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Copyright © 2023 by Sophia Smut

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means,
including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author,
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

Created with Vellum

I. (Monsters of Mount Moorhead)

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

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“I can’t believe you’re really doing this,” my best friend, Dorothy,

exclaims as I fold a clean napkin and put it in my backpack.
A half-assed smile that barely reaches my eyes is all I can give her in
response before turning away to get my water bottle. Even while we stood
on opposite sides of my kitchen island, the room is unfortunately not big
enough to keep me far from all the judgment and worry vibing off her like a
heavy cloud.
“Jane, honey, you can’t climb up that mountain,” she adds with a dry
chuckle. “It’s extremely dangerous.”
Behind her back, I roll my eyes. Could she let up with that, just a little?
I have been planning this for a few weeks—to achieve a personal goal of
climbing to the peak of Mount Moorhead, and my best friend cannot find it
in her to be more encouraging.
While this is not the first time she’s rammed into me about this, it is
perhaps the gentlest. She has tried to scold me to get me to back out, then
threatened to call my mom and still, I didn’t budge. When I told her I’ve
taken the week off work to prepare for this and to recuperate after, she must
have sensed I meant business and will not be talked out of it. Since then,
she has shown up at my house unannounced multiple times, trying to
convince me every which way to back out in this user-friendly tone that
only serves to irritate me more.
Although, I am not sure if her frequent visits are for me or to get away
from that douchebag of a husband she had—Todd. The man is a delicate
topic of conversation I hate to broach, but what I hate more is how he treats
Clearly, this is not the best time to discuss that as her focus is firmly on
The water bottle goes into the small compartment at the side of my bag,
the openings getting a thorough check next, the zipping sound echoing the
finality of my decision.
“Okay, this is crazy.”
I hear her get up from her seat but don’t lift my eyes off my backpack.
“You know why you’re doing this, right?” she asks in a soft voice.
The conciliatory tone grates even more.
“What do you mean?” I ask, lifting my head to look at her.
She’s in front of my fridge, raising a glass of wine to her pursed lips.
After taking a sip with her eyes fixed on me, she makes a dramatic show of
swallowing, squeezes her face in disgust, then places the glass gently on the
What’s with all the melodrama? A laugh is now tickling my throat, but I
stave it off.
“This is about Brad,” she says at last.
Of course. Another eye roll as my focus returns to my bag. Still, we
both know she hit a nerve, even though I won’t admit it.
“Here we go again.” Grabbing my fully packed backpack, I start away
from her toward my living room. I don’t look back, but her hurried steps
shuffle along after me.
“It’s true, Jane. You’re trying to fill up the space that jerk left with this
weird fantasy, and I—”
“Stop it!” It’s not my intention to snap at her, but the mere mention of
my ex-boyfriend and every word that comes after that stir something inside
me that makes my blood shoot to an unbearable temperature. “This is not
about Brad. This is about me. I want to feel something and just cross
something off my bucket list, okay? As my best friend, I’m disappointed
you’re not being more supportive.”
Dorothy’s face crumbles right before my eyes. Shock is evident but
underneath that, a tinge of guilt creeps into her gaze, warring with the
internal debate about whether she should maintain her position or be the
sympathetic friend I need.
“You’re right,” she says after a short period of silence that feels like a
decade. “I should be more understanding. I’m just really worried.”
All my bravado evaporates as the genuine caring in her voice registers
like a soothing hug.
I step closer to her, reaching out to clasp her left hand with my right.
Dorothy is slightly shorter than me so I have to angle my head a bit to stare
directly at her oval face which her short fringe only accentuates. We’re
standing right in front of my grey couch where a tiny stain on the cushion
catches my eye. I should get that cleaned immediately after my return.
“Thank you for being a concerned friend. I see you, but I have to do
this,” I say, then quickly add, “for me.”
Dorothy takes a deep breath and looks away from me as though what
she is about to say goes against every fiber of her being. “You couldn’t get a
cat or learn to knit or something?”
At this, we both laugh, and I pull her into a hug.
“I’ll call you when I’m back,” I say into the nape of her neck.
“You better.”
I stop beside a rock to retie my left shoelace which had come undone at
some point during the climb. Might as well take a minute to hydrate, too,
while I’m at it. I grab my water bottle from its compartment and take a
much-needed swig. The cold liquid drizzles down my throat, some of it
dripping down my chin onto my chest to make its path over my breasts and
into my tank top. The cool sensation makes my flesh erupt in goosebumps,
the nipples puckering tightly against the soft cotton. Not exactly an
unpleasant sensation, but not one I’m ready to entertain on this climb.
Still drinking, I look down the path already ventured and let out a deep
sigh. The view from up this mountain is very different from the one at its
foot. Down there, you look up and see a brownish mound covered by
extensive green vegetation that takes up a considerable portion of the
horizon. From up here, that mound feels much less intimidating, especially
when climbing. It takes nothing more than healthy lungs, enduring muscles,
and a crazy determination, but so well worth it. From my vantage point, I
can also see most of my town—its long streets, scattered houses, and
sprawling green areas.
It’s only been thirty minutes but my legs already feel so heavy, I could
swear I’ve been at it for at least five hours. Still a lot to go to get to the top,
too. After adjusting my leggings over my knee to help with chafing, I return
the water bottle to its place and keep going. This mountain doesn't seem too
steep, but it can be treacherous and not something a novice should attempt,
especially alone.
Really, what was I thinking? Breaking up with Brad addled my brain, or
maybe it was the dreams I kept experiencing every night, so realistic, of a
well-endowed monster taking me every which way. I’d wake up in a sweat,
all in a tizzy and overwhelmed with lust.
The legends I read about concerning the mountain are not for kids or the
faint of heart. Everything mingled in my head to create chaos—loss, love,
need, grief, confusion … perhaps lack of self-esteem.
I have been feeling lonely these days, I admit, so latching on to these
dreams made sense in some surreal, twisted way. I kept thinking perhaps
my brain was telling me to climb the mountain as a test for my emotional
healing. To follow my path … see my way to the top.
But now that I’m here, I’m not so sure. When exhaustion washes over
me, I keep asking myself why I’m even doing this.
Perhaps what strikes me most about this mountain is its ordinariness.
Climbing it is like walking through sloping and rocky woods, thick with tall
trees in some places and barren in others. The folklore that adds to the
mystery of Mount Moorhead has partly inspired my decision to venture
here—particularly stories about the mountain monsters that kidnap women
and have their wicked ways with them. Over the years I waffled between
believing they could be partly true or a load of bullshit, and everything in
My thoughts of the mountain and its monsters remained mostly
relegated to the back of my mind until four months ago, when Dorothy
visited, sporting that twinkle in her eye that only glimmered when she had
juicy gossip to impart.
“You’re gonna want to be sitting down for this,” she said when I opened
the door of my apartment to see her standing outside with a bottle of wine
in her hand.
“Hello to you, too,” I replied.
“Oh, this is too good to waste time on hellos.” She walked past me and
flopped herself on the couch.
“What is it? Are you okay?” I followed and took the seat next to her.
“You know Sue?”
“Yeah.” Perky, big-breasted redhead working at our favorite coffee shop
down the street.
“Well, she just took a hiking trip to the mountain.” Dorothy then
proceeded to tell me a story that sounded both epic and extremely
fabricated. I couldn't help but roll my eyes as she spoke.
Apparently, Sue went hiking up the mountain and found herself in a
strange settlement where she met a bizarre, man-like creature blessed with
not just with one but two monster cocks—at least twice the size of the
world’s biggest dick in existence. He put her in his castle and all, treated her
like a princess, and then fucked her all night until she couldn’t fucking
I listened with rapt attention, thinking this Sue must have had a pretty
colorful imagination. My first thought was: Did Dorothy really expect me
to believe that the woman experienced something so … outlandish?
Sue, a severe asthmatic who can’t make two consecutive trips to the
coffee shop’s kitchen without leaning on a chair and panting like a dog. No
way she could have climbed to the top of Mount Moorhead without passing
out halfway. Besides, everyone knows Sue is not the most truthful person
around. She has a well-established history of exaggerating every silly and
mundane thing that happens to her, but Dorothy is such a good storyteller
that I listened until the very end.
Still, my interest was piqued at Dorothy’s description of the giant
monster with human features who apparently whisked Sue to his domain
and used her as his personal sex slave. That place seemed like something
from a fairy tale, and Dorothy went into such detail about the sexy, dirty
parts that had me quite speechless. By the time she was done talking, I
could only manage a stutter.
“W-what?” My mouth was drier than desert sand and a warm sensation
engulfed my skin, along with a tingling in my nether regions that I didn’t
want to pay attention to, lest it spread around my body. I was fucking turned
on by this bizarre story, something that had never happened to me before.
“It’s crazy,” Dorothy said. “Anyway, I’m sure she made it all up and
she's just trying to get everyone's attention. But wouldn’t it be wild if it was
“Yes, yes, it would.”
I didn't really have time to think about Sue’s story or the mountain for a
long time after that for several reasons. First of all, the ad agency where I
worked was going through a bit of a rough patch and had laid off a few
people in my department, which meant I had to double up on work tasks.
Also, my boyfriend, Brad, was in the throes of switching up on me, which
meant I was also doing twice the work of trying to keep our relationship
alive—cooking and bringing him dinner, setting up dates he constantly
canceled, and spending hours shopping for things to gift him in the hopes
that video games and expensive devices would draw him back to me.
But on that humid Tuesday morning two weeks ago in the corner booth
of the coffeeshop where Sue worked, he told me ‘he just wasn’t feeling this
anymore.’ Thus began a slow descent into insanity that only led me to
wonder if perhaps Sue’s story might be true. I needed to take a break from
my life for a bit and at the time, climbing the mountain felt like a good idea.
Every time I went to the coffeeshop after that, I watched Sue intently,
trying to figure out if she was in her right mind or not. What I did notice
was a glow about her that I had never seen before. A part of me wanted to
talk to her but I restrained myself because how would I steer the
conversation there?
Then there were my dreams, which I remembered in stark detail every
My very vivid, hot dreams.
So that day I went home and entertained my deepest, darkest fantasies
in private, curing my loneliness and frustration for the night.
I took my clothes off, lay on the bed, and touched myself as I visualized
what Sue must have experienced.
A giant, broad-shouldered monster with two cocks … who knew how to
use them. Sounded too good to be true, but this wasn’t reality, right?
Anything was allowed in our imagination. I came hard that night, harder
than ever. And I had control all the way…
In real life, the complete breakdown with my ex and all the other
stressors, added to the wild stories about the mountain, led me to this
I wanted this excitement, this journey only I and nature could control.
Now, on these very slopes, I tilt my water bottle to my lips and flick my
errant strands of dark hair away from my face, then tighten my ponytail.
Looking down, I can see I’ve covered more ground than is left to reach the
peak. Before I continue my climb, I wonder how it would feel if Sue’s story
turned out to be true.
Judging from my minor interactions with her, she doesn’t sound off her
rocker. As such, I hope I’ll get some excitement out of this. If not, I’ll have
to come back down and give Sue a much-needed tongue-lashing.
What matters in the end is that this hike will help me achieve my
personal milestone.
The higher I go, fatigue gets the better of me and I’m struggling to take
the next steps, needing to take a few more short breaks to recoup my
energy. Once again, I scoff at the thought of Sue actually climbing these
mountains if I, a pretty athletic woman, am struggling like this. I consider
stopping for a while, but the mountain top is inching closer with every step,
and my stubbornness keeps me going. My mind is racing and I’m sweaty,
but that’s not going to stop me from seeing this through.
Suddenly, a faint purring grabs my attention and stops me in my tracks.
I turn away from the straight path up the slope and face the direction of the
sound, yet I see nothing but a big rock around which grass with tall, sharp
blades has overgrown. I’m about to turn away and proceed when I hear the
purring again. This time, it’s louder and sounds like a cat in distress.
This is ridiculous—no way a stray cat could be stuck on top of this
mountain. I did hear that sound, though.
I walk to the rock and hold my water bottle in my hand, ready to use it
to defend myself while realizing it probably won’t be much help. If a coyote
has a cat trapped, what exactly would my plastic water bottle do to a wild
“Hello,” I say, hoping the cat can hear my voice and just come out of
I kick the tall grass out of my way and climb on top of the rock so I can
see what’s on other side. And there, behind it, sits a cat as white as snow
and as cute as a button. The moment it feels my presence on the rock, the
furry creature looks up at me and my heart immediately melts, along with
my defensive stance. My water bottle quickly goes back into its
Suddenly, the animal turns away from me and begins to run down a
pathway to the left of the one I was on. This other trail is narrower and has
a thick patch of forest around it—light is limited, and I can’t see down it.
Without thinking or perhaps because something I can’t explain has come
over me and is propelling me forward, I begin to chase the cat. I tell myself
I just want to make sure it is safe.
“Hey!” I scream out at the thing, willing it to stop.
The cat turns left again toward an even darker and narrower path. As I
run, low-hanging branches hit my face and one or two leaves make their
way into my mouth, but I just spit them out and keep running. After a short
but punishing chase, I come to a clearing.
At this point, I stop in my tracks and take a look around this strange
place where I have found myself. First of all, the cat is nowhere to be
found, and second, I’m suddenly aware of just how alone I am. The clearing
itself seems out of place here on this side of the mountain as it is a circular
piece of land no bigger than a person’s bedroom with absolutely no trees or
vegetation. This is especially strange because every inch of land around this
special clearing is overgrown with tall trees having canopies that have
connected with one another overhead to completely block any ray of
sunlight from making its way to the ground. It is quite obvious that
somebody has done the difficult job of making this area look this clean,
isolated, and dark.
“Woah!” The word escapes me when it hits me just how creepy this
place is. For the first time since I embarked on this climb, panic makes
itself known.
The right thing would be to call for help at this point. I grab my cell
phone from my backpack, fumbling with it and cussing under my breath
before picking it up from the dirt. My shaking hands manage to turn on the
phone’s flashlight, which I start swinging around to get my bearings.
What exactly was I thinking coming all this way? If any harm comes to
me, I will be so mad at Dorothy for being right. Really, Jane? Monsters with
massive dual cocks? This was folklore, tall tales, and I lived in the real
I feel like a fool, embarking on this trip on my own. Time to go back
where I came from, this instant.
But when I turn around, I gasp for a huge and frightening monster
blocks my path, breathing hard. I would scream but my voice is stuck in my
throat. My heart seems to stop beating as I feel faint, trying to find purchase
when the whole world spins on its axis.
All thought flies away because then, everything goes dark.

