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Intermediate Vocabulary
หมวด A
-to leave a place, thing, or person, usually forever
abandon (v.) ละทิ้ง ปลอย Ex. He was abandoned by his mother, so he grew up without a
-to cause something to stop before it is complete
abort (v.) หยุดยั้ง
Ex. The mission was aborted in the last minute.
-the intentional ending of a pregnancy
abortion (n.) การทำแทง
Ex. Abortion is illegal in some countries.
-more than enough/ a lot of
abundant (adj.) มากมาย
Ex. There are abundant crops from farmers this year.
1) to use something for the wrong purpose in a harmful way.
2) to treat someone cruelly or violently
ใช ในทางที่ผิด Ex. 1) The minister was sacked (ไลออก) for abusing his power for
abuse (v.) ขมเหง ทารุณ personal gain.
2) Children who have been sexually abused need most
- When a vehicle accelerates, the speed of the vehicle increases.
accelerate (v.) เรงความเร็ว
Ex. The driver accelerates the ambulance so it will arrive on time.
(n.) the method of getting near to a place/person
(v.) to be able to get to/get inside a place
(n.) ว�ธ�เขาถึง
access (n./v.) (v.) เขาถึง
Ex. (n.) The only access to the village is by boat.
(v.) It is difficult for people using wheelchair to access the
สามารถ -able to be reached or easily obtained.
accessible (adj.)
เขาถึงไดงาย Ex. The hotel is easily accessible by road and rail.
accommodation -a place to live or stay
(n.) Ex. There are plenty of people without accommodation.
~ complete -to finish something successfully or to achieve something.
accomplish (v.) ทำสำเร็จ
Ex. All students can accomplish the task within ten minutes.
accurate (adj.) แมนยำ -correct, exact, and without mistakes
accuracy (n.) ความแมนยำ Ex. All the data must be accurate before we draw a conclusion.

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-to get or obtain something.

acquire (v.) ไดรับมา
Ex. Babies can acquire their first language from their parents.
-unable to stop taking drugs, or doing something as a habit.
addicted (adj.) Ex. My brother was addicted to heroin when he was a teenager.
I am addicted to coffee so I cannot work if I don’t have some.
-enough for a particular purpose
adequate (adj.) เพียงพอ
Ex. Have we got adequate food for 40 guests? (แขก)
-a young person who is developing into an adult/ a teenager
adolescent (n.) วัยรุน
Ex. An adolescent is not allowed to smoke.
-to change, to suit different conditions or uses
adapt (v.) ปรับตัว
Ex. Animals and plants have adapted so they survive.
-to legally take another person’s child into your own family and
take care of them as your own child
adopt (v.) รับมาเลี้ยง -to take an animal that has been left in a place as a rescue
center, and keep it as your pet
Ex. My brother is adopted by my dad and mom.
-a condition giving a greater chance of success
advantage (n.) ขอดี Ex. He takes advantage of his height (ความสูง) to reach items on
higher shelves. (ชั้นวาง)
-to be able to buy or do something because you have enough
afford (v.) ซ�้อ
Ex. I’m not sure how he can afford a new car on his salary
affordable -not expensive
(adj.) Ex. There are nice clothes at affordable prices today!
-having an allergy
allergic (adj.) มีอาการแพ
Ex. I’m allergic to cats so I cannot play with them.
-a condition that makes a person become sick or develop skin or
breathing problems beause they have eaten certain foods or
allergy (n.) อาการแพ been near certain substances
Ex. I have an allergy to cats. I cannot breathe when they are near.
-to change something
alter (v.) เปลี่ยน
Ex. Our plans have been altered a little bit.

