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HEN MATRICES ( Matrices } Asetof mn numbers (real or complex) arranged in the form of a rectangular array having ‘m’ rows and ‘n’ columns is called an m xn matrix. Itis usually written as Its represented as A = [ay]... The numbers ayy, jy, ec. are called elements of the matrix. The clement ay belong to 7 row and j* column. Bad eg: A=|5 4 6 | isa3 x3 matrix 48 -12 Order of a Matrix + A matrix having m rows and n columns is called a matrix of order m x n or simply m x n matrix (read as an m by n matrix). + In general, an m x n matrix has the following rectangular array: a Am orA=[a,]. iilnxn 1 SiSm,1 n, 10 as eg: A=|2 4 35 Tanspose of a Matrix Amatrix obtained by interchanging rows and columns of a airix 4 is called transpose of A and is denoted by 4’ or AT. Note: IfA is an m x n matrix, then A’ is an n x m matrix. ee ee | 147 eg.A=14 5 6] ,thena’=|2 5 8 789 3 6 9 Properties of Transpose dy=4 Gi) A+By=4' +B Ai) (Kay = Kar (iv) (4B)'=B'A' (Necbra of Matrices ) Midition of Two Matrices zy odd ‘two matrices of same order m x n. Then their gg tt be the matrix of onder m x n obtained by Corresponding elements of A and B. setae =| by by ‘dp. [Pu Pa so) e7-[ oe) Sosa. [Bott ay te] Ay tdy ayy +Doy Say ly vation of Two Matrices 4 i : be two mxn matrices. Then the difference ism denoted by A - B and is defined by m By) A ~ B will also be an m * m matrix. In order to find A ~ B, the elements of B must be subtracted from the corresponding elements of A. 123 2-14 egsd= B= ebidetod 1-2 241 3-4) f-a3 oe Multiplication of Matrix by a Scalar ‘The product of a matrix A by a scalar k is a matrix whose cach clement is & times the corresponding elements of A a, b,c] [ka fb, Ae, mol 2 SEL 8, a) Properties of Matrices Addition IfA, B and Care Matrices of same order, then 1, A+B=B +A (Commutative Law) 2. (A+B) +C=A+(B +O) (Associative Law) 3. A+O=0+4A=A, where O is zero matrix which is additive identity of the matrix. 4. A+ (-A)=0=(-A)+A where (-A) is obtained by changing the sign of every element of A and is additive inverse of the Matrix A. A+B=A4C => B=C (Cancellation Law) Bra i) 6. t(A+B)=tr(A) +tr(B) Matrix Multiplication ‘The product of two matrices A and B is defined if the number of columns of A is equal to the number of rows of B. Let A= [a, ] be an m x n matrix and B = [by] be ann p matrix, Then the product of the matrices A and B is the matrix C of order mx p. To get the (i k)"* element c,, of the matrix C, we take the i row of A and k* column of B. multiply them elementwise and take the sum of all these products. In other words, if A= [alg vw B= Dg then the ow OF Ais [aya] and the k column of », wnena-a=[ Bis | |, then eg =aubu *8aba +aby ++ Ryda Labs ba ‘The matrit Properties of Matrix Multiplication If A, B and C are three matrices such that their product is defined , then 1, AB4BA — Generally not commutative) 2. (AB) C=A (BC) (Associative Law) 3. IA=A=Al Tis identity matrix for matrix multiplication = [ejJaepi8 the product of A and B ea 4, A(B+C)=AB+AC (Distributive Law) 5, If AB = AC => B + C_ (Cancellation Law is not applicable) 6, IfAB = 0. It does not mean that A= 0 or B = 0, again product of two non- zero matrix may be zero matrix. 