M y eyes flutter open, one after the other, and I was immediately
assaulted by the blazing light coming from burning lamps hanging like
sconces from all four walls of the room. I look down to find I’m on a
massive bed in a strange room. I jerk myself upward, utterly dazed and
confused. Even worse, I’m completely naked. Dread fills me as I wonder
what happened while I was out on the mountain. How did I get here? I
swallow and pull the white sheet tighter around me.
The room itself gives me Victorian style vibes, in both size and
aesthetics. Directly in front of me is a painting of a large dining hall with
food spread over the table but no human elements. To my left, taking up a
good length of the wall, stands a sort of extra wide antique cabinet of
curiosities with glass front doors and sides. On the top of it sit a strange
variety of empty flower vases arranged equidistant from one another, and
inside the unit itself, a grisly collection of animal parts—a large horn, teeth,
hooves … eyes in a jar.
My stomach roils as I flinch at the sight. My heart pounds harder as my
recent memories slowly come back.
“You’re awake,” a deep, gravelly voice booms around the room.
Immediately, my head snaps in the direction of the voice and I find
myself face to face with him—the monster I’d come face to face with in the
clearing. No, my eyes are not misleading me no matter how much I blink,
because he’s here, in flesh and blood, sitting on a big chair a few feet away.
More unnerving, he watching me the same intensity as he had just
before I fainted. I peer at him now and take him in properly. He appears to
be at least ten feet tall and even while seated, his body takes so much space
and commands so much attention, he looks like he can hold me in one hand
and snap me like a twig.
On his head are two horns, curved outwards like an upside down ‘s.’
The more he watches me with his striking orange eyes, the more they glow.
He has on a blue vest-like garment with no sleeves and no buttons, his arms
and torso thus mostly exposed. His hairy chest is so muscular and so wide
that for a moment, I wonder what it would feel like to rub my hands over
the taut muscles. His arms are as big as tree trunks that flex at the slightest
But the sight of him is so jarring that panic swells inside me and propels
me off the bed. I stand in front of the shelf with the sheet wrapped around
my body and face him in a boxing stance. He is the most fascinating
creature I have ever seen but also the most terrifying. I don’t care if I can
take him, yet I’ll fight if I have to.
“Where am I? Who the hell are you?” I demand with all the boldness I
can muster, but when he gets to his feet, my resolve crumbles. No way can I
come out ahead in this situation. If the monster wants to fling me out across
a football field, he very well can—he's huge—and I can't help but stare at
his impressive body that makes me suddenly tingly in all the inappropriate
places. "Let me go this instant!"
“You’re not going anywhere. You’re mine now, woman,” he drawls, his
gaze still fixed on me.
Never mind the commanding tone. Never mind, too, the wetness now
seeping down my thighs upon hearing the booming compulsion laced in his
deep voice. I stand up straighter. “What? I’m what? What are you? You
need to let me go right now.”
“You’re not in a position to make demands." His voice is as strong as
his tone is definite.
Instinct says I look around for possible escape routes. Yet, something
else buried deep within wants me to stay. No, that can’t be right!
My quick glance around the room shows no windows, which probably
means I’m in some basement or cave. Either one of those would be an
unnerving possibility. Two doors lead out of the room. One sits on the right
wall, a few feet away from the chair on which he previously sat, so a total
no-go area. The other is right next to the painting of the dining hall and, by
all indications, my only possible option.
“Don’t even think about it!” His voice snaps me out of my freaked-out
thoughts, all my muscles jarring under the powerful resonance, and I figure
out all too well that he has clearly figured out what I’m plotting. “You’re
not going anywhere unless you have my permission. You're mine now.
Wait, Jane, isn’t that what you came here looking for?
Okay, maybe, yes. But Sue said she’d been treated like a princess, and
clearly she’s back home, so ‘forever’ wasn’t an option in her case. Nothing
here suggests the same scenario replaying itself.
“I’m your prisoner.” I intend for this to be a question but it comes out
flat, as though it’s a fact I’m trying to get accustomed to. “Look, I don’t
know what evil plans you have for me, but I promise I will fight you with
all I have and will not stop until I’m free again.”
An emotion I cannot identify flashes across his face, but it is gone just
as quickly as it appears. In its place, though, a wicked smirk settles, playing
at his lips as his orange eyes wear a brand-new glow that would have
looked fantastic on a painting but only makes him all the more menacing.
He narrows those eyes at me as if considering saying something else, but
does not speak. Instead, he scans me from head to toe, causing me to hold
the sheet tighter around myself in a bid for protection.
At last, without another word, he turns around and walks out of the
“No! You need to let me go!” I scream after him. “Let me out of here!”
He slams the door so hard that the walls shake and the painting tilts a
little. I flinch at that and let my hands fall to my sides. This can’t be real. It
has to be a nightmare. I’m imagining things. Hallucinating. Perhaps I fell on
that mountain and hit my head on a rock. Yes, that’s it. It's just another
dream, so very far from any fantasy I concocted, and I need to pinch myself
to wake up.
But first things first—escape. I head straight to the other door next to
the painting and pull the handle. It doesn’t budge, of course. What did I
expect? Maybe a kick could help? The sheet around my body limits the
movement of my leg so I discard it and kick as hard I can.
Except for the low thump my foot makes and the slight pain that
reverberates in my bones, my action has no impact on the door. I try again
and again and again, fuck the pain or even the possibility of broken bones,
trying as hard as I can to make every thump louder than the previous one.
Even if this won’t get me out, I’m determined to let that monster know I
have a lot of fight in me.
I don’t know how many times I do this, after a while my leg begins to
hurt and I fall to the floor.
I lie with my back on the hard floor and my two legs raised to the door
and make a few more feeble attempts. A lone tear exits my left eye and
travels down my cheekbone to my ear. I can’t but chuckle dryly at the sad
fact that this is the second time I find myself in this exact position in a mere
two weeks—naked and crying on a bedroom floor. I close my eyes and try
not to think too hard about the last time.
Barely thirty minutes after Brad had decided our relationship could no
longer work, I returned to my apartment and fetched all the things he still
had at my place: two white t-shirts, one blue t-shirt with a Jay Z line printed
on it, his copy of Albert Camus’ The Stranger, a few socks, a guitar pick, a
black baseball cap, and a red and blue plaid shirt. I tossed all of these in my
firepit out in the backyard, poured some oil over them, and set them on fire.
For good measure, I took off all the clothes I was wearing because I knew
my brain and how it would forever associate these clothes with this train
wreck of a day, and threw them in the burning pile. As I watched my life go
up in flames, I sobbed like a baby, then I went in the house, let myself slide
down my bedroom wall to the carpeted floor, and cried some more. I lost
my mind in that moment, but I was hurting so much, my heart torn in two.
Dorothy arrived at my apartment about fifteen minutes after I had
started my bonfire. Thankfully she had a key for she let herself in, probably
freaked out by my earlier text. Upon finding me naked in my bedroom,
surrendering to despair, she rushed to me.
“Jane! Jane! Are you all right?”
I remember crying and shaking in her arms after she gently put a robe
around my shoulders, then she coaxed me to my feet and led me to the
living room. After making me some tea, I broke down again and she let me
cry in her arms as she gently drew circles on my back.
Two days after that, as she pushed a plate of spaghetti toward me and
gave me a stare that said she would not take no for an answer, she smiled
sadly. “I feel responsible for bringing him into your life,” she said.
“It’s not your fault in any way,” I immediately told her, even though I
really did meet Brad because of her, four years ago on her twenty-second
Now as I languish in this room without a means of escape, I’m a captive
to despair again, only of a different kind.
While feeling sorry for myself, my attention focuses on the painting on
the wall. I get up immediately and walk toward it. While I’m not the biggest
art afficionado around, I did study art appreciation for a few years and I’m
still capable of recognizing a good piece. It dawns on me for the first time
since I woke up in this room why this artwork struck me so much. It looks
expensive and old—the kind of painting that would mean the world to
whoever owned it.
My brief epiphany is cut short when the other door on the left side
swings open and the monster trudges in like he owns the place—well, he
probably does, and this triggers something in my mind. His eyes
immediately dart over my body, so I instinctively reach up to cover my
breasts and other private parts, my face flushing with the embarrassment of
it all.
Where’s the sheet? Damn, it’s at the foot of the giant. I must have
thrown it that far in my agitation. Damn him! Even for a monster, he is
handsome and attractive. I never thought I would think this way, but
something about his beastly demeanor had me yearning for him to pin me to
the wall and take me like the savage he is.
This is absurd, Jane, and you know it. Calm down, will you?
“Are you ready to behave and be a good girl?”
Even though his words, tone, and behavior are extremely upsetting, I
find myself admiring the velvety timber of his voice. So deep and rich.
And he called me a good girl? I should be livid at being addressed that
way yet the words have the opposite effect… Suddenly, I can't catch my
I don’t allow myself to spend too long swooning, though. Before he can
figure out what I’m about to do, I dart to my right and reach for one of the
burning lamps. Once it is in my hand, I smash the glass against the wall,
exposing the flame, and turn back to face the monster.
The power of his voice and the way his eyes suddenly turn a dark shade
of red almost make me trip on my feet, helpless again under the deadly
threat in his glare. But I allow myself to recoil for only a moment before I
gather myself. I’m not a weakling, a doormat. I need to find a way to
protect myself.
I back up to the wall where the artwork hangs lopsided then speak as
slowly as I can, emphasizing every word so he knows I mean business, “Let
me go, or your painting goes up in flames.”