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-An alternative plan or method is one that you can use if you do
alternative (n.) ทางเลือก not want to use another one
(n./adj.) (adj.) ที่เลือกได
Ex. She had no alternative but to break the law.
analysis (n.) การว�เคราะห -the act of studying something in detail, in order to understand more.
analyze (v.) ว�เคราะห Ex. We need more analysis about popular culture in 2023.
-to expect that something will happen.
anticipate (v.) คาดหวัง
Ex. We don’t anticipate any trouble while we’re traveling.
anxiety (n.) (n.) ความกังวล -an uncomfortable feeling of worry about something happening.
anxious (adj.) (adj.) รูสึกกังวล Ex. He has a great anxiety about attending a university.
approve (v.) ยอมรับ -to have a positive opinion of someone/something.
approval (n.) การยอมรับ Ex. He does not approve of smoking in the building.
assist (v.) (v.) ชวยเหลือ -to help
assistant (n.) (n.) ผูชว ย Ex. You are expected to assist your mom with housework.
-to accept something to be true without question/proof
assume (v.) Ex. I assume that you didn’t study before the test. That’s why you
(of people, things, places, etc.) to pull or draw
attract (v.) ดึงดูด someone/something towards them, by the qualtities they have.
Ex. These bightly coloured flowers can attract butterflies.
-to stay away from someone/something
avoid (v.) หลีกเลี่ยง
Ex. Everyone should avoid going outside without having a mask.
-knowing that something exists, or having knowledge or a
be aware of ตระหนัก particular thing.
(adj.) รับรูการมีอยู
Ex. Back to 2019, most people were not aware of Covid-19.

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หมวด B
-to send someone away, especially from the country, and not
banish (v.) เนรเทศ allow them to come back
Ex. He is banished from the library for making a noise.
-the way that someone behaves
behavior (n.) พฤติกรรม
Ex. Parents must control their children’s behavior on the plane.
แสดง -to act in a particular way
behave (v.)
พฤติกรรม Ex. If she behaves well, her mother will bake cookies for her.
(n.) a helpful or good effect, or something intended to help
benefit (n.) ประโยชน
(adj.) helpful, useful, or good
beneficial (adj.) เปนประโยชน
Ex. Some bacteria are harmful, but some are beneficial.
-to not be loyal to your country or a person, often by doing
betray (v.) ทรยศ something harmful such as helping their enemies.
Ex. He was betrayed by his wife since she cheated on him.
-in or to a lower position than something
beneath (prep.) ภายใต
Ex. My cats always stay beneath the blanket during the winter.
-the life story of a person written by someone else
biography (n.) ช�วประวัติ
Ex. Her biography showed that she was poor before.
-cruel, violent, and completely without feelings.
brutal (adj.) โหดราย
Ex. Jack the Ripper brutally murdered a number of ladies.
-something difficult or unpleasant that you have to deal with
burden (n.) ภาระ หนาที่
Ex. There is a fund for students with financial burden.

หมวด C
carnivore (n.) (n.) an animal that eats meat (adj.) relating to a living thing that
carnivorous eats meat
(adj.) Ex. Crocodile is a reptile carnivore.
herbivore (n.) (n.) an animal that eats only plants (adj.) relating to a living thing
herbivorous that eats plants
(adj.) Ex. Panda is an herbivorous bear that mainly eats bamboos.
(n.) an animal that is able to eat both plants and meat
omnivore (n.) สัตวกินทั้ง
(adj.) naturally able to eat both plants and meat
omnivorous พืช/เนื้อ
(adj.) ที่กินพืช/เนื้อ Ex. Humans are omnivorous because we can eat meat and

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-a type, or a group of things that has same features.

