E6 - UNIT 3 - 2 BỘ

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adopt (v) /əˈdɒpt/ nhận l|m con nuôi
article (n) /ˈɑːtɪkl/ b|i b{o
animal (n) /’ænɪml/ động vật
backwards (adv) /ˈbækwədz/ về phía sau ; ngược lại ; lùi
bat (n) /bæt/ con dơi
bear (n) /beə(r)/ con gấu
become extinct (Ph.v) /bɪˌkʌm ɪkˈstɪŋkt/ bị tuyệt chủng
butterfly (n) /ˈbʌtəflaɪ/ con bướm
camel (n) /ˈkæml/ lạc đ|
caribou (n) /ˈkærɪbuː/ tuần lộc
communicate (v) /kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/ giao tiếp
creature (n) /ˈkriːʧə(r)/ sinh vật
crocodile (n) /ˈkrɒkədaɪl/ c{ sấu
danger (n) /ˈdeɪnʤə(r)/ sự nguy hiểm
dull (adj) /dʌl/ đần độn, tối dạ, chậm hiểu
eagle (n) /ˈiːgl/ chim đại b|ng
explain (v) /ɪkˈspleɪn/ giải thích, giảng giải
film star (n) /ˈfɪlm stɑː(r)/ ngôi sao điện ảnh
fish (n) /fɪʃ/ con c{
fly (n) /flaɪ/ con ruồi
frog (n) /frɒg/ con ếch
giraffe (n) /ʤəˈrɑːf/ hươu cao cổ
gorilla (n) /gəˈrɪlə/ con khỉ đột
grow (v) /grəʊ/ ph{t triển, lớn lên
musical instrument (n) /ˌmjuːzɪkl ˈɪnstrəmənt/ nhạc cụ
national park (n) /ˌnæʃnəl ˈpɑːk/ công viên quốc gia
north pole (n) /ˌnɔːθ ˈpəʊl/ Bắc cực
octopus (n) /ˈɒktəpəs/ bạch tuộc
ostrich (n) /ˈɒstrɪʧ/ đ| điểu
panda (n) /ˈpændə/ gấu trúc
planet (n) /ˈplænɪt/ h|nh tinh
pollution (n) /pəˈluːʃn/ sự ô nhiễm
protect...from (v) /prəˈtekt/ bảo vệ...khỏi

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rabbit (n) /ˈræbɪt/ con thỏ
rat (n) /ræt/ con chuột
scorpion (n) /ˈskɔːpiən/ con bò cạp
situation (n) /sɪʧuˈeɪʃn/ vị trí ; tình hình ; ho|n cảnh
snake (n) /sneɪk/ con rắn
south pole (n) /ˌsaʊθ ˈpəʊl/ Nam cực
species (n) /ˈspiːʃiːz/ lo|i
spider (n) /ˈspaɪdə(r)/ con nhện
survive (v) /səˈvaɪv/ sống sót, vẫn còn tồn tại
swim (v) /swɪm/ bơi
tail (n) /teɪl/ đuôi ( thú vật,chim,c{)
weird (adj) /wɪəd/ huyền bí, kỳ lạ, kh{c thường
whale (n) /weɪl/ c{ voi
wildlife (n) /ˈwaɪldlaɪf/ động vật hoang dã
wing (n) /wɪŋ/ c{nh
wolf (n) /wʊlf/ chó sói
world (n) /wɜːld/ thế giới


I. SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVES (So sánh nhất của tính từ)

Ta sử dụng so s{nh nhất để so sánh người (hoặc vật) với tất cả người (hoặc vật) trong nhóm.
Trong c}u so s{nh nhất, tính từ sẽ được chia l|m hai loại l| tính từ ngắn v| tính từ d|i, trong đó :
- Tính từ ngắn l| những tính từ chỉ có 1 âm tiết. Ex: tall, high, big,...
- Tính từ d|i l| những tính từ có từ 2 âm tiết trở lên. Ex: expensive, intelligent,...
1. Cấu trúc
Short adjectives ( Tính từ ngắn)
S + V + the + short adj/adv + est + ( noun)
Với tính từ ngắn, ta thêm đuôi “est” v|o sau adj
- It was the happiest day of my life. (Đó l| ng|y hạnh phúc nhất trong cuộc đời tôi.)
- Giraffe is the tallest animal in the world. (Hươu cao cổ l| động vật cao nhất trên thế giới.)
- He is the best student in my class. (Cậu ấy l| học sinh giỏi nhất lớp tôi.)
Long adjectives( Tính từ dài)
S + V + the + most + long adj/adv + ( noun)
Với tính từ d|i, ta thêm “ the most “trước adj
- Love is the most important thing.
(Tình yêu l| điều quan trọng nhất.)
- Nhi speaks English the most fluently in her class.
(Trong lớp,Nhi nói tiếng Anh lưu lo{t nhất)
- This book is the most interesting.
(Đ}y l| quyển s{ch thú vị nhất)

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=> So s{nh nhất có thể được nhấn mạnh bằng much hoặc by far.
Ex: Amy is by far the smartest. (Amy thông minh nhất,hơn mọi người nhiều)
Nam’s English was much the worst. (Tiếng Anh của Nam tệ nhất,tệ hơn mọi người nhiều
Hình thức so sánh nhất của tính từ hoặc trạng từ được thành lập bằng cách :
 Thêm est v|o sau tính từ hoặc trạng từ ngắn (short adj/adv) hoặc tính từ có hai }m tiết tận
cùng bằng -y, -le, -et, -er, -ow
Ví dụ : clever (thông minh) ➔ cleverest (thông minh nhất )
quiet (yên lặng) ➔ quietest ( yên lặng nhất )
shallow (nông) ➔ shallowest (nông nhất)
early (sớm) ➔ Earliest (sớm nhất)
simple (đơn giản) ➔ simplest (đơn giản nhất)
 Thêm the most v|o trước tính từ hoặc trạng từ có hai }m tiết trở lên.
Ví dụ : expensive ( đắt) ➔ the most expensive ( đắt nhất)
famous (nổi tiếng) ➔ the most famous (nổi tiếng nhất)
beautiful ( đẹp) ➔ the most beautiful (đẹp nhất )
interesting (thú vị) ➔ the most interesting (thú vị nhất)
interesting (thú vị) ➔ the most interesting (thú vị nhất)
2. Hình thức so sánh bất quy tắc (Irregular comparision)

Tính từ/Trạng từ Dạng so sánh hơn Dạng so sánh nhất

good/ well (tốt) better best

bad/ badly (tệ ) worse worst

far (xa) father/ further fathest/ furthest

many/ much (nhiều) more most

little (ít) less least

old (gi|,cũ) older/ elder oldest/ eldest

- Cả fathest/furthest đều được dùng để chỉ khoảng c{ch. Không có sự kh{c nhau về nghĩa.
Ex: Nha Be is the fathest/furthest district of the three.(Nh| Bè l| quận xa nhất trong ba quận)
- Further còn có nghĩa ‚thêm nữa, hơn nữa‛ (father không có nghĩa n|y)
Ex: Let me know if you have any futher news.(= any more news)
(Nếu bạn có thêm tin tức gì thì hãy cho tôi biết nhé.
II. CAN – Động từ khuyết thiếu “can”
“Can” l| động từ khuyết thiếu, do đó nó không cần chia theo c{c ngôi v| luôn cần một động từ
nguyên thể không ‚to‛ đi đằng sau.
Thể Thể khẳng định + Thể phủ định Thể nghi vấn
Can + S + V + (…) ?
Cấu trúc S + can/ can’t + V + (…). Yes, S + can.
No, S + can’t.
Diễn tả khả năng của một người có thể/ Dùng trong c}u hỏi đề nghị, xin phép,
Chức năng
không thể l|m được gì, hoặc một sự việc yêu cầu.

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có thể/ không thể xảy ra ở hiện tại.
- She can speak Spainish. - Can I ask you a question?
(Cô ấy có thể nói tiếng Tay Ban Nha.) (Tôi có thể hỏi bạn 1 c}u không?)
Ví dụ
- It can rain today. - Can you swim?
(Hôm nay trời có thể mưa.) (Bạn có thể bơi không?)