A cool breeze blows into the room from the door behind the monster—
he’s left it open after walking in. The cold, soothing feel sends a delicate
caress across my skin and the clean smell of the breeze tell me it must be
nighttime outside this hellscape. The draft causes the flame on the lamp I’m
holding to flicker and for a moment, I fear it might go out. But whatever oil
is fueling the fire is strong enough to keep burning, therefore powerful
enough to allow me to maintain my stance. This is totally crazy, but it’s the
only option I have. The monster is very real, and I want to live.
Standing so aloof several feet away from me, the beast’s eyebrows are
furrowed to an extent I didn’t even deem possible, putting me in mind of
mirrored arches of horror on his forehead. His eyes are so red, they pop out
of his head like laser beams, and his flaring nostrils remind me of my evil
boss, Mr. Park, whenever he is about to berate an employee. By his sides,
his big hands are still, his fists tightly clenched as though he is gathering
momentum for an impactful swing. From his reaction, it’s obvious the
painting does mean a lot to him—something I can definitely use to
negotiate my freedom.
Although this is a positive thing, I don’t allow his clear shock and
horror to get to my head. Although he stands across the room, meaning I
would have done considerable damage to this clean and pristine painting
before he gets to me, he is still a huge monster, the extent of whose power I
have yet to see.
What if he possesses the ability to fly across the room in a
microsecond? What if he is telekinetic and can move the painting with his
mind? Or worse, what if he can control my mind and will me into
submission? Although if he could, he’d likely have already tried this…
There are so many possibilities, so many different ways this can go
wrong and make me lose my edge. So I don’t let my guard drop, not even
for one second. I stare him down, matching his intensity, keeping all the
fear and apprehension inside me buried beneath layers of pretend bravery.
Besides, I asked for this—I climbed this mountain for this specific reason,
deep down, if I had to be honest. To pursue fantasies of being taken by the
monster. So why am I fighting this now?
I hadn’t expected this monster, though. Where are his two huge cocks?
Doesn’t seem like they’d fit in his tight pants.
“If you blemish that painting with even a speck of soot, there will be
severe consequences,” he warns.
His tone has an edge to it and its fathomless depth startles me while
drifting to my ears like tiny whispers that brush ever so gently against my
skin. Tiny drops of moisture make their way to the nape of my neck and
travel down my spine until they settle in my lower back to create a tingly
itch I can’t scratch. His voice is like a magnet to my unexpected desire, a
compulsion that calls to me, priming me for submission and urges me to set
aside my inhibitions.
I want him—I recognize desire in its raw state. But no fantasy in the
world could prepare me for this.
I quickly shake this moment of weakness off and put my façade back
on. He’ll have to break me down first.
“If you move an inch before promising me my freedom, your precious
painting will lose all its worth.” The steadiness of my voice surprises me,
filling me with courage.
“Woman, you are playing a very dangerous game, and trust me when I
say you don't want to anger me.” His eyes turn redder. He is getting more
aggravated, but at the same time, a playful smirk tugs at his lips.
Eerily, this reminds me of Brad whenever a chessboard is placed in
front of him.
Is this monster enjoying this exchange? Is this a game to him?
I frown at him. This isn’t my first time bargaining my way out of a
difficult situation with a man.
A sudden movement snaps me out of my thoughts. The monster’s knees
flex, and he’s walking towardly. Slowly, purposefully.
Blood rushes to my head and though temporarily blinded by the shock, I
move closer to the painting and raise my hand higher so the lamp is mere
inches from its bottom right corner.
"I'm not joking!"
“Be still, woman!” he yells at me, but then stops, making no further
attempt to come forward.
“My name is Jane!”
“Woman…” he says slowly, as if to tell me whatever my name is carries
no weight whatsoever with him. “Lower your hand and let's talk about
“Promise me you’ll let me go and you won't follow me.”
I’m certain by now he possesses no ability to fly across the room,
otherwise he would have used it. Because of this, I’m more determined than
ever to secure my release and return home.
However, something about this interaction stirs a feeling in me that I
can’t quite explain. Perhaps it’s the way he looks at me with such …
passion … I fear I may melt under his steady, and dare I say, hungry gaze.
My whole body feels like it's on fire, the heat spreading down between my
legs. At the same time, his eyes constantly flicker from my head to my toes
as though he is memorizing every tiny detail about me.
I’m once again reminded that I’m completely naked and very, very
turned on. I can't even remember when I have been so aroused before.
Surely, it couldn't have been with Brad. My breasts ache, the nipples
pebbled points so sensitive, just the thought of anything brushing them
makes my core clench—and that includes the sheet. And to imagine the
monster’s hairy chest coming into contact with them… Oh, fuck!
“Very well,” he says finally, pulling me out of my hot and heavy
thoughts. “If you put the lamp down, I will give you your freedom—”
“Good,” I say.
And then, he continues. “But first you must attend the feast I have asked
my servants to prepare for you.”
Spend one more second in this forsaken place? Hell, no!
“What? Feast? Servants? No.”
“It is a compromise you will have to make. You are still my captive,
little human.”
His voice is definite and final, making it clear that this particular
requirement for my freedom can’t be argued. Even though I would rather
leave right away, I know when to take a win. Besides, the way his eyes
roam lustily over my body is planting questions and thoughts in my mind,
birthing an urge to find out more about this monster. I am exceedingly
curious about what lies beyond the four walls of this room.
And I want to see more of him, his life.
Fuck, am I crazy? Maybe, but I climbed this bloody mountain so might
as well make the most of it.
“Fine. I will attend your feast, but I leave immediately after that. Do I
have your word?”
“You have my word,” he says.
With this promise made, I lower the lamp and take two steps away from
the painting. The monster visibly relaxes as I move. The acute angles of his
eyebrows smooth out and his eyes return to their vibrant orange. Still, he
doesn’t take his eyes off me until I put my free arm over my breasts to
cover myself somewhat. Pointless, of course, because he has seen all of me
by now, including my hardened nipples.
I lower my gaze to his stomach, then the massive bulge in his trousers,
which can only mean he is affected by me, just like I am by him.
When I peer back at him, his gaze shoots up to mine and the left corner
of his mouth angles up a little. Sadly, the semblance of a smile only lasts a
fraction of a second before it completely disappears. Without another word,
he turns away from me and starts to leave the room.
Wait, he’s going to leave me just like that?
“When is this feast?”
He pauses to say, “My servants will come to fetch you when it is time.”
As he leaves, I have a view of his back and all the ridges of muscles that
attempt to pop out of his shirt. Truthfully, he is magnificent and
breathtaking. Maybe if he wasn’t so evil and holding me prisoner, I would
consider him a creature worthy of being heralded. He looks like a sculptor’s
dream … my deepest fantasy.
Just as he reaches the doorframe, he makes one swift turn and faces me,
catching me watching him. An emotion I can’t discern graces his face,
which unnerves me.
“You have surprised me, Jane. That does not happen often.”
And then, he leaves.
When the door closes behind him, gently this time, I let out a ragged
breath. What did he mean? Have I impressed him? Me? A mere human…
This has to be a good sign, right? Perhaps he’ll let me go.
I walk across the room, slowly and light-footed, afraid something else
might pop up to startle me. Besides, I don’t wish to cause any more
disturbance, lest I lose the limited freedom I have secured for myself. Alone
I may be, but it’s no reason to make a spectacle of myself. I pick up the
sheet from the floor and wrap it around myself, taking the time to fold it
into a quarter of its original size and then wrapping it like a tube dress over
my chest, fastening it until it feels tight and secure.
I won’t be sloppy this time. In length, it does a fairly good job of
covering me from beneath my armpits to a few inches above my knees. I
have no intention of going to whatever feast he has prepared naked, so this
makeshift dress will have to suffice. If an emergency comes up during said
feast, it is unlikely to fall off easily while still giving me room to move my
legs and run for my life.
No longer exposed and vulnerable, I take the time to properly study the
room, partly because I’m trying to calm myself until his servants tell me it
is time for the feast, but also because I want to understand my surroundings.
Perhaps from the items on the shelf, the painting, and all the other
decorative choices, I can make some sense of who this monster is, even if
only slightly.
First, I examine the vases on the cabinet. There are twelve of them,
separated from each other by about ten inches. Their equidistant placement
in addition to the pristine condition of the room tells me my captor values
I wonder what kind of fit he might throw if I rearrange these vases in a
haphazard fashion. I smile a little at the thought of riling him up so his eyes
turn red again. I pick up the leftmost vase and look it over.
This vase has a slim form that makes it only slightly bigger in breadth
than a wine bottle. Made of ceramic, it feels light in my hands, seeming like
the work of a skilled potter. Engraved on its body is a consistent pattern of
blue flowers over a white base that gives it a simple yet elegant design.
Inside, it is empty, clean, and odorless. Perhaps he collects these vases not
to hold flowers but just for their aesthetic. On a whim, I turn the object
around to examine its bottom. Engraved on there, in the same color as the
flower, is: Celia, 1861.
Clearly, this raises several questions, but first I want to know if this
Celia is perhaps the person responsible for making all these vases. I place
the vase gently back in its place and pick up the next—a solid red one that’s
much shorter and rounder than the first one. Underneath is a different
engraving written in a similar style: Laura, 1886. I place the second vase
back in its position. Just as I’m about to return to the shelf to pick up the
third vase, something starts to niggle at me. What if he doesn’t want me to
touch his things? Would he be mad and take it out on me?
So I move away for now and take another turn around the room.
Nothing much else catches my interest, so I decide to get back in bed and
rest a bit until it is time to see the monster again.
Sitting on the edge of the mattress, I wonder what this feast will be like.
I picture the monster at the head of a big table laden with food and drink, all
sorts of libation to put one in a euphoric mood. Though to be honest, he
doesn’t need any booze or trippy substance to make one fall under his spell.
I lie down on the bed and close my eyes for a moment, imagining the
giant monster here, watching me from the corner of my room. His gaze
flows over me, soft, hot, like a delicious caress. Desire wells up in me under
the still subtle touch of his orange eyes, and a moan escapes me. He does
nothing else but smile, the prick. He’s enjoying watching me squirm,
watching me want him.
I'm so aroused now, my skin aflame, nipples tight as my breasts hurt
from the need to be touched, fondled, kissed. So incredibly forbidden…
Wetness slinks down my inner thighs as my pussy starts throbbing with the
need for release. It is begging a mere touch, enough to make me explode.
So I move my hand down to the juncture of my legs. This madness, giving
myself pleasure while imprisoned in some fantasy castle, isn't exactly what
I would have thought about ever. But after the showdown earlier with my
captor, my skin is overheated, I’m overwhelmed with conflicting feelings
… and I need to feel something, anything, other than fear.
My fingers flit over my clit and I shift on the bed, moving to a more
comfortable position on my back, then let my thighs fall open to my
probing touch. I start massaging the bundle of nerves, imagining the giant
monster's head right in between my legs, his long, raspy tongue licking me
in long strokes that I replicate with my touch. His fingers probing my
openings one after the other as he takes his slow time eating me out.
I hear some movement outside the door and my heart nearly leaps out of
my chest. No, I can’t be caught like this. Immediately I withdraw my hand,
panting for a few moments before adjusting myself so no one could figure
out what I was doing just a second earlier.
The door’s hinges creak as it opens slowly. I expect to see the monster
or perhaps a servant of the same species as him walk in, but when the door
stays open and no one appears, I tense up and watch with apprehension.
What’s going on now? What is this?
“You are even prettier awake,” a voice, less deep than the monster’s but
just as gravelly, fills the room as if out of thin air.
I jump up from the utter surprise. Standing on the bed, I finally see the
source of the voice as well as his companions. There are three of them,
man-like and diminutive creatures, neither one more than twelve inches tall,
and all completely naked. They are standing at the foot of the bed, watching
me with curious eyes. Much like the monster, they have horns on their
heads, except theirs are less curved and the color of eggshell. Also, while
the monster’s eyes are orange, these creatures’ eyes appear to be a mixture
of brown and green.
And this is where the differences end because they have a muscular
build similar to the monster’s, although proportional to their bodies. And
when my eyes drift down toward their exposed lower halves, my breath
hitches in my throat. Never in my life could I have imagined the kind of
cocks I’m seeing on creatures so small. Their cocks are all semi-hard and
dangling in front of them, the sight extremely distracting. Despite their
sizes, they are all massive and engorged, each one at least the length of my
forearm and only slightly less thick.
One of them clears his throat and my eyes dart back up, my face flushed
with embarrassment.
“We are Master Aldrick’s servants, and we are here to prepare you for
the feast,” the one standing in the middle says.
So my captor’s name is ‘Aldrick’. I take note of that and smile to
myself. The servants aren’t much different from one another, but it is still
possible to tell them apart through little differences in horn size, body build,
and admittedly, cock tilt.
“I am Knox. This is Teon, and this is Herb,” he says as he gestures from
himself to the one on his right and then the one on his left. Teon has the
biggest horns of the three, and Herb has the biggest cock. Knox has the
narrowest eyes, which make him appear as though he can’t stop watching
things intently.
While Knox introduces them, Teon steps away from the group and goes
to the shelf. He moves the first vase about half an inch to the left and turns
the second one a few degrees anticlockwise. When he is satisfied, he turns
back and raises an eyebrow at me as if to tell me he knows I touched the
I look away from him. And then, their words register.
“What do you mean, prepare me for the feast? What even is this feast?
Are you going to force me to eat?”
“Why don’t you follow us and find out for yourself?” Knox says, his
voice giving nothing away.
The three of them step back in tandem as Herb gestures toward the door,
telling me for the first time since I was kidnapped to step out that door.
Then, the fear returns as the thought hits me that I have absolutely no idea
what might lie behind it.

I watch all three servants cautiously before stepping off the bed.
When my feet touch the floor, I pause before making any effort to move
forward. A sudden cramp has me almost double over. Oh, shit … I know
what that means. Could this day get any fucking worse?
None of them asks me to hurry. They just stare at me in silence—after
all, they know I have no choice but to follow them wherever they are taking
“Uh … just a question. Do you have any stores here? Maybe I can talk
to one of your women about something?”
“About what?”
The three scan the makeshift attire I fabricated out of the bedsheet and I
can feel the judgment in their eyes. Meanwhile, I hope with all I have in me
as I scramble to look at the back of the sheet that it’s all clean on the
“Uh, I’d rather discuss with a … a woman.”
“Forget it. We are on a schedule and this will not do for Master
Aldrick,” Herb says.
A huff escapes me. I smash my thighs together and pray whoever will
provide alternative attire will also be able to help me in my predicament.
“Okay,” I say with a sigh and finally begin to walk like a duck toward
the door.
So this is my life now. Just a few hours ago, I was safe in my own
home. I was the one who called all the shots, lived my life and made my
own choices. But then my silly mind reminds me I was also secretly
fantasizing about this—being kidnaped by a giant monster with a huge cock
or two. Now, I’m in a freaking castle in some parallel world I’d never have
believed existed. And I’m on my period. Nothing can really top that.
Outside the door, I enter a hallway lit by lamps hanging on the stone
walls on both sides, also in an equidistant manner. The atmosphere reminds
me of an eerie, elaborate escape room I participated in about two years ago
with Brad, my asshole ex. Only this is wider and the ceilings higher.
The servants lead the way down the hallway. As we walk past several
other doors, I find myself wondering what might lie behind those panels.
Are there other women, trapped like me?
We turn a corner to another shorter hallway, which ends at a set of huge
brown double doors. When we reach them, Teon pushes a panel open, and it
creaks. One by one, we step into the next part of this bizarre world, they
with the confidence that comes with familiarity and I with the awkwardness
of apprehension.
However, the moment I step through, I’m faced with so much beauty
that my fears are momentarily forgotten. In front of me is a garden designed
like a royal courtyard. Flowers and ornamental plants of various kinds fill
up most of the space here as far as my eyes can see, separated into sections
by narrow walkways. I spot lilies, roses, lavenders, dandelions, and take in
the beautiful mixture of colors. When I breathe, my nostrils are filled with
fresh perfumed air. However, the radiance of all the plants baffles me as I
look up at the soaring ceiling and see no source of sunlight. How is this
even possible?
I keep on following the servants down a straight path. Not once does
any of them bother to look back, almost as though they are confident I will
not attempt to flee or if I do, catching me would be too easy. In the end, we
stop at the edge of a pool bubbling with warm water, the sight of which, I
have to admit, gladdens my heart.
A bath is just what I need right now, and feminine hygiene products a
close second.

