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10. Ash MM, Ramjford SP. An introduction to functional occlusion. Reprint requests to:
Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1982;21-34. DR. JOSE Dos SANTOS, JR.
11. Lundeen HC, Shryock EF, Gibbs CH. An evaluation of mandib- UNIVERSW OF MICHIGAN
ular border movements: their character and significance. J SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY
PROSTHET DENT 1978;40:442-52. ANN ARBOR, MI 48109-1078
12. Hobo S, Shillingburg HT Jr, Whitsett LD. Articulator se-
lection for restorative dentistry. J PR~~THET DENT 1976;36:35-

Comparison of cast positions by using four

J. R. Goska, D.D.S.,* and L. V. Christensen, D.D.S.**
Marquette University, School of Dentistry, Milwaukee, Wis.

T he face-bow is commonly used for mounting maxil-

lary casts on articulators. Although different face-bow
configurations have been studied for accuracy and ability
to orient casts on the articulator,‘-4 three-dimensional
comparisons between casts mounted with various face-
bows have not been made. This study compared the
positions of maxillary right and left first molar teeth by
using four different face-bows (Hanau Kinematic Face-
bow, Hanau Facia-bow, Hanau 159 Earbow, Hanau
Twirl-bow, Teledyne Hanau, Buffalo, N.Y.).


Four face-bow transfers were performed on each of 10
dental students (5 women and 5 men in the age range of
22 to 28 years). All of the students were healthy with no
signs or symptoms from the mandibular locomotor
system. A maxillary cast was obtained from each subject Fig. 1. Contour meter for determining position of
from an irreversible hydrocolloid impression. All four maxillary right and left first molars along X, Y, and Z
face-bow recordings were made according to the manu- axes. Knobs X and Y control movements of mounting jig
along respective X and Y axes. Z dial measures position
facturer’s instructions, using a point 43 mm superior to of molars along Z axis. M, Mounted maxillary cast
the mesial corner of the incisal edge of the maxillary transferred to contour meter.
right central incisor as the third point of reference. Each
of the face-bow recordings was mounted on the same
Hanau H2 articulator (Teledyne Hanau). When all 40 movable jig allowed sliding measurements along the X
mountings were completed, minute points on the mesio- and Y axes. The Z axis was measured from a fixed point
buccal cusp tips of the maxillary first molar teeth were perpendicular to the plane of the X-Y axes. Use of the
marked on the maxillary casts. Each face-bow mounting contour meter was identical to that described by Ryge
and its respective maxillary cast was transferred to and and Fairhurst. The marked points on the maxillary first
fixed in a movable jig on the contour meter (Fig. l).’ The molars were recorded in the X-Y-Z coordinate system.
The kinematically determined hinge-axis mounting was
chosen as an arbitrary baseline.
*Assistant Professor, Department of Removable Prosthodontics. The variables, in millimeters, were deviations along
**Former Resident, Department of Removable Prosthodontics. the X, Y, and Z axes obtained by comparing the marked



Table I. Mean deviations (in millimeters) Table III. Summary of nested ANOVA of
from hinge-axis baseline, as measured in 10 Y-axis data
human subjects by three face-bows along X,
Source of
Y, and Z axes of maxillary right and left first variation SS DF MS F P
___- Total 605.07 59
Face-bow Among all 12.45 5
159-Bow Twirl-Bow Facia-Bow
Groups 6.36 2 3.18 1.57 >0.25
Axis f SD x SD f SD Subgroups 6.09 3 2.03 0.19 >0.25
Error 592.62 54 10.97
X axis
No. 3 I..62 1.01 2.56 2.71 2.19 1.60 For key to symbols see Table II.
No. 14 I. .59 1.16 2.65 2.74 2.10 1.40
Y axis:
No. 3 3.13 3.10 3.15 4.06 2.65 2.33 Table IV. Summary of nested ANOVA of
No. 14 3.67 3.22 4.04 3.96 3.01 2.87 Z-axis data
2 axis:
No. 3 4.01 2.16 3.82 1.29 1.61 0.80 Source of
No. 14 2.99 2.20 1.89 1.22 1.15 0.76 variation SS DF MS F P

No. 3 = Maxillary right first molar, No. 14 = maxillary left first Total 196.79 59
molar. Among all 72.08 5
Groups 47.25 2 23.63 2.85 >O.lO
Table II. Summary of nested ANOVA of Subgroups 24.83 3 8.28 3.58 <0.025
X-axis data Error 124.71 54 2.31

