modals verbs

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Modal Verbs

 A m odal verb is a type of verb that contextually indicates a modality such as

a likelihood, ability, permission, request, capacity, suggestion, order, obligation, neces
sity, possibility or advice. Modal verbs generally accompany the base (infinitive) form
of another verb having semantic content. In English, the modal verbs commonly used
are can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, ought to, used to and dare.

(Un verb o mod a l es un tipo de verbo que indica contextualmente una modalidad como una
probabilidad, habilidad, permiso, solicitud , capacidad, sugerencia, orden, obligación, necesidad, posibilida
d o consejo. Los verbos modales generalmente acompañan a la forma base (infinitivo) de otro verbo que
tiene contenido semántico. En inglés, los verbos modales comúnmente utilizados
son can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, ought to, used to y dare.)


 Epistemic modality: degrees of likelihood: You may find epistemic modality referred
to as propositional modality because it refers to the speaker / writer's view of the
truthfulness of a proposition. (Es posible que la modalidad epistémica se denomine modalidad
p roposicional porque se refiere al hablante / punto de vista del escritor sobre la veracidad de una
proposición. Nosotros no usar ese término en esta guía, pero es una alternativa.)


In this example, we have used a modal auxiliary verb (must) to express a high degree of
likelihood and we can substitute others such as may, could or might to suggest lower
levels of likelihood.
There is, however, a range of other ways to express the same viewpoint.

That must be her brother.

 Deontic modality: Deontic modality refers to the use of language to express duties,
obligations, permissions, and prohibitions. It is a category of modal semantics that
deals with what should be the case, rather than what is the case (epistemic modality).
In other words, deontic modality is concerned with norms, rules, and commands.
( La modalidad deóntica se refiere al uso del lenguaje para expresar deberes, obligaciones, permisos y
prohibiciones. Es una categoría de la semántica modal que trata sobre lo que debe ser el caso, más que lo
que es el caso (modalidad epistémica). En otras palabras, la modalidad deóntica se ocupa de normas,
reglas y mandatos.)

In English, modal verbs are essential for expressing deontic modality. These modal verbs do
not change form and combine with the main verb in its base form. Here are some common
deontic modal verbs and their specific uses:

 M us t

• Us e: Expresses a strong obligation or necessity.

• E xampl e: You must finish your homework before you can play.

 Hav e to
• Us e: Similar to "must," used to indicate external obligations imposed by someone or
• E xampl e: I have to attend the meeting; it's mandatory.

 Shoul d

• Us e: Indicates a recommendation or advice, suggesting what is right or appropriate to do.

• E xampl e: You should drink more water for better health.

 O ught to

• Us e: Similar to "should," but with a connotation of moral duty.

• E xampl e: You ought to help your neighbors in need.

 Need to

• Us e: Expresses a necessity or requirement.

• E xampl e: You need to bring your ID to enter the building.

 M ay

• Us e: Indicates permission, authorization, or a possibility.

• E xampl e: You may leave early if you have finished your work.

 Can

• Us e: Expresses ability or informal permission.

• E xampl e: Can I use your phone for a minute?

Dynamic modality : Dynamic modality refers to the use of language to express abilities,
capacities, or willingness of a subject. It is a type of modality that focuses on the internal
conditions of the subject rather than external norms or rules. Dynamic modality often
deals with what someone can, will, or wants to do.

( La modalidad dinámica se refiere al uso del lenguaje para expresar habilidades, capacidades o voluntad de un
sujeto. Es un tipo de modalidad que se centra en las condiciones internas del sujeto más que en normas o
reglas externas. La modalidad dinámica a menudo se ocupa de lo que alguien puede, quiere o quiere hacer. )

In English, several modal verbs are used to express dynamic modality. These verbs
typically describe abilities, possibilities, and volitions. Here are some common dynamic
modal verbs and their specific uses:

 Can
• Us e: Expresses ability or capability.
• E xampl e: She can swim very fast.
 Coul d
• Us e: Expresses past ability or a conditional possibility.
• E xampl e: When I was younger, I could run for miles.
 Wi l l
• Us e: Indicates a strong intention or willingness.
• E xampl e: I will help you with your project.
 Woul d
• Us e: Used for polite requests or hypothetical situations, also indicates past
• E xampl e: Would you like some coffee?
• E xampl e: When we were kids, we would play outside all day.

 M ay
• Us e: Expresses a possibility or permission, indicating a potential action that could
• E xampl e: I may go to the party if I finish my work.
 M i ght
• Us e: Indicates a lesser possibility than "may."
• E xampl e: She might come to the meeting, but it's not certain.

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