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Question 1 A space shuttle started launching into space.

Motion is used a lot of force to fly up toward space. In
A. the push or pull of an object. which direction was the opposite force going?
B. a force that works against motion. A. up
C. a model built by an engineer. B. down
D. when an object changes position. C. left
Question 2 D. right
Three states of matter are ________. Question 10
A. solid, liquid, and gas A form of matter that has a definite shape and
B. buoyancy, mass, shape volume is identified as a solid.
C. gas, liquid, and mixture A. True
D. density, weight, and gas B. False
Question 3
Which term means to push apart? Level 2 & Achievers Sample Questions for Class
A. repel 4
B. attract Question 1
C. refraction While running , Rahul gains ______ energy.
D. electrodes A. Kinetic
Question 4 B. Mechanical
The largest group into which an organism is C. Muscular
classified is the D. Potential
A. order. Question 2
B. class. Which of the following statement hold true about
C. kingdom. the figure shown below?
D. genus. A. It can do photosynthesis for nutrition
Question 5 B. It depends on dead and decayed food material
The best way to test your hypothesis is to for nutrition
A. follow the directions to an experiment and C. It depends on other plant for nutrition
record your observations. D. It depends on other animal for nutrition
B. follow the directions to an experiment. Question 3
C. write what your partner thinks. What is the reason for ice cube to melt if you keep
D. look up the answer in a book. it on palm?
Question 6 A. Because of heat in the palm
Force is B. Because of heat in the surrounding
A. the push or pull on an object. C. Both a and b
B. when an object changes position. D. Cannot say
C. a model built by an engineer. Question 4
D. a force that works against motion. The rotation of a fan , is an example of which
Question 7 form of energy change?
Which state of matter is easily compressed and A. Mechanical energy to wind energy
easily changes shape to fill its container? B. Electrical energy to wind energy
A. solid C. Electrical energy to mechanical energy
B. liquid D. All of the above
C. gas Question 5
D. plasma Which of the following is the correct path of
Question 8 alimentary cannal?
This is the distance from the top of one sound A. Oesophagus - Stomach - Small intestine
wave to the top of the next sound wave. B. Oesophagus- Large intestine- Small intestine
A. wavelength C. Oesophagus- Small intestine- Stomach
B. sound wave D. Stomach - Oesophagus- Small intestine
C. energy
D. frequency
Question 9
Learn Class 4 Science - Plants leaves, flowers, branches and buds. Leaves are
A typical plant consists of roots, stem, leaves and attached to the stem at regions called nodes.
may bear flowers and fruits. Green leaves make Stem
food through the process of photosynthesis. It supports the upper parts of plants. It carries the
Leaves also carry out transpiration. Roots absorb water and nutrients needed for plants to grow
water and important minerals from the soil. It also from roots to leaves and food produced by the
gives anchor to the plant. Stem helps in carrying leaves to other part of plants. Big trees like neem,
the water and minerals from the root to various mango, peepal etc. have strong, thick and woody
parts of the plant and carry food from the leaves to stem. Such stem is called trunk. Some plant have
other parts. It also stores excess food. It also gives thick but soft stem, example banana. Some plants
support to the plant. have weak, soft and green stem as in case of
Plants play very important role on earth. They climbers and creepers, example watermelon,
provide food and oxygen to all other living things. money plant etc.
Plants are seen almost everywhere. They grow on Functions of stem
land, on mountains, in deserts and under sea. We 1. Stem provide support to the plant above
know plants grow mostly from seeds when they the ground. It bears branches, leaves, buds,
get enough water, sunlight and air. flowers and fruits.