III. MIGHT - Động từ khuyết thiếu “ might”

Might l| động từ khuyết thiếu do đó nó không cần chia theo c{c ngôi v| luôn cần một động từ
nguyên thể không ‚to‛ đi đằng sau.

Thể Thể khẳng định Thể phủ định

Cấu trúc S + might + V ... S + might not/mightn’t + ...
Dùng để nói về những h|nh động, sự việc Dùng để nói về những h|nh động, sự
Chức năng có thể xảy ra trong tương lai nhưng không việc không thể xảy ra trong tương lai
chắc chắn. nhưng không chắc chắn.
- She might come here. - It might not be true.
(Có thể cô ấy đến đ}y.) ( Có thể điều đó không đúng.)
- Take an umbrella with you when you go - There might not be a meeting on Friday
Ví dụ out. It might rain later. because the director is ill).
( Nhớ mang theo ô khi bạn ra ngo|i. Trời ( Buổi họp ng|y thứ s{u có thể không
có thể mưa.) diễn ra bởi vì ông gi{m đốc bị ốm.)

* Phân biệt May và Might

Might May
Chức năng Đều được dùng để nói khả năng của một sự việc
Khả năng xảy ra Diễn tả khả năng xảy ra thấp (dưới Diễn tả khả năng xảy ra cao (trên
50%) 50%)
Ví dụ She is a very busy, but I hope she I may go to Sai gon tomorrow.
might join us tomorrow.

IV. QUESTION WITH “HOW…?’’ - Dạng câu hỏi với từ để hỏi “How...?’’
How many – How much – How tall - How heavy – How far - How old... ?

1. How many…?
- “How many” có nghĩa l| ‚bao nhiêu‛, nó được dùng trong c}u hỏi hỏi về số lượng của c{c vật
đếm được.
- Với loại c}u hỏi n|y danh từ đứng sau “How many” phải là danh từ số nhiều.
How many…? Hỏi số lượng
Câu hỏi : How many + danh từ số nhiều + are there + …?
Trả lời : There is/There are + từ chỉ số lượng.
Ex: How many students are there in your class? (Có bao nhiêu học sinh trong lớp của bạn?)
=> There are eleven. (Có 11)

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2. How much...?
- "How much" cũng có nghĩa l| "bao nhiêu", dùng để hỏi số lượng của vật không đếm được như:
rice (gạo), water (nước) <
- Ngo|i ra “How much” còn dùng trong c}u hỏi về gi{ cả.
How much…? Hỏi số lượng
Câu hỏi : How much + danh từ không đếm được + is there …?
Trả lời : There is/There are + từ chỉ số lượng.
Ex: How much money is there in the wallet? Có bao nhiêu tiền ở trong ví?)
=> There is $200. (Có 200 đô.)

3. How tall...?
How tall…?Hỏi về chiều cao
Câu hỏi : How tall /high + BE (am / is / are) + S? = What + be (is) + ... height?
Trả lời : S + be (am / is / are) + number + meter / centimeters + (tall).
: ... height + be (is) + number + meter / centimeters.
Ex: How tall are you? = What is your height? ( Chiều cao của bạn l| bao nhiêu?)
=> I am 170 centimeters tall. Or My height is 1 meter 70 centimeters.( tôi cao 1 mét 70)

4. How heavy...?
How heavy…?Hỏi về cân nặng
Câu hỏi : How heavy + BE (am / is / are) + S? = What + be (is) + ... weight?
Trả lời : S + be (am / is / are) + number + kilos.
: ... weight + be (is) + number + kilos.
Ex: How heavy is she? = What is her weight? ( C}n nặng của cô ấy l| bao nhiêu?)
=> She is 65 kilos. Or her weight is 65 kilos. ( Cô ấy 65 ký)

