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What are your plans for this weekend?

Maybe I will visit a relative.

Maybe I will stay home.

Maybe I will buy some things at the shopping mall.

What are your plans for next year?

Maybe I will go to the USA to work with my dad.

Maybe I will go to the beach.

Maybe I will get a job in a big company.

I think I won’t stay home.

I guess I will watch a movie in the evening.

I guess we will have an easy exam.

 All pronouns use will:

I, you, he, she, it, we, they + will + verb (base form)

It will be sunny today.

We will have another video presentation.

 Negative form will + not = won’t

I think I won’t go to the movies.

I think I won’t stay home.

Question form: Will + subject + verb

Will you join for class tomorrow?

Yes, I will.

No, I won’t.

Will we know our grades today?

Yes, you will.

No, you won’t.

At a shopping mall: “I will buy these shoes.”

At a restaurant: “I will have the chilaquiles, please.”

At school:”I will go to the cafeteria, do you want to

At home: “I will call grandma; I want to listen to her.”

At work: “I will finish this report today”.

 Contractions:

I will = I’ll

She will = She’ll

We will = We’ll

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