T his place is magnificent and everything looks luxurious. I can suddenly

picture myself here with my friends just lounging by the pool, sipping
“You must be cleaned before you can attend the feast,” Knox says,
smiling at me.
Right, they’re still here. I look at them all. They are small but incredibly
handsome, almost too perfect.
I wonder what would happen if I tried to flirt with them. Could I entice
them to let me go? No, bad idea. They seem loyal to their master and I have
no time to experiment. I need to get out of here ASAP, and that’s after this
“Okay,” I say, still unsure where Knox is going with this. “Leave so I
can do that.”
“It is our job to clean you up, to make sure you're well prepared,” he
replies with a blank expression.
Seriously? Did I just hear that?
“Clean me up? No, you can't expect me to be naked in front of all of
you … and also I might—” I say with as much finality I can muster, but I
can’t tell them the complete truth because it’s too embarrassing. Meanwhile,
they are unfazed by both my words and tone.
“Woman, you must do as we ask.”
“You don’t understand.” I swallow past a lump in my throat. “I’m …
I’m bleeding down there.”
The monster grunts. “If you don’t get in, we will have to drag you in the
water, as Master Aldrick commands.” He takes a menacing step toward me.
A cold shiver crawls over my spine. I'm filled with a strange kind of
anticipation, and I'm not sure why. I must be losing my mind.
Maybe it has something to do with the word ‘servants’—did that
actually mean slave?
“Master Aldrick will not entertain you at the feast or meet any of your
demands if you do not allow us to clean you properly as he would prefer,”
Knox explains further, a mad, almost zealous gleam in his eyes.
A jolt of heat rushes through my body. That gleam says he will do
anything to ensure his master’s wishes are fulfilled. Anything.
I shift from one foot to another, hoping that perhaps if I’m silent for
long enough, they will laugh and I’ll commend them on their brilliant joke.
When they continue watching me, though, I weigh my options. Aldrick has
promised to set me free if I attend his feast. That is all he requires to give
me my freedom. It is therefore necessary for me to go with the flow and do
as these three say. If I get in the water, my bleeding will stop so it won’t be
so gross. How bad could it be?
“Fine,” I say while trepidation and excitement battle within me. “But if
anything makes me uncomfortable, you stop.”
“Trust me, you will love being taken care by the three of us,” Knox
assures me then gestures toward the pool.
Now that remains to be seen.
I unwrap my sheet dress from my body and let it fall to the floor,
resisting the urge to look back at the material to check for stains. There’s no
point in feeling ashamed anymore because there’s nothing I can do to
change the situation. On the contrary, I find myself intrigued and a little
turned on. Imagine having three servants dedicated to me and waiting on
me hand and foot.
Taking a deep breath, I step forward and dip one foot into the pool,
testing the temperature of the water before immersing my body in it. A
luxurious warmth swallows my body in a matter of seconds. As I settle into
the comfort of the water and inhale the sweet floral smell of soaps and
lotions that are laid around the edge of the pool, I turn around to face the
servants, catching them all eyeing me with hunger in their eyes that sends
tiny shivers through my body.
I feel pressure in my core, a pure physical urging I want to slake—so
unbearable I want to touch myself here, in front of the servants, without a
care in the world. Desire rushes full force into place, and for the first time
since I woke up here, I don't feel like a prisoner but a princess that is cared
for and desired. It is all fantasy, but I want this. Crave this.
These men want to please me, and it is in my power to let them. I could
put my foot down and refuse, but do I want to? It is like being in a dream—
one of the visions I have during slumber in my world, my apartment, my
bed. Nothing’s off limits here, and the feeling this gives me I cannot quite
They give me a few moments to pant away in my own haze of lust
before stepping into the pool with me. Their sizes make the manner in
which they float in the water a little comical, eliciting a chuckle from me
that I quickly stifle lest I anger them.
If they heard my laugh, they don’t react to it. Knox positions himself to
my right, Herb to my left, while Teon fetches the soap. He examines about
five different kinds as if trying to select the perfect one before settling on a
whitish liquid in a clear jar.
He returns with the soap and stands in front of me. With them facing or
flanking me and the edge of the pool pushing at my back, there is no way
for me to move away from this. Still, none of them makes any attempt to do
anything until I look in Teon’s eyes and give him an approving nod.
Immediately, he puts some soap on his right hand and begins to lather
me up. This is more erotic and intimidating than I anticipated, this unusual
touch that’s almost clinical yet arousing at the same time. My breathing
picks up as I stare at their muscular chests and huge cocks.
Together, they wash every part of me, stroking gently and pressing on
all my spots as they take note of the places that make me shiver and
shudder. I’m lost in a fog of sensation as they fondle my breasts, tickle my
belly button, and trail their fingers along my slender neck. Underneath the
clear surface of the water, I can clearly see their formerly semi-hard cocks
now rock-hard and pointing at me.
When Knox moves his hand right under the water, I grab his wrist and
direct it down between my legs. There is either something in the water or
maybe I'm just reacting to the situation.
"If you’re here to take care of me, then you should all take care of me,"
I whisper, not even knowing what got into me.
Knox’s monstrous cock is hard like a rock, and I'm already imagining
myself riding him on the edge of the pool. He glances at Herb and Teon
who has now stopped touching me, but I can't read anything from their
unfazed expressions.
"Tell us, Jane, how would you like us to take care of you?” Teon asks,
tilting his head to the side. He's the most handsome of the three. These
monsters look like tiny hot men that could do a lot of damage to a woman
like me. My cheeks flush, my chest falling and rising in rapid movements.
"I want to ride one of you, but I can't make up my mind which one," I
say confidently. Fuck my self-preservation and fuck Aldrick. He’s a beast
who’s had no qualms about kidnapping me, so I can take advantage of this
Knox exhales and glances down at my hard nipples.
"Teon, stand in front of her. Herb will be watching, and I will give you a
nice orgasm, Jane. It seems you need to be primed for our master." Knox’s
tone is husky, and my insides clench at the barely concealed orders. "Now
turn around, Jane, like the good girl you are."
He doesn't need to tell me twice. I turn, splashing the water and now
facing Teon who seems very happy with this arrangement. Then Herb lifts
himself out and stands on the edge of the pool, where he grabs his
monstrous cock and starts stroking himself, staring directly at me. A split
second later, Knox brings me closer to his body and then moves his hands
in front. I gasp, feeling his hard cock nudging my thighs. Teon moves closer
and caresses my arms and collarbones.
"I think she's wet for us already, brother," Teon mutters when Knox
starts brushing my sex with his fingers, his head pressed to my back.
Their hands feel strange, so delicate, their touch almost fleeting. And
yet, it’s this quality that makes their ministrations so entrancing. I shut my
eyes, a wave of pleasure engulfing me while they both start their tortures.
They touch, they caress, they prime, but I wish Knox would just stick his
hard cock in me. Instead, he starts rubbing my clit with his fingers while his
brother pinches my nipples hard, then brushes his finger over my lips. Oh,
what sweet torment. I arch my head backwards, thinking I will not last long.
The fire starts building inside me as Knox uses his other hand to ease his
fingers into me.
"Oh, God," I moan, wondering if Aldrick would feel the same, but then
I remind myself he is much bigger. Herb’s movements now sound rapid and
urgent as he continues to wank himself, staring directly at me.
"There is no god in this room, Jane. We are your gods here," Teon
whispers as he leans over and starts sucking my nipples, one by one.
I cry out when Knox keeps pumping his fingers inside me faster while
stroking and molding my clit with his subtle yet insistent touch. My heart
hammers inside my chest, my breaths now frantic. The orgasm builds inside
me as I try to hold still, but I'm splashing water everywhere.
"That's it, Jane. Come for me," he whispers, ramming two or three
fingers inside me now. At this point, I'm losing count of what's happening
to me. My whole body goes rigid and I scream as the orgasmic ecstasy
shatters through me like an avalanche. I come hard, the release intense as
both Knox and Teon continue to give me pleasure.
By the time I open my eyes after the wave has ebbed, it’s like I'm
drifting away, my body pleasantly numb, wet, as I keep taking long gulps of
air. Herb has ejaculated all over the edge, and he's panting hard, too.
I smile at Teon shyly—he’s still hard as a rock.
"That was unbelievable," I mutter.
"Your body needed it, Jane. Now let us continue to wash you. The
master doesn't like being kept waiting," Knox says then lifts his fingers to
lick my cum that’s all over them. "You taste fucking delicious, and I want
I open my mouth to say something but then change my mind.
"Later, brother," Herb reminds him, getting back into the pool.
They continue bathing me while I try to gather my wits. My body
tingles in the strangest places. It is all so routine yet so sensual. Also, it is
incredibly bizarre to be serviced by these little creatures until my body feels
numb after an explosive orgasm. The mindful way in which they touch and
caress my body is so soothing that it tricks my muscles into relaxing. Soon,
I lean my head back and just allow myself to enjoy the experience of being
catered to in this manner.
I don’t know how long I remain in this position—eyes closed, blinded
by the euphoria of relaxation, and floating on the surface of the water like
paper—but when I open my eyes, I’m alone in the water and the three
servants are standing outside the pool, watching me patiently.
“Sorry,” I say when I realize I must have been keeping them waiting.
Herb provides a towel which I use to dry myself after stepping out of
the water. Much like everything else I have seen so far, the towel is clean,
warm, and sweet-smelling. What is this place? First, they pop up in the
bedroom, then bring me to this surreal place and give me the most amazing
orgasm. It's sorcery.
“You are allowed to choose any cream you wish to use and apply it
yourself, Knox says with a small bow.
“Okay.” I can’t help the tiny hint of disappointment that flashes through
me at the thought that they won’t apply the lotion themselves. I know they
want to touch me again—well, maybe even more than just touch.
How would it be if I let all three of them fuck me?
A startled gasp escapes me at this wanton thought. I can’t seriously
want a second go with these weird creatures I can barely believe are real? I
blink and stare at them because I’m sure at some point they’ll disappear into
thin air and I’ll wake up in my own bed, in my house.
I select an ointment with the smell and consistency of an essential oil
and rub it over myself. From the corner of my eye, I can see all three keep
their eyes glued on me as I rub all over my breasts, arms, legs, neck,
between my thighs, and over the rest of my body. I feel as if I’m on display
or performing for them. They are enjoying the spectacle as I part my thighs
and rub my clit in circular motions while moaning loud, imagining them
fucking me on the edge of the pool. If I’m to have this one-of-a-kind
experience, this dream, might as well go all out.
Once I have applied the oil to my satisfaction, I walk over to where I
dropped the sheet and pick it up to wrap it around myself again, noting the
slight stain I do my best to hide. A flush of embarrassment hits my face
again, and I remind myself to ask for feminine hygiene products when I get
the chance.
“You don't need that old sheet anymore, Jane,” Knox says.
“Why? I need to cover myself somehow and I don’t have my clothes.”
They can’t be asking me to do that.
‘That won’t be necessary,” he says, and I swear there’s a tinge of
amusement in his tone, as well as a twinkle in his eyes.
“I’m not going to this feast naked. I don’t care what strange plans you
and your master have concocted, okay?”
“We have prepared some appropriate attire for you,” he says, again in
that tone that tells me there isn’t much room for argument.
I don’t intend to argue, though. If they are offering me clothes to replace
this ridiculous sheet, I will be grateful. They are treating me well.
“All right,” I say. “Where is this appropriate attire?”
We go in the same direction we came from, so I know they are taking
me back to the room I’m being held in. As we walk, I’m reminded that
despite having experienced the most explosive orgasm in my life—Brad
couldn’t hold a candle to these three diminutive creatures—I’m still a
prisoner being held here against my will.
When we reach the door to the room, the servants don’t walk in as I
expect them to. They stop a few steps before it and gesture for me to
proceed. I hesitate, but Teon gives me a nod which I take as encouragement.
I open the door and step in.
Spread neatly and carefully on the bed is an eye-catching dress in a
beautiful coral hue. Next to it is a pair of flat red shoes. First, I wonder who
put them there. Did Aldrick come to drop a dress for me himself?
Somehow, I doubt that. More likely, there are other servants of his that I
have yet to meet. Speaking of servants, I remember I need to talk to
someone about pads or tampons or whatever the women use in this world.
I turn around to ask the brothers but they’re gone and the door is closed.
I walk across the room to the bed and pick up the dress, careful not to cause
any wrinkles, and examine it.
Much like everything else here, the gown seems to be the choice of a
person whose taste is stuck on an era that existed a century or two ago.
Maybe this is the reason why it is by far the most elegant and exquisite
thing I have ever seen in real life. Whoever made this has serious sartorial
Before I put it on, though, I have to see to my ‘situation’. I look around,
opening drawers to see if there’s anything I can find that I could use in lieu
of a pad. In one of the drawers, I find a few pairs of old-fashioned
underpants that reach down to the knee, as well as a series of small, thick
towels, not much larger than a washcloth. Grabbing a couple, I fold them
and position them at my crotch, then don the underpants to hold everything
I feel like I've gone back in time. How did the women do it in those
days? I’d tear my hair out if I have to deal with this crap every month. I
look in the drawer and guess I have enough towels for a couple of changes.
If I need more, I’d have to ask. Next time I see anybody, male or female,
I’m going to have to get past my embarrassment and request what I need.
I go to the dress and put it on, although I do require some help to fasten
it up. I walk to the full-length mirror by the bed to check if the dress fits. It
does, a little too perfectly. The Bertha neckline exposes my collarbones and
the top of my shoulders in a manner so flattering, I wish I can take a picture
of myself. The bodice, despite not being secured yet, fits around my frame.
Below my waist, the rest of the dress is not too bulky or layered, with
flowers in a slightly darker shade than the rest of the dress embroidered on
the skirt. Stunning.
I put my hair up in a tight bun, accentuating my neck, collarbones, and
shoulders even more. Then, I put on the shoes that are also a perfect fit. I
have several questions as to how any of this could have been arranged.
Besides the unfastened laces of the dress, I’m ready, so I walk out the door,
prepared for whatever the rest of this day might entail.
When I step outside, the three servants are still standing in the exact
same spot and where I left them when I entered my room. They are all still
hard, and I feel a little guilty now that there’s no one else here to take care
of them.
“Can I get some help fastening this dress?” I ask.
They look from one to the other as if there’s an obvious joke I’m not
privy to.
“I’m afraid none of us is tall enough to help you,” Knox says. “Maybe
the master will.”
The master. I swallow the lump in my throat and nod in acquiescence.
“Okay, let’s go.”
“Don't worry, Jane. Master might look scary, but he's gentle like a cat,”
Knox says with amusement, and once again, they turn away from me.
I'm not sure if I want to believe him. If Master is a cat, then it’s the
predatory panther type, not the fluffy domestic kind.
We head down the hallway one more time, except we don’t make it to
the end. We stop at a door to our right halfway through and Teon pulls it
open, revealing an arched stairway that leads to a lower level. This
immediately makes me uncomfortable as most of what I’ve seen of this
place gives me the impression it’s all underground. I can’t imagine there’s
still a lower level than this one.
“Lead the way,” I say when they make no attempt to move.
“I’m afraid this is where we leave you,” Knox says.
“What? No.”
“At the end of these stairs is a door. Behind that door, the feast awaits.
Master will adore your company, Jane,” he says. "Good luck."
I take in a deep breath. I have heard the word feast enough times in the
past few hours that it is beginning to sound weird in my ears. That, coupled
with the fact that he just wished me luck for some reason I don’t know,
causes my heart to quicken.
Whatever awaits down there can’t be good.
I turn away from the servants and make my way down the stairs. I hold
my dress up and take careful steps to not trip and fall. When my body feels
light, I realize that I haven’t eaten anything in hours and hope for the sake
of my metabolism there’s at least a fruit edible to a human like me behind
the door at the end of these stairs.
And then, I’m there, in front of that solid wood panel. I stand still for a
minute, maybe two, contemplating whether or not I’m ready for what might
be behind it. Eventually, I take in a deep breath and push.