ชนิด ประเภท
category (n.)
หมวดหมู Ex. There are many categories of accommodation – house,
condominium, apartment, etc.
(1) having no doubt that something is true
แนนอน (2) some but not exactly stated
certain (adj.)
บาง…. Ex. (1) I feel certain that you have done the right thing.
(2) There are certain members who do not come today.
circumstance เหตุการณ -a fact or event that makes a situation the way it is
(n.) สถานการณ Ex. Always prepare yourself for an unexpected circumstance.
-to make something clear to understand by giving more details.
clarify (v.) ช�้แจง
Ex. I don’t quite understand what you said. Please clarify more.
-to work with someone for a special purpose
collaborate (v.) Ex. Two of my favorite artists have collaborated on the latest
-something that makes you feel better when you have
experienced something bad
compensation การชดเชย
-money that is pad to someone in exchange for something that
(n.) เง�นชดเชย
has been lost or damaged or for some problem
Ex. I have received compensation that covers all the hotel costs.
-to pay someone money in exchange for something that has
compensate (v.) ชดเชย been lost or damaged.
Ex. The company compensates its employees with bonuses.
-involving a lot of different parts, in a way that is difficult to
ซับซอน understand
Ex. Thomas and I have a complicated relationship.
compulsory -If something is compulsory, you must do it
(adj.) Ex. Swimming was compulsory at my school.
-to direct your attention or your efforts towards a particular
concentrate (v.) ตั้งใจ activity, subject, or problem
Ex. I cannot concentrate on my work because of all that noise.
(n.) a worried feeling about something
(v.) to cause worry to someone
(n.) ขอกังวล Ex. (n.) My concern is that I cannot finish the work on time.
concern (n./v.)
(v.) กังวล (v.) It concerns me that he has not read my message


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-the particular state that something or someone is in

condition (n.) Ex. The hospital says her condition is improving slowly.
Certain conditions must be met before the aid will be provided.
-to admit that you have done something wrong or something
confess (v.) สารภาพ that you feel guilty or bad about
Ex. He has confessed that he is a murderer.
-awake, thinking, and knowing what is happening around you
conscious (adj.) มีสติ รับรู
Ex. Once the patient is unconscious, the surgery will begin.
(n.) การ -permission or agreement
consent (n./v.) ยินยอม Ex. The journalists cannot publish your name without your
(v.) ยินยอม consent.
-a result of a particular action or situation, often one that is bad
ผลลัพธ or not convenient
Ex. Eating too much sugar can have severe health consequences.
สงวน -to keep and protect something from damage, change, or waste
conserve (v.)
อนุรักษ Ex. I’m not lazy. I’m conserving my energy for later.
-to spend time making a decision
consider (v.) พิจารณา
Ex. We are considering selling our house.
-to be made of/from something
consist (v.) ประกอบดวย Ex. It’s a simple dish to prepare because it consists of rice and
vegatable only.
-to give something (especially money) in order to provide
contribute (v.) มีสวนชวย something to other people
Ex. He did not contribute anything to the meetings.
-to act or work together for a particular purpose, or to be
cooperate (v.) รวมมือกัน helpful by doing what someone asks you to do
Ex. He refused to cooperate with our team.
-to express disagreement with or disapproval of
criticize (v.) ว�จารณ
Ex. My dad always criticizes how the government handles
-extremely important or necessary
crucial (adj.) สำคัญมาก
Ex. It is crucial to choose the right university for yourself.
ความอยากรู -an eager wish to know or learn about something
curiosity (n.)
อยากเห็น Ex. A boy with curiosity always seeks for knowledge.

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หมวด D
-to make someone believe that something false is true.
deceive (v.) หลอกลวง Ex. The company deceived customers by selling old products as
new products.
-to show or make something clear
สาธ�ต Ex. These numbers demonstrate the size of the economic problem
in the country.
depressed -unhappy and without hope
(adj.) Ex. He is depressed after his dog passing away.
-to have earned something as the result that someone behaved
deserve (v.) สมควรไดรับ
Ex. Those rapists (คนขมข�น) deserve the death penalty.
-feeling that you have no hope
desperate (adj.) หมดหวัง Ex. The doctors made one last desperate effort (ความพยายาม) to
save her life.
(1) to make a strong decision
(2) to control or influence something, or to decide what will
ตัดสินใจ happen
determine (v.) ตั้งใจ Ex. (1) She determined that one day she would be an actor.
กำหนด (2) Your health is determined by what you eat.
(3) People should be allowed to determine their own future.
-to grow/change into a more advanced, larger, or stronger form
เติบโต ขยาย Ex. (1) He develops himself to be a better person.
develop (v.)
พัฒนา (2) Abnormal cells can develop into a cancer.
-to give all of your time/effort to something.
devote (v.) อุทิศ ทุมเท
Ex. He devoted his entire life to the care of wild animals.
-to recognize the name of the exact disease or a problem, by
diagnose (v.) ว�นิจฉัย examining it.
Ex. She was diagnosed with diabetes (เบาหวาน) 2 years ago.
-an event that causes great harm, damage, or death.
disaster (n.) ความหายนะ
Ex. It would be a disaster, if we had not enough money.

