E6 - UNIT 4 - 2 BỘ

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art (n) /ɑːrt/ môn mỹ thuật
English (n) /ˈɪŋ.ɡlɪʃ/ môn tiếng anh
geography (n) /dʒiˈɒɡrəfi/ môn địa lí
history (n) /ˈhɪstri/ môn lịch sử
PE (physical education) /ˌpiː ˈiː/, môn gi{o dục thể chất
/ˌfɪzɪkl edʒuˈkeɪʃn/
science (n) /ˈsaɪəns/ môn khoa học
ICT (Information and /ˌaɪ siːˈtiː/, /ˌɪnfəˌmeɪʃn ən môn tin học
Communication (n) kəˌmjuːnɪˌkeɪʃn
Technology) tekˈnɒlədʒi/
math = maths = mathematics (n) /mæθ/ môn to{n
traditional (adj) /trəˈdɪʃənl/ (thuộc) truyền thống
primary school (n) /ˈpraɪ.mə.ri ˌskuːl/ trường tiểu học
transport (n) /ˈtræn.spɔːt/ phương tiện đi lại
move (v) /muːv/ di chuyển
river (n) /ˈrɪv.ər/ con sông
village (n) /ˈvɪl.ɪdʒ/ ngôi l|ng
private school (n) /ˌpraɪvət ˈskuːl/ trường tư thục
uniform (n) /ˈjuː.nɪ.fɔːm/ đồng phục
practical (adj) /ˈpræktɪkl/ thực tế
channel (n) /ˈtʃæn.əl/ kênh (tv)
secondary school (n) /ˈsekəndri skuːl/ trường trung học cơ sở
musical instrument (n) /ˈɪn.strə.mənt/ nhạc cụ
spell (v) /spel/ đ{nh vần
repeat (v) /rɪˈpiːt/ lặp lại, nhắc lại
revise (v) /rɪˈvaɪz/ ôn tập
concentrate (v) /ˈkɒnsntreɪt/ tập trung
make notes (v) /meɪk noʊts/ ghi chú
medium-sized (adj) /ˈmiːdiəm saɪzd/ cỡ vừa
medium-sized school (n) /ˈmiːdiəm saɪzd skuːl/ trường cỡ vừa
compulsory (adj) /kəmˈpʌlsəri/ bắt buộc
optional (adj) /ˈɒp.ʃən.əl/ không bắt buộc ; tùy chọn
keep up with (v.phr) /kiːp/ /ʌp/ /wɪð/ theo kịp

English 6: Friends plus Page | 1

boarding school (n) /ˈbɔːdɪŋ skuːl/ trường nội trú
check (v) /tʃek/ kiểm tra
digital learning (n) /ˈdɪdʒɪtl ˈlɜːnɪŋ/ học tập bằng kĩ thuật số
genius (n) /ˈdʒiːniəs/ thiên t|i
grammar (n) /ˈɡræmə(r)/ ngữ ph{p
lottery (n) /ˈlɒtəri/ trò chơi xổ số
mime (v,n) /maɪm/ diễn kịch c}m ; kịch c}m
practise (v) /ˈpræktɪs/ thực h|nh
project (n) /ˈprɒdʒekt/ dự {n
secondary school (n) /ˈsekəndri skuːl/ trường trung học cơ sở
strict (Adj) /strɪkt/ nghiêm khắc
textbook (n) /ˈtekstbʊk/ s{ch gi{o khoa
homeschooled (adj) /ˌhəʊmˈskuːld/ học tại nh|
lonely (adj) /ˈləʊnli/ cô đơn, cô độc
negative (adj) /ˈneɡətɪv/ tiêu cực
positive (adj) /ˈpɒzətɪv/ tích cực
speed (n) /spiːd/ tốc độ
work out (v.phr) /wɜːk ˈaʊt/ luyện tập thể dục
folder (n) /ˈfəʊldə(r)/ bìa kẹp hồ sơ


I. Present Continuous Tense (Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn)

Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn được dùng để diễn tả một h|nh động, sự việc hoặc hiện tượng đang xảy ra
tại thời điểm nói.
1. Công thức chung :
a. Thể khẳng định (Positive form)
I + am + V-ing
He/She/It + is + V-ing
We/You/They + are + V-ing
Ví dụ:
I am listening to music. (Tôi đang nghe nhạc.)
She is dancing at the moment. (Cô ấy đang khiêu vũ v|o lúc n|y.)
We are talking now. (B}y giờ chúng tôi đang nói chuyện.)