T he dining hall is similar to the one in the painting I threatened to

torch, only slightly less wide. It’s a long room with a high ceiling and no
pillars. The lighting comes from numerous lamps that burn so brightly,
everything in the large space is visible no matter where you’re standing in
The sprawling walls are adorned by paintings of all kinds, similar in
style and feel yet depicting different subjects. There’s one of a warship and
another of a garrison. Then a large portrait of a pale woman who seems to
be looking down her nose at me, and another of a cute baby next to it. Then
come the paintings of beasts—some I recognize, others far beyond my
imagination. Beasts with yellow eyes, four horns, tails lined with spikes,
chests covered in fur, nipples red as a blood moon, and forked tongues
longer than their hands. It’s all so gory but also intriguing.
In the center of the room is a large, long table, reminding me of the kind
a family of royals would use to entertain their guests. At the head sits
Aldrick, completely filling up an enormous seat with his hefty frame. He
has his hands on the table like a king about to pass some edict, watching me
as I take in the room.
“Are you just going to stand there?” His voice booms and bounces off
the walls.
I wonder how long until the sound of it stops making me shiver. Not
likely, based on the goosebumps that erupt all along my arms. I suspect that
might never stop.
With a deep breath, I will myself to move and walk to the table,
stopping at the other end with my hands on my tummy. I don’t sit, and
neither of us says a word for several seconds. The silence is deafening.
“My dress is not fastened,” I mumble, nerves threatening to get the
better of me.
For a moment, I fear I wasn’t loud enough and he didn’t hear me
because he doesn’t respond. But when I look up and see his orange eyes
turning a wicked shade of red, I know he did. Something stirs in my loins.
“Come here,” he says at last.
His words are like an invisible force that overpowers whatever inertia I
might have. I don’t think twice before walking along the table to stop at his
side. Despite the small victory I had in the room negotiating my release, he
is still an intimidating monster.
He watches me from head to toe and drinks me in before getting up on
his feet. This time, he has traded his blue buttonless vest for a silky green
shirt that also does little to conceal his bulging muscles. When he flexes his
arms, the material threatens to give in and rip. He has on black pants, and
the noticeable bulge at the front jumps right at me. I look up immediately
and see that he is watching me. I'm getting wet and needy again—this is
never a good combination. And to think the servants already took such good
care of me…
‘Turn,” he instructs, and I do.
His huge presence behind me is almost palpable even before he touches
me. Like a warm awning that envelopes every fiber of my being. I want to
lean into him but stay still.
When his fingers touch the bodice of my dress, I stiffen and my breath
stops midway in my throat. I stay completely still. One loop after the other,
he tightens my laces, each time seeming to bend down and inch closer until
I can feel his warm breath on the nape of my neck.
My entire body shivers of its own volition. Goosebumps shoot out of
every visible part of me and blood rushes to my head in a manner that
temporarily blackens my sight. Still, this isn’t enough. I crave for him to be
even closer. I want his lips on my shoulder. I want him to suckle on that
spot where my neck meets my collarbone.
He steps back and I snap out of my thoughts. Fuck! What is happening
to me?
I take in a long and deep breath before turning around to face him.
“Don’t just stand there. Sit,” he says. "You must be hungry."
Feeling bold, I don’t return to the other end of the table. Instead, I go to
the chair two seats from his right and sit in it. He watches me intently as I
carry out every movement before he returns to his own seat. For the first
time since arriving in this hall, I notice the food spread on the table. There’s
a large turkey, a roasted pig, potatoes, rice, vegetables, an obscene amount
of wine, and so much more food than just the two of us could possibly eat.
“Expecting more guests?” I ask cheekily, to which he doesn’t respond.
Instead, a growl from my stomach fills the silence.
“Eat,” he says, so I know he definitely heard my stomach.
I pick up a plate and begin to heap food on it. Admittedly, it all looks
and smells delicious. Even though I understand the dangers of accepting
anything in this strange place, I’m too hungry to refuse something that
looks so good.
As I take a first bite, I fight the urge to moan out loud, then notice that
Aldrick isn’t making any attempt to pick up a plate and get some food for
himself. Instead, he’s sitting in silence, watching me. My mind imagines the
worst possible scenario first—that this food is poisoned—so I stop chewing
the piece of turkey in my mouth.
Then, I think of a second possibility. Is he the kind of man who is
always served his food, by his servants perhaps? Does he expect me to cater
to his feeding? Nothing her is what I’d consider ‘normal’ by any standards.
“Why aren’t you eating?” I ask.
“It is rude to speak with food in your mouth,” he says as his eyes burn
into mine.
I want to laugh at his scolding tone but I manage to pull myself together
and shift in my seat. Why do his words seem to hold so much weight and
control when elsewhere, I would have just scoffed? I swallow the food in
my mouth then face him again with a sarcastic smile.
“Why aren’t you eating?” I ask again.
“I do not abuse my food by heating it up,” he says.
“What does that mean?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.
“It means I eat as nature provides.”
“Hmm. Sounds delicious … for you.” I think he gets that I’m making a
joke because a faint smile plays at his lips. Yet, it disappears just as fast.
“What is the point of this feast? Why have you cooked all this food just for
my sake?”
He watches me for a few seconds as though analyzing my question
before opening his mouth to respond. “It is rude to have a person spend the
night in my house and not offer them food.”
“So, you’re a traditional kind of monster,” I say with a smirk.
“I'm a monster indeed, woman,” he replies, and the word rolls off his
tongue like a strange ringing in my head.
“Why did you kidnap me?” Something about how semi-nice he is being
to me emboldens me to ask this question, and I hope I’m not overstepping
my bounds.
“I didn’t kidnap you,” he says, his voice dropping to an even lower
octave. How many shivers can one voice cause to run through my body?
“You came to me.”
I drop my cutlery for a moment so I can look directly at him when I
speak my mind. His eyes are the lightest orange I have seen them be so far
—as though a layer of glass or coating of clear acrylic has been put over
them to make them appear more welcoming and hopeful.
“I didn’t come to you. I was hiking up the mountain and you tricked me
with a cat. I came to a clearing and when I saw you, I lost consciousness.”
The right corner of his lips tilts up in a partial smile. “That clearing is
my door. You knocked, and I didn't want to be rude so I took you in when
you passed out.”
“If I knocked, then I should be allowed to leave without hassle, should I
not, Aldrick?”
I put extra emphasis on his name. With the way the corner of his lips
rises a little higher, it’s obvious he is truly amused by what I just said.
Clearly, my words are getting to him and I must be making an impression.
That thought makes me a little happy.
“You are my prisoner now,” he says finally. “I will tell you when I want
you to leave.”
I don’t respond to that. Perhaps because of the manner in which he
speaks as though he’s discussing a well-established fact or because I am
aware of being, in fact, a prisoner whose freedom is in the hands of this
enormous, red-eyed, horned monster.
“Who is Celia?” I ask, my words piercing through the thick silence that
descends upon us. I look down at my food to then cut a piece of meat with
my knife. “And Laura. I suppose they were prisoners like me.”
I expect a response from Aldrick, but I get nothing so I raise my eyes.
When I do, I don’t have to be told what a terrible mistake I have made. His
expression chills me to the bone. His eyes are like blood, his fists tightened
on the table so hard, I see the veins running along his fingers. He looks
about ready to explode.
I instinctively sink into my seat and drop my cutlery again. When I open
my mouth to speak, the only thing that comes out of it is air so I close it
immediately and fall into a cowered silence.
“This is none of your business, female!” His voice booms around the
room like thunder. Even the table shakes.
“I…I just—”
“Have you no sense of the extent of freedom afforded to you, a
prisoner?” With every word, his voice gets rougher and his eyes redder.
“Perhaps because I have put you in a room, you are mistaken as to what
your role here is.”
“What?” My voice trembles. “No, no, I saw the vase on— Forget I
asked. I apologize.”
In one swift motion, Aldrick gets up from his seat, sending the big chair
tumbling backwards. It lands on the floor with a loud thud that startles me
and makes me to jump to my feet, too.
“I didn't mean to cause any offence with my perfectly normal question,”
I say, telling myself he doesn’t scare me. But he does. “I was just curious.”
Something in the air has shifted. I can see it in his eyes and the way he
looks at me. Before I can say another word, Aldrick is at my side. He puts
his big hands around my arm and roughly drags me along with him toward
the exit.
“Wait!” I’m now begging. “Wait! Where are you taking me? Stop!
He doesn’t respond to any of my pleas with as much as a glance, and by
the time we are halfway up the stairs, I’m in tears. He simply manhandles
me with a roughness that borders on inhumane, never stopping—not when
the end of my dress catches on a nail and rips, not when my shoulder bumps
against the wall and bruises, not when I tell him he is hurting my arm with
his grip.
Once in the hallway, he pulls me a little farther down and opens a door
to his left, which leads to a dark, ominous chamber. By the time my eyes
adjust and I realize I’m in what appears to be a dungeon, it’s too late.
“No!” I scream then begin to hit him with my free hand, but my
punches are like a baby’s flailing to him. He doesn’t even flinch. “You
promised me my freedom! You gave me your word! You monster!”
A latch clicks open, and then I’m thrown behind black iron bars. I hold
onto them and weep as he locks me in without a mere look. This is all
horrifying and I’m the most terrified I’ve been in my entire life.
“Please,” I beg. “Please, let me go. Please!”
I scream after him as he walks away, words I’m not even sure are
coherent, but he doesn’t turn for one second. A loud clanging sound tells
me he has shut the door to the dungeon and left me there. Slowly, I fall onto
the hard, stony floor and cry my eyes out.