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(1) to treat someone differently from other people because of

their race, gender, sexuality, etc.
แยกแยะ (2) to be able to see the difference between two things.
discriminate (v.)
แบงแยก Ex. (1) She felt she was discriminated since they rejected (ปฏิเสธ)
to let her work.
(2) Police dogs can discriminate between the different smells.
(1) to notice the difference between two things
distinguish (v.) จำแนก (2) to make something different from another
Ex. It’s important to distinguish between work and personal life
-to give something to many people
distribute (v.) แจกจาย
Ex. The books will be distributed to local schools at no cost.
dramatically -suddenly or obviously
(adv.) Ex. My life would dramatically change if I won the lottery.

หมวด E
economical -not using a lot of money, fuel, etc.
(adj.) Ex. What’s the most economical flight to London?
-the system of trade/industry which goods/services are sold
economy (n.) เศรษฐกิจ and bought in a country
Ex. The war dramatically affects the country’s economy.
-successful or achieving the results that you want
effective (adj.) มีประสิทธ�ภาพ Ex. We need an effective solution (การแกปญ  หา) to solve this
-working or operating quickly and effectively
efficient (adj.) มีประสิทธ�ภาพ
Ex. The transport system in Europe is efficient comparing to Asia.
ความ -physical/mental activity to achieve something
effort (n.)
พยายาม Ex. Learning to play piano requires consistent effort and practice.
กำจัด -to remove or take away someone/something
eliminate (v.)
นำออกไป Ex. The competitor was eliminated from the contest.
-to show that something is very important
emphasize (v.) เนน
Ex. The invigilator emphasizes what not to do during the test.
-to have someone work for you and you pay them for it.
employ (v.) จางงาน
Ex. I’m employed when they need someone to clean the toilet.
endangered -in danger of being harmed, lost, unsuccessful, etc.
ใกลสญ ู พันธ
(adj.) Ex. We must protect those endangered species at all cost!

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-to experience and bear something difficult, painful, or unpleasant.

endure (v.) ทน ทนทาน
Ex. He endured five years as a prisoner of politics.
enthusiastic -showing and feeling strong excitement about something
(adj.) Ex. New employees are enthusiastic at their first day at work.
-necessary or needed
essential (adj.) จำเปน
Ex. There is essential work to be done before making it happen
-to start a company or organization that will continue for a long time
establish (v.) กอตั้ง จัดตั้ง
Ex. The Apple Inc. was established in 1976.
-to judge or calculate the quality, importance, or value of something
evaluate (v.) ประเมิน
Ex. It’s impossible to evaluate to value of the national treasure.
eventually ในทายที่สุด -in the end
(adv.) finally Ex. All rivers eventually reach the sea.
except -not including; but not;
(prep./conj.) Ex. The museum is open daily except Monday.
-to be real
exist (v.) มีอยูจร�ง
Ex. I’m going to live like tomorrow doesn’t exist.
-to think/believe something will happen
expect (v.) คาดหวัง
Ex. My family expects me to be a doctor.

