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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

College of Social Sciences and Development

Department of Psychology

Name/Nombre:TABALBA, MARC ARIADNE Date/Fecha : May 10, 2024

Course/Sec./Curso/Sección: BSPSY 4-2P Subject/Sujeto: PHYSIO-BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY

Activity II
Actividad II

Part I: Questions
Parte I: Preguntas

 Based on what you’ve learned, what’s the role of Psychology (or name a specific profession) in treating substance
abuse disorders? (20 points)
 As a future psychologist, how would you help a person vulnerable to substance use and abuse? What are ways you can
think of helping them? (20 points)
 In your understanding, briefly explain each of the 5 Stages of Neurodevelopment. Focus only on the main points of
each stage. (20 points)
 In what ways does neuroplasticity influence your life? Provide some examples of it in everyday activities. (20 points)
 What is the effect of “electronics-reliant” parenting on children? (20 points)

Part II: Answers

Parte II: Respuesta

I. Based on what you’ve learned, what’s the role of Psychology (or name a specific profession) in treating substance
abuse disorders?
I . Según lo que has aprendido, ¿cuál es el papel de la Psicología (o nombra una profesión específica) en el tratamiento de los trastornos por abuso de sustancias?

 Substance abuse psychology, and by extension, substance abuse psychology, are fields that combine abnormal
and clinical psychology. Substance abuse psychologists employ study findings to identify, treat, and assist people
struggling with addiction and substance misuse. The three major psychological theories of addiction are classical
conditioning, operant conditioning, and social learning theory. Psychologists in this field are skilled in a variety of
therapy methods and conflict resolution procedures. They must also communicate effectively with the patient, as
well as their family and friends, to provide information on continuing support strategies and potential triggers for a
relapse. This is done to give the required assistance and foster an environment of care that promotes the patient's
mental and emotional well-being.
II. As a future psychologist, how would you help a person vulnerable to substance use and abuse? What are ways you can
think of helping them?
II .Como futuro psicólogo, ¿cómo ayudaría a una persona vulnerable al uso y abuso de sustancias? ¿De qué maneras puedes pensar en ayudarlos?

 As an aspiring Psychologist and Lawyer and currently serving as a public servant, my primary focus for anti-
drug awareness involves working with schools to raise consciousness as well as providing assistance to children
and adolescents. This will enable me to establish relationships with parents concerning the most efficient
strategies for minimizing relapse, which happens to be feasible through the support of all Local Government
Units presently implementing Community-Based Drug Treatment—rehabilitation programs (CBDRPs).
Establish a platform designed to motivate youth leaders to engage in the campaign against drug and substance
abuse. Youth leaders who represent different youth groups around the country engage with this event would be
of great effect to society. The CBRP strives to focus on the rehabilitation of the body, mind, and spirit through
counseling and other psychological treatments as mandated by law through the implementation of various
government instrumentalities and agencies nationwide.

III. In your understanding, briefly explain each of the 5 Stages of Neurodevelopment. Focus only on the main points of
each stage.
III . A su entender, explique brevemente cada una de las 5 Etapas del Neurodesarrollo. Concéntrate sólo en los puntos principales de cada etapa.

 Approximately three weeks shortly after the conception process, the neural plate begins to form. On the dorsal
side of the embryo, an insignificant patch of ectodermal tissue develops into the neural plate. The embryo has
three layers: the endoderm, the mesoderm, and the ectoderm. It contains stem cells that meet two requirements.
The primary advantage aspect is that stem cells are capable of replicating one another, and the additional
advantage is that they have the ability to specialize in any cell type. The ability to produce stem cells is derived
from the process by which a cell divides into two daughter cells, one of which becomes a specialized cell and
the other a stem cell. Neurons merge to generate the neural groove and tube.
Whereas, neural proliferation is the process by which neurons proliferate once they have formed a neural groove
and neural tube. This does not happen at the same time, but rather as a result of chemical signals from both the
floor and roof plates. The ventricular zone is where most of the multiplication happens. The cells are still young,
which means they lack axons and dendrites. Migration happens following brain growth, and neurons migrate to
their destination regions. There are two forms of migration: radial migration, which stretches outward, and
tangential migration, which occurs at a right angle. There are two types of migration: soma translocation, in
which an extension develops, and glial-mediated migration, in which glial cells create a wall. Aggregation
happens when migrating cells align with those that have migrated to the same goal place. Axon growth occurs
as dendrites and axons develop, with growth cones located at the tips of these extensions. Synapses are formed
between axons when excitatory or inhibitory neurotransmitters are transmitted.
IV. In what ways does neuroplasticity influence your life? Provide some examples of it in everyday activities.
IV . ¿De qué manera influye la neuroplasticidad en tu vida? Proporcione algunos ejemplos de ello en las actividades cotidianas.

 Neuroplasticity permits the brain to constantly rewire and change its connections. It is capable of reorganizing
itself both structurally and functionally. Without neuroplasticity, we wouldn't be able to accomplish many of the
tasks that define us as humans. This involves learning, developing, and creating memories. Using the non-
dominant hand. As a left-handed individual, utilizing my favored hand usually activates the opposing part of the
brain. However, using the opposite hand activates both hemispheres, resulting in increased synaptic connections.
And in my daily job and school life, I found a reason for learning. When I was driven to learn something new, I
felt compelled to focus more on it. Especially on something that fascinates me and I want to remain with it.

V. What is the effect of “electronics-reliant” parenting on children?

V .¿Cuál es el efecto de una crianza “dependiente de la electrónica” en los niños?

 In today's contemporary, electronics-driven environment. Technology has become ubiquitous, and even though
we as a community ought to and cannot constrain it, parents might draw boundaries for their children in order to
reduce most of its harmful impacts. An excessive amount of screen time may adversely impact your child's
physical and psychological well-being and behavioral patterns. Because children invest greater amounts of time
typing or clicking on their devices, children naturally devote less time exploring the outdoors or participating in
physical activities. Studies have additionally shown that children and adolescents can take part in more impulsive
food consumption whenever watching television or playing video games. As a consequence, there is an ongoing
rise in the prevalence of obesity amongst kids and teens alike.
Whereas children will undoubtedly be interested in watching television, playing video games, and utilizing app-
based technology, parents must ensure that their children spend enough time outside and engage in physical
exercise. Encourage your children to play outside. If time allows, accompany your children in outside activities.
Consider going camping; your children will appreciate the additional time they get to interact with, and the
exercise and outside time will help them burn off energy and sleep better.

I promise on my honor, that I did not give or receive any unauthorized help in this work. Done this 24th day of
May 2024, City of San Juan, Metropolitan Manila, N.C.R., (1500), Philippines.


B.S. Psychology Student

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