7. to AB) = (BA) tion of two diagonal matrices is again a diagonal matrix. 2, The multiplication of two triangular matrices i triangular matrix. “The multiplication of two scalar matrices is also a scalar gain a matrix. 4, IfAand B are two matrices of the same order, then (a) (A+B =A? +B? +AB+BA (b) (A-B)= A? +B?-AB-BA. (© (A-B)(A+B)=A?—B?+AB-BA (@ (A+B) (A-B)=A?—B?-AB+BA (©) ACB)=(-A)B=—(AB) Properties of Scalar Multiplication If A, B are Matrices of the same order and A, yt are any two scalars then - 1, MA+B)=2A+2B 2. GW) A=RA+ BA 3. AWA) = Qn) A= HOA) O.A)= ACA) kt(A) Symmetric and Skew Symmetric Matrices + Symmetric Matrix: A square matrix A = [aj] is said to be symmetric if A= A’ for all possible values of i and j. + Skew Symmetric Matrix: A square matrix said to be skew symmetric matrix if A’ = ~ A, i.e, a = -a, forall possible values of i and j. Now, if we put aj, =0 for all i's. 2, a, ay, Therefore 2a,=0 or + This means that all the diagonal elements of a skew symmetric matrix are zero, + Theorem 1: For any square matrix A with real number entries, A + A’ is a symmetric matrix and A — A’ is a skew symmetric matrix. + Theorem 2: Any square matrix can be expressed as the sum ofa symmetric and a skew symmetric matrix. (AtA)HZA-A) A qt CUET 2022-24 1 vere 4(a +. ea symmetie matic and L(A isa skew symmetric matrix. ‘Elementary Operation | (Transformation) of a Matrix ‘There are six operation (transformations) on a matrix, three of which are due to rows and three due to columns, which are known as elementary operations or transformations. + The interchange of any two rows or two columns Symbolically, the interchange of i and j* rows is denoted by R, <> R, and interchange of i and js columns is denoted by C, <> C;- + Themultiplication of the elements of any row or column by anon zero number. Symbolically, the multiplication of each element of the i row by k, where k #0 is denoted by R, ~> KR, and the corresponding column operation is denoted by C, ->C, + The addition to the elements of any row or column with the corresponding elements of any other row or column by any non zero number. ‘Symbolically, the addition to the elements of i® ro, the corresponding elements of j row with multiplied by kis denoted by R, > R;+ KR; and the corresponding column operation is denoted by C; -> C, +kC ( invertible Matrices } + Inverse of a matrix: IfA is a square matrix of orderm and if there exists another square matrix B of the same order m, such that AB = BA = I, then B is called the inverse matrix of A and it is denoted by A~. In this ex Ais said to be invertible. Note: + Arrectangular matrix does not possess inverse mattis | since for products BA and AB to be defined and 10 | equal, it is necessary that matrices A and B should & | ‘square matrices of the same order. q + IfBis the inverse of A, then A is also the inverse of | Inverse of Matrix by Elementary Operations | + ICA is