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celebrate v /ˈselɪbreɪt/ kỷ niệm ; ăn mừng
celebration n /ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn/ lễ kỷ niệm
parent n /ˈpeərənt/ ba hoặc mẹ ; parents : ba mẹ
son n /sʌn/ con trai
daughter n /ˈdɔːtə(r)/ con g{i
grandchildren n /ˈɡræntʃaɪld/ ch{u
relax v /rɪˈlæks/ thư giãn
usually adv /ˈjuːʒəli/ thường ; thường thường
sometimes adv /ˈsʌmtaɪmz/ thỉnh thoảng ; đôi khi
always adv /ˈɔːlweɪz/ luôn luôn
often adv /ˈɒftən/ thường hay
never adv /ˈnevə(r)/ không bao giờ ; chưa bao giờ
watch v /wɒtʃ/ xem
help v /help/ giúp đỡ
breakfast n /ˈbrekfəst/ bữa ăn s{ng
lunch n /lʌntʃ/ bữa ăn trưa
dinner n /ˈdɪnə(r)/ bữa ăn tối
speak v /spiːk/ nói
study v /ˈstʌdi/ học
finish v /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ kết thúc
wash v /wɒʃ/ rửa
invite v /ɪnˈvaɪt/ mời
wear v /weə(r)/ mặc ; mang ; đội
parade n /pəˈreɪd/ buổi diễu h|nh
costume n /ˈkɒstjuːm/ trang phục
dance v /dɑːns/ nhảy múa
visit v /ˈvɪzɪt/ thăm viếng

English 6: Friends plus Page | 1


I. The Simple Present Tense (Thì hiện tại đơn)

1. Dạng thức của thì hiện tại đơn

A. Công thức thì hiện tại đơn với động từ “to be” :

a. Thể khẳng định (Positive form)

I + am
He / She / It / 1 người / 1 vật + is
We / You / They / 2 người / 2 vật trở lên + are
Chú ý:
I am = I'm
He is = He's ; She is = She's ; It is = It's
We are = We're ; You are = You're ; They are = They're
Ví dụ:
- I am a student. (Tôi l| một sinh viên.)
- He is very smart. (Anh ấy rất thông minh.)
- We are friends. (Chúng tôi l| bạn bè.)
b. Thể phủ định (Negative form)
I + am not
He / She / It / 1 người / 1 vật + is not
We / You / They / 2 người / 2 vật trở lên + are not
Chú ý:
am not = 'm not
is not = isn't
are not = aren't
Ví dụ:
- I’m not a bad kid. (Tôi không phải l| một đứa trẻ hư.)
- He isn't my brother. (Anh ấy không phải l| anh trai tôi.)
- They aren't in class. (Họ không ở trong lớp học.)
c. Thể nghi vấn (Question form)

Am + I ... ?
Is + he / she / it / 1 người / 1 vật ... ?
Are + we / you / they / 2 người / 2 vật ... ?
Trả lời: “Yes” Trả lời: “No”
Yes, I am. No, I am not.
Yes, he / she / it is. No, he / she / it isn’t.
Yes, we / you / they are. No, we / you / they aren't.
Ví dụ:
- Are you Phong? Yes, I am. / No, I am not.
(Bạn l| Phong hả?) (V}ng, đúng vậy.) (Không, không phải.)
- Am I a good boy? Yes, you are. / No, you aren't.
(Tôi l| một cậu bé ngoan,phải không?) (V}ng, đúng vậy) / (Không, không phải)

English 6: Friends plus Page | 2

- Is she 12 years old? Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.
(Cô ấy 12 tuổi phải không?) (V}ng, đúng vậy.)/(Không, không phải)

B. Công thức thì hiện tại đơn với Động từ thường :

a. Thể khẳng định (Positive form)

I / We / You / They / Danh từ số nhiều + V (nguyên thể)

He / She / It / Danh từ số ít + V-s/es
Ví dụ:
- I like sports. (Tôi thích thể thao.)
- He plays football. (Anh ấy chơi bóng đ{.)
Quy tắc thêm s/es khi chủ ngữ là số ít :
- Đa phần ta cứ thêm s v|o c{c động từ :
like → likes swim → swims run → runs
- Nếu động từ tận cùng l| c{c chữ o, ss, ch, x, sh, z thì ta thêm es v|o sau động từ :
go → goes kiss → kisses watch → watches
fax → faxes wash → washes buzz → buzzes
- Nếu động từ tận cùng bằng chữ y có hai trường hợp :
Nếu trước y l| một nguyên }m (u, e, o, a, i) thì ta thêm s : play → plays ; stay → stays
Nếu trước y l| một phụ }m, ta đổi y → i rồi thêm es : try → tries ; cry → cries ; fly → flies
* Chú ý : Động từ không theo quy tắc : have → has
b. Thể phủ định (Negative form)