5. How far...?
How far…? hỏi về khoảng cách
Câu hỏi : How far + be (am / is / are) + cụm từ chỉ chẳng đường?
= How far is it from… to…? (Từ<đến<bao xa?)
Trả lời : It is about…
Ex: How far is it to the bus station?
Ex: How far is it from your house to the bus station??
=> It is about 2km (Nó khoảng 2km)

V. SENTENCE STRESS RULES - Quy tắc nhấn mạnh câu.

1. Phải nhấn mạnh khi gặp các loại từ sau

Những từ mang nghĩa Example

Main verbs (Động từ chính) SELL, GIVE, EMPLOY
Nouns (Danh từ) CAR, MUSIC, MARY
Adjectives (Tính từ) RED, BIG, INTERESTING
Adverbs (Trạng từ) QUICKLY, WHY, NEVER
Negative auxiliaries (Trợ từ phủ định) DON'T, AREN'T, CAN'T

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2. Không nhấn mạnh những từ về mặt cấu trúc
Từ về mặt cấu trúc Example
Pronouns (Đại từ) he, we, they
Prepositions (Giới từ) on, at, into
Articles (Mạo từ) a, an, the
Conjunctions (Lên từ) and, but, because
Auxiliary verbs (Trợ động từ) do, be, have, can, must
Ex: I am talking to the clever students.
You’re sitting on the desk, but you aren’t listening to me.
He’s writing quickly, so it’s difficult for him to hear me.

3. Exceptions (Ngoại lệ)

- Đôi khi chúng ta nhấn mạnh v|o những từ m| chỉ có ý nghĩa về mặt cấu trúc, ví dụ như khi
chúng ta muốn sửa thông tin.
Ex: "They've been to Mongolia, haven't they?"
"No, THEY haven't, but WE have."
Khi "to be" l| động từ chính, nó ko được nhấn mạnh cho dù trong tình huống n|y "to
be" l| content word.


I. Listening
Listen to the conversation and tick the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
Statements True False
1. There are a lot of big animals in Wild Park.
2. There aren’t any giraffes in Wild Park.
3. The sun bears can be dangerous.
4. The butterflies are very popular with visitors.
5. Miami blue butterflies are very rare.
6. The sun bears are the rarest animals in Wild Park.
7. The animals in the pet house can be dangerous.
8. Janet thinks the rabbits look nice.
9. It’s safe to go near the snake in the pet house.
10. Janet loves snakes.

II. Choose the word that does not have the same pronunciation of the underlined part as that in
the rest.
1. A. rats B. scorpions C. eagles D. giraffes
2. A. climbs B. kills C. survives D. jumps
3. A. gorilla B. panda C. rabbit D. cat
4. A. adopt B. communicate C. protect D. pollute
5. A. feather B. heavy C. eagle D. head
6. A. heavy b. beach c. cream D. sea

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7. A. forest B. hot C. lost D. scissors
8. A. bet B. coat C. lot D. picture
9. A. island B. plaster C. mountain D. restaurant
10.A. large B. park C. valley D. apartment

III. Choose the word that does not have the same stressed syllable as that of the rest.
1. A. option B. wildlife C. forest D. survive
2. A. interesting B. important C. beautiful D. colorful
3. A. elephant B. octopus C. gorilla D. crocodile
4. A. common B. extinct C. forest D. hunting
5. A. protect B. farming C. adopt D. explain
6. A. protect B. inform C. extinct D. animal
7. A. temperature B. foundation C. maximum D. limestone
8. A. reptile B. possible C. pollution D. beautiful
9. A. mammal B. amphibian C. dangerous D. elephant
10. A. magazine B. giraffe C. American D. expensive