หมวด F
family and around
-easy to recognize because of being seen, met, heard, etc.
A (adj.) คุน คุนเคย
Ex. She looks familiar for me. Have we seen her before?
-(of illness, accidents, etc.) causing death
fatal (adj.)
fate eo some
Ex. He survived a fatal heart attack 2 months ago.
-able to change easily to adapt to the situation
flexible (adj.) ยืดหยุน
Ex. She is a flexible teacher because she is not too strict to the rule.
-belonging or connected to a country that is not your own
foreign (adj.) ตางชาติ
Ex. It is important to study at least one foreign language.
-happening often
frequent (adj.) ถี่ บอย
Ex. The most frequent accident is car crash.
ทำให -to make someone feel annoyed
frustrate (v.)
หงุดหง�ด Ex. It’s so frustrating that I can’t speak my mind at the meeting.

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หมวด G
ผลิต สราง -to cause something to exist
generate (v.)
ใหกำเนิด Ex. The player can generate a world in Minecraft.
if something is genuine, it is real and exactly what it appears to be
genuine (adj.) แท ทีแ่ ทจร�ง
Ex. Is this a genuine diamond? It seems like a plastic.
คอยๆ -slowly over a period of time
gradually (adv.)
ทีละนอย Ex. Snow gradually begins to melt at the end of the winter.
-to complete school, college, or university successfully
graduate คนที่เร�ยนจบ
Ex. After he graduated from high school, he started working ever
(n./v.) เร�ยนจบ
มีความผิด -feeling bad after doing something very bad
guilty (adj.)
รูสึกผิด Ex. I feel guilty after talking to my ex-boyfriend.

หมวด H
hazardous -dangerous
(adj.) Ex. The red trash can is for hazardous waste.
-to stop before doing something, because you are not sure about it.
hesitate (v.) ลังเล
Ex. Don’t hesitate to refuse food from strangers.
การตอนรับ -the act of being friendly and welcoming to guests and visitors
hospitality (n.) อยางเปนมิตร Ex. The local people in Thailand show great hospitality to tourists.
-unfriendly and not liking something
hostile (adj.) เปนศัตรู Ex. Do not encounter wild animals unless you want to get hurt.
Some of them are hostile to human.

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หมวด I
-not allowed by law
illegal (adj.) ผิดกฎหมาย
Ex. Hunting black tigers is illegal in Thailand.
ทำใหเห็น -to show the meaning of something more clearly
Illustrate (v.)
ภาพ Ex. The downturn economy illustrates the failure of the president.
-now or without waiting/thinking
immediately ในทันที
Ex. When he arrived at a hospital, he was immediately taken to
(adv.) โดยดวน
the emergency room.
-to communicate and idea/feeling without saying it directly
imply (v.) บงเปนนัย
Ex. His face implies his real feeling in his mind.
-If something is impressive, you admire or respect it because it is
impressive (adj.) นาประทับใจ special, or important.
Ex. The family album looks really impressive for me.
-to become larger in amount or size
increase (v.) เพิ่มข�้น
Ex. The rate of unemployment in Thailand has increased.
-not thinking about or not interested in someone/something
indifferent (adj.) ไมแยแส
Ex. He remains indifferent about the news about his wife.
-to show something clearly in another way
indicate (v.) ช�้ใหเห็น
Ex. The ability of students indicates the ability of their teachers.
-to tell someone about particular facts
inform (v.) แจงใหทราบ
Ex. I informed him to leave this place as soon as possible.
-at the beginning
initial (adj.) Ex. The symptoms are not serious in the initial stages (ระยะ) of the
disease (โรค).
intermediate ปานกลาง -being between two other things, levels, or points
(adj.) ระดับกลาง Ex. The exam is too difficult for intermediate students of English.
-to decide the true meaning of something
interpret (v.) แปล ตีความ Ex. It is difficult to interpret the message the writer wanted to
-using words that suggest the opposite of what you really think
ironic (adj.) Ex. He gave an ironic statement by saying he loves his job. The
truth is he wants to quit his job everyday.
-to separate something from other things
isolate (v.) แยกจากกัน
Ex. The ocean isolates the island from other nations.

