3.3.4 Project - ATOD Educational Campaign (Project)

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4 Project: ATOD Educational Campaign Project

Health Name:

Your Assignment, Part I

Your service club is offering a prize for the best community educational plan. Not only
would you love to win the prize, but you think this is a good opportunity to advocate against
ATOD abuse. You know that ATOD abuse can be a big problem in a community, and you
want to help people learn about it.

Before you start creating your campaign, it's important to research what is going on with
ATOD abuse in your community.

1. Using local news media sources, find five news stories related to ATOD abuse in your
community. For each news story, identify a barrier that prevented the person or people
involved from making better decisions regarding ATOD use.

News Story 1: Teen Overdoses on Prescription Drugs

 Source: Local news website

 Summary: A 17-year-old student overdosed on prescription painkillers obtained
from a friend’s home.
 Barrier: Lack of education on the dangers of misusing prescription drugs and the
ease of access to medications in homes.

News Story 2: Drunk Driving Incident Involving High School Senior

 Source: Local newspaper

 Summary: A high school senior was involved in a drunk driving accident after
leaving a party.
 Barrier: Social acceptance of underage drinking at parties and lack of awareness
about the risks of drunk driving.

News Story 3: Rising Vaping Among Middle School Students

 Source: Local news station

 Summary: A report on the increasing trend of vaping among middle schoolers, with
many using flavored nicotine products.
 Barrier: Misconception that vaping is safer than smoking and the appealing flavors
that attract younger users.

News Story 4: Community Faces Spike in Heroin Overdoses

 Source: Local radio station

 Summary: The community has seen a significant increase in heroin overdoses,
leading to multiple deaths.
 Barrier: Limited access to addiction treatment services and a lack of community
education on the dangers of heroin.

News Story 5: College Students Arrested for Marijuana Possession

 Source: University news blog

 Summary: Several college students were arrested for possessing marijuana at a
campus event.
 Barrier: Perception that marijuana use is low-risk and socially acceptable among
college students.
2. Find at least three examples of media and pop culture messages that encourage poor
decisions regarding ATOD use.

Media Example 1: Movie Depicting Party Scenes with Heavy Drinking

 Title: A popular teen comedy movie

 Description: Features numerous scenes of high school parties with excessive
drinking portrayed as fun and consequence-free.
 Barrier: Glamorizes underage drinking and creates the impression that alcohol is
necessary for social acceptance and enjoyment.

Media Example 2: Song Lyrics Promoting Drug Use

 Title: A hit song by a mainstream rapper

 Description: The lyrics explicitly mention recreational drug use and partying,
celebrating a lifestyle involving drug consumption.
 Barrier: Normalizes drug use and suggests that it enhances the enjoyment of life and
social experiences.

Media Example 3: Social Media Influencers Promoting Vaping

 Platform: Instagram
 Description: Influencers posting videos and pictures of themselves vaping, often
promoting various e-cigarette brands and flavors.
 Barrier: Influences followers, especially young teens, to view vaping as trendy and
acceptable, minimizing perceived risks.

Use the list of barriers and media messages you identified to select three possible educational
campaigns you could develop in order to help members of your community avoid or
overcome those barriers. Possible campaigns might focus on avoidance of underage drinking
or teen substance abuse, prevention of driving under the influence, teen driving safety,
validating or refuting perceptions of norms regarding drug use, or promoting a drug or teen
court advocacy program in your community.

Make sure your campaign uses technological resources, such as graphic design, word
processing, or web page design software.
Campaign 1: "Prescription Safety: Educate Before You Medicate"

1. Objective: Raise awareness about the risks of misusing prescription drugs, targeting
teens and parents.
2. Activities: Distribute educational materials in schools and community centers; host
workshops on safe medication practices; create a social media campaign sharing facts
and personal stories.
3. Technological Resources: Use graphic design software to create engaging
infographics; develop a website with resources and information on prescription drug

Campaign 2: "Drive Sober: Your Future Depends on It"

1. Objective: Prevent drunk driving among high school students by highlighting the
legal and personal consequences.
2. Activities: Organize school assemblies with speakers who have experienced the
impacts of drunk driving; run social media ads with compelling statistics and stories;
partner with local law enforcement for community presentations.
3. Technological Resources: Develop a video series featuring testimonials; create
interactive online quizzes to educate on the dangers of drunk driving.

