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Disaster Risk

Pertains to the weakened capability of a person or
group of person to prepare, manage, and recover
from the impact of a natural or man-made disaster.
Pertains to any condition or circumstances that endangers a
person, thing, or situation. Hazard could be classified as man-
made or natural.
Natural Hazards include:
1.Geologic Hazard- like earthquake and floods
2.Atmospheric hazard- like drought and thunderstorms
3.Natural hazards- these are hazard that may occur naturally,
but don’t fall in to either of categories. It includes insect
infestation and disease epidemics
the situation of people, infrastructure, housing, production
capacities and other tangible human assets located in
hazard-prone areas”

Disaster Risk may be simplified using the formula

Hazard + Exposure + Vulnerability = Disaster Risk

Risk Factors Underlying Disaster
1. Severity of exposure • Highest risk of developing
First-hand future problems

Rescue workers/health
care practitioner

• Lowest
distant risk
Risk Factors Underlying Disaster
2. Gender and
the female gender
suffers more adverse
effects. This worsens
when children are
present at home.
Risk Factors Underlying Disaster
3. Age
• Adults in the age range of 40-60 are more stressed after
the disasters but in general, children exhibit more stress
after disaster than adults do.
Risk Factors Underlying Disaster
4. Economic Status of
Evidence indicates that
severe mental problems
resulting from disaster
are more prevalent in
developing countries like
the Philippines.
Risk Factors Underlying Disaster
1. Severity of 3. Age
2. Gender and 4. Economic Status
Family of a country
Risk Factors Underlying Disaster
1. Severity of 3. Age
2. Gender and 4. Economic Status
Family of a country
Factors which underlie disasters:
1.Climate change
2.Environmental degradation
3. Globalized economic development
4. Poverty and inequality
5. Poorly planned and managed urban
6. Weak governance
1.Climate change
also known as change in the pattern of weather for an
period of time.
2. Environmental degradation
Deforestation- increase landslide hazard
Removal of mangroves – increase damage caused by
storm surges.
3. Globalized economic development

The increase of polarization between rich and poor

4. Poverty and inequality
Poor people
5. Poorly planned and managed urban development

The growing rate of urbanization + increase in

population density
6. Weak governance


Protecting right

Providing basic services

and public services
Instruction: Classify if the given examples below are Natural Disaster or Man-
Made Disaster.

__________1. September 11 bombing.

__________2. Covid -19 Pandemic
__________3. Bohol quake
__________4. Terrorist attack in Mindanao
_________5. Taal Volcano eruption
________6. Typhoon Ondoy
________7. Dengue epidemics
_______ 8. Israel-Afghanistan war
________9. Train collision
_______10. Mindanao Flood

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