Parts of Plants 2. Stem transport water and minerals from
The Root System root to other parts of the plants. It also
Root is the underground part of the plants body transport food prepared by the leaves to
and grows towards the force of gravity. It fixes the different part of the plants.
plant within the soil and absorbs water and 3. Some underground stem stores food such
mineral nutrients from the soil. It stores excess as sugarcane, potato, ginger etc.
food. Leaves
Tap Roots Leaves are of different shapes and sizes. The outer
It consists of one main long thick root growing surface of the leaf has a waxy coating which
downwards from which many thinner roots protects the leaf. The flat surface of the leaf is
develop. Taproot goes deep into the soil for called leaf blade or lamina. It has veins running
searching for water and minerals. Examples: sugar across within the leaf. Tiny opening on the surface
beet or carrot, bean, tea, peepal etc. have tap root. of the leaves called stomata helps in the exchange
Fibrous Roots of gases. Stomata can be seen only under
In case of fibrous root there is no main root. It microscope.
consists of a dense equal size roots that arise from Functions of Leaves
the stem. The roots grow downward and outward 1. These are the parts of the plant where food
from the stem, branching repeatedly to form a is made by the process of photosynthesis.
mass of fine roots. Fibrous root does go very deep That’s why leaves are called the food
in the soil. Example: lilies, grasses, wheat, rice, making factories of green plants.
palm etc. have fibrous root. Chlorophyll (green pigment) present in the
Function of Roots leaves uses the energy in sunlight to turn
1. Roots attach the plant body to the ground. water (H2O) and carbon dioxide gas
It provides support to the plant and helps (CO2) into sugar and oxygen gas (O2).
in holding the plant firmly in the ground. 2. Leaves gives out oxygen in the process of
2. Root hairs of the plant absorb water and photosynthesis. All living beings need
mineral from the soil and pass it to the oxygen to live.
stem. 3. Some leaves store food in them such as
3. Some roots like carrot, radish etc. store mint, cabbage etc.
food. Flowers
4. Root bind the soil which otherwise may be Flowers are the most attractive part of a plant.
blown away by wind or washed away by Each flower types have a different physical
water. Root prevents soil erosion. structure, color and scent from those of other
The Shoot System flower type plants. Buds of the plants grows into
It is the aerial part of the plant body and enables a flower and flower finally becomes fruit enclosing
plant to grow taller to gain access to energy- the seed or seeds. Some fruits have one seed such
giving light, and helps plant to prepare food. It is as mango and cherry. Some fruits have many
composed of erect stems on which are attached seeds such as papaya and watermelon.
Uses of flower will disappear from the earth. Example: If cat does
1. Many flowers such as rose and jasmine are not reproduce, they will not be seen in future after
used for making perfumes. some time. So, reproduction is vital process for
2. Some flowers edible such as cauliflower, every animal to continue its race.
broccoli and banana. Reproduction is a process by which living
3. Some spices are obtained from flower such organism produce another one of their own kind.
as saffron or kesar from crocus flower and How do animals reproduce?
cloves is dried flower. Two main ways of reproduction in Animals are
4. Flowers are used for decoration on 1. By laying eggs
different occasions and for preparing 2. By giving birth to young ones
bouquets, garlands and rangoli. Animals that Lay Eggs
5. Some animals reproduce by laying eggs. These
Plants Sample Questions for Class 4 include insects, fish, frogs, snakes, lizards, snails,
Question 1 birds and crocodiles.
Which of the following are producers ? Birds
A. Plants Bird builds nest to lay eggs. Birds nurture their
B. Animals eggs to keep them at the proper temperature,
C. Men before these eggs hatch into young ones.
D. Birds All eggs are protected by hard covering made of
Question 2 calcium carbonate called the shell. Shell is porous
Green coloured substance present in leaves is that allows the transfer of gases through the shell.
A. stomata Within the shell are the albumen (white) and the
B. veins yolk (yellow). Albumen contains protein that is
C. lamina necessary for development of growing bird and
D. chlorohyll Yolk is the source of food, contains the fat. The
Question 3 young bird will only develop at the proper
The broad flat part of a leaf is called temperature, this happens only when bird sits on
A. leaf blade them for several days.
B. main vein When the baby bird hatches from the egg, they do
C. stomata not have feathers. So, the bird feeds their young
D. starch ones till their feather develops.
Question 4 Insects
Plants give out Most of the insects such as butterflies,
A. oxygen grasshoppers, cockroaches and houseflies lay
B. carbon dioxide eggs. The young ones when come out of eggs look
C. sunlight very different from their parent. During their
D. chlorophyll growth, they keep shedding their outer layer or
Question 5 covering of their body and gradually develop into
Food factory of a plant is adult. This process of shedding off outer covering
A. root of the body i.e. skin by the baby insect during
B. fruit their growth is called Moulting.
C. flower Small baby cockroach or grasshopper that hatches
D. leaf from egg is called nymph. They do resemble their
parent but lack wings. After shedding their skin
Reproduction in Animals several times, they turn into adult.