Campaign 3: "Vape-Free Youth: The Real Facts Behind the Smoke"

1. Objective: Educate middle and high school students on the health risks of vaping and
discourage initiation.
2. Activities: Create educational posters for schools; host virtual webinars with
healthcare professionals; launch a social media challenge encouraging students to
pledge against vaping.
3. Technological Resources: Use web design software to create an informative website;
develop an app that provides facts, resources, and support for quitting vaping.

Your Assignment, Part II

Congratulations! You've finished researching your community's ATOD issues and coming up
with some ideas for educational campaigns. Now it's time to start working on a campaign.
This is a big project, and you can't do it alone. The first thing you need to do is pick a group
of people to join your campaign. You can work with students at your school, your family
members, or a community service organization. Answer the questions about your campaign.

1. Who are you going to work with?


2. With your group, select an educational campaign that you want to create. Then identify
your specific target audience, such as adults, teens at school, people who work out at the
gym, etc. Research the topic using current, accurate data or information provided by
government or community agencies. Make sure to cite your sources.

Record your information in the table.

Item Sample answers

What is the topic of your "Drive Sober: Your Future Depends on It"
educational campaign?

What is your target High school students and their parents


List at least three dangers

1. Increased risk of fatal accidents due to impaired driving
related to your topic.
Include sources.

2. Legal consequences such as fines, jail time, and loss of

driving privileges
3. Long-term impact on personal and professional life

1. Educate students on the risks and legal consequences of

drunk driving

2. Promote alternative transportation options like ride-


3. Encourage setting up designated drivers or sober buddy


List at least three ways to

prevent this problem.

List at least three

1. Social activities that do not involve alcohol, such as
alternatives to the ATOD
in the campaign. movie nights or sports
2. Non-alcoholic beverages and mocktails at parties

3. Organizing and participating in alcohol-free events and


3. Create your educational campaign using the information you gathered in the table.
Describe your campaign here.

Your Assignment, Part III

Publish your educational campaign on the Internet, on social media, in a PowerPoint

presentation, within a Word document, or using another technological platform. Proofread
your campaign to look for grammar and punctuation errors. Make sure that members of your
group test your campaign to make sure everything is working as it should. Share the
campaign with a few people and ask them to review it. Ask them to list any questions they
have about using the campaign or the information. That way, you can review your product
with people who weren't involved in creating it.
Once you have reviewed and made any necessary revisions to your campaign, submit the
campaign and this completed worksheet to your teacher for grading.

Tips for Success

Here are some tips to keep in mind as you complete your assignment.

 Read over the material in the unit 3 studies before answering the questions.

 Supplement your own research to learn more about ATOD abuse and how it can be
prevented, including the topic you chose for your educational campaign.

 Do a final edit of your educational campaign, including checking spelling and grammar,
before going live. Make sure you have answered all questions on this project document

 Consider if you will need to work with others as part of a team to complete your project.

 Make sure you test your educational campaign to make sure it works correctly on
whichever technological platform you used.

Self-Assessment Checklist

Read each question and evaluate your work. If the answer to the question is yes, check the
box to the left. If the answer is no, go back and revise your work. Your teacher will use these
same guiding questions to score your assignment.

Quality of Ideas (40 points)

Did I demonstrate an understanding of the assignment by:

Writing all the appropriate responses (10 points)

Organizing the information in a logical order (10 points)

Including enough information that allows the audience to fully understand the
dangers of ATOD abuse (10 points)
Typing the information correctly (10 points)
Use of Study Material (35 points)

Did I:

Use the appropriate content from the unit studies (10 points)

Display knowledge of ATOD abuse and prevention (10 points)

Provide thoughtful and thorough answers to the questions asked (15 points)

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3.3.4 Project: ATOD Educational Campaign

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