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หมวด J
นาอิจฉา -unhappy and angry because someone has something you want
jealous (adj.)
รูสึกอิจฉา Ex. He is always jealous of how handsome his brother is.
-a magazine/newspaper that is published regularly about a
journal (n.) วารสาร particular subject
Ex. The library always have science journals available.
(1) a person who decides how a person who commits crime
should be punished.
(n.) ผูพิพากษา
(2) the person who decides who is the winner of a competition.
judge (n./v.) (n.) ผูตัดสิน (3) to have an opinion about something/someone after thinking
(v.) ตัดสิน carefully
Ex. (1) He is a British high-court judge.
(2) As a judge, it is always hard to pick the winner.
(3) Don’t judge a book by its cover.

หมวด L
-the time when you are not working
leisure (n.) เวลาวาง
Ex. Most people in the city have a very limited leisure time.
-If something is likely, it will probably happen.
(be) likely (to) มีแนวโนม Ex. (1) You have to remind me often because I am likely to
(adj./adv.) เปนไปได forget.
(2) It is likely to rain in any second. Don’t go out this time!

-reasonable and based on good judgement

logical (adj.) สมเหตุสมผล
Ex. If your opinion is logical, other people will listen to you.
-not changing your friendship/support with a person
loyal (adj.) ซ�่อสัตย
Ex. Dogs are known for their loyalty.

หมวด M
รักษา -to continue to have; to keep in existence
maintain (v.)
คงสภาพ Ex. We have to maintain the forest as a wildlife habitat.
manufacture ผลิต -to produce goods in large numbers, usually by machines
(v.) (จำนวนมาก) Ex. He works for a company that manufactures car parts.

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-very large in size, amount, or number

massive (adj.) ใหญ
Ex. Titans are massive humanoid creatures that eat human.
โตเต็มที่ -Mature people are those who are well developed emotionally.
mature (adj.)
เปนผู ใหญ Ex. He’s very mature for his age.
(n.) a method for dealing with a situation
(n.) มาตรการ (v.) to discover the exact size or amount of something
measure (n./v.) (v.) วัดขนาด
Ex. (n.) We need an efficient measure to deal with mass shooting.
(v.) This is a machine to measure your heart rate.
ทางใจ -relating to the mind, or involving the process of thinking
Chysiana u mental (adj.)
เกี่ยวกับจ�ตใจ Ex. You should take care both physical health and mental health.
verb (1) to speak about something quickly, giving little detail/using
Ear-tion few words
8 (n./v.) กลาวถึง (2) to refer to something/someone
Ex. He mentioned briefly about his childhood.
Your name was mentioned during the class.
-to cause someone to behave in a particular way
motivate (v.) กระตุน
Ex. He is motivated by a desire to lift his well-being.
-strange, not known, or not understood
ลึกลับ Ex. There are many mysterious stories of people going missing in
this area.

หนวด N
คลื่นไส -feeling as if you might vomit
nauseous (adj.)
เว�ยนหัว Ex. Roller coasters make me feel nauseous.
จำเปน -needed in order to achieve a particular result
necessary (adj.)
สำคัญ Ex. Please bring only necessary items with you.
-to have formal discussions with someone in order to find an
agreement with them
negotiate (v.) เจรจา
Ex. The police negotiated with the gunman to release the
-not saying/doing anything that would help any sides.
neutral (adj.) เปนกลาง
Ex. The two leaders must negotiate in a neutral country.
-to tell someone officially about something
notify (v.) ประกาศ Ex. The school always notifies parents if their children have come
↳ noteDinne
to school.

