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lag sly g¢ ae The Republic of The Sudan Le gh gig aglall GL i ALIS BAYAN COLLEGE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CERTIFICATE Student No: 12-289689 Serial No: 18015 This is to certify that the Academic Council of Bayan College of Science and Technology has conferred on WALEED MOHAMED MERGHANI KHALID (Sudanese Nationality) the Degree of B.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering (Full Time) with an overall grade - Very Good on the 30" of September 2017, after having completed the approved course of study and passed the final examination. es \\ . Profess El Musharaf re Br foyistrar \ SSA, SP Sun Dr. Nisregit Beshir|Osman Beshir® soy, aes ctolatyy Gabe ide of issue: February 5, 2018 Te aac lage ncia eo ae trad The Since rleal wher sued ionped E-mail: Info@bayanteh edu - Tel. : 00249 183 742702 - 779842 - Fax : 00249 183 742700 - P.O.Box : 210 Khartoum - Sudan {we nePupuic OF THe SUDAN ve < SS RSE FEB w2t op Ke The Republic of The Sudan Le ot pitty aglall GL yu) AS BAYAN COLLEGE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT was enrolled in a B.Sc, degree (Honours) in Biomedical Engineering, (Full Time) at Bayan College of Science & Technology between Ocv/2012 ~ Oct/2017. He received his degree after attending the prescribed courses and passing all examinations. t of subjects he covered and the standards achieved therein: ‘The following Arabic Language I [2] English Langua Computer Fundar Calealus (3) Algebra & Geometey (3 ‘General Physics [4] General Chemistry [1 SGPA |2.94/4.001 conitatarittestnirine “English Language I [2] Structured programming Using C [3] Differential Esunions [3] ‘Complex Variables [3] Anatomy Physiology 13] ‘Biomedical Probability & Statistics] EY Digital Cirewits (3) N | Eletrore Circus 113] 2 ae D a me Osman, a Islamic Studies I (2) ‘Arahie Language Il [2] English Language I [2] physies [4] Caleutus (3) Enginesting Drawing 13] Mechanics [2] Blecirie Circuit 3] COMET Material Science [2] Cell & Moleculesf3] Semiconductors Electronic Devices|3} Mathematical — ‘Numerical Methods(3) Electronic eitcut Il Digital Circuits Desion I [3] Signals & Sysiems [2] Electrical mackines [2] | Biomechanies(3] Workshop Technology/2] E-mail: - Tel. : 00249 183 742702 - 779842 - Fax : 00249 183 742700 - P.O.Box : 210 Khartoum - Sudan . ‘af ve ni WITHOUT RESPOTHSIBILITY FOR CONTENTS Microprocessors & Assembly language[3] Consol Syscem[3] Biomedical Signal Analysis[3] Power Elecironies|3} Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation [3] Medical Sensor{3] Diagnostic imaging [3] Physiological monitoring & Data Analysis[3] Medical Ultrasoune3] Rehabilitation EngineeringL3} Optoelectronics & Laser in medicine [3] ‘Neural network & Artftia! Intelligence[3] Industrial Management] Biomedical Training WIS} [Final GPA [2.85400 Grade | Very Good te Abdalla Osman Elsamani Fiegistar Date of ose: February 5, 2018 } THe REPUBLIC OF THE SUDA sti WE nan eens a Daignostis imaging M[3] Ingerfacing Biomesicai[3] Biomedical Instrumentation{3} Engineering Eeovomies[2] | Introduction To Telecemaunication[3) Medical Image Provessing[3} Biomedical Training | [3] Semester Ten SUD MERPAU Hospital Eng neerngf3} Qualy Conroe Safery12] Radiothespy [3] Selected Tope in biomedical] 5/2 x ©, Fa ee ee! emia | ence one Daya A Excellent, 80-100 ro Authorized Absence 3 [Lievens [70-79 uv Undine @iliasead a] Fain mend or ee ncaa | oooeaEa o Pass 50-59 | 7 Fe Failure after behavioral | misconduct HXAKKKXIOK = Lal 221 [pevenr | ovemco0n oecnoo00n enaco0e | vemnn000 (Gia [err Grose Reimt reage | CEPA [ Cunulave Grate Pam erage | SH ter Grade Point Average ba February 15, 2021 Experience Certificates To Whom It May Concern We Radmed Medical Company hereby certify that: Eng. Waleed Mohamed Merghani Khalid has been working in the company from January 01, 2014 to February 15, 2021. During which he had occupied different positions as it mentioned below: - Service Engineer from January 01, 2014 To February 28, 2018 - Head of Service Department from March 01, 2018 To October 12, 2019 - Then he has been promoted to be responsible of Head of Sales & Marketing Department from October 13, 2019 To February 15, 2021. During his stay he was practically efficient and showed great ability to manage his team, and demonstrated genuine characteristics in areas such as teamwork, quick learning, good behavior and gesture, thus