Quy tắc thêm –ing:

- Động từ kết thúc bằng e thì bỏ e rồi thêm ing:
give → giving promote → promoting
argue → arguing gaze → gazing
use → using observe → observing
Ngoại trừ: dye → dyeing/singe → singeing
- Động từ tận cùng bằng ee thì giữ nguyên ee rồi thêm ing. Ex: agree → agreeing
- Động từ kết thúc bằng một phụ }m v| trước nó l| 1 nguyên }m duy nhất thì ta gấp đôi phụ }m
cuối lên rồi mới thêm ing.

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hit → hitting stop → stopping
run → running put → putting
- Động từ có hai }m tiết m| trọng }m rơi v|o }m tiết thứ hai, kết thúc bằng một phụ }m v| trước
đó l| một nguyên }m, thì ta cũng gấp }m cuối lên rồi mới thêm ing.
Ex: admit → admitting begin → beginning prefer → preferring
Ngoại trừ những từ không có trọng }m ở }m tiết thứ 2 thì ta không gấp đôi phụ }m m| chỉ thêm
ing bình thường.
budget → budgeting signal → signaling
enter → entering travel → traveling
- Động từ kết thúc bằng ie thì đổi ie th|nh y rồi thêm ing. Ex: die – dying , lie → lying
b. Thể phủ định (Negative form)
I + am not + V-ing
He/She/It + is not + V-ing
We/You/They + are not + V-ing
Ví dụ:
I am not studying at the moment. (Tôi không đang học v|o lúc n|y)
It is not raining now. (B}y giờ trời không đang mưa.)
They are not singing right now. (Họ không đang h{t ngay lúc n|y.)

c. Thể nghi vấn (Question form)

Trả lời “Yes” Trả lời “No”

Am + I + V-ing ? Yes, I am. No, I am not.
Is + he/she/it +V-ing ? Yes, he/she/it + is. No, he/she/it isn't.
Are + we/you/they + V-ing? Yes, we/you/they + are. No, we/you/they + are.
Ví dụ:
Am I studying now? (B}y giờ tôi đang học phải không?)
Yes, you are. / No, you aren't. (V}ng, đúng vậy)/Không, không phải.)
Is it raining now? (B}y giờ trời đang mưa phải không?)
Yes, it is. / No, it isn't. (V}ng, đúng vậy.) Không, không phải.)
Are they singing now? (B}y giờ họ đang h{t phải không?)
Yes, they are. /No, they aren't. (V}ng, đúng vậy) (Không, không phải.)
2. Dấu hiệu nhận biết :
 Now (b}y giờ), right now (ngay b}y giờ), at the moment (lúc n|y), at present (hiện tại), at this
time (b}y giờ), at + giờ cụ thể (at 12 o’clock), today.
 Look! (nhìn kìa), Listen! (hãy nghe n|y), Keep silent! (Trật tự), Be careful! (Cẩn thận), Hurry up!
(Hãy nhanh lên)<
Examples :
- Now my sister is going shopping with my mother.
- Look! The train is coming.
- Listen! Someone is crying.
- Keep silent! The baby is sleeping.

