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Dear students, pfa commonly asked questions in HR/MR round of

the interivew. These questions are not necessarily just for

TCS. They are applicable for any company' interview.

Assume that a student named Amit is giving the interview. Listed below are some of the
common questions asked NOT ONLY IN TCS, BUT IN ANY OTHER COMPANY: (Most of
thequestions have been compiled from different web-sites)

1. Amit, what is the meaning of your name?

2. Introduce Amit to us or Tell us something about you Amit.
3. Are you ready to relocate yourself after being selected in TCS?
4. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
5. Why did you join MCA after BCA?
6. [If your graduation is non IT then] Amit, why did you leave Commerce/Science/B.Sc. Branch and
join MCA?
7. [for girls] Will you be able to continue your job in TCS after you get married?
8. Suppose you are getting a better offer in some other company after you join TCS. What will you
9. Suppose you are not comfortable with some colleague of yours. What will you do?
10. Why should we select you?
11. Suppose if you are not selected. Then?
12. Who founded TCS?
13. Tell me something about SVIT and MCA Dept. (Eg. when did your college start, when did your
department start, what is the name of your HOD, what is the name of your Principal)
14. Do you have any questions/query for us? (Normally this question is asked at the end of the
15. What do you know about TCS?
16. What is the tag line (Slogan) of TCS? (Experience Certainty)
17. Who is considered as the father of Indian Software Industry? Was that person associated with
18. What is NASSCOM? What is its function?
19. Who is the founder of Microsoft? Google? Infosys? Wipro? Facebook?
20. Which is the oldest IT company in the world?
21. Intel is famous for which product?
22. Are you ready to work overtime? Or at night shifts? (Be clear and Frank in this answer)
23. Who is the current CEO of TCS?
24. Which awards have been bagged by TCS?
25. Which is your favourite subject? (Learn to differentiate between subjects and languages)
26. How many girl friends/boy friends do you have? (Do not get embarassed by such question,
answer it tactfully that I do not differentiate between boy friend and girl friend...I believe only in
27. Are you a team player?
28. Which is your favourite programming language? Rate yourself for it on 1-10 scale.
29. What is your hobby?
30. Did you do any software development projects? Briefly tell us about the project and your
role/contribution in the project.
31. Your Family Background?
32. Can you tell the configuration of your lab PC?
33. Which text-book are you using for Network Security? (Complete name of
textbook, full name of author, publisher, edition, price.Similar

question on other subjects also)

34. After five years, where do you see yourself?
35. Which is your favorite subject. Why?
36. What is the typical configuration of latest mobile phones?
37. What is the typical configuration of latest PC?
38. Tell us the different methods through which I can provide Internet
Access to my PC.

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