resulted in receiving full respect from his direct manger, general manager and colleagues This certificate was issued in accordance to his request. Nesta ten Sree neu Sidon | Wbasmageocon {rao 155.774 901 +289 185.774811 & Drager Certificate Waleed Mohamed Merghani Participated in the following Training between 23. March — 25. March 2014 “Infrastructure Projects Sales Training” Following contents were conveyed: + Introduction of the products Agila, Movita, Forta, Ponta, Gemina, Linea, OR- and Examination Lights + AS configuration and calculation using 3D-Tool = Workplace design of ICU, NICU and OR: Introduction to Gas Management Systems (product overview, design guidelines) _& wer \ TamorFalmy, Thomas Vagos, 25. March 2014 Driiger. Technology for Life® Drager e Certificate Drager Academy ‘Wied ietos Covey ket Knowled ige for real life Mr. Waleed Mohammed Mergani Khalid took part in @ Technical Training Babylog 8000 plus and has been insiructed in standard procedure, service, maintenance and repair of the following devices covering below content: Babylog 8000 plus * Basics of neonatal ventiiation * Overview standard and options features * Ventilation modes * Hands on and practice ventilation modes + Pneumatic block diagram * Dismantling and assembly pneumatic components * Electronic block diagram * Dismantling and assembly electronic parts * Service mode = PML The course was iw in Dubai from April 1f, 2017 to April 13, 2017 Dragerwerk “t ' KGaA = INN ° Essem Ibrahim Eldesouki Drager. Technology for Life* Drager Certificate Drager Academy fel uascetey Knowledge for real life Mr. Waleed Mohammed Mergani Khalid took part in @ Technical Training Oxylog Family and hes been instructed in standard procedure, sawice, maintenance and repair of the folowing devices covering below content: aylog Family (Qxylog 2000 plus, Oxylog 3000 plus, Oxylog 2000) + Basics of ventilation and ventilation modes * Overview Oxylog ‘amily and differences * Pneumatic block diagram * Dismanting and assembly of system parts * Electranic block dlagram * Customer service mode * Extended service mode sHIT SW * SW download “PML ‘The course was conducted in Dubal fram April 9, 2017 to April 10, 2017 . Dragerwerk AG & Co. KG2A Essam lbrahim Eldesouki Dréiger. Technology for Life® Drager sme ete Coney Certificate Drager Academy us Knowledge for real life Waleed Mohamed Merghani Khalid Successfully Participated in a reining course for Drager equipment and has been instructed in operetion, service and maintenance of the following devices: Evita family technical training The following subjects were taught: © Basics of ventistion and ventilation modes © Preumatic block diagram © Dismantling and assembly of pneumatic components © Electronic block diagram # Dismantling and assembly of electronic components, © Service mode © Software download PML ‘The course was conducted in Dubai from 24” - 97" April 2016 This certificate is only valid es long as the participant is employed at a Drager company or at a licensed distributor. Dracgorwerk AG & Co. KGaA Branch Office Dubai Healthcare City we Essam Eldesouki Drager. Technology for Life® Drager Certificate Drager Academy ies ata Knowledge for real life Mr. Waleed Mohammed Mergani Khalid ‘took part in @ Technical Training Oxylog Family and has been instructed in standard procedure, service, maintenance and repair of the following devices covering below content Osylog Family (Oxylog 2000 plus, Oxylog 3000 plus, Oxylog 3000) * Basics of ventilation and ventilation modes * Overview Oxylog family and differences + Pheumatic black diagram * Dismantling and assembly of system parts, * Electroni¢ block diagram * Customer service made + Extended service mode sHITSWw * SW download + 1PML ‘The course was conducted in Dubai from April 9, 2017 to April 10, 2017 Dragerwerk AG \ Co. KGeA on \ \\ ’ Essam lorehim Eldesouki Drager. Technology for Life® Drager Certificate Drager Academy eae este Mr. Waleed Mohammed Mergani Khalid took part in a Technical Training Babylog 8000 plus and has been instructed in standard procedure, service, maintenance and repair of the folowing devices covering below content: Babylog 8000 plus * Basics of neonatal ventilation '* Overview standard and options features + Ventilation mades ‘+ Hands on and practice ventilation modes + Pneumatic block diagram * Dismantling and assembly pneumatic components, * Electronic black diagram ‘Dismantling and assembly electronic