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II. Present continuous and Present simple

Thì Present simple Present continuous

Use Routines or repeated actions Actions happening now
Thói quen v| h|nh động lặp đi H|nh động đang xảy ra tại thời điểm
lặp lại. nói.
Time expressions sometimes, usually, always today, at the moment, now (right now)
Dấu hiệu nhận biết (often, never, every day)

III. The consonant clusters (Các cụm phụ âm)

/s/ + /p, t, k, f, m, n, w, j/
Spy, stay, sky, smile, snow, sleep, swear, suit, speak,<
/p/ + /l, r, j/ : Plough, play, proud, pray, pure,,<
/t/ + /r, w, j/ : Tree, try, twin, twice, tune, tunic,<
/k/ + /l, r, w, j/ : Clerk, clay, crown, cry, quite, quick, cure, curious,<
/b/ + /l, r, j/ : Blind, blow, brown, bring, brick, beauty, bureau,<.
/g/ + /l, r/ : Glass, glance, grass, grow,<
/d/ + /r, w, j/ : Draw, dress, dwell,duty,<
/f/ + /l, r, j/ : Fly, flat, free, frozen, few, fuse,<
/q/ + /r, w/ : Throw, throat, thwart, thwack,<
/v/ + /j/ : view, viewer,<
/∫/ + /r/ : shrink, shriek,<
/m/ + /j/ : Music, mule,<
/n/ + /j/ : New, nude,<
/spr/ : spread, spray, <
/str/ : strand, stray, string,<
/skr/ : scratch<
/spj/ : spure, spurious, <
/spl/ : splendid, split,<
/stj/ : stupid, student,<
/skj/ : skew, skewer,<
/skw/ : square, squash,<

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I. Listening
Listen to the conversation. Choose the correct words.
1. Sally is having a break / reading a book.
2. At Sally’s school they always / sometimes have a break at 11.00.
3. Lessons finish / start in fifteen minutes.
4. Sally has a Spanish lesson this morning / afternoon.
5. Sally likes / doesn’t like Spanish.
6. Sally can / can’t speak Spanish well.
7. Sally can / can’t write Spanish very well.
8. Spanish spelling is easy / difficult for Sally.
9. Sally has an exam this week / next week.
10. There are a lot of pictures / words in Sally’s notebook.

II. Odd one out

1. A. calculator B. ruber C. projector D. neighborhood
2. A. outline B. offline C. online D. deadline
3. A. curriculum. B. laptop C. crowded D. assignment
4. A. grocery B. comfortable C. noisy D. polluted
5. A. cathedral B. historic C. museum D. square
III. Choose the word that does not have the same pronunciation of the underlined part as that
in the rest.
1. A. science B. score C. scooter D. Scotland
2. A. scene B. science C. fascinate D. scooter
3. A. scissors B. muscle C. scout D. scene
4. A. island B. isle C. mislabel D. aisle
5. A. sign B. signature C. design D. foreign
6. A. ghost B. high C. right D. might
7. A. doubt B. debt C. subtle D. subtitle
8. A. listen B. faster C. castle D. fasten
9. A. could B. would C. should D. holder
10. A. redness B. kidnap C. Wednesday D. kindness
IV. Choose the word that does not have the same stressed syllable as that of the rest.
1. A. language B. lesson C. instrument D. creative
2. A. Italian B. English C. Arabic D. Russia
3. A. grammar B. vocabulary C. alphabet D. article
4. A.education B. tomorrow C. repaint D. remove
5. A. revise B. pronunciation C. remember D. biology
6. A. history B. English C. geography D. science
7. A. language B. organize C. transport D. prefer
8. A. mathematics B. project C. helpful D. primary

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9. A. canteen B. television C. together D. impatient
10. A. Science B. computer C. workshop D. schoolyard

V. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.
1. How often __________ Nga __________ uniform at school?
A. does/ wear B. do/ wear C. does/ wears D. does/ to wear
2. He __________ breakfast at six o’clock every morning
A. have B. having C. has D. to have
3. Ella & Lilly are not concentrating __________ their lesson because they __________
A. in/ are chatting B. on/ chatting
C. on/ are chatting D. in/ chatting
4. __________ hold my books for me? ~ No problem.
A. Do you B. May you C. Should you D. Must you
5. “ ___________ class are you in?” “Class 6B”
A. Which B. Where C. When D. Whose
6. In many schools in Viet Nam, students have to wear a ___________.
A. clothing B. suit C. uniform D. coat
7. Trung: “Why do you think most people learn English?”
Phong: “___________.”
A. All of them are B. I hear it is very good
C. Because it's useful to them D. Because I like it
8.When my friend misses the lessons, I always ___________ him my notes.
A. takes B. send C. borrow D. lend
9. That is the laboratory ___________ we do all our experiments.
A. which B. where C. when D. that
10. I have Math lessons __________ Monday and Friday.
A. on B. in C. at D. from
11. Which verb adds __________ es in the third person?
A. go B. write C. sleep D. tell
12. Please turn the __________ on. It’s so hot in here.
A. fan B. light C. television D. faucet
13. We are traveling to the countryside __________ bus.
A. on B. in C. from D. by
14. He goes to school__________ five o’clock __________ the morning.
A. on/in B. for/at C. in/on D. at/in
15. Mai __________ dressed at six thirty every morning.
A. does B. brushes C. gets D. lives
16. Minh always __________ her answer before delivering to her teacher.
A. checks B. checking C. to check D. checked
17. My father is an __________ . He works in a big factory.
A. teacher B. doctor C. farmer D. engineer
18. Do you ask your teacher questions when you __________ them?
A. aren’t understanding B. don’t understand
C. are understanding D. to do understand
19. Reberca is __________ English for her work.
A. learn b. learned C. learning D. learns

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20. Nam and Minh __________ playing soccer in the yard at the moment.
A. do B. are C. is D. does
21. My bother often helps me ___________ my homework.
A. with B. on C.at D. for
22.- “How's your class this year?”- “Great. ___________ forty-seven students, and they are good
A. It's B. They're C. There's D. There're
23. It is necessary for students to listen to their teacher ___________.
A. attentive B. attentively C. attention D. attending
24. Children will work hard if the lessons are ___________.
A. nice B. pleasant C. disappointing D. interesting
25. I'm always nervous when I'm ___________ an exam.
A. taking B. making C. working D. writing
VI. Choose the correct school subject to complete sentences
1. We learned about the Romans in the _________ lesson. (German/ history/ biology/ art)
2. We painted flowers in the _________ lesson. ( art/ science/ history/ French
3. He scored a goal in the ____________ lesson. (geography art/ physics/ sports)
4. He learned about foxes in the __________ lesson. (German/ biology/ chemistry/ sports)
5. My brother learns __________ because he wants to study in Paris. (Spanish/ English/ Italian/
6. The children sang beautifully in the ___________ lesson. (biology/ science/ music/ art)
7. We saw a film about Napoleon in the __________ lesson. (geography/ music/ history/ biology)
8. You learn about the natural world. (History/ IT/ Science/ Art)
9. You learn about computers in _______. (IT/ RE/ art/ PE)
RE: religious education
10. He loves acting and that's why she took ______. (dance/ art/ science/ drama)
VII. Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
Passage 1
Hi Jame,
How are you?
I’m at a summer camp (1) _________ the UK. It’s a medium-sized camp for children aged 8- 15
years old. Our day (2) _________ at seven o’clock – that’s early! In the morning, we do different
subjects like geography, art, swimming. In the afternoon, we (3) _________ new activities while
having a lot of fun. At the summer camp, we sail, horse ride, swim, enjoy games on the beach. My
(4) _________ activity is surfing – it sounds dangerous, but it isn’t!
Here’s (5) _________ photo of my group. We’re all (6) _________ a great time here. What about
Email me soon.
1. A. in B. on C. at D. with
2. A. start B. starts C. is start D. starting
3. A. learing B. do learning C. learns D. learn
4. A. like B. favorite C. favor D. love
5. A. an B. this C. a D. it
6. A. have B. having C. has D. haven’t