I / We / You / They / Danh từ số nhiều + do not + V (nguyên thể)

He / She / It / Danh từ số ít + does not + V (nguyên thể)
Chú ý: do not = don't does not = doesn't
Ví dụ:
- We don't go to school on Sunday. (Chúng tôi không đi học v|o Chủ nhật.)
- She doesn't play football. (Cô ấy không chơi bóng đ{.)
c. Thể nghi vấn (Question form)

Do + I / we / you / they / Danh từ số nhiều + V (nguyên thể) ?

Does + he / she / it / Danh từ số ít + V (nguyên thể) ?
Trả lời “Yes”:
Yes, I/we/you/they + do. Yes, he/she/it + does.
Trả lời “No”:
No, I/we/you/they + don't. No, he/she/it + doesn't.
Ví dụ:
- Do they play sports? Yes, they do. / No, they don't.
(Họ có chơi thể thao không?) (V}ng, họ có chơi.)/(Không, họ không chơi.)
- Does he like judo? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't.
(Anh ấy có thích judo không?) (V}ng, anh ấy thích.)/ (Không, anh ấy không

English 6: Friends plus Page | 3

2. Dấu hiệu nhận biết thì Hiện tại đơn :
often (thường hay) rarely = seldom (hiếm khi, ít khi)
always (luôn luôn) frequently (thường xuyên)
usually (thường thường) every day/ night / (mỗi ng|y/ tối / tuần /
week / month/ year th{ng / năm / buổi
/ morning ... s{ng ...)
sometimes (thỉnh thoảng, đôi khi) once/ twice/ three (1 lần / 2 lần / 3 lần... +
times... + a week/ a 1 tuần / 1 th{ng / 1
month/ a year. năm)
never (không bao giờ)
Ví dụ:
- We usually have breakfast at 6 o'clock. (Chúng tôi thường ăn s{ng lúc 6 giờ.)
- I get up early every day. (Tôi thức dậy sớm mỗi ng|y.)
- She goes to her English class twice a week. (Cô ấy đến lớp tiếng Anh hai lần một tuần.)
- It is warm in spring. (Trời ấm {p v|o mùa xu}n.)
- They have Maths on Mondays. (Họ có môn To{n v|o c{c ng|y thứ Hai.)
- He practices karate at weekends. (Anh ấy tập karate v|o c{c ng|y cuối tuần.)
3. Cách dùng: Thì Hiện tại đơn dùng để :
 Diễn tả thói quen hoặc những việc xảy ra thường xuyên ở hiện tại.
Ex : We go to school every day.
 Diễn tả những sự vật, sự việc xảy ra mang tính quy luật.
Ex : This festival occurs every 4 years.
 Dùng để diễn tả sự thật hiển nhiên, một ch}n lý, c{c phong tục tập qu{n, c{c hiện tượng tự
Ex : The earth moves around the Sun.
 Dùng để diễn tả lịch trình cố định của t|u, xe, m{y bay ; lịch l|m việc ; lịch chiếu phim...
Ex : The train leaves at 8 am tomorrow.
II. Trạng từ chỉ tần suất (Adverbs of frequency)
1. Định nghĩa:
Trạng từ chỉ tần suất l| c{c từ diễn tả mức độ thường xuyên hoặc tần suất diễn ra của một h|nh
Các trạng từ chỉ tần suất thông dụng:
often thường hay
always luôn luôn
usually thường thường
sometimes thỉnh thoảng , đôi khi
rarely / seldom hiếm khi , ít khi
never không bao giờ
2. Cách dùng:
- Diễn tả mức độ thường xuyên của một hành động.
Ví dụ:
They often have family meal. (Họ thường ăn bữa cơm gia đình.)