a matrix such that A“ exists, then to fi | using elementary row operations, write A = 1A *| apply a sequence of row operation on A = IA till wes BA. The matrix B will be the inverse of A. + Similarly, if we wish to find A-! using coluit | ‘operations then, write A = Al and apply a sequet®e® column operations on A = All till we get, | = AB: ™ matrix B will be the inverse of A. Note: In case, after applying one or more elementary ™ (column) operations on A= 1A (A= AD) if we ®% all zeros in one or more rows of the matrix A on L#* then A“! does not exist. atices ¢ TOPIC-WISE QUESTIONS Algebra of Matrices stat oI? 1, Matrix (12]| 5° 5 ]/ 5] isequal to (a) [122] () [23] (©) (22) (@ None of these 2 ao-[3 ‘] sosra-se-[ > | eager : o> [tematic Bis equal to 4 5 ae 2-1 Os a aita=[% ©] anaB=|) °), then vate ofa . ist 3 [1 them value of a for which A? = B is @1 ®4 Oi @ No real values of 3 2 4, IU=[2-34], V=|2],X=[023] and Y= | 2], then UV+XY= i 4 @ 20 ® £20) © -20 @ (20) io o-[) J]. ethos oa ® [: ‘] oi @ [0 dl 6 Ita= [i iq then AM is: @ a 7 Oy B ‘] © [i nil (@ None of these h ° 3 a 0 10 Wa=|) j[andB=| 5 | such that A?=B then ais: @! @®- oO4 (@ None of these ah gi{x ‘The order of [xyz]|h b f|}y]is gf cllz (@ 3x3 (6) 1*3 (9 3x1 @ 1x1 2) OE 7 Dette 1 1 121 x 14x 7x 0 1 0 | equal an identity matrix is: x -4x 2x 1 1 Os OFZ 1 1 © 3 @ 2 IfA and B are square matrices of the same order, then (A+B) (A~B) is equal to (@ A?-BA-AB -B? () A?-B? (0) A?-B?+BA-AB (@) AP-BA+B?+AB 2-13 ae |. A=| B=|4 -2 uta-[ side — (@) only AB is defined (®) only BA is defined (c) AB and BA both are defined (@) ABand BA both are not defined. Total number of possible matrices of order 3 * 3 with each entry 2 of 0 is (@ 27 () 9 © 8 @ 512 1 ey 4x)_[7 79-19) then the value of Sx-7 4x] "Ly x+6 x+Y, @7 @s ©s @9 3 nrespectively and m =n, then the order of SA—2B is @ mx3 (383 (c) mxn (d 3x0 01 15. IfA= ( ic) At is equal to__ 10 10 01 of) fy 10 0 © [i Hl @ [° i = ' eT 2 16, Ifmatrix A= [aj],.9, Where aj, ff it ian is equal to @1 (6) 2A © @o 17. If Ais matrix of order m * n and B is a matrix such that AB' and B’ A are both defined, then order of matrix B is (@ nxn (6) mxm (© nxm @ mxn 18. If A is a square matrix such that A? = I, then (A=? + (A+1)°~7A is equal to @A (I-A © 1+a (@ 3A 19. For any two matrices A and B, we have (@) ABBA (®) AB=BA (©) AB=0 (@) None of these 1 0 20. If [x Hf ei oF then x equals @o (6) -2 @-1 (2 2 2 21. If A=[2-34], B=|2|, x=[123] and ¥=|3], 2 4 then AB + XY equals (@ (28) ®) Pa] (©) 28 (4 22, Suppose P and Q are two different matrices of order 3 x nandn x p, then the order of the matrix P x Q is? @ 3xp () px3 (0) nxn (a) 3%3 23, A= [2j)q 9 i8 @ square matrix, if (a) m>n (b) m=(x1) 20 ol 12 10 Dt 00 - on a -x 0 x 14x 1 x 1 01 1 1 3/2 0 Tx 0 2x 1 2) 2 4 [: + (023) ]2 10. (©) ML. 12. 13. (6) 14. @) 15. (0) 16. (a) 17. (@) 18. (a) CUET 202294 Snot 0) loo =}o 1 of=lo10 Oo1 (A+B) (A- B) = A(A -B) + B(A -B) ~ Pay +BA-B? _ Let A= [aj] B= [bils.a: Both AB and ga = defined. Total number of possible matrices of with each entry 2 oF 0 is 2” ie., 512, We have, 4x=x+6=>x=2 And 4x = Ty — 13 => 8= Ty -13 = Ty=2=>y=3 oxty=24355 A matrix of order 3 x m B matrix of order 3 x n Itis also given that m =n Then the order of the matrix 5A ~2B will be sang So order 5A~ 2B is 3 xn. Wehave,A=|° 1 ay ° jehave,A=| 0 1Yf0 1 PAA Hence A?