You must have seen sometime, bird feeding their Butterfly and housefly eggs when hatches, small
babies or dog playing with their puppies or worms come out called larva. The larva of
monkey hugging its baby. Do you wonder at the butterfly is called caterpillar and larva of housefly
similarity between animals and their babies? We is called maggot.
observe that animal and their babies have same Life Cycle of Butterfly
characteristic and features. Both animal and their Butterfly lay eggs on leaf and tiny worm like
young ones have same pattern of hair, skin, tail structure hatch from the egg called larva
etc. (caterpillar). Caterpillar eats leaves all the time
All living thing reproduce to replace their old and and becomes plump and sluggish. When it cannot
dying forms. If they do not reproduce their form eat more, it covers itself from the thread that
comes out of the caterpillar’s body. This stage is A student observed that birds sit on their eggs
called pupa. The caterpillar undergoes many before the eggs are hatched into young ones. The
changes inside the cocoon. This change occurring reason is _____.
in the form, structure, or function of organism in A. To protect the egg
the process of its growth or development is called B. To keep the egg warm
metamorphosis. After few weeks later, a beautiful C. To hide the egg from others
butterfly comes out of cocoon. D. It is customary for birds to sit on the eggs
Life Cycle of Frog Question 4
Frogs lay eggs in water or wet place. Eggs hatches During the forth stage of metamorphosis,
into small tadpoles. These tadpoles look more like butterfly's pupa turn into _____.
a fish rather a frog. Tadpole has no legs but has a A. Caterpillar
long tail and breathes through gills in water. They B. Adult
feed on pond weeds and gradually turns into C. Egg
froglets and then into frog. An adult frog breathes D. Tadpole
through lungs. Question 5
Reptiles Which of the following parts of the body is not
Lizards, turtle and snakes also lay eggs but do not used to collect information?
give any parental care. Most of their laid eggs are A. Eye
eaten by other animals. Among reptiles only B. Nose
crocodiles and their relatives tend both eggs and C. Ear
babies. Crocodiles make nest in the ground and D. Liver
lay eggs there. They carry their babies to the water Learn Class 4 Science - Food and Digestion
body after the egg hatches and took care of them Functions of small intestine
for some time. The function of small intestine are as follows
Animals that give birth to young ones Mixing of digestive juices
Some animal give birth to young ones. Such digestive juices are mixed in small intestine
animal are called mammals. This includes animals provided by the inner wall of small intestine,
such as dogs, cats, monkeys, tigers, cows, pancreas, liver.
elephants, horses and humans. The baby develops Complete digestion of food
inside the mother’s body. After their birth they the food is completely digested in small intestine.
feed on mother’s milk till they learn to feed by Absorption of digested food
their own. The blood vessels present on the wall of small
Whales and dolphins lives in water but they give intestine absorb the digested food and carry it to
birth to young ones. Bat though a bird gives birth all the parts of the body.
to young ones. Functions of Mouth in Digestion
Learning Videos for 4th Grade Science - Animals Process of digestion starts in the mouth. Teeth bite
PreviousNext and chew the food and break it into small pieces.
Animals Sample Questions for Class 4 The digestive juice called saliva secreted by the
Question 1 salivary glands mixes with the food while
Animal Life Worksheet-10 Animal Life chewing. Saliva changes the insoluble starch in
Worksheet-10 Honeybees lay their eggs from food into soluble sugar. Which makes the food
_____. easy to digest.
A. January to February Digestion process from stomach to large intestine
B. October to December The process of digestion of food from stomach to
C. July to September large intestine is as follows.
D. April to June. Stomach
Question 2 The stomach is a hollow muscular bag in which
Study the following Venn diagram carefully. the food is churned.