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Passage 2
Hi Mary,
How are you?
I’m sitting in my bedroom at the moment and I (1) _________ my homework. Today is my first
day at secondary school. (2) _________ the morning I wear my new uniform and (3) _________ to
school with my best friend, Megan. We have lots of different subjects and the lessons are really
fun. All my teachers (4) _________ lovely. There’s one good thing – we don’t usually have
homework at the weekend. (5) _________ your teacher often give you a lot of homework at the
weekend? Tonight Megan and I (6) _________ our English project in my room. We both like
English. What are you doing now? Do you like English? Perhaps you can join with us.
Answer soon!
1. A. am B. am doing C. doing D. not doing
2. A. In B. On C. At D. Of
3. A. not walk B. walking C. walk D. walks
4. A. is B. are C. am D. be
5. A. Does B. Do C. Don’t D. Doesn’t
6. A. am doing B. is doing C. doing D. are doing

VIII. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements are True or False and choose the
correct answer (A, B, C or D) for the questions
Passage 1
A Day At Summerhill
Summerhill is a boarding school in south-east England. It is a school with a difference because the
teachers don't make the rules – the students make them.
Breakfast is from 8.00 to 9.00 and the lessons start at 9.30. Susan is a student here - she likes
She is studying a lot of subjects. Ivan is a student here too. He isn't interested lessons and he can
play all day if he wants.
At 12.30 it is lunchtime, and the students and teachers eat together. There three choices of meal:
one with meat, a vegetarian option and a salad bar, too.
At 1.45 there is a meeting. The students and teachers talk about problems and can change school
rules in this meeting. Then there are free-time activities: orchestra practice, drama group or sport.
Ivan goes shopping in town. Susan plays the violin with the orchestra.
At 5.30 it is dinner time. After dinner students chat and do homework. Younger children go to
bed before 9.30, but older children can go to bed when they want. So that is a day at Summerhill.
Do you think school is better when the students make the rules?
Write True/False for the statements about the passage
1. Summerhill is not a boarding school ___________
2. This is a school with a difference because the teacher don’t make the rules ___________
3. The lessons begin at 9.30 ___________
4. The text is about a a boarding school for children. ___________
Choose the best option
5. Lessons at Summerhill start after __________.
A. breakfast B. break C . lunch D. dinner

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6. At lunchtime the students eat with __________.
A. principal B. the very young students
C. the sports teachers D. the teachers

Passage 2
Mary's email message:
To: School friends
From: Mary Jones
Subject: Summer Camp
Sent: October, 29, 15:24
Hi everyone,
Do you get bored with your summer holiday? Then, why not join me this year at summer camp?
It's great fun and you meet new friends. I go every year, and this year the organizers want us to
send in new ideas for activities.
You can choose two activities in the morning and two in the afternoon. There's usually a variety of
activities including sports, music, dance, drama, games, and art. I always choose sports in the
morning because it's really hot in the afternoon. I love doing judo, and playing table tennis.
We never do cooking, so I think we can do that. My brother's interested in computers, and he
wants to write his own blog, so he asks we can do computer activities. Can you come to the
summer camp? What activities do you want to do? Please email me soon.
Hope you can come!

Write True/False for the statements about the passage

1. Mary emailed her friends to invite them to summer camp. ___________
2. The organizers want them to send new ideas for activities. ___________
3. Mary always chooses sports in the afternoon because it's very warm ___________
4. Mary's brother doesn't care about computers ___________
Choose the best option
5. The word “organizers” is closest in meaning to
A. students B. directors C. cooks D. athletes
6. What new activities do Mary and her brother want to do?
A. judo and computers B. judo and table tennis
C. computer and table tennis D. cooking and computers