=A.A li alt al —[Ox0+1x1 Ox141x0 1x0+0x1 1x1+0x0 (1 a0 a a-[z ea An ay tay: 0a) 2 1 “lod eb He Hence A? =] order 3 x 5 AB' is defined ‘only when order of B' is 0 ** BY Ais defined only when order of B' is n* ™i** x=m “+ Order of matrix B ismxn Given A? = (A-D3 + (A+ 74, Beas AD} + (Ad + +p e3anasde™ =2A3+6AR— matrices 19. @) 2. @) nu. @ 2 @) BO 4. 0) Because, For any two matrices A and B we may have AB = BA, AB BA and AB = 0 but itis not always true, We, need more information for these things to verify, like values of matrices A and B. 10 ix af Hl =100) = [x-2 0] = (0 0] =x-2=0 [By def. of equality] axe? 3 Given, A= [2-34], B=) 2}, 2 2 X=[123]} ¥=|3 4 3 2 AB+XY =[2-3 4] 2}+[123]]3 2 4 =6+8]+[2+6+ 12] =[8]+ 20) = [28] Pls ca* [Up xp- Roop Itis known that a given matrix is said to be a square ‘matrix ifthe number of rows is equal to the number of columns. Therefore, A=[a, ila iS @ square matrix, ifm =n. Itis given that les, 5 0 y-2 yet 2-3x]"[8 4 Equating the corresponding elements, we get 3x+7=0 oat, 3 " We find that on comparing the corresponding Clements ofthe two matrices, we get two different Values of x, which is not possible. Henee, it is not 28. (d) 26. (a) 27. (b) 28. (d) 29. (c) 30. (a) 31. (@) ea possible to find the values of x and y for which the given matrices are equal. ‘The given matrix of the order 3 * 3 has 9 elements, and each of these elements can be either 0 or | Now, each of the 6 elements can be filled in two possible ways. Therefore, by the multiplication principle, the required number of possible matrices is 2° = 512. Matrices P and Y are of the orders p * k and 3 * k, respectively. Therefore, matrix PY will be defined if k = 3. Consequently, PY will be of the order pk. Matrices W and ¥ are of the orders n * 3 and 3 x k respectively. Since the number of columns in W is equal t6 the numbers of rows in Y, matrix WY is well-defined and is of the order n * k. Matrices PY and WY can be added only when their orders are the same. However, PY is of the order p * k and WY is of the order n * k. Therefore, we must have p = n. Thus, k=3 and p =n are the restrictions on n, k, and p so that PY + WY will be defined. Matrix X is of the order 2 x n. Therefore, matrix 7X is also of the same order. Matrix Z is of the order 2xp, ie.,2 xn [Since n= p] Therefore, matrix 5Z is also of the same order, Now, both the matrices 7X and SZ are of the order 2 n. Thus, matrix TX ~5Z is well-defined and is of the order 2 * n We have, -[% 7°) ana pa=[* 28 3a 4b, 3a 4b. Clearly, AB =BA only when a=. io meee Clearly, A is the diagonal matrix. Therefore, A‘* is also a diagonal matrix such that wf ohh] zi [2 Hl i eat=landati=4 Clearly, these two equations are inconsistent. Hence, there is no value of a satisfying, AP=B. ua 32, (c) We have, E (a) E(B) cosa sina (et sin eee cosa }|-sinB