I don’t know exactly when I fell asleep—most likely sometime in the

middle of all my crying, but when a loud clanging stirs me awake, I stir,
feeling slightly well-rested. However, when I raise my body off the hard
floor and sit up, I’m sore at every single joint and in every muscle.
I check the status of my underwear and luckily, my flow is not as heavy
as it sometimes is. I’d kill for a shower though. I replace the upper towel
with the cleaner one beneath it, then readjust my clothing, resigned to
making do.
At that moment, the events that led me here come rushing back to me,
and my heart sinks once again. I didn’t gain my freedom after Aldrick’s
feast like he had promised me. I’m still a prisoner and unfortunately, I have
been put in worse conditions. While I was placed in a room before, now I’m
in a dungeon that looks like something out of a horror movie. And just
hours ago, I woke up on a soft bed with sheets and fluffy pillows. For the
last few hours, I had to place my head on stone and bruise my body against
these floors. A lone tear falls from my eye.
Knox, Herb, and Teon appear in front of the bars of the cell where I’m
being kept. I can barely make out their expressions in the darkness, but I
hope they at least pity me.
“What, now?” I bark at them, wondering why the hell they showed up
here. “Has he ordered you to bring me so he can finally kill me?”
“We have been asked to bring you, yes,” Knox says, leaving the second
part of my question hanging and unanswered.
I laugh dryly to myself, no longer able to fathom this turn my life has
suddenly taken as the latch unclicks and the three servants wait for me to
step out.
For a moment, a cold breeze drifts in from the door that leads out of the
dungeon which the servants have left open, and the few torches in here burn
a little brighter. I get a glimpse of Knox’s face to see a look of slightly
concealed sympathy which eerily reminds me of Dorothy’s face the night I
told her I had agreed to go on a date with Brad.
“Why?” she had asked.
“I don’t know,” I replied with a shrug. “He asked, and he’s really
And he really was. I remember the first time I saw him. I was hiding in
the kitchen away from the bustle of Dorothy’s birthday party, having just
returned to the town from attending college out of state and didn’t know
most of Dorothy’s friends. The ones I knew from back in high school, I no
longer spoke to so I felt extremely out of place and awkward while
everyone else acted familiarly with one another.
Brad came into the kitchen while I fiddled with my drink and scrolled
mindlessly through my phone. He had on a blue jacket over a white t-shirt
and jeans and an air of confidence that instantly drew me to him. The
moment he walked in, our eyes met and I looked away immediately. He
walked past me and picked up a drink for himself from the fridge then
walked out. Before he left, I caught him give me one more quick glance
from the corner of my eye.
Barely minutes after I entered the living room, Brad made his way
across the space to me and offered me a refill. The conversation began there
and flowed effortlessly until the end of the night. We told each other what
we did for work, what we would rather be doing, where we would rather
live, and all the places we wished we would visit. He seemed fun and
reasonable, and I took all the ways in which he presented himself to me that
night to be who he truly was. I would learn soon after that appearances can
be false and people rarely change who they are, although they can certainly
hide it. Brad was a narcissist.
Now I am being held captive by a brute. No irony there…
“Master Aldrick awaits his sweet Jane,” Knox says, then the three
servants start to walk away from me.
I want to tell him that I’m not sweet but decide against it.
I follow them as is expected of me. With each step we take, my mind
races a million times a minute. What can this monster possibly want from
me now? My life? Isn’t it enough that he has taken my freedom and agency
away from me? Would he like to put a knife to my throat now and relish the
sight of me bleeding to death?
No matter what, I will do all I can to never give him the satisfaction of
watching me beg for my life anymore. It appears I may never be free from
this place. So, I might as well give back as much vitriol as is being offered
to me.
Then I think about Sue and her story. She claims she was treated like a
princess by her monster and yesterday, I thought I could be in her place—
until I started asking questions. I wonder if Sue is the one Aldrick fucked
before me.
When we reach the hallway, the servants head to the third door from the
right and pull it open. Again, I hesitate, not knowing what lies beyond, so I
make no attempt to walk through it.
“The Master is waiting,” Teon says.
“And I suppose I have to face him alone.” My words aren’t necessarily
to argue the situation but an attempt to make myself accustomed to it.
“I’m afraid so,” he replies.
I take in a deep breath and walk in. The new room is a surprising breath
of fresh air from the dungeon. It’s a large study with by far the best lighting
of any room I have been to in this place so far. The space is rectangular,
each side of the wall covered extensively by bookshelves housing tomes of
various sizes. Straight ahead from the door is a desk on which books and
stationery are arranged, and behind that desk, Aldrick is seated, watching
me once again with an expression I can’t discern.
Despite the strength I’ve been summoning, I’m intimidated by his stare
and unable to look him in the eye. I stay close to the door and don’t move,
choosing to remain there until he speaks.
“Come over here and sit,” he says.
I can’t say his voice doesn’t do something to me still. More than fear, it
thrills me, makes me want.
I clear my throat. “I would rather stand here, thank you very much.” I'm
stubborn like that. I’m not going to humor him today.
“I will not speak to you from across the room, Jane.”
Maybe it’s because he says my name rather than call me ‘woman’ or
‘female’, or his unusually mild tone, but I immediately lift my gaze to his.
There’s something about him today that isn’t as menacing as the monster
who threw me so violently and heartlessly in the dungeon.
He’s more like the one I met in the dining hall before I asked him about
Celia. He seems a little more relaxed and less prone to anger. Still, the same
Aldrick switched up on me suddenly and rescinded his promise to give me
my freedom then threw me in a prison from the dark ages. So best tread
carefully around him.
I walk slowly toward the seat on the opposite side of his desk with my
eyes darting across the room, looking anywhere but at him. Although he
doesn’t say anything more, I’m fairly certain he must perceive just how
awkward and uncomfortable I feel about this situation. I stop in front of the
chair and sit.
“I don’t like nosy prisoners, woman,” he says before I fully settle into
the seat. “I don’t like to be asked questions whose answers are not the
concern of the inquirer.”
“And you threw me in a dark dungeon because of that?” I say,
bewildered. “You could have just told me no and sent me back to my room.
But you treated me like a prisoner.”
“You are a prisoner,” he says matter-of-factly.
“Nothing about this makes sense,” I scoff. “Why are you keeping me
here? Why are you treating me this way?”
His eyes take on a glow that’s different from any I’ve seen from him as
he watches me. I brace myself for whatever’s coming.
“As I said, you came to me,” he begins. “You came to my door and
knocked, but I have been waiting for your kind. For you. And now, I simply
can’t let you go. I have chosen you as my mate and will breed you to bear
my young.”
I watch him in silence for seconds … a minute … I don’t know exactly
how long it takes for his words to sink into my head.
When I fully understand him, I let out a dry chuckle. Clearly, he has to
be joking. His mate? “You want to breed me? You’ve chosen me as your
mate? What is all this?”
“I. Will. Breed. You.”
My heartbeat quickens and a strong wave of arousal rushes through my
core. Why do I react to him that way? Breeding. It’s the word that does this
to me. Because it implies sex. Lots and lots of it to make sure I get
impregnated. Lots. Over and over again…
“What if I don’t want you to?”
He smiles at me and I can't stop staring at him. Despite being large and
the horns sprouting from his head, he's incredibly good-looking. That damn
wicked smile does things to me I don’t want to admit.
“First of all, your arrival here makes it clear that you are my chosen
mate. It’s the tradition. And even then, you will beg for my seed. I will
infiltrate every single one of your senses until I’m all you breathe in. It is
beyond your control as it is beyond mine. You are mine now, woman. All of
My eyes blink rapidly and I swallow the lump that has formed in my
throat. His tone, words, and commanding presence are all so
overwhelmingly sexy that my brain is divided. One part is screaming at me
to run as fast as I can, and another is telling me to kneel before him and ask
him to spill his cum all over me. Both parts are fighting for control of my
mind and because of that, a huge storm is brewing inside me.
“I…I—“ I try to say something but can only manage a stutter.
“It’s okay, woman,” he says with a devilish grin and a glint in his eyes,
as if he knows he owns me and there isn’t much else I can do. “Speak. Are
you going to let me spill my precious seed inside you and breed you?”
At that moment, I allow the flight instinct to take over. Without giving it
much thought, I jump off the chair, make one swift turnaround, and start to
run toward the exit. I fully expect to hear a loud thumping behind me telling
me he is chasing me, but I hear nothing. When the door I’m heading toward
swings open and his three servants come in and block my exit, I realize
why. I stop immediately and start to look from one side to the other.
“Let me go! Let me go, you monster!” I scream so loud, my voice
echoes down the hall. I maintain a defensive stance but that means nothing
when Aldrick gets up on his feet and I immediately lose all my defenses. He
is a magnificent beast. A truly splendid creature worthy of being served and
worshipped. If perhaps I would ever open myself up for breeding, it would
have to be him. Except I don’t want to do it like this. I want to choose to do
“Do not come toward me!” I scream out, but my words fall on deaf ears
because Aldrick trudges my way, his reddening eyes remain fixated on me.
The closer he gets, the more I smell him, the more I feel him over me, and
the more aroused I am all of a sudden. “Don’t come any … closer.”
I intend to sound strong, but each word sounds weaker than the previous
one until the last comes out as barely a whimper.
He is standing right in front of me and looking straight down at me with
his glowing red eyes. I try to look anywhere but into them. Perhaps that’s
what he’s using to make me weak. My gaze darts to his horns, his blond
hair, and the lines on his forehead but ultimately still sink back into his
eyes. He wraps his huge hands around me and pulls me closer to him with
one forceful movement. I gasp and look directly at him, aware of the danger
of looking at something as bright as the sun.
“You’re my captive,” he says, his voice the deepest it has ever been.
From behind him, a tail appears and continues to elongate over his head
and curl toward my face. I don’t remember ever seeing him have a tail, but I
don’t question it, at least not yet. The tail lands softly on my head. In a soft,
sweeping motion, the end gently caresses my left cheek, and I instinctively
lean into it.
How can a tail that looks so menacing feel so good against my skin? His
right hand slides down my back slowly until it rests at my waist. He pulls
me closer to him as though he wants there to be no space between us, not
even an inch. Without thinking too much about it, I grab his tail which is
moving all across my face and slide it over my bottom lip. He lets out a low
growl. This is too hot, too erotic, and I want to have him inside me.
“Hmm, you like being held hostage by me and my servants?” he asks.
“Yes,” I breathe out. “Take me.”
That’s when he pulls his tail out of my hold and withdraws it to himself,
leaving my hand and face empty, and I begin to search around for it again.
My right hand finally lands on the tail and I quickly pull it closer to my
thigh. Aldrick lets out a breathy groan, which causes me to shiver and close
my eyes. This tail seems a lot shorter than the last one, and thicker, too.
Suddenly, he steps back from me and the recoil sends me a few steps
back. He looks at me with a smile on his face, and I watch as his tail slowly
goes back into his body and disappears.
“This is only the beginning, Jane,” he says, biting his lip, his expression
intense, and I believe him.

T o say that I’m shocked to my core would be the understatement of

the year. In fact, I don’t think there’s a word in the English language that
captures how I feel exactly. Perhaps if I spoke French or Chinese or any of
the more expressive languages, I would find a word that perfectly explains
this feeling. It’s a deadly combination of excitement and dread. It feels as
though I desperately want this to go on while also quite as strongly wanting
it to end.
If I’m being honest with myself, the ‘dread’ part makes absolute sense.
After all, Aldrick is a monster who is actively keeping me here against my
will. It makes perfect sense that I’m afraid, but I don't know why I’m turned
on at the same time. Add that to the words he’s saying, telling me explicitly
that he intends to breed me to produce his young, and that there isn’t much I
can do about it—I would be a fool not to be scared.
What doesn’t make sense, therefore, is the excitement and anticipation I
also feel. How is it that these same words and actions that trigger so much
fear also fill me with so much longing? It’s such a blindingly conflicting
For a moment, I consider the possibility that he’s right. That this
situation, whatever it may be, is far beyond my control. That there’s some
higher power at play here writing this story into my life and I have no
choice but to desire him. But at the same time, it seems well within my
control. The part of me that wants this doesn’t feel so because an invisible
force is making me. It’s because when Aldrick is near me and I smell him in
my nostrils and feel his overarching presence over me, it is by far the best I
have felt in years.
I don’t know for how long I stay in one spot, my chest rising and falling
as I take in sizable breaths, but when I snap out of my thoughts, Aldrick has
returned to his seat and is now writing something in a large book. I look
back to find his three servants still waiting at the door, watching me with
focused attention. The stillness of the atmosphere is concerning. It’s almost
as if I imagined all that just happened and had a very public meltdown. Did
I clear my throat. “So what now?”
Aldrick raises his head slowly from his book. Besides his furrowed
eyebrows and the lines on his forehead, his expression remains unreadable.
Sometimes, he comes across as a being who has transcended human
emotions. Perhaps he has.
“My servants will return you to your room, so you can rest,” he says.
“No more dungeon?” I say cheekily but with a hint of fear at the
possible response.
“You shouldn’t be in a dungeon, my human,” he says matter-of-factly.
“You are much too precious for the darkness of a dungeon. And don't deny
it, woman, I can smell your arousal from here. You want me to fulfil all
your sexual desires.”
If I could see myself, I would know that my face just failed me by not
being able to hide my reaction. His words have once again affected me in a
way they really shouldn’t. I cover the redness of my cheeks and neck by
pretending to cough into my hands and turning around quickly. If Aldrick
sees my reaction to what he’s just said, he doesn’t show it. He simply goes
back to his business and dismisses me with a wave. I want to run back to
him, throw myself into his arms, and beg him to fuck me. Damn it, what's
wrong with me?
“Shall we?” Herb asks as I shift to face him, and I swear, he has a smirk
on his face for a fraction of a second. Are these servants enjoying my
“Yes,” I say. “We shall.”
I leave the room with the servants, successfully fighting my body’s
desire to take one more backward glance at Aldrick. With Knox, Teon, and
Herb, I head down the hallway to the room I was kept in before my
summary imprisonment in the dungeon. This time, I don’t feel an
impending sense of doom. It‘s also clear they aren’t leading the way as I
know exactly where we are going. Instead, they are walking with me as
though guarding precious cargo. It’s a new development, but one I’m not
absolutely against. When we reach the door to the room, they stop and
allow me to push the panel open.
“We want to give you a moment before we return to the bath and clean
you up for the day,” Knox says.
Speaking of…
“I wonder if you have any feminine hygiene products on hand?” He
gives me a blank look. “You know … pads? Tampons?” More puzzlement.
“Do you have any women here … females I can talk to?”
“Afraid not.” Knox’s face falls, sadness overcoming his expression.
“Master is all alone.”
My heart twists at that admission, but I have to stay the course. “Then I
need a big stack of fresh small towels please.” True, my period seems to be
lighter here, lucky me, but it’s still gross to let it seep all over my attire.
He frowns. “Certainly, Jane.”
I nod and glance at him, my cheeks flushed because I'm already
imagining him fucking me this time. Somehow, the idea of them cleaning
me up is no longer weird. It is far down on the list of all the things weirding
me out about this place. “I think a bath is a very good idea.”
“Please endeavor not to touch anything else,” Knox says as I enter the
I look back at the trio, who all have a slight look of amusement in their
eyes. Yup, they are definitely enjoying this. I roll my eyes and slam the door
behind me.
Now that I’m back in the room, I feel slightly different than I did back
in the study and walking down the hallway. With several feet and at least
two doors between Aldrick and me, I can no longer sense his overwhelming
presence over me. The fog of him has been lifted off my eyes, and I see
myself and my situation clearer now as a woman in captivity.
The room is exactly as it was when I left it, except a little cleaner, and
although I didn’t think it possible, even more orderly. The vases responsible
for my brutal imprisonment are still in their perfect arrangement on the
shelf. The bed is perfectly made, and everything else is right where it’s
supposed to be. Something about this brings me a little bit of peace.
I’m tempted to walk over to the shelf and check the bases of all the
other vases to see what names are written under them. Maybe they could
offer some explanation. But I’m smart enough to look away quickly, not
only because I’m leery of the consequences of touching them again, but
also because they aren’t my most pressing concern. My priority is figuring
out how to get myself out of here.
Although I now have an answer as to why he is keeping me here—he
has chosen me as some kind of mate—I don't want to get pregnant,
especially with a monster like Aldrick. The manner in which he makes it
clear that it is beyond my control makes me more than uncomfortable. I
want to be able to make my own choices. I want to stay only because I want
to and knowing that it will be impossible on Aldrick’s terms means there is
only one thing I have to do.
I must find a way to escape this place, but I wouldn't mind fucking all
three of the servants at the same time beforehand.
I don’t bother with undressing or sitting anywhere. Not when a million
and one thoughts about how to break out of this prison rush through my
mind. Most of the scenarios I come up with are scenes from horror and
thriller movies flash before me in quick succession. This doesn’t surprise
me much as I’ve never been in a situation like this where I had to plot my
own escape from a place of confinement. Besides, they don’t exactly teach
‘How to Break Out of Prison 101’ where I went to college.
Usually, in challenging moments, I prefer to have a notepad and pen so I
can have a clearer picture of my situation and properly examine my options.
The clarity that comes with listing can’t be overemphasized. It’s why I can’t
start my day without a to-do list or go shopping without an actual list, and
it’s also one of the reasons why Brad and I had our first big fight.
Admittedly, at the start of our relationship, I found his haphazard
method of handling things to be endearing—a welcome contrast to my own
need to do things properly and in an organized fashion, like a tiny drop of
crazy in my controlled sanity. And it made sense to me that we would get
along because of that. Opposites attract, right? But then again he often
flaked out on me, then acted like nothing had happened. I routinely let him
ruin my plans while he manipulated me into thinking I was being
unreasonable by pointing it out.
Today, I met someone who cherishes order, just like I do. And he’s a
monster, in the most literal sense of the word. Suddenly, the phrase
‘opposites attract’ has taken on a whole new meaning. We couldn’t be more
different, down to the species factor—yet, something about him called to
me, and it wasn’t just his looks.
As I look at the painting still hanging on the wall across the room, it
seems a little funny to me that despite the fact that I threatened to burn it
and that it is clearly precious to Aldrick, he didn’t move it. It’s still just
there in its clean and pristine condition. What that must mean is that
Aldrick is now confident of the power he holds over me. If I threaten to
burn that painting now, all he has to do is look at me with those glorious
eyes and my knees would become weak. That is no longer a viable way to
secure my release. Besides, I really want to stay a bit longer to just feel … I
don’t know what I want to feel.
Do I want to explore my desires? To have his massive cock inside me?
I am afraid to utter the answer to that question out loud.
This time, I have to try something new, something that will be
unexpected without necessarily being shocking. Something strategic. Just
then, the door opens and one after the other, Knox, Herb, and Teon come
into the room.
“We are here to take you to the bath,” Knox says.
I hear his words, but my eyes remain fixated on his and in them, I see
something that clicks in my head. Right then and there, I see a possible way