IX. Read and decide if each statement is true (T) or false (F).
My name is Elena and I’m a pupil of Green School. My school is in Orange Street. I am twelve
years old. I would like to tell you a few words about my school life.
I go to school five days a week except Saturday and Sunday. Classes in my school start at 8
o’clock in the morning and end at 15.30. I often have 6 or 7 lessons a day. I study a lot of different
subjects: English, History, Geography, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Math, etc. I like English
because I can learn lots of interesting things in England. I usually receive good marks in this
subject. I wish to become an English teacher in the future.
This is my school. It was built about ten years ago. My classroom is on the third floor. Its
windows face the school-yard. There are two large windows in my classroom; a great amount of
flowers grow in pots that stand on the window-sills. Pupils in my class are responsible for
watering the flowers several times a week. And I all do it with great care and pleasure. On the

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walls of my classroom there are different colour maps, portraits, and wall newspapers. My school
has a stadium, a library, a gym and a computer room, too. I love my school so much.

No. Statement True or false

1. Elena is a pupil at Blue School.
2. She goes to school five days a week.
3. Her school starts at 8.00 a.m. and finishes at 3.00 p.m.
4. She learns different subjects at school.
5. Maths is her favourite subject.
Read again and answer the questions.
1.Where is her school?
 ________________________________________________________________________
2.How many lessons does she often have a day?
 ________________________________________________________________________
3.What is her favourite subject?
 ________________________________________________________________________
4.When was her school built?
 ________________________________________________________________________
5.How many windows are there in her classroom?
 ________________________________________________________________________
6.Who are responsible for watering flowers?
 ________________________________________________________________________

X. Read the text and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to each question.
Eton College is very famous private school near London. It is over 570 years old. There are
about 1, 300 students and they all live in the school during the term. There aren’t any girls in this
school- only boys. Most students stay here until they are 18 years old.
This school is very expensive and it costs about 30,000 a year to study there. Most Eton
students come from very wealthy families, for example, Prince William and Prince Harry!
There are about 100 classrooms, lots of science lab, ICT rooms, music rooms a concert hall, two
theatres, a gym, two swimming pool, twenty tennis courts and an atheletics track and a golf court.
The school has 160 teachers. There is one teacher for 80 students.
(Adapted from: Solutions_2nd_ Edition_ Elementary_ Oxford)
1. What kind of school is Eton College?
A. It is a private school B. It is a school for both boys and girls
C. It is a school for only girls D. It is a state school
2. Where do all the students live in during the term?
A. They live at home B. They live at hotel
C. They live in a rented house D. They live in the school
3. When do most students leave school?
A. Before they are 18 B. When they are under 18
C. When they are 18 D. After they are 18
4. Who are students of this school?
A. They are from very big families They are from very poor families
C. They are from very employed families D. They are from very rich families

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5. What sports facilities are there in the school?
A. a gym, two swimming pool, twenty tennis courts and an athletics track and a golf court.
B. a gym, two swimming pool, twenty tennis courts and an cycling track and a golf court.
C. a gym, two swimming pool, ten volleyball courts and an athletics track and a golf court.
D. a gym, two swimming pool, ten volleyball courts and an athletics track and a tennis court
XI. Complete the sentences using the present continuous.
1. He ________________ his homework at the moment. (do)
2. We ________________ about the exam result. (not, talk)
3. ________________ to the botanical garden now? (they, go)
4. I ________________ an email to my aunt in the US. (send)
5. The teacher ________________ the math equation on the board. (write)
6. Hoang ________________ next to Mai on the bench. (sit)
7. My friends ________________ badminton in the park. (play)
8. ________________ at home alone now? (she, stay)
9. Mrs. Loan ________________ breakfast at the moment. (not, prepare)
10. ________________ for tomorrow's trip? (you, prepare)
XII. Complete the sentence with the present simple or present progressive form of the verbs in
1. I ________________ for Jack. Do you know where he is? (look)
2. You ________________ a lot about computers. (know)
3. They ________________ maths homework now. (do)
4. Mark often ________________ tennis at the weekend. (play)
5. Just a minute, I can’t hear you. I ________________ to the radio. (listen)
6. Bob ________________ the news on TV every morning. (watch)
7. Be quiet! The children ________________ in the room. (study)
8. Mark ________________ homework on Saturdays. (not do)
9. Wake up! The teacher ________________ you a question. (ask)
10. We ________________ at the moment. We’re on a break. (not work)