Which letter represents the hen? digestive juices present in the stomach break
A. Y down the proteins present in the food into a
B. X simpler form.
C. Z Small intestine
D. R Mixing of digestive juices - digestive juices are
Question 3 mixed in small intestine provided by the inner
wall of small intestine, pancreas and liver.
Complete digestion of food - the food is Human need basic needs to stay alive. The basic
completely digested in small intestine. needs are air, water, food and shelter.
Absorption of digested food - the blood vessel AIR
present on the Wall of small intestine absorb the 1. Human need air to breathe.
digested food and carry it to all the parts of the 2. Human breathe in and breathe out air
body. through their nose.
Large intestine 3. Without air, humans could not breathe and
The undigested food passes into the large would die.
intestine. Blood vessels in the Wall of large WATER
intestine absorbs the extra water. Semi solid waste Water is very important to humans. Human need
is passed out through the anus. water:
What is Food Preservation 1. to replace water that is lost during
The process of treating food in a way that breathing, sweating and urination.
preserves its value for a long time is called 2. to remove waste products from the body.
preservation of food. 3. to digestion.
Food can be preserved in following ways 4. to grow and stay healthy.
 boiling 5. to control body temperature.
 Canning 6. for bathing, washing and cleaning.
 refrigeration 7. Our bodies are largely made up of water;
 pickling more than half of our weight is water.
 drying. 8. when we breathe, sweat and urinate, our
bodies will lose water.
Food and Digestion Sample Questions for Class 4 9. In order to maintain our body, we need to
Question 1 dringk seven glasses of water every day.
Which of the following is not a nutrient ? 10. We also obtain water from food we eat.
A. Protein Food like vegetables and fruits contain a
B. Carbohydrate large amount of water.
C. Wheat FOOD
D. Vitamin 1. Human need food to stay alive.
Question 2 2. Food helps us to grow, gain energy, build
What makes our bones and teeth strong ? and replace damaged cells and tissues.
A. Carbohydrate 3. A balanced diet helps us to stay healthy. it
B. Protein contains all classes of food in the correct
C. Iron amount.
D. Calcium 4. Human need to eat and dringk to help
Question 3 them grow and stay healthy.
Which of the following gives energy ? SHELTER
A. Carbohydrates 1. Humans need shelter to protect themselves
B. Proteins from danger and bad weather like hot,
C. Roughage cold, rain and storms.
D. Minerals 2. There are different types of human
Question 4 shelters, namely double - storey houses,
What helps to remove undigested food from our long houses, apartments, single storey
body ? houses, huts and flats.
A. Protein Human Needs Sample Questions for Class 4
B. Vitamin Question 1
C. Roughage Cotton clothes keep us
D. Fat A. warm
Question 5 B. cool
Preserving food with oil and salt is called C. wet
A. refrigerating D. dry
B. pickling Question 2
C. drying You wear uniform to
D. canning A. hospital
B. school
C. party spirits. What are the common properties of
D. work liquids?
Question 3 When a scientist wants to know more about
Which types of clothes keep you warm in winter something they set up questions and then they try
season ? to answer the questions by doing experiments.
A. Cotton clothes After doing this activity where we investigated the
B. Woolen clothes properties of liquids, we can say that a liquid:
C. Raincoat  can flow,
D. None of these  it has no fixed shape,
Question 4  and it takes the shape of the container that
Which of the following is not a natural fibre ? it is in.
A. Cotton This is different to a solid. Remember a solid has
B. Silk a fixed shape and you cannot pour a solid!
C. Nylon Gas
D. Wool When we breathe, we are taking in and giving out
Question 5 gases. But we cannot see the gas!
To protect clothes from insects, they are kept with Gases are a bit more difficult to understand as we
A. perfume usually cannot see gases. We can see places where
B. sugar gases are used and the containers that a gas is kept
C. mothballs in.
D. water Can you name any gases? What about the gas
used in a stove to cook food? Have you seen the
Learn Class 4 Science - Matter and Materials gas coming out of the exhaust of a motor car? In
Everything around us is made up of matter. All hospitals, there are cylinders filled with oxygen
solids, liquids and gases in the universe are gas for patients with breathing problems. The air
matter. Matter takes up space and has mass, this you breathe in has oxygen gas. The air you
means we can weigh matter. When we use one breathe out has more carbon dioxide gas.
kind of matter to make something such as a  can flow,
wooden or plastic chair we say the material used  it has no fixed shape,
was wood or plastic.  and it takes the shape of the container that
Materials are all around us. Some materials are it is in.
solids, some are liquids and some are gases. A This is different to a solid. Remember a solid has
material will always be one of these three things. a fixed shape and you cannot pour a solid!
