Sample of Counseling Conversation

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Conversation 1

Riska is a semester 1 student. She has problems with lack of confidence when appearing in front
of the class. Riska always feels shaky and nervous when she speaks in class. Because he was
confused about how to solve the problem he was facing, Riska came to the counselor to help him
solve his problem.

Riska : knock the door

Counselor : please come in
Riska : Good morning madam
Counselor : Good morning Riska, please sit down
Counselor : I'm glad to see you Riska, how are you today?
Riska : not good ma'am
Counselor : If you may ask, why are Riska not well? Is there any problem?
Riska : I don't know Ma'am, I feel very confused and sad
Counselor : I understand how you feel,but can you talk about uncomfortable feelings or what
bothers you together?
Riska : Yes, ma'am, I think so too
Counselor : Hhhmmm...Can you explain ?
Riska : Yes, ma'am, I will be happy to tell you about it. But please keep it confidential to
anyone because this is my personal problem.
Counselor : Then I want to hear how bad the feeling is that is bothering Riska? Here you can tell
about everything that you has felt, because everything will be kept confidential, so
you can talk freely and calmly.
Riska : "I feel insecure when performing in front of many people, especially when I present
in front of the class.
Counselor : Can you explain further about the feeling of insecurity that you feels?
Councilee : I tremble when I appear in front of the class, ma'am. I also felt insecure when I was
going to answer questions from the lecturer, even though I only answered them from
my seat but I still felt nervous and shaking.
Counselor : What did you do next when you felt distrustful in class?
Riska : I'm just silent ma'am, instead of being embarrassed in front of my friends because
I'm nervous and shaking.
Counselor : Do you feel happy and comfortable in class in this way?
Riska : No ma'am, but I keep thinking.
Counselor : Maybe you thinks that everything has to be perfect without the slightest mistake. Is
that so?
Riska : Yes, ma'am, I'm a person like that, everything I have to do perfectly.
Counselor : Then what is your problem about how you can present and answer the lecturer's
questions so you don't get nervous.
Riska : Yes ma'am..and I'm confused what to do. Every day I think and try how I can
confidently appear in front of the class.
Counselor : Yes, it's great that you understands the problem yo're is experiencing, namely how
you can give presentations and not be nervous about answering the lecturer's
Riska : Yes, ma'am, I really want to be able to appear confident in front of the class, but it's
very difficult.
Counselor : I am very happy to hear that. Then do you have a way to overcome problems about
not being confident in presentations and being nervous about answering lecturer
Riska : I'm still confused
Counselor : What makes you feel confused?
Riska : I'm afraid of being wrong when answering the lecturer's questions or afraid of being
laughed at by all my friends
Counselor : Have you tried to do your best?
Riska : I don't think so ma'am.
Counselor : If you haven't even tried it yet, then why do you think negatively like that?
Riska : Now that's what I don't understand, ma'am. All right, I'll try to do my best, ma'am, so
that I feel confident presenting and answering the lecturer's questions.
Counselor : Alright, what are your temporary plans as a guide for further actions
Riska : First, I will practice and learn first about the material that I will present, second, I will
look neat so I will feel more confident and third, I will pray before appearing so that I
feel calmer. I think that's what I will do Ma'am.
Counselor : Good, you know what you have to do. Before we close this conversation, how do
you feel after we discuss?
Riska : I feel relieved and calmer after doing counseling. The anxiety and fear that I
experienced began to decrease and I also knew what steps I should take to
overcome this feeling of insecurity.
Counselor : The conclusion of our counseling today is First, Riska will practice and learn first
about the material that Riska will present, secondly Riska will dress neatly so that
Riska will feel more confident and third I will pray before the presentation. Are you
sure you want to do that?
Riska : Yes, ma'am, I'm sure.
Counselor : Do you still have anything to say?
Riska : No ma'am, I think that's enough.
Counselor : How about we close this conversation and I thank you for your willingness.
Riska : You're welcome ma'am

Conversation 2

Counselor : "Hi, good morning" (Do eye contact with counselee)

Ikfin : "Morning, can I sit here?"
Counselor : "Ikfin, right? How do you feel this morning? Do you feel good? Come on, sit here"
Ikfin : "All right, thanks" (Castling in the air)
Counselor : "It seem something is bothering your mind. Is there something you want to tell to
Ikfin : "Yes, You are right. I'm so stress."
Counselor : "Well, if you have problem that make you stress just talk to me."
Ikfin : "So, I have no appetite and have not slept well these past few month."
Counselor : "You don't have appetite and have not slept well, why did it happen?"
Ikfin : "Because I have lost contact with my boyfriend, and I feel he has cheating on me.
How ever I have give the best of me to him. But, at the end he still make me sad."
Counselor : "I'm really sorry to hear that. I feel you. If i'm on yours I will feel the same like you."
Ikfin : "That is. I think my thought is full."
Counselor : "So, you really sure that he leave you?"
Ikfin : "Yes. I'm pretty sure."
Counselor : "What do you feel when he left you?"
Ikfin : "When he left me, I feel like I lost half of me."
Counselor : "So, you feel like you lost half of your self? How can?"
Ikfin : "I have been with him for 1 years. He is the one who understanding me."
Counselor : "I know it's so hard for you, I know why you feel so bad right now, specifically when
you have break up with your boyfriend."
Ikfin : "Now, I'm so confused. I don't know what should I do, I want to meet him and talk
about it with him. But I'm so afraid if he don't want to meet me anymore."
Counselor : "You say that you are afraid? Can you tell me why?"
Ikfin : "He always busy with his own world."
Counselor : "So, you afraid and disappointed on him?"
Ikfin : "Yes. I hate when he do it on me."
Counselor : "Yeah, I know right. You can be angry aith him. But, please remember, have you had
a special place that remind you about him?"
Ikfin : "I think beach is the most perfect place for me and him."
Counselor : "So, you say that beach is your favorite place with him. How do you think?"
Ikfin : "I think so. Ummm... Should I try to offer him to meet with me in beach if there is a
Counselor : "Nice idea. You can try it. You say that beach is special place, so you can try to
meeting him and talk to him about your problem together in there"
Ikfin : "Okay, thank you. I feel better right now"
Counselor : "My pleasure. If you feel sad and still need help, just come here with me."
Ikfin : "Sure"

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