parts * Service mode PML ‘The course was conducted in Dubai from April 1, 2017 to April 13, 2017 Dragerwerk AG alo. KGeA Academy A” ‘ INN Essam lorahim Eldesouki Driiger. Technology for Life® Drager Certificate Drager Academy evita Knowledge for real life Waleed Mohamed Merghani Khalid Successfully Participated in @ trzining course for Drager equipment and has been instructed in operation, service and maintenance of the following devices: Technical training Savina Family “The following subjects were taught Basics of ventilation ‘Ventilation modes Intend of use Pneumatic block diegram Dismantling and assembly of pneumatic parts Electronic block diagram Dismantling and assembly of electronic parts © Service mode * Software download e IPML ‘The course was conducted in Dubai from 19” - 21" April, 2016 This certficate is only valid es long as the paticipant is employed at a Drager company or at a licensed distributor. Branch Pifice Dubai Healthcare City Fepsle Essa Eldesouk’ fe AG & Co. KGa Drager, Technology for | Drager Academy Certificate Mr. Waleed Mohammed Merghani Khalid Successfully participated in e taining course for Drager equipment Resuscitaire RW82 ‘The following subjecis were taught: (in accordance with course description WWDCHTI7EN-0916) + Resuscitaire Raciant Warmer RWE2, WBRS2, WMRWE2 + Features of the unit * Operation of the unit * Ability to classify errors (operator errors and device feulls) * Repsirs, settings and calibration at component level * Inspection based on Test Report (IPM-L) + Updating software * Connectivity ‘The course was conducted in Labeck from 13.11.2019 to 14.11.2019 ‘The training course included theoretical and practical instructions. The participant was given the opportunity to learn the scecifc knowledge and handling, which are necessary to full the service at the aforementioned devices aecording to the internal Drager documentation independently and on his own respansiaity, ‘This certificate is ony valid 2s long asthe participant is employed at a Dréger compeny or eta lensed distributer. Dragerwerk AG & Co, KGaA Global Acacemy WSe, Demis Kure Driiger. Technology for Life® Drager Academy Certificate Frcarered Mr. Waleed Mohammed Merghani Khalid Successfully participated in a training course for Drager equipment |solette C2000/ 8000 family The following subjects were taught (in accordance with course descriation WWDCHT2GEN 0916) * Ieolette C2000, C2000e, 8000, 8000+ + Features of the unit * Operation of the unit * Ability to classify orrors (operator errors and device faults) + Repairs, setings and calibration at component level * Inspection based on Test Report (IPM-L) * Updating software * Connectivity ‘The course was conducted in Labeck from 11.11.2019 to 12.11.2019 The training course included theoretical and practical instructions. The participant wes given the opportunity {o learn the specific knowledge and handling, which are necessary to fulfil the service at the aforementioned devices according to the internal Drager documentation independently and on his own responsibilty This ceifiesteis only valid os long s the parizpartis employed al a Driger company rat censed distributor Dragenwerk AG & Co. KGaA Global Academy C7 MSc, Demis Kurze Driiger. Technology for Life® Drager Academy Certificate Eto tp Mr. Waleed Mohammed Merghani Khalid ‘Successfully participated in training course for Drager equipment TI600 ‘The following subjects were taught: (in accordance with course description WWOCHT24EN-0916}: «Features of the unit * Operation af the unit * Ability to classify ercors (operetor errors and device faults) + Repairs, settings and calibration at component level * Inspection based on Test Report (IPM-L) ‘The course was conducted in Libeck on 14.11.2019. The training course included theoretical and practical instructions. The participant was given the opportunity +0 |earn the specific knowledge anc handling, which are necessary to ull the service at the aforementioned devices according to the internal Drager dacumentatian independently and cn his own responsiblity. “This certticate is only valid as long as the partcipant is employed st « Driger company or ata licensed distributor. Dragerwerk AG & Co. KGaA Global Academy Driiger. Technology for Life® RADMED MEDICAL COMPANY.LTD RaCMed September 22, 2012 Training Certificate ‘This is to certify that: Mr, Waleed Mohammed Mergani Khalid Has successfully completed a concentrated training