IV. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.
1. The longest snake in the world live in __________.
A. Africa B. India C. Southeast Asia D. Asia
2. One of the most common wild animals in the UK is the__________.
A. Rabbit B. bear C. snake D. wolf
3. The busiest zoo in Europe is in __________ .There are about 3 million visitors every year.
A. Prague B. Berlin C. Italia D. Paris
4. That mountain is very high. It’s __________ mountain in the country.
A. the highest B. higher C. highest D. more higher
5. Look at this colourful butterfly! It’s __________ butterfly in the park.
A. more colourful B. the most colourful C. colourful D. colourfulest
6. Olga is a good student. She’s __________ student in the school.
A. better B. gooder C. the best D. the goodest
7. The tallest animal in the world is the__________ .
A. elephant B. ostrich C. giraffe D. camel
8. The biggest animal in the world is the__________.
A. African elephant B. blue whale C. camel D. brown bear
9. The oldest zoo in the world is in Vienna, Austria. It’s more than__________ years old.
A. 100 B. 150 C. 200 D. 250
10. That’s an expensive phone . It’s __________ phone in the shop.
A. more expensive B. the more expensive
C. expensivest D. the most expensive
11. It’s a very hot day today. It’s __________ day in the year.
A. the hottest B. hottest C. the most hottest D. more hotter
12. This monument is really old. It’s __________ monument in our country.
A. older B. the older C. more older D. the oldest
13. My brother Evan is a friendly boy. He’s __________ boy in our village .
A. friendliest B. more friendlier C. the friendliest D. the friendly
14. The lesson is very interesting. It’s __________ lesson of the morning.
A. Interesting B. more interesting
C. most interesting D. the most interesting

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15. That’s café is really bad . It’s __________ café in the areal.
A. the worst B. worst C. the worse D. the baddest
16. A __________ is bigger than any other animal in the world. It’s a fish, but it lives in the sea.
A. dolphin B. hippopotamus C. shark D. whale
17. A__________ is an insect . It flies from flower to flower. It make a food which some people eat
for breakfast.
A. bird B. eagle C. bee D. butterfly
18. A __________ is a bird. Some of these birds are red, yellow, orange or blue. Some people teach
these birds to speak.
A. butterfly B. parrot C. eagle D. peacock
19. A __________ is green . It jumps and it likes water. It eats insects .
A. Frog B. snake C. crocodile D. squid
20. A__________ lives in the sea . An octopus has got eight ‘arms’ ,but this has gotten. People eat
in restaurants.
A. crab B. spider C. squid D. scorpion
21. The blobfish isn’t the most beautiful or common fish on the planet.
Choose the word that is the opposite in meaning to the bold word.
A. rare B. popular C. weird D. colourful
22. Which of the following animal feeds its baby with its milk?
A. whale B. crocodile C. eagle D. snake
23. Reptiles don’t have__________.
A. feather B. claws C. skin D. lungs
24. Which type of animals haven’t got lungs when it’s young?
A. fish B. reptiles C. mammal D. A and B
25. __________ have good ears. They can hear better than humans.
A. Birds B. Bats C. Cats D. Tigers

V. Match the words from 1-10 with the correct animal from a- j
1. a small creature like an insect with eight legs, two front claws (curved and a. parrot
pointed arms) and a long tail that curves over its back and can give a
poisonous sting.
2. a very large powerful African ape (= an animal like a large monkey without a b. bat
tail) covered with black or brown hair.
3. a very large animal with thick grey skin, large ears, two curved outer teeth c. lion
called tusks and a long nose called a trunk.
4. a very large African bird with a long neck and long legs, that cannot fly but can d. scorpion
run very fast.
5. a large, powerful animal of the cat family that hunts in groups and lives in e. giraffe
parts of Africa and southern Asia.
6. an animal with a long neck and one or two humps on its back, used in desert f. camel
countries for riding on or for carrying goods.
7. a tropical bird with a curved beak. There are several types of parrot, most of g. gorilla
which have bright feathers.
8. a tall African animal with a very long neck, long legs, and dark marks on its h. ostrich
9. an animal like a mouse with wings that files and feeds at night. i. turtle
10. a large reptile with a hard round shell that lives in the sea. j. elephant

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Answers key
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