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หมวด O
อวน -extremely fat in a way that is dangerous for health
obese (adj.)
(จะเปนอันตราย) Ex. She was not just overweight; she was already obese.
-to watch something carefully to learn more about it
observe (v.) สังเกต Ex. The role of scientists is to observe to learn more about the
-something that blocks your movement/action
obstacle (n.) อุปสรรค
Ex. Laziness is the biggest obstacle to your success.
-to block a road/passage so that nothing can go along it
obstruct (v.) ขัดขวาง Ex. After the earthquake many roads were obstructed by
collapsed buildings.
-to get something, especially by asking for it/buying it/working
obtain (v.) ไดรับ for it
Ex. Sugar is obtained by crushing and processing sugar cane.
-easy to see, recognize, or understand
obvious (adj.) เห็นไดชัด
Ex. They sold drugs for obvious reasons; they need money.
during was dir
-to happen
& occur (v.) เกิดข�้น
Ex. Brackish water occurs in a natural environment.
(1) to work, be in action or have an effect
ปฏิบัติงาน (2) to cut a body open for medical reasons.
operate (v.) ใชงาน Ex. (1) The video provides instruction (ว�ธ�การ) on how to operate
ผาตัด the computer.
(2) If the tumor (เนื้องอก) gets bigger, they’ll have to operate.
-to disagree with something/someone, often by speaking against it.
oppose (v.) ตอตาน
Ex. Most of the villagers opposed the closing of the school.

optimistic -believing that good things will happen in the future
(adj.) Ex. She is optimistic about her chances of winning a gold medal.

หมวด P Estebas
take part in
~ -to take part in/become involved in an activity
participate (v.) มีสวนรวม
Ex. She never participates anything in our project.
Donat -a person who is receiving medical care.
patient (n.) ผูปวย คนไข -a person who is cared by a doctor/dentist.
Ex. I’m a patient of Dr Strange; I have an appointment today.

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-to do an action or piece of work

กระทำ Ex. Computers can perform many tasks.
perform (v.)
ดำเนินการ Most students performed well in the exam.
The operation (การผาตัด) will be performed next week.
-lasting for a long time or forever
ถาวร Ex. He is planning to become a permanent resident (ผูอ ยูอาศัย)
of Thailand.
-to make someone believe or do something by giving them a
persuade (v.) good reason to do it.
Ex. If she doesn’t want to go, someone needs to persuade her.
phenomenon -something unusual that exists and can be seen/felt.
(n.) Ex. The moon turning red is a rare phenomenon.
-relating to real situations, or actions rather than
practical (adj.) ใชไดจร�ง Ex. What’s the use of knowledge that has no practical
application? (การนำไปใช)
-to keep something as it is, in order to prevent it from being
อนุรักษ damaged or destroyed.
preserve (v.)
ถนอม Ex. We want to preserve the uniqueness (ความเปนเอกลักษณ) of
the town while improving (พัฒนา) the facilities (สาธารณูปโภค).
(1) money that is earned in trade/business after paying the
(n.) กำไร costs of producing and selling goods/services
profit (n./v.)
(v.) ไดกำไร (2) to earn money
Ex. All our profits will be donated (บร�จาค) to children in need.
หาม -to officially refuse to allow something
prohibit (v.)
ตองหาม Ex. Smoking on the airplane is highly prohibited.
-real, suitable, correct
proper (adj.) เหมาะสม
Ex. Before visit Thai temples, you should wear proper clothes.
-to give someone something that they need
provide (v.) ให Ex. This website provides useful information about memorizing
-arriving/doing something at the corret time/ not late
punctual (adj.) ตรงตอเวลา
Ex. You must be in this room by 1 P.M. Please be punctual.

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หมวด Q
(1) how good or bad something is
(1) คุณภาพ (2) a characteristic or feature of someone/something
Quality (n.)
(2) ลักษณะ Ex. (1) We focus on quality of our products not quantity.
(2) She has leadership qualities that’s why everyone loves her.
-the amount/number of something that can be measured
Quantity (n.) ปร�มาณ
Ex. We focus on quality of our products not quantity.
Qualification -an official record showing that you have necessary(จำเปน) skills
(n.) Ex. You will not get a job if you don’t have any qualifications.