cos. cos(a+B) sina BY] [ (a+p) eal E(atp) 33. (0) Wehave, AB cos? cosasina =| cosasina —sin?a et cosBsinf LeosBsinB — sin?p cosacosBeosaf) cosasinBos(ap)] _ Speen see ° => cos (a-B)=0 = a—Bis an odd multiple of = 34. (©) Wehave, [othefe 3) fb |] [+ AB=C=B=A"Ic] 1 -3y1 aya 4 =A4=10 1 flo -f"lo = 35. (a) We know that, if A= [a] isa square matrix of order nxn, then way= Da 1 tA=|0 7 9) u(ay=14+7410=18 8 10 36. (c) Since diagonal elements of a skew-symmetric matrix are all zeros i.e a, = 0 for all i, sA=t(A)= Day =0 37. (a) 38. (6) Itis given that 1ajfid 7. ae =|? 7]e2a ewe iI i i ‘I = 1. A3=2(AA)=2A?=2(2A) Continuing in this manner, we have A"= 2°" A. CUET 202295 39. (b) We have, asye[! LIS Vs 5), ® She lis aslo s\Lis 20/75 okes 40. (d) Ina square matrix, the trace of Ais defined a hy sum of the diagonal elements. Hence, trace of A= a 41. (a) Wehave, (A+B) (A-B)=A?—AB+BA-B? 42, (a) We have, AB=I 12 xffl -2 y] fl oo =|0 1 oo 1 ol=|o 1 0 oo 1ff0 0 1} loon 10 x+y] [1 0 0 =|0 1 0 |=l0 10 oo 1} loo1 =x+y=0 43. (a) We have, aly] 0 : ii 1yo 1 fio 2*=l oli ol los DASA LL 44. (d) We have, - k 7] = 3 1a 3 Clearly forn=2, the matrices in options (a) (8).(0 do not tally with [5-8 23 45. (b) Since the given matrix is symmetric. + Aia=A)y x4 2=2x-35x=5, 46. (c) oO 1 2 02-4 47, ©) AT=|-1 0-3] ,2aT=|_2 9 6 253 0) 460 O12 2ATHA=|-1 0 3] =ar 2.3.0 atices “12 2 @ wetArk|2 1 2 22-1 Since A is orthogonal 2 AATHT 900 elo 9 of=r 009 2 9ei=1 1 kets eatie) cosa ~siner 9.0) Given wo a-[re ee (ee eh Sh fe calf 1] Equating corresponding entries, we have =>2cosa=1 1 = cosa=— 2 x = cosa =coss 3 50. (6) Wehave, AAT=91 12 271 2 a 900 2/2 1-2/2 1 2/=/0 9 0 a2 bll2 -2 v] lo 0 9 9 0 a+4+2b =| 0 9 2a+2-2b +4426 242-26 a? +4+b7 900 =]0 9 0 009 S8+4+2b=0,20+2-2b=Oandar+4+b7=9 Rl Mey ye ed aD. ‘Shave, AB=A and BA=B “B=pp 28 = Gay SBR) Ko — ih = B?=B(AB) =>B=BA [-AB=A) =>B=B [- BA=B] 52.) =A 4 2x-3]_[ 4 x42 x+2 x41] |2x-3 x41 2x#2= 2x3 5x55 rt 53. (c) Symmetric matrix = AA 203) [245 43 1|/+|0 37 Bs age de [esi 22-4 -|2.3 4 -44 2 54, (d) Clearly it is not a unit matrix (Identity matrix) or diagonal matrix. Also, its diagonal elements are not ‘same valued so itis not a scalar matrix. So, it only followed condition of square matrix, because itis of order 3 x3. 55. (a) (AB'- BAY) = (AB) - (BA') =(BA'-AB}) =-(AB'-BA’) 56, (a) We know that, in a square matrix number of nows are equal to the number of columns. 004 So, the matrix P= |0 4 0) isa square matrix. 400 So, the given matrix is a symmetric matrix. 0 -5 8 os 38 58. (c) A=|5 0 12],A'=|-5 0 12 -8 -12 0 8 12 0 Hence, A'=—-A ‘+. matrix A is skew symmetric matrix. 59, (a) We know that, in a square matrix number of rows is equal to the number of columns. So, the matrix. 004 0 4 0] isa square matrix. 400 60, (6) If A is both symmetric and skew-symmetric, then we have, A’=AandA'=-A SARA SAtA=0 => 2A=0 =>A=0 Therefore, A is a zero matrix. 0 61. (b) oneoee So, the given matrix is a symmetric matrix. Since, in a square matrix A, if A' = A, then A is called symmetric matrix,] We have, 10 oyf1 0 0 1 ofo1 0 ab -t}la b - 62. (b) 100 =|0 10 oo1 =a unit matrix 63. (a) We have, 2 =| =| —sin2@ cos26 *. A? = 1 => cos26 = | and sin20 = 0 => = 0. 