VI. Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
Passage 1
Young birds are very small, so their mother protects them from bigger birds. Some animals also
(1) ______ trees and eat the young birds . When they are young, the mother (2) ______food for
them. When they are older , the birds (3)______away. Then they look for their own food.
Lions are dangerous animals, but not all the time. Young lions (4)______with each other, and
older lions sleep a lot ! Lions eat meat, and they (5)______other animals. They are good at hunting,
because they can (6) ______very fast .
1. A. swim B. climb C. jump D. run
2. A. protects B. takes C. flies D. finds
3. A. help B. fly C. live D. need
4. A. eat B. play C. run D. go
5. A. hunt B. kill C. survive D. catch
6. A. find B. have C. dive D. run
Passage 2
Vertebrates are animals with backbones. The following groups are the different types of
Fish are cold- blooded animals and they live in water. They have got scales and (1)______ . They
haven’t got lungs. They have got (2)______instead .
All mammals are warm-blooded and they feed their babies milk. Most mammals live on land, for
example, humans and dogs. However, some mammals, like whales, live in water, but they haven’t
got gills. Mammals have all got (3)______.
Birds live on land, but some of them look for food in the water. They have got (4)______ , two legs
and two (5) ______ . Some birds, like ostriches and kiwis, can’t fly. All birds lay eggs.
When amphibians are young, they live in water and they haven’t lungs. When thay are adult, they
have got lungs and four legs - for example, frogs and toads.
Most reptiles live on land. They have lungs and scales, but not gills. They haven’t got any wings
or feathers and they haven’t got any (6) ______. They are cold-blooded animals and many of them
live in warm places .
1. A. backbones B. fins C. feathers D. wings
2. A. gills B. lungs C. legs D. hair
3. A. ostrich B. heart C. skin D. lungs
4. A. hair B. feathers C. fins D. scales
5. A. wings B. gills C. lungs D. tail
6. A. feathers B. claws C. hair D. wings
Passage 3
No one has ever seen a dinosaur. The last dinosaur died about 60 million years ago, a long
time(1)______ there weren’t any people on the Earth. (2)______ knows for sure whey they died.
The nearest living relatives of dinosaur are birds.
Dinosaur didn’t look all the same. There were more (3)______ 5000 kinds. Some were very small,
(4)______ others were giants. The largest were bigger than any other animals that ever lived
(5)______ land. The Brontosaurs, for example, was twenty metres long, and it (6)______ plants.
The Tyrannosaurs Rex was not as (7)______ but it was stronger. It had sharp teeth for eating meat.
Also I could run fast (8)______ it had long back legs.

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1. A. that B. when C. before D. after
2. A. Everybody B. People C. Nobody D. Nothing
3. A. than B. that C. as D. so
4. A. as B. but C. or D. and
5. A. in B. on C. at D. of
6. A. ate B. eat C. eats D. eating
7. A. bigger B. biggest C. big D. biger
8. A. that B. because C. where D. so

VII. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements are True or False and choose the
correct answer (A, B, C or D) for the questions
Passage 1
Servals are African wild cats. They live in different countries in Africa such as South Africa and
Tanzania . Servals can be one metre long. They have long legs and they are one of the tallest
animals in the cat family . Some servals can weigh eighteen kilos.
Servals are fast animals. They can run at eighty kilometres an hour. Servals eat animals like rat,
and other small creatures such as snakes and frogs. They can jump up to three metres and kill
birds too !
In some parts of Africa there are now smaller number of servals and they are in danger. The
biggest problem is human activity like hunting .
1. Servals live in only Africa __________
2. They run at eighteen kilometres an hour __________
3. They can kill birds too __________
4. Small number of servals are in safety __________
5. The serval is one of the tallest animals in the _________.
A. Rhinoceros family B. horse family C. dog family D.cat family
6. Which of the following sentences is NOT true, ___________.
A. Servals can jump up to three metres
B. Servals are not in danger in Africa
C. Servals are fast animals.
D. Servals have long legs

Passage 2
These are the famous monarch butterflies. Every year, they fly more than 4,500 kilometres from
Canada and North America down to the mountains of Mexico. It’s the longest journey of any
butterfly. Their journey usually starts in September or October . They can sometimes fly more
than 100 kilometres in one day and they often fly very high too – perhaps 1.6 kilometres ! Imagine
thousands of butterflies in the sky. They are orange and black with enomous wings. Sadly, many
don’t survive the long and dangerous journey because they become very cold.
Write True/False for the statements about the passage
1. The butterflies fly from South America and Canada to Mexico __________
2. In one hour , the monarchs can go more than 100 kilometres . __________
3. The butterflies have got very big wings . __________
4. When it’s very hot, a lot of the butterflies die __________

