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Nguyễn Thanh Trúc 235981097

Reading Portfolio – “The secret garden” by Frances Hodgson

Burnett, retold by Clare West.

English Vietnamese
1. Disagreeable 1. Không đồng ý
2. bad-tempered 2. xấu tính
3. instead of
4. servant 3. thay vì
5. crossly 4. người hầu
6. frightened 5. chéo
7. pretended
8. crooked 6. sợ hãi
9. horrid 7. giả vờ
10. edge of the moor 8. quanh co
11. shadowy
12. wander 9. kinh khủng
13. Mary's crossness 10. rìa đồng hoang
14. Yorkshire dialect 11. bóng tối
15. Furious
16. Digging 12. đi lang thang
17. a mystery 13. Thánh giá của Đức Maria
18. spoke gently 14. Phương ngữ Yorkshire
19. spade
20. cottage 15. Tức giận
21. buried 16. Đào
22. keyhole 17. một bí ẩn
23. squirrel
24. crow 18. nói chuyện nhẹ nhàng
25. violently 19. thuổng
26. tearful 20. nhà tranh
27. painful
28. mun 21. chôn cất
29. calmer 22. lỗ khóa
30. screaming 23. sóc
31. childish
32. horrid 24. con quạ
33. wheelchair 25. bạo lực
34. mountain stream 26. đầy nước mắt
35. crime
36. valley 27. đau đớn
37. usual 28. mun
38. Europe 29. bình tĩnh hơn
39. Seeds
40. Magic 30. la hét
41. Covered 31. trẻ con
42. Sunshine 32. kinh khủng
43. Ran towards
44. Immediately 33. xe lăn
45. Afraid 34. Suối núi
46. Except
35. tội ác
47. Interest 36. thung lũng
48. Backaches 37. thông thường
49. Stare
50. Wooden pipe 38. Châu Âu
51. Green shoots 39. Hạt giống
52. Tea-time 40. Phép thuật
53. Downstairs
54. Skipping rope 41. Được bảo hiểm
55. A robin 42. Nắng
56. Suppose 43. Chạy về phía
57. Present
58. Hardworking 44. Ngay lập tức
59. Branch 45. Sợ hãi
60. pretty 46. Ngoại trừ
47. Tiền lãi
48. Đau lưng
49. Nhìn chằm chằm
50. Ống gỗ
51. Chồi xanh
52. Giờ uống trà
53. Tầng dưới
54. Nhảy dây
55. Một con chim cổ đỏ
56. Giả sử
57. Hiện tại
58. Chăm chỉ
59. Chi nhánh
60. đẹp

Summary: “The secret garden” in 300 words.

“The Secret Garden" by Frances Hodgson Burnett is a timeless
tale following the life of Mary Lennox - a young girl born in
colonial India but abandoned by her parents. When a cholera
outbreak claims her parents' lives, Mary is sent to live with her
uncle - Archibald Craven, at his remote estate in Yorkshire,
England. With loneliness and ruin, Mary discovers a neglected
garden hidden within the vast estate grounds. With the help of a
friendly robin and a local boy named Dickon, she sets out to
revive the garden. Along the way, she makes friend with her
sickly cousin – Colin who has been kept hidden away due to his
own illness and his father's grief over his mother's death. As they
tend the garden, they find healing and comfort in it, the garden’s
restoration parallels their own inner transformation, Mary’s sour
temper softens, and Colin regains his vitality. So, the beauty of
nature and efforts to bring change in their life. Their newfound
friendship and the magical healing power of the garden mend
broken relationships and revive hope in the manor. Finally, the
garden becomes a symbol of renewal, not just for the land but
for the spirits of those who tend to it. Mary, Colin, and Colin's
father find healing, love, and the joy of life amidst the once-
locked secrets of the garden. "The Secret Garden" is a
heartwarming story of resilience, friendship, and the
transformative power of nature.

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