64. (b) We have, ‘HP a= G-iP =-i-jP =-a, Ais a skew-symmetric matrix. 65. (d) All leading diagonal elements of a skew symmetric are zero. So, to form a skew-symmetric matrix A= [a,] of order n * n, we need to know the elements a, for i C-2C,, we get, 1 -3-2]_[1 -1][3. 1-6 [; ahh iE ai 1-s]_fi -13 -s E als ile ‘ ince, on using elementary column operation on x = AB, we apply these operations simultaneously on X and on the second matrix B of the product AB on RHS. aaa 220 mene E Flo li ‘] Using elementary row operation, R ~> R, ~3R, 4-9 2-9] [1-0 2-9][2 0 [Pee Th 5-7) [1 -7][2 ‘| =/ 3 Mo a 1 Since, on using elementary row operation on X= AB, we apply these operations simultaneously on X and on the first matrix (can be used on any one) A of the product AB on RHS. ‘We know that ifA is a square matrix of order m, and if there exists another square matrix B of the same order m, such a that AB = BA =I, then B is sadto be the inverse of A. In this case, it is clear that A is the inverse of B ‘Thus, matrices A and B will be the inverse of ech other only if AB = BA= We have, 5 BBT=(AAT(ATATT = AMAN (AAD) =(ATATA(AS) SAMARIA SA UAAT( AT [ATA= AAT (given) and (A-)T = (A?!) = (ATAYATATYY = = 1 We have, METS A(AY = 15 A" We have, AB =1 =Bt=AandAt=B => BA=BBt=1 We have, AWA+2=0 =A-A?=21 Given that [ [e(anteal a Matrices 75. (a) Wehave, A-A+I=0 SA-AP=I = AU-A)=1 SAT=I-A 76. (b) Mis given that A is an orthogonal matrix. LAAT=I=ATA=3 Al = AT Rank Boosters L@ 2. @ 3.@ 4. (a) AI=IA=Ais truc. Hence Statement-II is true. Given A?= A, (I+A-3A= P+ 21A+A2-3A =I+2A+A-3A=1 Hence Statement-I is true. 5. (c) Ina scalar matrix the diagonal elements are equal and the non-diagonal elements are zero, Hence ‘Statement-I is fase. ‘Statement-I is true since the diagonal elements are ‘equal and the non diagonal elements are zero. 6 (a) Fortwo matrices A and B, generally AB + BA. i.e., matrix multiplication is not commutative. ~. Statement-II is true (A+BP=(A+B)A+B) =A?+AB+BA+B? +A?+2AB +B? + Statement-I is true 7. (d) For two matrices A and B, even if both AB and BA are defined, generally AB + BA. (A+BYA-B)=A?—AB + BAB Since AB # BA, (A+ B)(A- B)#A?—B?, Hence Statement-I is true and Statement-lis false. § © (A~BP =A2-AB-BA+B? =A?~2AB +B? 9 (0) AB =. BA B=A1BA AB=BA ~BA=AB;BA=0 => AT exist (AtByo? (A+B) = A? (from above) C=(A+By1(A-B) S(A+B)C=(A+B) (A+B)! (A-B) S(A+B)C=(A—B) *CKA+B)C= (A+B) (A-BYWA-B)=A+B = AB=BA] ne a = 12. (6) C™A-B)C = (A+ BYA- By! (A~BYA+ BY (A-B) (A+B) (A+ BY(A~B) -B 13. (©) 14, (c) Fork=2 1-3 2 213 A=|2 2 5|,B=/4 2 4 421 335 411 16 2 12 AB=/27 21 39|,BA=|24 0 22 19 11 25 297 28 tr(AB)=-4 +21 +25=42 tr(BA) = 16 + 0+ 2 r(AB) + tr(BA) = 42 + 44 = 86, 1-4-1 15. () C=|-2 k-2 1 1a Given t(¢) = 0 =k-7=0 k=7 302 Ss 16. (0) C=|6 k+2 9]; tr(c)=0 7-5 6 Sk+=0 =k=-l1 2-6 4] [213 17, @ 2A-B=|4 2k 10/-|4 2 4 s 4 2) [335 132) [6 39 18, (c) A+3B=|2 k 5/+/12 6 12 42 1) [9 9 15 7 oo W 7 16

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