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Choose the best option
5. The famous monarch butterfly can __________ more than 100km in a day
A. fly B. swim C. play D. do
6. The word Their refers to__________.
A. Fish B. Gorilla C. Monarch butterflies D. Eagle

VIII. Read the text carefully, and then choose the correct answers.
Where are you going for your next holiday? How about Australia?
Australia has got 37,000km of coastline and the best beaches in the world! The GreatBarrier
Reef is off the north-east coast of Australia. It’s the largest coral reef in the sea! You can take a boat
to it and dive there. It’s a fantastic undersea world.
Inland Australia is called ‘the outback’. There are lot of wild camels, and there are some you
can ride, too! There are fantastic national parks, where you can camp under the stars. In the Uluru
National Park, there’s a very big sandstone rock, called Ayers Rock. It looks amazing in the
evening sun.
Do you like adventure? Then you can take a canoe trip along the Murray River. It’s Australia’s
longest river. Another good trip for adventurous people is to the Blue Mountains. These are west
Sydney in New South Wales. The mountains look blue and they contain lots of unusual animals
and plants.
Australia has got its own rainforest. It’s along the coast of North Queensland. It’s only 900,000
hectares today, but it once covered all of Australia. You can see lots of interesting animals in the
rainforest, but be careful of the crocodiles!
Do you like wildlife? Australia has got a unique type of animal - marsupials. These include
kangaroos, koalas and platypuses. You can see them in the Yanchep National Park, near Perth in
Western Australia. Remember the koalas aren’t teddy bears. They can be dangerous!
1. ___________ is off the coast of Australia.
A. Ayers Rock B. The Yanchep National Park
C. The rainforest D. The Great Barrier Reef
2. Ayer Rock is___________.
A. in the Yanchep National Park B. a huge sandstone rock
C. a coral reef in the sea D. also called Uluru National Park
3. ___________ is a marsupial.
A. camel B. crocodile C. koala D. lion
4. Australia is famous for___________.
A. its largest rainforest B. the longest river in the world
C. its unique animals D. beautiful national parks
5. Which sentence is not true?
A. Australia was once mostly covered in rainforest
B. The Blue Mountains are situated not far from Sydney.
C. You can see platypuses in the wild in Australia.
D. Australian crocodiles live in the outback.
IX. Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the short adjectives.
1. London is the _____________ city in the UK. (big)
2. Sandra is the _____________ player in the basketball team. (good)
3. Martin is eighty-three. He’s the _________ person in my family. (old)
4. Sam is the ____________________ student in the class. (friendly)
5. Cheetah is the _____________ animal. (fast)

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6. Everest is the _____________ mountain in the world. (high)
7. Li is the _____________ person in my class. (nice)
8. This is the _____________ book in the library. (good)
9. He is the _____________ singer I’ve ever met. (bad)
10. Susie is the _____________ of the four girls. (pretty)
X. Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the long adjectives.
1. I think scorpions are the ___________________________ animal. (dangerous)
2. Soccer is the _________________________ sport in the world. (popular)
3. I love this sofa. It's the _______________________________ . (comfortable)
4. This is the __________________________ phone in the store. (expensive)
5. Who is the ___________________________ singer in your country? (famous)
6. This is the ______________________ movie I’ve ever seen. (boring)
7. It’s the ____________________________ exercise in the book. (difficult)
8. What is the ____________________________ word in English language? (common)
9. Pho is one of the __________________________ dishes in Vietnam. (delicious)
10. In my opinion, this dress is the ______________________________ . (colorful)
XI. Using (can / can’t / How) to complete the sentences.
1. My sister is a great dancer. She _____________ dance well.
2. ‘Can ostriches fly?’ – ‘No, they _____________ .’
3. Frogs _____________ jump a long way.
4. _____________ tall is an adult giraffe?
5. _____________ you sing well?
6. _____________ far can an eagle see?
7. She is living in Vietnam, but she _____________ speak Vietnamese.
8. _____________ fast can you run?
9. ‘Can you make a pizza?’ ‘Yes, I _____________.’
10. _____________ big is your flat?

