雅思写作task II-section #4

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Session #4:
Subordinate (attributive/appositive)
Parallelism: close/comparison parallelism
Key Word: the “GOVERNMENT
Attributive Clause

...that (essential modifier)

The technology is already available to produce electric cars
that would be both quieter and cleaner to use.

There are various other measures that...

..., which...(non-essential)
Making the punishment fit the crime is a useful notion,
which would see children being made to pick up rubbish
they have dropped, clean up graffiti they have drawn, or
apologize to someone they have hurt.

It is said that countries are becoming similar to each other
because of the global spread of the same products, which...

..., by/in/through which...

The ways in which universities make themselves
attractive to students include soft majors, student
evaluation of teachers, giving students a
government role, and eliminating required courses.

The flow chart demonstrates the process by which...

People who talk loudly on their cell phones in crowded trains
show little respect for other passengers.

Most people would consider children who...

..., who...(non-essential)
Compared to their predecessors, who were more nationalist than
feminist in political orientation, Roman women activists of the
younger generation are more inclined to defend women’s rights,
often creating organizations focused primarily on women’s issues.

All warm-blooded animals make constant tiny adjustments in
arousal in response to external events, but humans, who..., respond
emotionally not only to their surroundings, but to their own thoughts.

He was also helped by six assistants, two of whom died
whilst the Dictionary was still in preparation.
The town whose water supply was contaminated has
witnessed a drastic rise in the rate of cancer patients over the
last decade.

There are people for whom...
Appositive Clause

Scientists have recently found evidence that black holes
probably exist at the core of nearly all galaxies and that the
mass of each black hole is proportional to that of its host

There is no doubt that...

Despite the options city can provide as leisure activities and
entertainment, urban dwellers often find it difficult to figure
out a way how they can spend their weekends.

In this essay, I will analyze the reasons why...
Close/Comparison Parallelism

Types of MARKERS:
Paralleli Markers Examples
X and Y/ X, Y, and Apples and pears/apples, pears,
Open And Or Rather than Z X or Y X rather and bananas Apples or pears
than Y Apples rather than pears
Both...and... Both X and Y
Both apples and pears Either
Either...or... Either X or Y
apples or pears Neither apples nor
Neither...nor... Neither X nor Y
pears From apples to pears
Close From...to... From X to Y
Between apples and pears Not
Between...and... Between X and Y
apples but pears Not only apples
Not...but... Not Not X but Y Not
but also pears
only...but also... only X but Y
Like X, Y... Unlike
Like Unlike Like apples, pears... Unlike
X, Y... Compare


I want to retire to a place where I can relax and I pay low taxes.
I want to retire to a place where I can relax and pay low taxes.
I want to retire to a place where I can relax and where I pay low taxes.

Ralph likes both those who are popular and who are not as well-liked.
Ralph likes both those who are popular and those who are not as well-liked.

Sal applied himself in his new job, arriving early every day, skipping lunch regularly, and leaving late every night.
Sal applied himself in his new job, arrived early every day, skipped lunch regularly, and left late every night.

She argues that the agency acts with reckless abandon and with disregard for human life and property.
She argues that the agency acts with disregard for human life and property and reckless abandon.

Distinguish X from Y View X as Y Consider X Y Estimate X to be Y In contrast to X,

Y Mistake X for Y Whether X or Y Think of X as Y

Making the punishment fit the crime is a useful notion,
which would see children being made to pick up rubbish
they have dropped, clean up graffiti they have drawn, or
apologize to someone they have hurt.
Most students did poorly on the test more because they had
not studied than because the material was difficult.
A good night's sleep not only gives your body a chance to
rest, but also energizes you for the following day.
Extra Bonus: Word Menu for “THE GOVERNMENT”
1.unemployment; joblessness 15.citizens; the citizenry 29.responsibility; obligation

2.infrastructure 16.regulate; administer; oversee 30.arms race

17.implement 31.self-defense
3.social security
18.legislate; make laws 32.national security; homeland
4.medical care system
19.strictly prohibit; ban altogether security
5.public transportation 33.short-sighted policy
20.stringent laws / legislation
6.public service 34.expansion (n.) aggression
21.scrutiny (n.); scrutinize (v.) monitor
7.essential sectors 22.allocate money to sth; be a patron of; 35.seek / pursue hegemony
8.non-essential sectors invest in; fund; dedicate money to sth. 36.a vicious circle
23.budget (n.)
9.private sector 37.destabilizing factors
24.tax revenue
10.general interest 38.rules and regulations
25.the government
11.welfare spending/expenditure on sth. 39.space race

26.curtail 40.arms (n.) weapons (n.) armaments (

12.financial assistance
27.augment 41.laid-off workers; downsized
13.shake off / get rid of poverty workers
28.give priority to sth.
14.authorities 42.power grid
Some people argue that the government should spend
money on public services and facilities, but not on the
arts. Do you agree or disagree?
The role of arts in modern life is unique, providing people with entertainment and yielding various psychological rewards, such as relief from stress. Despite
these benefits, the arts have been taken as luxury goods in many cases. It is suggested that public money of a city should be concentrated in projects like
public facilities, which arc more likely to bring immediate benefits to the public, rather than the arts. There are a number of facts indicating that this position
is right.

Public facilities, widely accepted as one of the main precursors to a city's development, should be one of the highest priorities. Those underdeveloped cities
in particular, should direct sufficient funding toward public facilities. While municipal office buildings, courthouses and post offices are essential components
of public services, libraries, hospitals, parks, playing fields, gymnasiums and swimming pools are available to the public for social, educational, athletic and
cultural activities. By boosting spending on public facilities, cities are more capable to satisfy the needs of citizens and improve their standard of living.

In addition to social benefits, there are economic merits that public facilities can offer to communities. An integrated transport network (maritime, land and
inland waterways transport and civil aviation), for example, promises the smooth and speedy movement of goods and people in a city. Industrial products, as
well as agricultural produce of a city, can be delivered to other cities in exchange for steady income. Of equal importance are public Internet facilities.
Providing access to information by improving Internet and other telecommunications facilities has relevance to the ease with which businesses in a city
receive, process, utilize and send information. It is no exaggeration to say that entrepreneurs, either from home or abroad, will first examine the infrastructure
of a city before deciding whether to pursue business opportunities there.

The arts, by comparison, although enabling people to see the world and the human condition differently and to see a truth one might ignore before, do not
merit government spending. The first reason is that the arts--- referring to music, film and literature altogether--- are more likely to attract the investment of
the private sector than public facilities. Business people continue to invest in the arts in the expectation of earning lump sum income and the arts in return,
continue to flourish without the government spending. Meanwhile, the arts are a key component of a culture and naturally passed down from one generation
to another. Unlike public facilities, they require no money to survive.

It is therefore clear that construction of public facilities should be given the foremost consideration. The concern about the well-being of individual citizens
and that of a city is more acute than the apprehension about the survival and prospects of the arts, something that businesses have a stake in.

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