06:14 Ingenious Structures Rubric

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Ingenious Structures

With your group, create a poster about unusual structures around the world.

Proficient Emerging Beginning

10 Points 6 Points 2 Points

Content The students show extensive research on an The students show some extent of research The students show little to no signs of
unusual structure in the world. The poster on an unusual structure in the world. They research. They are missing a great deal of
must include where the structure is, its are missing some information, but have information.
purpose, materials used to build it, and included relevant details about the
lessons learned from the structure. Students strucutre.
must note why the structure is unusual to
begin with.

Teamwork The students were able to collaborate and The students were able to work together by The students were unable to work together,
work together by listening to each other, giving suggestions and opinions. They had not being willing to listen to each other's
asking each other for ideas, and distributing some difficulty working together and opinions. The students worked separately to
work evenly amongst themselves. Even needed some intervention from the teacher. complete the project.
though there were conflicts, they were able
to resolve them through conversations and

Presentation The student is able to create a The student is able to create a The student created a presentation with one
presentation with at least five or more presentation with at least three visuals. or two visuals. Their font is difficult to read
visuals. Their font is easy to see and read Their font is somewhat easy to read from a and their notes do not match what they are
from a distance. They use bullet points distance. They use complete sentences speaking about.
rather than writing in complete sentences. rather than in bullet points, making it
difficult to read the words on the slide in a
short amount of time.
Proficient Emerging Beginning
10 Points 6 Points 2 Points

Public Speaking The student is able to make eye contact with The student is able to make some eye The student is makes very little or no eye
the audience and speak in a loud, clear contact with the audience. Their voice is contact with the audience. The student's
volume that can be heard across the room. somewhat quiet, making it difficult for the voice is quiet and cannot be heard from
They use filler words to a minimum and audience to understand fully what the across the room. The nervous movements
have few nervous movements. Students student is saying. There are some filler distract the audience and make it difficult
were able to answer most, if not all, of the words and nervous movements during the for them to focus on what the student is
questions asked by their classmates. presentation. Students were able to answer saying. Students had a difficult time
some of the questions asked by their answering the questions asked by their
classmates. classmates.

This rubric was created with Quick Rubric and can be found at - http://www.quickrubric.com/r#/qr/hsh0303/what-we-wear2

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