English 6: Friends plus Page | 4

- Trả lời câu hỏi với từ hỏi “How often?”
Ví dụ:
- How often does she walk to school? (Bạn ấy có thường đi bộ đến trường không?)
- She rarely walks to school. (Bạn ấy hiếm khi đi bộ đến trường.)
3. Vị trí của trạng từ chỉ tần suất trong câu
Trạng từ chỉ tần suất thường đứng ở ba vị trí :
 Trước động từ thường
 Sau động từ to be
 Giữa trợ động từ v| động từ chính
Ví dụ:
- I usually get up early. (Tôi thường thức dậy sớm.)
- Mike is always punctual. (Mike luôn đúng giờ.)
- We don’t often stay up late. (Chúng tôi không thường thức khuya.)
III. Cách phát âm đuôi “s/es” :
Có 3 cách đọc: /iz/ ; /s/ ; /z/
 Đọc là / iz / khi âm cuối tận cùng là các âm xuýt (sibilant sound) như : /s/, /∫/, /t∫/, /z/, /ʒ/, /dʒ/
Thường các chữ tận cùng là - s, - ss, - ch, - sh, - x, - z (hoặc – ze), - ge, - ce
(Mẹo nhớ : sẵn sàng chung shức xin zô góp cơm)
Ex: rises ; classes ; watches ; washes ; relaxes ; buzzes ; recognizes ; changes ; stages ; messages ; forces ;
practices , sentences…
 Đọc là / s / khi âm cuối tận cùng là các phụ âm vô thanh như: /t/, /k/, /p/, /f/, /θ/
Thường các chữ tận cùng là : -t (-te), -k (-ke), -p (-pe), -f (-fe), -th
(Mẹo nhớ : tôi không phải fù thủy)
Ex: units ; cooks ; stops ; roofs ; cloths ; laughs / lɑ:fs/ ; topics /'tɒpiks / ; photographs / 'foutəgrɑ: f s/ ...

 Lưu ý :
‘ laugh’ phiên âm là /la: f / nên khi chia laughs / lɑ:fs/ đọc là /s/
‘ topic ’ phiên âm là / 'tɒpik / nên khi chia topics / 'tɒpiks / đọc là /s/
‘ photograph ’ phiên âm là / 'foutəgrɑ:f / nên khi chia photographs / 'foutəgrɑ:fs/ đọc là /s/
 Đọc là / z / khi âm cuối tận cùng là các nguyên âm và các phụ âm hữu thanh (voiced sounds) còn lại.
Ex: plays; tries ; agrees ; knows ; stays ; potatoes ; goes ; bags ; speeds ; digs ; brings ; does ; says …

English 6: Friends plus Page | 5



Statements True False

1. In the USA, Mother’s Day is in April.
2. In the UK, Mother’s Day is on a Sunday.
3. Tony buys a present on Mother’s Day.
4. Angela buys a present on Mother’s Day.
5. Tony’s mum works all day on Mother’s Day.
6. Tony and his dad make a special lunch.
7. Tony’s mum and dad go out in the evening.
8. Tony usually goes to the cinema on Mother’s Day.
9. Tony always helps with the housework.
10. Angela does the housework on Mother’s Day.

