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Survey to study stress and its management among college students

1. Demographic Information:

What is your gender?

How old are you?

What is your current year of study?

What is your major/program of study?

What is Nationality?

2. Stress Levels:

*On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being low and 10 being high, how would

You rate your overall stress level?

*What are the main sources of stress in your college life? (e.g.,Academic workload, exams, social
pressure, financial concerns, time Management, etc.)

How often do you feel overwhelmed by stress?

3. Coping Strategies:

*What strategies do you use to cope with stress? (e.g., exercise, relaxation techniques, talking to
friends, seeking professional help, time management, etc.)

*Which coping strategies do you find most effective for managing your stress?

Are there any coping strategies that you have tried but found ineffective?

4. Support Systems:

* Do you have a support system in place to help you manage stress?(e.g., friends, family, college
counseling services, support groups)

*How satisfied are you with the support you receive?

*Are there any barriers or challenges you face in accessing support?

5. Lifestyle Factors:

*How would you describe your sleep patterns? (e.g., quality, duration ,consistency)

*How often do you engage in physical exercise?

*Do you have a balanced diet?

*Do you engage in activities that help you relax and unwind?
6. Time Management:

*How well do you manage your time and prioritize tasks?

*Do you often feel overwhelmed by your academic workload and other responsibilities?

*Do you set aside time for self-care and relaxation?

7. Academic Performance:

* How do you perceive the relationship between your stress levels and academic performance?

*Have you noticed any impact of stress on your grades or academic achievements?

*Do you have strategies for managing stress related specifically to you academic workload?

8. Perception of College Support:

*How would you rate the support provided by your college/university in helping students manage

* Are there any specific resources or services you would like to see offered by your college/university
to support stress management?

9. Future Goals:

*Do you have any plans or goals related to stress management for the future?

* Are there any stress management techniques or strategies you would like to learn more about?

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