A s we walk down the hallway, I take note of all the doors I‘ve been
through so far. There’s the one that leads to Aldrick’s study. I imagine he is
there right now, writing or reading something, his smell and presence thick
in the air like fumes. There’s the other door that leads to the dining hall
which I’m sure I will soon go through again to eat while Aldrick watches
me. And then, there’s the uncanny one that leads to the dungeon, behind
which lie only darkness, fear, and loneliness.
It dawns on me I have seen and know so little of this place. There are
about fifteen other doors leading to rooms or possibly other areas that I
have yet to explore. Surely, one of these other entryways has to lead
outside. In a perfect situation, all I would have to do is open each door and
try it out until I find the one I’m looking for. But as I have been shown
multiple times already, nothing is being done according to my terms or
wishes. Therefore, the only way I can get out of here is to be as
manipulative as possible … and channel my feminine side. I have to take
matters into my own hands, seduce them, and then fly.
We are walking toward the bath in a peculiar formation. Teon and Herb
are ahead of me while Knox keeps a few feet behind me. If I didn’t know
better, I would’ve sworn they know I’m plotting an escape and are doing all
they can to keep me secured.
Once in a while, I look back at Knox just to see if he’s still there. The
poor lighting in the hallway makes it difficult to see his face clearly, but
when we pass by one of the burning lamps, I note his attention squarely on
We make the turn toward the better-lit half of the hallway. We’re now
only a few feet away from the door that leads to the garden. This means that
if I’m serious about my plan, I must set it in motion immediately. Time is of
the essence.
Before Teon pushes the door open, I take one more glance at Knox and
wink at him. I don’t even bother to check his reaction. I’m confident it has
just the effect I want it to.
In the garden, I let the sweet-smelling air fill my nostrils. This is
perhaps my favorite part of this place by far. The beautiful array of flowers,
the perfumed air, the warm pool—what’s not to love? If this is going to be
my last time here, I want to take in as much of its beauty as I can.
There isn’t one place in my town that is nearly as simultaneously
beautiful and peaceful as this place is. The local parks are beautiful but far
from peaceful. The woods are peaceful but not beautiful. This courtyard is a
truly special one. I wonder for a moment what it would feel like to make
love here. My mind drifts of its own accord to Aldrick. Would he want to
take me here, in the midst of all this gorgeousness? Well, actually, I wonder
how it would be if Aldrick fucked me hard until I couldn't take it anymore.
I shake my thoughts off. If I intend on leaving, I can’t be going down
that road in my mind. These fantasies are consuming me and corrupting me,
but deep down I want to be like Sue from the coffee shop. I bet she didn't
hesitate when Aldrick stood before her naked—if it was indeed him she’d
met. A sharp jolt of jealousy hits me. Damn, I hope he isn't the one that
bedded her.
We stop at the edge of the pool and the three servants take a step away
from me, leaving me to proceed. As I take off my dress, I hook Knox’s
gaze, remembering the way his fingers played with my clit in the water and
then afterward, when he licked them clean.
When I arrived here and met Aldrick and his servants for the first time, I
thought their expressions would remain unreadable to me. But now I’m
starting to see that my mistake was looking for human mannerisms and
tells. These people have their own ways that show when they’re happy,
excited, or horny. Aldrick’s eyes turn that dangerous shade of red that sucks
me in, and he possesses that magnificent tail which appears out of nowhere.
In the same vein, his servants have their own tells, too.
Now, as I take off my dress, I watch Knox closely and note the slight
and almost imperceptible change in the color of his eyes. There’s a barely
noticeable twitch in the corner of his right eye and the sudden flare of his
Slowly, all of the lacings on my dress come loose, and the material
slides off my body. Then, I remember I’m wearing these underpants that
remind me of bloomers, and the towels underneath that. Oh dear. I motion
for them to close their eyes while I quickly discard the garment, wondering
for a moment who did their laundry. On a table not far from the pool I see a
stack of small towels as I’d requested. Sigh of relief.
“Okay, you can open your eyes now,” I tell them. Then, I turn around in
a slow, sassy fashion, giving Knox and his two brothers a show they most
likely didn’t expect they’d be getting today. Yes, I’m still a human woman
and can still my wiles to my advantage. They must sense that I'm super
turned on today and I want to be serviced by their three giant cocks, before
Aldrick will have his chance.
Contrary to what those who know me might say, I haven’t always found
myself attractive. In fact, when I was young, I thought I was ugly. Where
this belief came from exactly, I’m not sure, but it was compounded by the
dynamics of the relationship I had with my cousin, Dawn, and the way
people interacted with us.
When we were kids, Dawn wasn’t just my cousin—she was my best
friend, too. We did everything and went everywhere together, so much so
that people who weren’t our family thought we were sisters. For a long
time, I saw her as an extension of myself, especially because we loved the
same things, mirrored each other’s mannerisms, and spoke in the same
manner. That is, until I became the second tallest person in class one spring,
beat only by Steve Davis, and my social currency ran out, along with
Dawn’s friendship.
Thankfully, I met Dorothy the summer after that, and I learned what it
means to be intentional about choosing your friends.
Today, things have changed. I maintain a height slightly above that of
the average woman—the kind that makes even the most unfashionable
dresses look elegant and graceful. In addition to this, men seem to like my
full breasts, slim waist, and round hips. Beauty means power, always has in
the quest to turn bad situations into good ones. Women through time have
pulled this off well, so why can’t I? Hopefully, I can make this work for me
here in this strange world.
I dip my right foot into the water, starting with the big toe. The warmth
of it feels the same as it had been during my last bath. How exactly these
people keep the water at a steady temperature is beyond me. I have so many
questions that I fear may remain unanswered. Then I glance at Herb and
give him a bright smile.
"Herb, can you stick your large cock into me?" I ask without hesitation,
and I swallow, hoping I sounded bold enough.
Knox approaches me, his eyes bright red and his cock hard again.
"You want us to pleasure you, Jane? Before our master?" he asks,
looking directly at me, but my attention is still on Herb.
"Not all of you. Just Herb. He didn't even touch me last time, and I'm
feeling very aroused all of a sudden," I explain, biting on my bottom lip and
touching my breasts. Herb stares back at me but doesn’t budge. "I don't
think Aldrick will mind. What do you think, Teon?"
"It will be better if one of us primes you before you take Master
Aldrick’s cocks. He's larger than us," Teon says, smiling wickedly.
I stare at him and wonder if he really said cocks? So Aldrick has more
than one. My mouth waters, and then I go on all fours, situating myself on
the edge of the pool so Knox has a great view of my ass. I don't know what
got into me all of a sudden, but my whole body is on fire. My pussy is
throbbing with the need for release. Must be the mountain air … or some
"Herb, get in here and fuck her until she's unable to speak," Knox orders
his brother.
I'm so wet when Herb finally kneels in behind me and his massive cock
nudges my entrance. This portion isn't going to be completely comfortable,
but I'm already dripping for all of them. I glance at Knox—he's stroking
himself, watching me like a hungry beast.
Then Herb thrusts his huge cock inside me and I cry out, suddenly
panicking that he's too big. He growls loudly.
"You're so tight, Jane, but perfect," he says, and then starts thrusting.
He's not nice and gentle about it. His two brothers are jerking off, and
I'm lost in all these sensations while being fucked by the monster servant.
He pushes all the way in, picking up the pace and squeezing my hips
painfully hard. I reach down and strum my clit a few times. My eyes roll to
the back of my head as I start to orgasm. He's huge, and I feel like he's
tearing me apart as he keeps a punishing rhythm. I scream, moan, and pant
for air as I come, my knees now hurting, but this is just beyond anything I
ever imagined.
And then, before he ejaculates inside me, he pulls his cock and comes
over my back. The warm semen spreads over my skin in a slow-moving
pool as I collapse on the cold tiles, unable to move.
Oh my God, I actually forgot I’m on my period, and Herb doesn’t seem
to mind.
I’m too exhausted to worry, anyway. The water will take care of
everything, if I ever manage to move.