หมวด R
-to suggest that something would be good for a particular job.
recommend (v.) แนะนำ Ex. I recommend writing your feeling down on paper when you
are sad.
-to make something become smaller in size/amount.
reduce (v.) ลด ทำใหลด
Ex. My weight reduced when I stopped drinking boba tea.
-if something reflects, it sends the light back.
reflect (v.) สะทอน
Ex. The cat saw itself reflected in the window.
-connected with what is happening
relevant (adj.) เกี่ยวของ
Ex. Your essay has nothing relevant to the topic.
-not willing to do something.
reluctant (adj.) ไมเต็มใจ
Ex. I had such a good time with him and I felt reluctant to leave.
แสดงถึง -to speak/act for another person
represent (v.)
เปนตัวแทน Ex. The face represents the true emotion.
-to show something that was a secret
reveal (v.) เปดเผย
Ex. Her biography revealed that she was not rich as a girl.

หมวด S
บางอัน -some; an amount that is not exact but is fewer than many
several (adj.)
บางครั้ง Ex. There are several students who failed the test.
significant (adj.) สำคัญ
Ex. There is a significant change in his face.
-to do/make something that looks real but actually it’s not real
simulate (v.) จำลอง
Ex. In cheap furniture, plastic is used to simulate wood.

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-enough for a particular purpose

sufficient (adj.) เพียงพอ
Ex. The food here is sufficient for 40 guests.
-acceptable or right for someone/something
suitable (adj.) เหมาะสม
Ex. Cola is not suitable for babies.
-any feeling of illness caused by a particular disease
symptom (n.) อาการ Ex. “Can you tell me your symptoms?”
“I have headache and sorethroat.”

หมวด T
temporary -not lasting for long
(adj.) Ex. I am hired (จาง) as a temporary staff during this winter.
-to be likely to behave in a particular way
tend to (v.) มีแนวโนม..
Ex. Teenagers tend to trust their friends more than their parents.
ความตึง -a feeling before an important/difficult event
tension (n.)
เคร�ยด Ex. Students have a great tension while taking exam.
ยุติ -to end/to stop
terminate (v.)
ทำใหสิ้นสุด Ex. This train terminates at Mo Chit.
-to cause harm/damage to something/someone
threaten (v.) ขมขู
Ex. The thief threatened the police with a gun in his hand.
-a belief/way of acting that people in a particular society follow
tradition (n.) ประเพณี
Ex. Songkran is a Thai tradition.
-following the custom that has been with a society for long time.
traditional (adj.) ดั้งเดิม
Ex. Kimonos are Japanese traditional clothes
-to change completely the appearance of something/someone
transform (v.) Ex. This is a clear gel that transforms into a foam when you rub
on your face.

หมวด U
-in a city/town
urban (adj.) ในเมือง
Ex. PM2.5 has reached high levels in some urban areas.
-very important/needing attention immediately
urgent (adj.) เรงดวน Ex. We have an urgent case. Everyone please rushes to the
operation room (หองผาตัด).
-normal/ happening often
usual (adj.) ปกติ
Ex. It’s usual that he drinks a cup of coffee in the morning.

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หมวด V
-to prove that something is true or correct
verify (v.) ยืนยัน
Ex. Please verify your password to download the application.
-able to change easily from one activity to another
versatile (adj.) Ex. He’s a very versatile actor who plays both drama and
vulnerable -able to be easily physically/mentally hurt
(adj.) Ex. We are vulnerable if we don’t have enough sleep.
-necessary for the existence of something.
vital (adj.) สำคัญ
Ex. The kidney (ไต) plays a vital role (บทบาท) in our body.

หมวด W

narsing (คำเช�อ่ ม
-(used in expressing doubts/question) if, or not
Ex. I don’t know if/whether you can hear me.
whether (conj.) คลายคำวา
ฉันไมรวู า วา คุณไดยนิ ไหม
if (conj.) “วา” ใน
I’m not sure if/whether you’d like it.
ฉันไมมั่นใจ วา คุณชอบหร�อไม

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