XII. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

climb drink fly grow hear
jump kill move survive swim
1. Cats have good ears. They can _____________ very well.
2. Elephants can’t _____________ because they are very heavy.
3. Some whales can _____________ fifty kilometres in a day.
4. Eagles sometimes _____________ rabbits and eat them.
5. Snakes don’t have legs, but they can _____________ fast.
6. Without water, most fish can’t _____________ for long.
7. Gorillas can _____________ tall trees.
8. Most bats sleep in the day and _____________ at night.
9. Some octopuses can _____________ to four metres long!
10. Cats usually _____________ milk or water every day.

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XIII. Rearrange the words in the right order to make a meaningful sentence.
1. Eiffel Tower / old / How / is / the / ?
 ________________________________________________________________________
2. Jack / basketball / likes / such as / and / football / sports /.
 ________________________________________________________________________
3. mountains / in / You / the / snake / see / a / might /.
 ________________________________________________________________________
4. heavy / panda / How / a / is / ?
 ________________________________________________________________________
5. London / New York/ and / modern /. / Some/ cities / for example / : / very / big / are /.
 ________________________________________________________________________
6. can / tall / How / ostrich / grow / an / ?
 ________________________________________________________________________
7. live / might / An / for / years / elephant / sixty /.
 ________________________________________________________________________
8. can/ You / in /ways / animals / different / help /. / can /a / gorilla / adopt / you /.
 ________________________________________________________________________
9. How / a / can / scorpion / long / food / survive / without /?
 ________________________________________________________________________
10. Australia/ India / and / often/ They / places / like / hot / visit /.
 ________________________________________________________________________

XIV. Use the given words to make meaningful sentences

1. This/be/ most/ interesting/ novel/ I/ ever/ read.
 ________________________________________________________________________
2. Your parents/ watch/ TV/ evening?
 ________________________________________________________________________
3. When/ they/ get home/ work?
 ________________________________________________________________________
4. There/ big/ celebration/ called/ Thanksgiving/ Day.
 ________________________________________________________________________
5. Nha Trang/ attract/ lots / tourists/ because/ it/be/ most/ beautiful/ beaches/ Vietnam.
 ________________________________________________________________________

XV. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as
the sentence printed before it.
1. There is no better teacher in this school than Mr John.
 ________________________________________________________________________
2. What is the length of the shelve?
 ________________________________________________________________________
3. What is the width of this table?
 ________________________________________________________________________
4. How deep is the well?
 ________________________________________________________________________
5. How high are the walls?
 ________________________________________________________________________
6. How many rooms does his house have?
 ________________________________________________________________________
7. What is the weight of the fish?
 ________________________________________________________________________

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8. How many people does your family have?
 ________________________________________________________________________
9. What is the distance from HCM to Ha Noi?
 ________________________________________________________________________
10. Hoa studies better than all students in her class?
 ________________________________________________________________________
11. Out of the two sisters, Mai was shorter than me
 ________________________________________________________________________
12. Hoa is more beautiful than everyone in my class.
 ________________________________________________________________________
13.Perhaps Helen is busy. (might)
 ________________________________________________________________________
14. Perhaps she is working. (might)
 ________________________________________________________________________
15. I’m not sure that Liz will come to the party. (might not)
 ________________________________________________________________________

XVI. Make questions for the underlined parts or phrases.

1. Blobfish is the ugliest in the world.
 ________________________________________________________________________
2. A kangaroo can run at about 76 kph.
 ________________________________________________________________________
3. Yes, a dolphin feed its baby with its milk.
 ________________________________________________________________________
4. Fish doesn’t live on land.
 ________________________________________________________________________
5. Blue Whales live in the sea.
 ________________________________________________________________________

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