II. Choose the word that does not have the same pronunciation of the underlined part as that in
the rest.
1. A. relax B. parade C. apple D. grandchildren
2. A. relax B. breakfast C. celebrate D. never
3. A. month B. vocabulary C. come D. Monday
4. A. study B. Sunday C. culture D. judo
5. A. parade B. celebration C. Brasilia D. April
6. A. lunch B. usually C. sometimes D. study
7. A. routine B. costume C. study D. toothache
8. A. get B. sometimes C. often D. study
9. A. always B. play C. face D. barbecue
10. A. judo B. rode C. some D. hope
III. Choose the word that does not have the same stressed syllable as that of the rest.
1. A. celebrate B. parent C. daughter D. relax
2. A. usually B. breakfast C. parade D. dinner
3. A. special B. family C. longitude D. celebration
4. A. concert B. present C. invite D. Lunar
5. A. Caribbean B. Tokyo C. Mexico D. Sydney
6. A. relax B. finish C. invite D. parade
7. A. British B. routine C. visit D. costume
8. A. celebration B. usually C. restaurant D. normally
9. A. London B. costume C. parade D. music
10. A. barbecue B. festival C. celebrate D. vocabulary
IV. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.
1. Mother’s Day in a special day in the __________ .
A. UK B. US C. Japan D. Viet Nam
2. We __________ this day on a Sunday in March on April
A. hold B. take C. have D. organize
English 6: Friends plus Page | 6
3. Oymyakon is a__________ in north- east Siberia, Russia
A. village B. town C. city D. country
4. I __________ video games with my friends
A. get B. wash C. play D. go
5. The children get up early and it’s __________ to wear lot of clothes to keep warm
A. important B. necessary C. difficult D. vital
6. Sue works __________ stores B. on C. at D. under
7. I like reading but she likes __________ online
A. chatting B. chat C. to chat D. chatted
8. Lale often __________ in the library.
A. walks B. washes C. wears D. studies
9. I always __________ my teeth after breakfast.
A. play B. brush C. help D. give
10. Kadir never __________with the housework.
A. works B. goes C. helps D. does
11. David always __________ to school by bus.
A. does B. goes C. walks D. teaches
12. They __________ their homework after dinner.
A. make B. have C. do D. watch
13.We __________ a special family meal
A. have B. give C. take D. get
14.We __________ to a restaurant in the evening
A. visit B. go out C. take D. get
15. After school, I__________ in the library
A. play B. study C. wash D. go
16. Our English class __________ at 3 pm
A. finish B. finishes C. to finish D. finished
17. I’m not really interested __________ the film
A. in B. on D. up
18. When you__________ your teeth and __________ your face, you use 6 litres of water everyday
A. wash / brush B. brush/wash C. brush/take D. brush/clean
19. The new shop has got a__________ with a lot of books
A. cabin B. library C. swimming pool D. park
20. The __________ on the ship prepare very good food
A. chefs B. passengers C. tourists D. teachers
21. The sports centre has got a big climbing wall. It’s very __________ I like it
A. comfortable B. horrible C. exciting D. interesting
22. The passengers have all got rooms called __________ .
A. cabins B. shops C. swimming pools D. stores
23.It’s a hot day and there are a lot of people in the __________
A. store B. cabin C. passenger D. swimming pool
24. __________ your dad watch TV in the evening ?
A. Does B. Do C. Is D. Are
25. The people on the ship like the food. It’s __________ .
A. horrible B. comfortable C. fantastic D. bad

English 6: Friends plus Page | 7

V. Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
Passage 1
Every Saturday Minh and his family have dinner in a (1)__________ . They eat chicken or beef
with peas and beans. Sometimes Minh’s mother (2) __________ fish. Minh also has a big ice-
cream. Minh’s (3) __________ drink is fruit juice, but his father and mother like (4) __________ .
They listen to (5) __________ while they are having (6) __________ dinner.
1. A. bakery B. restaurant C. supermarket D. drug store
2. A. eats B. has C. gets D. goes
3. A. good B. fine C. well D. favorite
4. A. fruit B. orange C. beer D. lemon
5. A. music B. television C. a game D. swimming
6. A. his B. their C. our D. he
Passage 2
Every year in the second week(1)_________ June, people in Wilmington, Ohio in the USA
celebrate the Banana Split Festival. It is a popular (2) _________ because many people believe that
this delicious ice cream sundae (3) _________ from there. It's also a lot of fun (4) _________ there is
so much to do. Visitors can enjoy the music, visit the classical car show, and even make (5)
_________ banana splits. Everyone (6) _________ the Banana Split Festival.
1. A. in B. at C. of D. about
2. A. event B. contest C. parade D. produce
3. A. plays B. comes C. wears D. gives
4. A. so B. and C. because D. but
5. A. his own B. their own C. her own D. your own
6. A. loves B. sees C. celebrates D. hates
VI. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements are True or False and choose the
correct answer (A, B, C or D) for the questions
Passage 1
I’m Laura. My favorite free time activity is painting. I usually paint pictures of flowers and trees. I
really want to learn how to paint by myself, but it’s not easy. So I go to an art club with my
cousins. My sister, Anna, likes going swimming. She often goes to the swimming pool with her
friends after school. On the weekends, my sister and I often go to aerobics class. We like aerobics
in our free time. My parents like doing yoga. They watch yoga videos and a coach teaches them.
We all have interesting things to do in our free time.
Write True/False for the statements about the passage
1. Laura likes planting flowers and trees in her free time. __________
2. It’s difficult for her to learn how to paint. __________
3. Laura goes to the art club with her sister. __________
4.The members of Laura’s family have nothing to do in their free time. __________
Choose the best option
5. The passage is about____________.
A. Laura family’s life B. Laura’s parents’ life
C. Laura’ sister life D. Laura’s hobbies
6. Which sentence is NOT correct?
A. Laura’s parents learn yoga themselves.
B. Laura like drawing