in our technical department from June 12-2012 to September 22-2012, on operation, maintenance and calibrations different types of TOSHIBA Equipments. Eng. Ibrahim Kfatim Mc Eng. utd aanel dal. General Manager Service Manager “A Fa 4984 TOSHIBA The Republic of The Sudan a Ce . Wuhan for Science C Technology ( T-International _ == Training Center Registration Certificate No. (69137) Licence No. (0156) Certificate of Training Course on: Line frequency X-Ray System (From April 26 to May 5 2014) This is to certify that: WALEED MOHAMED MERGHANI KHALID Has successfully completed a concentrated course (20 hours) on: Xray tube feature & Characteristics, Filament effect in x-ray output, Fligh voltage type (KV) ce» its effect in X-ray output, Autotransformer, High voltage circuit, Filament Circuit, Rotor circuit, Interlocks, Calibration, Accessories. ¢» Options &> Installation principles of Line frequency X-Ray System. Dr. Magdi Baker M. Amien Eng. Amin A. S. Haboura General Manager Course Coordinator ae Signed . Certificate No. (1405-08) May 5 2014 Wuhan for Science & Sudanese ‘raining Centre } Yechnology !raining & for Nedical Devises Centté technology Certificate of Training Course on: Line frequency X-Ray System (From April 26 to May 5 2014) This is to certify that: WALEED MOHAMED MERGHANI KHALID Has successfully completed a concentrated course on: Xray tube feature &* Characteristics, Filament effect in x-ray output, High voltage type (KV) & its effect in X-ray output, Autotransformer, High voltage circuit, Filament Circuit, Rotor circuit, Interlocks, Calibration, Accessories. €* Options €» Installation principles of Line frequency X-Ray System. Dr. Magdi Baker M. Amien Eng. Almaleeh Bashir Ali Wuhan dp STCMDT General Manager May, 2014 ‘Sudan - Khartoum - Al-baladia st. - Altabaldi Building - 3"° floor, Email: info@ The Republic of The Sudan 36 Ge Wuhan for Science € Technology é YW eal) Training Center Licence No. (0156) Registration Certificate No. (69137) Certificate of Training Course Technical Support and Operation of Anesthesia Machines From: Apr 18 to Apr 23 2015 This is to certify that WALEED MOHAMED MERGHANI KHALID Has successfully completed a concentrated short course (15 hours) on: Terminology, Physiology of the Lungs, Human Fundamentals of Anesthesia, Setting patient parameters, ¢» Alert handling, Machine Components, Operation | Pneumatic Circuit Hands-on ¢» Technical Layout. Course Instructors: Eng. Mayada eee Satti Eng. Mazin Iz} 4, c kee | siete good 9h General Manager: Dr. Magdi Baker M. Amien Certificate No. (1504-13) April 25 2015 } The Republic of The Sudan * ‘4 Ce. Wahan for Science C Technology | HIS T-International . Training Center Licence No. (0156) Certificate of Training Course on: Technical Support and Operation of Ventilators Machines From: Mar 28 to Apr 4 2015 Registration Certificate No. (69137) This is to certify that WALEED MOHAMED MERGHANI KHALID Has successfully completed a concentrated short course (20 hours) on: | Introduction and Terminology, Human Physiology of the Lung, Setting Patient Parameters, Operation and Modes of Ventilation, Machine Component and Principle of Operation, Pneumatic Circuit, Technical layout, Pneumatic € Technical Tracing Hands-On. Course Instructors: Eng. Mazin lala — Eng. Mayada Tag Aldine Satti dae a Signed . Md: a General Manager: Dr. Magdi Baker M. Amien Certificate No. (1503-02) April 5.2015 ordrng ‘ational Center For Kidney Diseases $ ISN Mort yarg ald yap! JS! Kosti Renal Diatysis Center \ ) AN Said cpiuagS 3S yo Tel “ait 22012/2/29 sg 13 otal y bast by HB Ge ye ame aly 2 Oh gh S AI ae 5S yap al 5 J. sgt Chae) gle LGD Gnd iy -2012/2/29 ie 2011/5/1 oe Kod ays eh ae BS5« (Gambro) jul A4SLA le gg asl) Juatll Leola) Sua 5 Jeni » dapniall y Gueall i glull they a, Le Sol gd oh ky pipe Nasil’\ Medical reba) aed Nasif Factory for Manufacturing tS pg Reta ol Rie & Assembling Medical Equipment = tla) Gina 9 pager Jumhouriya St.~-East Arabic language Complex \Nasif Ra AL) pee BS. Rspentl L Tel. 83768967 Fax: +249 183 768966 APVIASTT Cuil APVIARY Giga icakom E-mail: suliman@nasitmedical.coy 2012/4 225 cet AS Jd An las SgLahall Atwell pad — uy ply Ulpueld Syhll Gols 4S 48 al gat pe 8 G8 Liga as EMR IB us wae aly teal ob — pi aby AS pills Rplall § jpn 00 alas le 22012/04/30 cll 2012/04/08 gle gle Gli Salg tll ohn yy pat @sumapzu == AATOM GINA — FUJEFILM: sv. setecta s.a.

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