XIII. Fill each blank with a suitable word in the box.

homework physics subjects international judo

have canteen English study teaches

1. I never do my ________________ at school. I do it at home.

2. Can you name some of your school ________________ ?
3. There is an ________________ school near my house but I don’t study there.
4. I usually ________________ meat and vegetable for my lunch.
5. My father is an teacher. He ________________ at a secondary school in my village.
6. I can sing some ________________ songs
7. My favourite subject is ________________ . I like doing experiment.
8. My sister and I want to ________________ in the same school.
9. I go to the ________________ club every Sunday. I like this sport.
10. I never eat lunch in the school ________________ . I eat at home

English 6: Friends plus Page | 11

XIV. Rearrange the words in the right order to make a meaningful sentence.
1. working / computer / now / on / Harry / not / the / is /.
 ________________________________________________________________________
2. got / can’t / John / so / hasn’t / he / a pen / write / .
 ________________________________________________________________________
3. PE / Friday / do / every / We / and / Science / afternoon / Art /.
 ________________________________________________________________________
4. notebook / making / Tony / his / is / notes / in /.
 ________________________________________________________________________
5. noisy / go / flat / I / is / to / My / so / library / the /.
 ________________________________________________________________________
6. always / uniforms / We / school / wear / at /.
 ________________________________________________________________________
7. cooking / my / the / is / At / dinner / mom / moment /.
 ________________________________________________________________________
8. words / often / class / We / repeat / in / new /.
 ________________________________________________________________________
9. before / exam / you / revise / Do / an / ?
 ________________________________________________________________________
10. different / week / He / book / a / reads / every /.
 ________________________________________________________________________

XV. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as
the sentence printed before it.
1. Phong like Maths most
 Phong’s ________________________________________________________________
2. Do you want to go for a drink?
 Would you ______________________________________________________________
3. Shall we go to the Japanese Covered Bridge first?
 Let’s ___________________________________________________________________
4. Would you mind telling me how to do this exercise?
 Can ____________________________________________________________________
5. There are three small sports yards in our school.
 Our school ______________________________________________________________
6. She talks to fast, so I can’t understand her much.
 I can’t __________________________________________________________________
7. Phong and Ba have loads of maths homework today.
 Phong and Ba ___________________________________________________________
8. Huong likes studying ICT because it is an interesting subject.
 Huong _________________________________________________________________
9. I’m not interested in Spanish because it is a difficult language.
 I don’t __________________________________________________________________
10. Does Mariam love playing computer games?
 Is Mariam _______________________________________________________________
 Does Mariam ____________________________________________________________
11. Tracy always comes to class on time.
 Tracy ___________________________________________________________________

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12. Jim’s favourite subject is history.
 Jim _____________________________________________________________________
13. My pencil case contains two rulers, a compass and a calculator.
 There ___________________________________________________________________
14. My house is near Sunrise Boarding School.
 My house is not __________________________________________________________
15. We often ride our bicycle to school.
 We often ________________________________________________________________

XVI. Write questions using the present continuous:

1. What / Susan / wear ?
 ________________________________________________________________________
2. Where / your friend / sit ?
 ________________________________________________________________________
3. Why / you / make notes ?
 ________________________________________________________________________
4. Where / your parents / go ?
 ________________________________________________________________________
5. What / you / eat ?
 ________________________________________________________________________
6. What / they / drink ?
 ________________________________________________________________________
7. Where / they / go ?
 ________________________________________________________________________
8. What / your mum / cook ?
 ________________________________________________________________________
9. Who / she / help ?
 ________________________________________________________________________
10. What / Nam and Lan / talk about ?
 ________________________________________________________________________

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