English 6: Friends plus Page | 8

C. Anna can swim
D. Laura and her sister do aerobics on the weekends.
Passage 2
National Children's Day in Japan is on the fifth day of the fifth month every year - that's May 5.
People in Japan celebrate children and their happiness. It is also the start of the summer.
People always put some fish outside their houses, and the number of fish is also the number of
people in a family.
The mother in every family often makes special food for National Children's Day: rice cakes and
delicious sweets. People often eat at home, but some restaurants have got special Children's Day
menus - a lot of families eat at restaurants, too.
Children often wear traditional Japanese clothes and sing a special National Children's Day song,
and the boys wear special paper hats.
1. National Children's Day in Japan is the biggest holiday in the year. __________
2. It's the start of the summer holiday. __________
3. A family of three puts three fish outside their house. __________
4. People always eat special food at home. __________
5. Children often wear __________ on national Children's Day.
A. warm clothes B. modern clothes
C. yellow clothes D. traditional Japanese clothes
6. The word it refers to____________.
A. National Children's Day B. Independence Day
C. Mother's Day D. Easter
VII. Read the following passage and choose the option (A, B, C, or D) that best answers
My best friend’s name is Kenneth Young. His family, call him Ken for short, but his nickname at
school is ‘Sky’! He was born in Manchester, but now he lives in Newcastle. Sky is fifteen years old.
He is 1.65 m tall and he weighs 50 kilos. He’s got short brown hair and dark brown eyes.
He likes sports and music. His favorite group is U2, but his favorite singer is Bryan Adams. Sports
View is his favorite TV program. Sky’s favorite food is pizza. He hates people who smoke all the
time. I like Sky because he’s funny and clever. I also like him because he’s a great dancer.
1. Who is Kenneth Young?
A. my best friend B. the writer’s best friend.
C. Sky’s classmate D. Sky’s friend
2. Where does he live?
A. In Newcastle B. In Manchester C. In the United State D. A & B
3. Sky likes________.
A. sports and music B. U2 C. Bryan Adams D. all are correct
4. Sky is good at________.
A. music B. sport C dancing D. all are correct
5. Which of the following is not true?
A. Sky is fifteen years old. B. Sky’s eyes are dark brown.
C. Sky likes people who smoke all the time. D. Sky is funny and clever.
VIII. Use the correct form of the words given in parentheses.
1. Life is very __________for many young people in South Korea (differ)
2. In Viet nam, people ________________ their children’s birthdays with a birthday cake, and a lot
of presents. (celebrity)

English 6: Friends plus Page | 9

3. In the history class, we learn about the __________heroes in our country. (international)
4. You should __________after a hard working day. (relaxation)
5. Mr Thanh __________me English at school. (teacher)
6. She is a __________model. (beauty)
7. The students join in many __________after school. (action)
8. She __________her teeth every morning. (brush)
9. What an __________film! (interest)
10. My school will have a __________quiz next week. I will join in it. (cultural)
IX. Complete the sentences with the present simple
1. My friends __________football. (not, play)
2. It __________hot in summer. (be)
3. My father always __________car mats on Fridays. (wash)
4. Mary often does her homework in the evening. (do)
5. He __________in the library. (not, study)
6. He __________a new haircut today. (have)
7. I usually __________breakfast at 7.00. (have)
8. She __________in a house? (live)
9. Where your children __________ (be)
10. It __________almost every day in Manchester. (rain)
11. John __________hard in class, but I __________he`ll pass. (try)/(not think)
12. My life __________so boring. I just __________TV every night. (be)/ (watch)
13. You __________English? (speak)
14. She __________in Ho Chi Minh city. (not live)
15. Dog __________meat. (like)
16. Anna and I __________to school. (not, go)
17. They __________hungry. (be)
18. Daisy __________a brother. (have)
19. I __________a good boy. (be)
20. I usually __________books before going to bed. (read)
X. Choose the correct form in present simple.
0. I (have/has) a bike.
1. She (wear/wears) a new school bag.
2. We (sleeps/sleep) at night.
3. He (are/is) in grade 7.
4. They (work/works) hard.
5. Duy and Phong (are/am) my friends.
6. Alex (plays/play) game every week.
7. My parents often (watch/watches) news on T.V.
8. You (is/are) good students.
9. Mary (study/studies) English on Thursdays.
10. It (is/am) my pencil.
XI. Rearrange the words in the right order to make a meaningful sentence.
1. secondary / first / your / at / school / is / How / week / ? /
 ________________________________________________________________________
2. lessons / many / have / on / How / you / do / Friday / ? /
 ________________________________________________________________________