But what exactly are solids, liquids and gases?! Change of State
Solids We know that matter can be in the solid, liquid or
The word "property" has different meanings. We gas state. Let's use water as an example.
say this house is the property of Mr Mabusa (he is Melting
the owner of the house). When we use the word So what have we learned from Mashadu's
"property" in science we look at what makes that experience with the ice lollies? The ice lollies
kind of matter special; how does it behave were frozen and cold. When they were placed in
differently from other kinds of matter. For the sun, they started to warm up. This heat caused
example when you shift a chair to another place, it a state change to take place. The ice changed to a
will still have the same shape. This is because the liquid. This is called melting.
chair is solid. So we can say that all solids keep Solidifying
their shape. We say that keeping its shape is a When Mashadu and the Thunderbolt Kids went to
property of a solid. Let's look at some of the get new ice lollies from the tuckshop, these ice
properties of solids. lollies were frozen, but they were made from a
So, we have learned that a substance in a solid liquid. The liquid was poured into the shape of an
form will have a fixed shape and takes up a ice lolly and then they were cooled. As heat was
definite space. Let's now look at liquids. removed, they froze. When a liquid changes to a
Liquid solid, this is called solidifying.
There are liquids all around you and you use them Evaporation
in your everyday lives. Some examples are water, Evaporation takes place when heat is added to the
paraffin, baby oil, fruit juice, petrol or methylated liquid. It means the water changes from the liquid
to the gas state.
Condensation Question 3
The steam that comes out of the kettle is Which of the following has fixed shape and size ?
extremely hot and you cannot see it. The steam A. Air
quickly cools and forms tiny droplets in the air. B. Water
These tiny droplets are visible and form the C. Chair
"cloud" that you see. When these tiny droplets hit D. Milk
the mirror they cool more and form the bigger Question 4
droplets which you see forming on the mirror. We Salty water is an example of
say the steam condensed to form water. The A. solid
change of state from the gas state to the liquid B. solute
state is called condensation, which takes place C. solvent
when heat is removed. D. solution
When you leave a glass filled with cold water on Question 5
the table, small droplets form on the outside. This When we heat solid wax, it turns into
is because there is water vapour in the air which A. gas
cools down when it is near the cold glass. The B. solution
water vapour in the air around the glass condenses C. liquid
as it changes from a gas to a liquid and forms the D. ice
tiny droplets you can see. Learn Class 4 Science - Force, Work and Energy
The Water Cycle Work, energy and power are the most used terms
People say the Earth is the blue planet, because in Physics. They are probably the first thing you
much of its surface is covered in water and the learn in your Physics class. Work and energy can
land forms a small part. be considered as two sides of the same coin. In
Did you know that the amount of water on Earth this article, we will learn all about the concept of
now is about the same as when the dinosaurs lived work, power and energy.
on our planet. How is that possible? Work done is generally referred in relation to the
The answer is that invisible water vapour in the air force applied while energy is used in reference to
cools and condenses to form drops of water. The other factors such as heat. Power is defined as
reverse process takes place when water work done per unit time.
evaporates. When the water evaporates, it can not What is Work?
be seen anymore as it has become a gas called Work is said to be done when a body or object
water vapour. This process of water always moves with the application of external force. We
changing from a liquid to a gas and back again is can define work as an activity involving a
an ongoing process. It is called the water cycle movement and force in the direction of the force.
and this is why the amount of water on Earth stays For example, a force of 30 newtons (N) pushing
the same. an object 3 meters in the same direction of the
In a cycle, a set of events (things that happen) force will do 90 joules (J) of work.
keep on repeating in the same order. Formula of Work
Learning Videos for 4th Grade Science - Matter When we kick a football, we are exerting an
and Materials external force called F, and due to this force
PreviousNext (kick), the ball moves to a certain distance. This
Matter and Materials Sample Questions for Class disposition of ball from position A to B is known
4 as displacement (d). This work is said to be done
Question 1 and can be calculated as W = F × d
What is present all around us ? Unit of Work
A. Solid If a force of 5 newtons is applied to an object and
B. Liquid it moves 2 meters, the work will be 10 newton-
C. Matter meter. Newton meter in termed and Joules and it
D. Water is the unit of Work.
Question 2 What is Energy?