Source of For key to symbols see Table II.

variation SS DF MS F P

Total 205.91 59 (i6 < .OOl). ANOVA of Y-axis data is summarized in

Among all 10.17 5 Table III. The analysis showed no significant differ-
Groups 10.08 2 5.04 168 <O.OOl
ences pertaining to measurement sources or types of
Subgroups 0.09 3 0.03 0.01 >0.25 face-bows (p > .25). Table IV is a summary of ANOVA
Error 195.74 54 3.62 of Z-axis data. Measurement sources, right and left
maxillary first molars, significantly affected deviations
SS = Sum of squares; DF = degrees of freedom; MS = mean square;
F =f-ratio; P = significance level.
from the hinge-axis baseline (p < .025); however, no
significant difference was found in deviations from the
baseline related to the three different face-bows
teeth on the cast mounted with the kinematic face-bow cp > .lO).
with those same marks when the cast was mounted with
each of the other three face-bows. Each deviation was DISCUSSION
derived from two different sources, the markings on the For the comparison between the three different face-
right and left maxillary first molars. Nested, or hierar- bows, a kinematically determined hinge-axis baseline
chical, analyses of variance (ANOVA) were applied, and was chosen arbitrarily. Although it is not a naturally
all significance levels equal to or below the 0.05 level occurring axis, it is widely used as a reference axis for
were accepted as significant (ia 5.05). mounting of casts on an articulator.6s7
Table I shows that deviations between the hinge-axis
RESULTS baseline and the three face-bow mountings along the X,
Table I lists mean deviations from the hinge-axis Y, and Z axes range from approximately 1.5 to 4 mm.
baseline as measured at the two different sources and by The deviations show no consistency as a result of using a
the three different face-bow mountings. Table II is a particular face-bow. In regard to earpiece face-bows this
summary of the ANOVA of data pertaining to the X might have been the result of naturally occurring varia-
axis. No significant difference was found among mea- tions in ear anatomy, whereas the earpieces of the
surement sources, right and left maxillary first molars, individual bows are uniform in size and shape. In
affecting deviations from the baseline (p > .25), but a addition, the Facia-bow device uses a standardized skin
significant difference was found in deviations from the point as the rotational axis, and a “true” axis is not
baseline related to the three different face-bows determined. These factors may contribute to the widely



scattered deviations from the hinge-axis baseline. No REFERENCES

face-bow appeared to be superior to another (Tables II 1. Logan JG. Indispensability of the face-bow and the effect of a
through IV). short radius in full and partial denture construction. Dent Dig
SUMMARY 2. McCollum BB. Fundamentals involved in prescribing restorative
dental remedies. Dent Items Interest 1939;61:522-35.
The positions that the maxillary right and left first 3. Teteruck WR, Lundeen HC. The accuracy of an ear face-bow. J
molars occupy when a maxillary cast is mounted in the PROSTHET DENT 1966;16:1039-46.
three-dimensional space of a semiadjustable articulator 4. Palik JF, Nelson DR, White JT. Accuracy of an earpiece
(Hanau H2) were studied. Mountings were made by face-bow. J PR~~THETDENT 1985;53:800-4.
5. Ryge G, Fairhurst CW. The contour meter: an apparatus for
using four face-bows, the Hanau Kinematic Face-bow, comparison of mucosal surface contour of impressions, models,
the Hanau Facia-bow, the Hanau 159 Earpiece Face- and dentures.J PR~~THETDENT 1959;9:6?6-82.
bow, and the Hanau Twirl Earpiece Face-bow. A 6. Christensen LV, Slabbert JCG. The concept of the sagittal
kinematically determined hinge-axis was used arbitrari- condylar guidance: biological fact or fallacy? J Oral Rehabil
ly as the baseline for comparisons among the three other
7. Mohamed SE, Christensen LV. Mandibular reference positions.
bows. Deviations from the baseline were measured along J Oral Rehabil 1985;12:355-67.
the X, Y, and Z axes by using a contour meter (Fig. 1).
The deviations showed great variability (Table I), and
because maxillary casts are mounted in relation to Reprint requests to:
anatomic landmarks that differ from subject to subject, it DR.JOHN R.GOSA
was not possible to establish clinical superiority of one 831 W. GOLFRD.
face-bow over another. LIBERTYVILLE,IL60048


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