English 6: Friends plus Page | 10

3. art / creative / are / drawings / students / the / Some / doing / in / club / . /
 ________________________________________________________________________
4. school / at / English / We / have / classes / don’t / today / . /
 ________________________________________________________________________
5. homework / you / do / maths / Do / your / often / friends / your / with / ? /
 ________________________________________________________________________
6. have time / They never / to play / at recess / a whole game /. /
 ________________________________________________________________________
7. go / warm, / we / fishing / When / often / it / is /. /
 ________________________________________________________________________
8. do / summer / vacation ? / we / What / going / are / to / this
 ________________________________________________________________________
9. our / a / There / school. / near / is / bookstore
 ________________________________________________________________________
10. is / to / The photocopy store / the bakery. / right/ of / the
 ________________________________________________________________________
XII. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as
the sentence printed before it.
1. What about playing computer games?
 Let’s ___________________________________________________________________
2. Would you like to come to my house for dinner?
 Do you _________________________________________________________________
3. What is your favorite food?
 Which __________________________________________________________________
4. What does Mr. Tam do?
 What ___________________________________________________________________
5. How many people are there in your family?
 How many people _______________________________________________________
6. Lan is Mrs. Lien’s student.
 Mrs. Lien _______________________________________________________________
7. I am his sister.
 He______________________________________________________________________
8. What does he do ?
 What __________________________________________________________________
9. She leaves home at seven forty-five .
 She leaves ______________________________________________________________
10. Does your class have forty-five students ?
 Are ____________________________________________________________________
XIII. Change the sentences into the question form of present simple.
Ex: She likes apple. No,
 Does she like apple?
1. He gets up late. No,
 ________________________________________________________________________
2. They have breakfast at 6 o'clock.
 ________________________________________________________________________
3. My mother works at weekends.
 ________________________________________________________________________
4. Thanh dances nicely.
 ________________________________________________________________________

English 6: Friends plus Page | 11

5. They're in their office.
 ________________________________________________________________________
6. Huong and Thy like drawings.
 ________________________________________________________________________
7. He knows basketball.
 ________________________________________________________________________
8. Our friends stay in our house.
 ________________________________________________________________________
9. Minh studies for his future.
 ________________________________________________________________________
10. We play a computer game.
 ________________________________________________________________________
XIV. Use the given words to make complete sentences
1. My new school/ big/ and it/ a large library
 ________________________________________________________________________
2. I/ usually/ my homework/ the school library
 ________________________________________________________________________
3. I/ lots of friends/ and they/ all nice/ me
 ________________________________________________________________________
4. Mike/ not/ play/ soccer/ afternoon.
 ________________________________________________________________________
5. What time/ he / often/ watch cartoons?
 ________________________________________________________________________
6. Where/ they/ volleyball/ after school?
 ________________________________________________________________________
7. He/ like/ lemonade?
 ________________________________________________________________________
8. You/ prefer/ read/ listen/ music?
 ________________________________________________________________________
9. This/the first week/my new school
 ________________________________________________________________________
10. We/ many subjects/ and my favorite subject/ science
 ________________________________________________________________________
XV. Rewrite the sentences with the adverb of frequency in brackets.
Ex: We go to the cinema. (often)
 We often go to the cinema.
1. Susan smiles at me. (sometimes)
 ________________________________________________________________________
2. My brother drinks coffee. (never)
 ________________________________________________________________________
3. Jane is angry with her sister. (often)
 ________________________________________________________________________
4. I have dinner after 7.00 pm. (seldom)
 ________________________________________________________________________
5. Daisy doesn't help her mother in the kitchen. (usually)
 ________________________________________________________________________
6. Tony doesn't hear music. (often)
 ________________________________________________________________________
7. I go on the bus into the town. (never)
 ________________________________________________________________________

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8. She sings in the shower. (usually)
 ________________________________________________________________________
9. You see your faults. (seldom)
 ________________________________________________________________________
10. She goes out. (rarely)
 ________________________________________________________________________

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