All matter is made up of tiny particles called Energy is the ability to perform work. Energy can
A. molecules neither be created nor destroyed. It can only be
B. gases transformed from one kind to another. The unit of
C. solids Energy is same as of Work i.e. Joules. Energy is
D. solutes
found in many things and thus there are different A. Book
types of energy. B. Bottle
All forms of energy are either kinetic or potential. C. Screw
The energy in motion is known as Kinetic Energy D. Windmill
whereas Potential Energy is the energy stored in Question 5
an object and is measured by the amount of work Steering wheel and screwdriver are examples of
done. A. Pulley
Unit of energy B. inclined plane
The SI unit of energy is joules (J), which is named C. wheel and axle
in honour of James Prescott Joule. D. wedge
What is Power? Learn Class 4 Science - Our Environment
Power is a physical concept that has several We all live in surrounding which includes living
different meanings, depending on the context and things and natural forces. Living things not only
the information that is available. We can define live in the surrounding but interact with it as well.
power is the rate of doing work. It is the amount They affect the surrounding and are affected by
of energy consumed per unit time. the surrounding. The places we live in consist of
Formula of power air, water, land, plants, animals and the micro-
As discussed power is the rate of doing work. organisms; they all are part of environment. We
Therefore it can be calculated by dividing work depend upon our environment to fulfill our
done by time. The formula for power is given various needs such as oxygen, food and shelter
below. P = W/t etc. We must keep our surroundings neat and
Unit of Power clean to live healthy life.
As power don’t have any direction, it is a scalar To stay healthy we need a clean environment. For
quantity. The SI unit of power is Joules per a healthy living, two things are required,
Second (J/s), which is termed as Watt. Watt can sanitation and hygiene. Hygiene means practice
be defined as the power taken to do one joule of that we follow to stay healthy and clean.
work in one second. The unit Watt is dedicated in Sanitation means measure we adopt for improving
honour of So James Watt, the developer of the and protecting health and well-being of ourselves.
steam engine. Every household generates waste or garbage. We
Learning Videos for 4th Grade Science - Force, should not throw waste or garbage anywhere.
Work and Energy Dirty surroundings help in the growth of germs
PreviousNext that cause diseases, like cholera, typhoid, dengue
Force, Work and Energy Sample Questions for etc. Dirty and stagnant water is the breeding
Class 4 ground of mosquitoes. Mosquitoes cause malaria.
Question 1 Disposal of waste
The direction of a moving object can be changed Proper disposal of waste is necessary to keep our
by applying environment clean. Waste water from our houses
A. gravity should go through proper drainage system and
B. frictioin should be treated before dumping it into water
C. force bodies such as sea or ocean. In metropolitan cities,
D. work there are huge underground pipelines that are
Question 2 connected to the main sewage line which passes
Work is said to be done when you through the treatment plant where waste water get
A. read a book treated by various method and then finally get
B. talk to your friend disposed of.
C. push a wall Solid waste from houses such as vegetable peels,
D. push a book waste paper, plastic bags etc. should be thrown in
Question 3 covered garbage bins. Throwing of these solid
Which of the following is not a lever ? wastes out of houses in open area cause piling of
A. Scissors waste which attracts flies and germs and spread
B. See-saw diseases. Open dumping of waste may cause land,
C. Bottle opener air and water pollution.
D. Ramp Waste material such as fruits and vegetable peels,
Question 4 decomposes easily. These are called
Which of the following is a simple machine ? biodegradable materials. Biodegradable material
can be disposed of making compost pits. Solid D. Burning of nuclear fuel
waste kept in pit turn into manure that can be used Question 2
for crops. Many things like plastic, glasses etc. do What part of an animal or a plant makes fossil?
