiet during the exam.
14. Sarah _______ she wanted to become a doctor when she grew up. •
15. Can you_____ me where the nearest restaurant is located?

Phrasal verbs with 'run’

(A) Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the phrasal verbs
given below.

run after run down run into someone run through

run on run out of run over

(1) The wind can _____ my hair.

(2) The kids accidentally _____ their ball with a bicycle.
(3) What do these cars_____ ?
(4) Mom _____ sugar, so we need to buy some from the store.
(5) Last week, I______ my neighbor at the grocery store, and we had a nice chat.
(6) After a busy day at school, Jack felt _____ and decided to take a nap
(7) The children love to ______ the colorful butterflies in the park.

(A) Join the two sentences in each item, using 'Direct Speech into Indirect
1. U Zaw said to his friends, *I am happy,"

2. Khin Khin said to the sales assistant, *I will buy these shoes."

3. U Kyaw Kha said to the class, "You must study the lessons regularly."

4. "This movie was fantastic," Kyaw Tun said to his sister.

5. "I want all of you to be educated persons," said U Moe to his sons.

6. Mother said to me, "They are my old friends and give us helping hands

when we need help.

7. Maung Gyi said to us, "My birthday is in December."

8. "I won the competition," she said.

9. He said, "I didn't see your message."

10."The train will arrive at 5 PM," the announcement said.


1. He said to his friends, "Are you coming to the party?"

2. "will they be arriving soon?" he asked.

3. Soe Soe said to her friends, "Can you lend me some money?"

4. "Will they be joining us for dinner?" he asked.

5. "Do you do physical exercise every day?* he said to her.

6. "Can I use your computer?" she asked.

7. "Have you seen my keys?" U Soe said to me.


1. "Don't buy this expensive car," U Kyaw said to his friend.

2. I said to my sister, "Bring me a glass of milk."

3. "Give me some money," the old woman said to me.

4. Wai Wai said to her brother, "Don't ask me again."

5. Shin Thant said, "Come and see this, Zaw Zaw."

6. "Don't make the same mistake again," mother said to me,

7. Moe Moe said to Kyaw Kyaw, "Return me the money you borrowed


8. "Would you mind passing me the menu?" she asked.

9. "Would you be able to help me move the table?" she asked.

10. "Will you please call me later?" Zar Chi asked.

(B) Rewrite the sentence according to the instruction given in brackets.

1. The children (have learned/ have been learning) in the garden all afternoon.
(Underline the correct answer.)

2. (Have you worked/ Have you been working) in this company for six years?
(Underline the correct answer.)

3. Last night, I (studied / was studying) for her exam when the power (went /
was going) out. (Underline the correct answer.)

4. He _____ (love) playing badminton before he hurt his shoulder. (Rewrite,

using the correct form of 'used to'.)
5. My grandfather ______ (drink) a cup of coffee after dinner every night. (Re-
write, using the correct form of used to.)

6. While the children (played/ were playing) games, their parents (watched/
were watching) the TV. (Underline the correct answer.)

7. He does not watch YouTube and neither does his brother. (Join, using
"neither ... nor.)

8. Ko Ko said “I was waiting for the bus when he arrived," (Change the
sentence into the reported speech.)
9. Khin Khin asked her father, "What will you buy for my birthday tomorrow?
(Change the sentence into the reported speech.)

10.Zaw Lay said to the old man, "Uncle, stay there. I will come to you,"
(Change the sentence into the reported speech.)

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