not decompose. These are called non- A. Soft parts
biodegradable material. B. Hard parts
The three R’s – Reduce – Rescue – Recycle C. Both
How we manage waste affect our environment D. None of the above
and environment in turn affects us. The waste we Question 3
create has to be carefully managed so that it does High roofs in a house _____.
not harm our environment and our health. A. Keep it cold in summer
Practicing of three R’s will help us to keep our B. Keep it warm in winter
surrounding clean and healthy. C. is good for rains
Reduce Waste D. All of these
This means to use less. Use of water and power Question 4
wisely - We can save electricity by not using it Utensils, scissors, needles, etc., are made from
unnecessarily and can save water by closing water _____.
tap when it is not in use. A. Metals
Reuse B. Plastic
This means using things again. C. Herbs
Examples: D. Crops
1. Carry old plastic or cloth or jute bags to Question 5
the grocery store for reuse. Animal dung and rotten vegetables can be used
2. Plastic or glass container in which we buy _____.
things can be used to store other products A. As insecticides
at home. B. As manure
3. Material can be donated to the people who C. In making bricks
could use them in its original form. Carry D. To make oil
washable glass or cup instead of using The Universe is unimaginably and infinitely big.
disposable cups. The Universe is defined as everything that exists.
Recycle The Universe consists of planets, stars, galaxies,
Many materials such as paper, glass, aluminum, meteorites, all kinds of physical matter & energy
plastic etc. can be recycled to make useful things and all the content of space.Our Earth is a part of
out of them. Recycling means treating or the Solar System, which is a part of the Milky
processing material in certain way, so that it can Way galaxy.
be used again. Our Solar System
Examples: Our Solar System consists of a star named the
1. By recycling paper we need to cut fewer Sun, the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
trees to make newspaper. Hence we can Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. It also
save our natural environment by cutting includes the satellites of the planets; numerous
fewer trees. comets, asteroids, and meteoroids; and the
2. We can save energy, as factories needs interplanetary medium.
energy/power to make new things. The Sun
3. We save the environment by reducing the The Sun is a star. It is the star around which the
amount of waste produced by the factories. Earth and other planets revolve. In a way, we can
Learning Videos for 4th Grade Science - Our say that the Sun is the head of Solar Family or
Environment Solar System. The Sun is a medium sized star and
PreviousNext of average brightness as compared with millions
Our Environment Sample Questions for Class 4 of other stars. The Sun appears to be larger and
Question 1 brighter because it is much nearer to the Earth
Environmental Studies Worksheet-8 than any other star. Thus, the star nearest to the
Environmental Studies Worksheet-8 Which of the Earth is the Sun.
following is a major source of air pollution? What is Eclipse?
A. Breathing Eclipse is the partial or complete hiding of one
B. Cooking heavenly body by the shadow of another.
C. Burning of fossil fuel that produces CO2
An Eclipse is formed when the shadow of the
Earth falls on the Moon or the shadow of the
Moon falls on Earth. Two types of eclipses:
Solar Eclipse
A Solar Eclipse occurs when the moon comes in
between the Sun and the Earth and casts its
shadow on the Earth. Thus the region where the
shadow falls cannot see the Sun. It always occurs
on a new moon day.
Lunar Eclipse
A Lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth comes in
between the Sun and the Moon and casts its
shadow on the Moon. Thus covering the Moon. It
always occurs on a full moon day.
Learning Videos for 4th Grade Science - Earth
and Universe
Earth and Universe Sample Questions for Class 4
Question 1
Which of the following is the largest planet ?
A. Mercury
B. Jupiter
C. Venus
D. Earth
Question 2
The rotation of the Earth takes
A. 24 hours
B. 24 days
C. 23 months
D. 24 weeks
Question 3
The natural satellite of the Earth is
A. Sun
B. Star
C. Moon
D. Mars
Question 4
Which of the following is the hottest planet of the
solar system ?
A. Mercury
B. Venus
C. Earth
D. Mars
Question 5
Which of the following is the farthest planet ?
A. Neptune
B. Uranus
C. Mercury
D. Saturn

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