"N ow , now, Jane, get into the water. We still need to wash you," Knox says
behind me, sounding quite satisfied.
He and Teon must have come simultaneously with Herb. After several
long minutes, I manage to lift myself off the floor with Knox's help.
The three of them help me to submerge the rest of my body in the water.
This was intense, raw, and I feel sore now, but it was to be expected.
The water is a welcome boon.
“I haven’t seen the sun in days,” I say as the three servants start to make
their way into the pool. Knox fetches the soap while the other two position
themselves on either side of me. “That can’t be normal. Humans need the
sun or we get depressed. What do you think, Herb?”
At the mention of his name, Herb stumbles and the jar of soap he has in
his hand falls back to the edge of the pool. Thankfully, the jar has a very
tight lid so nothing spills. If Knox and Teon notice the awkwardness of our
interaction or the effect I’m having on Herb with my actions and words,
they don’t say anything. Unlike him, they seem to be so preoccupied with
their job of washing me that they are unable to pay attention to much else.
That is exactly how I want it to be. Herb deserves all my attention after
fucking me until I saw stars.
“The interaction that humans have with the sun is not a subject I’m very
knowledgeable about, I’m afraid,” Herb says as he stops in front of me, his
eyes darting everywhere but in my direction.
“What about you?” I ask him, my voice low and alluring. “Do you need
to see the sun?”
“We do not desire the same things that humans do,” he says, creating a
lather in his hands and preparing to soap me up.
“Are you sure? There’s a long list of human desires that will blow your
mind,” I say, and this time I place my hand on his chin and raise his head so
he is looking directly at me. Immediately, his hazel eyes become darker and
in my peripheral vision I see his hardening cock underneath the surface of
the water. I know then that I have successfully captured Herb into my
spinning web.
In what seems like an arduous task, he looks away from me and hands
the jar of soap over to Knox. Without meeting my eyes, he begins to apply
the lather to my skin, starting from my neck. I relax against the edge of the
pool in a manner that opens up my body and lets him know he can touch me
as he wishes. While the other two on either side of me wash my arms, Herb
spends a ridiculous amount of time on my neck as if afraid to go any lower.
But I know that he loved fucking me just as much as I loved it myself.
In my mind, I’m willing him to look at me so I can whisper to him not
to be afraid to touch me, but he avoids my gaze. In a slow, agonizing
movement, he lets his hand go lower and finally touches my breasts, one
after the other, lingering there. I close my eyes and throw my head back as
he gently massages my mounds, drawing circles around my nipples.
Despite the fact that all of this is part of my plan, I have to admit it is still
very enjoyable.
When I finally open my eyes, Herb is studying me, wide-eyed. I hold
his gaze as he places his hand over my abdomen and gently rubs my skin.
His touch tickles as much as it soothes, and I give him a smirk to let him
know I’m well aware of his attention. But when he attempts to go lower, I
grab his wrist and bite my lip.
“That’s enough,” I say and with that, all three of them take a step back
from me. I go down under the water and finish cleaning myself up before
stepping out of the water and dry myself with the towel Teon hands me.
In the hallway on our way back, I can feel Herb's gaze on me and I
don’t bother glancing back to confirm. I focus on my steps, my arms
securely around the stack of towels I retrieved from the pool room. Now, all
I have to do is get him alone and away from these other two, and I’m
certain he’ll tell me all I want to know. For once, the universe is on my side
because I don’t have to work much to achieve my goal.
“Teon, Knox,” I hear Herb say behind me, and we all stop just as we’re
about to turn toward the longer part of the hallway. “Please go and fetch the
lady’s dress for the day.”
The pair nod in acquiescence then disappear behind a door to our right.
Herb and I continue to walk in silence and at a slow pace.
“So, about seeing the sun again—” I start to say, but I’m immediately
cut off.
“I don’t think that is a subject we should be discussing,” he says.
I stop walking and turn to face him. I can see from the way he still
refuses to make eye contact that he probably knows I want him to help me
escape, but he is torn about it.
“Why not? Don’t you think I deserve some freedom?” My voice is
starting to shake. “Don’t you think that if I want to see the outside, I should
be able to do so?”
“My loyalties lie with Master Aldrick. He would’ve wanted me to
satisfy you."
“He doesn’t have to know everything, Herb. It can be our little secret,” I
say, a little too pleadingly.
“Master Aldrick knows and sees everything.”
“Then just tell me and let him stop me if he can. Tell me which one of
these doors leads to the outdoors. Give me a chance to fight for my own
freedom and let whatever happens next be between Aldrick and me.”
Herb finally looks right at me, but he doesn’t say another word for
several seconds. He appears to be thinking things through in his head and
possibly weighing the consequences of each option. The smartest choice
would be remaining absolutely loyal to his master by telling me no and
reporting me to him immediately, but at the same time, I have a little hope
left in me. I want him to consider my request, even if it’s out of pity.
He clears his throat and opens his mouth to speak, his face hard with the
expression of one who has thought things through and has come to a final
“When the time comes, I will still do all that is within my power to stop
you from leaving. My loyalty remains with Master Aldrick,” he says, and
then begins to walk away. “It is the fifth door on the right.”
At this moment, I want to chase Herb down, fall at his feet, and tell him
‘Thank you’ a million times, but the way he quickly walks away tells me he
would rather not speak about this again. I hurry after him and we continue
toward my room in silence.
When we get to the fifth door on the right, the one that goes where I
want to go, I take a long, hard look at it. Never in my life have I wished to
possess the ability to teleport so I can just appear behind this door and all of
this can finally come to an end. Now, I just have to find the right moment to
open it and grab my freedom.

T he dress Knox and Teon bring to me is of a similar style to the one

I just took off, except it is yellow. Yellow has been my favorite color since I
was a child, so seeing it puts a little smile on my face, and I say a little
thanks to the universe for small mercies. Once again, I’m unable to fasten
the laces completely by myself. This makes me a little worried because
Aldrick will have to do it for me, and I know how weak I become when he
gets that close to me. Still, I’m determined to not let anything derail my
newfound determination to get myself out of here.
My plan is simple and easy. I will go to this dinner with Aldrick and eat
enough to give myself strength but not too much that I feel full. I will
behave as nicely as I can and maybe even engage him in conversation. It
will be a ploy to convince him that I’m liking this place and I’m on board
with his breeding plan so he doesn’t suspect a thing and maybe even lets his
guard down a little. Dinner will end in the most serene manner and without
me being thrown in a dungeon, and I’ll return to my room without issues.
I don’t know how the bodies of Aldrick and his servants work, but I’m
hoping they also feel tired and fall asleep after sexual activity. So, I’ll give
them bit of time to wind down and wait until I’ve been in my room a while.
Then, I’ll leave as stealthily as possible through that fifth door on the right.
Knox, Herb, and Teon come back into the room a few minutes after I’m
dressed. Without a word, I follow them as they lead me toward the dining
hall. I do my best to maintain an outward appearance of calm while heading
down the stairs to the dining hall, even though a storm is brewing inside my
body. When I get to the door, I take a moment to regroup before pushing it
open, then I step in.
From the very second I enter, I start to feel Aldrick. He is again seated
at the head of the table so I stare at him while everything else in my
peripheral vision becomes blurred out. My nostrils are filled with a wicked
smell that’s a delicious mix of him and the food spread across the table, and
my skin begins to tingle. It’s like his very being is a beam that calls out to
me and draws me in, unbelievably strong and frustratingly pleasing. I don’t
know how long I stand there at the door just staring at Aldrick and taking
him in through all five of my senses, but I know it’s only for a short while
because soon, he breaks the silence.
“Must I usher you in every single time?” His voice is laced with a tinge
of amusement. He knows exactly what he is doing to me—driving me crazy
with need.
Despite his question, I stay in the same spot for a few more moments.
The fear in me is rising, and I’m now worried I won’t be able to act as I
wish during this dinner. If Aldrick has such a strong effect on me sitting all
the way across this lengthy room, how exactly will I be able to survive
being next to him?
Maybe if I distract myself by thinking about something else, such as
Dorothy and her cooking disasters, Sue and her weekly boyfriends, Brad
and his—
“You look wonderful in yellow,” Aldrick says and just like that, he
draws me back to the present. Draws me back to himself.
I let my arms fall to my sides and walk straight to him as if under some
compulsion I fully give into, and stop beside him. Right now, my insides
are in a jumble because of the mixture of emotions. There’s the
overwhelming attraction I’m feeling to Aldrick, this monster who has been
keeping me for days, the number of which I don’t even know. Then there’s
the fear that he might use his influence over me and find out I’m plotting
my escape. Finally, there’s intense anger due to the fact that when I smell
him and when he is near me, all I want is for him to touch me.
I turn around so he is faced with my unfastened laces and don’t say a
word. Aldrick gets what I want him to do, and he rises to his feet. My
breath hitches in my throat. Just like the last time, he stands behind me,
towering over me and filling every opening in my body, every pore, and
every nook with his aura. Before he touches me, he takes one step closer to
me so his lower torso is pressed into my back, and I gasp.
“Relax against me, Jane,” he says, his gravelly voice creating a
sensation at my nape that travels all the way down my spine and spreads
warmth around my pelvis. “You seem very tense.”
“How do you do this?” Even though it’s just us in the big dining hall,
my voice comes out as a whisper.
“How do I do what?” he asks as he begins to fasten my dress.
Every time his finger brushes against any part of my skin, goosebumps
cover my whole body and I have to fight the sudden urge to shiver. I close
my eyes.
“How do you make me feel these things that I don’t want to feel?” I ask,
surprised that I’m even able to get that complete sentence out.
“I told you, Jane.” His voice gets lower with every word so it feels like
the floor is vibrating when he says my name. “This is beyond both of our
When he is done fastening my dress, his hands slowly leave my back, so
I turn around and face him. “This frightens me.”
Once again, his eyes start to change their color and burn brighter, and I
know I’m about to lose every last bit of sense I still have left. He raises his
right hand and places his large palm against my cheek, holding half my face
in his hand.
“It only frightens you because you keep fighting it,” he says. “Be calm.
Let me in.”
I swallow the lump that has formed in my throat. “How can I be calm
when being near you feels like being caught up in a storm?”
Aldrick’s gaze is even more aflame as I say those words, and then he
suddenly takes a step away from me. The back of his leg hits the table, the
loud screeching sound snapping me back to reality. As I watch him return to
his seat, it seems to me as if our interactions are as overwhelming for him
as they are for me. Is it possible that he isn’t the only one drawing me to
him and we are just simply drawn to each other?
“Sit,” he says. “This meal is yours.”
I sit in the exact same spot as the last time and take a quick glance at all
the food spread on the table.
“I made sure they prepared more of the things you liked from last time
and less of those you didn’t touch,” he says as I begin to put some food on
my plate. “I also added a few new things so we may properly determine
your taste.”
“What?” is the only thing that manages to escape my lips. Is Aldrick
really changing the food he serves me based on my preferences? What is
this monster doing when even my own ex-boyfriend couldn’t have bothered
to try to learn what I liked while we were going out? I remember once, right
before our third anniversary, he decided he was going to make me dinner,
which in itself was a surprise and gift enough because Brad never did
anything for someone else.
Unfortunately, the evening took a downward turn when I realized he’d
made a fish dish when I’d told him so many times before that the smell of
any kind of fish makes me sick. Three minutes in his apartment and I found
myself in the bathroom, spilling my guts over his sink. When he came to
check on me, I did my best to pretend that everything was fine and told him
we could just order in and move on. The gesture and the intention behind it
were enough for me. Brad refused to let it go.
“I wouldn’t have made this mistake if I knew you at all,” he said.
“What do you mean?”
“I just feel like we don’t know a lot about each other,” he said
“Brad, we’ve been dating for three years,” I said with a nervous
chuckle. “I know you pretty well. I know your likes and dislikes. I’m well
aware of your allergies. I bet I can even guess correctly where you’ll be at
exactly twelve-thirty tomorrow. You just don’t pay enough attention.”
And that was enough to trigger another nasty fight…
“I want you to eat only the things you enjoy,” Aldrick says, and my
heart squeezes in my chest.
Blood rushes to my face and I quickly look down at the food so he
doesn’t see how much his words affected me.
I eat the rest of the meal without saying another word and without
looking in Aldrick’s direction even though I can feel his eyes on me. When
I am done eating, I clear my throat and announce that I’m full. Aldrick
stands to his feet and briefly looks away from me. I take that short moment
to grab a knife and hide it underneath a layer of my dress. Highly unlikely
that I will use the weapon, but I’d rather have it just in case.
Why did I do this when I have a clear plan I should stick to? This hold
he has on me … it jars me. It makes me feel like a fool—much like Brad
did. And being reasonable is the least of my concerns. My brain has been
messed with.
Aldrick comes to stand in front of me so we’re barely inches apart. His
imposing presence feels like a fog over my brain again. He has this strong
effect on me, filling every inch of me with desire and need.
Now, in this close proximity, I’m finally able to discern just how he
smells. It’s like a mixture of sandalwood oil and earthy musk. It’s so
intoxicating, I might just die from inhaling it. Aldrick places his right hand
on my cheek and his eyes have returned to their deadly red hue.
My brain goes into overdrive. If I don’t do something, I might fall to my
knees and do whatever he wishes. Aldrick could ask me to kiss his feet and
I just might.
I can’t take this anymore. Without thinking too hard, I grab the knife out
from under my dress and swing my arm aimlessly in front of me.
For a moment I fear I might have missed because Aldrick doesn’t make
a sound, not even a gasp. But as he steps back from me he gives me a look
of utter shock. His right hand is now on his left arm, and blood is seeping
through his fingers.
Fuck! Guilt suddenly assails me and I hate the way he's staring at me
right now.
I also take several steps back from him as the knife falls from my hand
and freeze. What in the world has gotten in my mind? Clearly, I’m fit to be
tied … or thrown in the dungeon again.
So much for strategy and plans and keeping a level head. This makes no
sense. I’m so fucking stupid.
Aldrick opens his mouth to speak, but I don’t wait around to listen.
Rather, I turn around and start to run. I don’t think about anything besides
the movement of my legs as I push myself forward and create distance
between Aldrick and me. In my mind, he is chasing me and trying to get a
hold of me, but when I reach the door to the dining hall and look back for a
second, I see that he’s still in that one spot, watching me with his right hand
covering his skin where I cut him.
I don’t stop running even after I close the door behind me because I
fully expect him to come to his senses at any moment and start his pursuit.
All the layers of the dress don’t make it easy for me to run at full speed, but
I do the best I can.
When I get out into the hallway, the servants are nowhere in sight so I
hurry to the fifth door and push it open. It leads me to a second hallway
with no source of light so it is as dark as a forest at two am. I stop running
here and walk through this hallway with my hand on the wall for support
and guidance. When I finally make it to the end, I push the door open.
I hear the sound of the rain before I feel it on my body. In a matter of
seconds, I’m completely drenched and the strong wind threatens to push me
to the ground. Still, I keep moving even when my feet continually get stuck
in the mud. After a minute or so, I turn around and see that I’m in the
middle of the woods, and that I have just escaped from a castle built within
the mountain itself.
I’m out! I can’t believe it. After all this time being kept prisoner, I’m
finally free again. I can return to my life, to reality, to sanity itself.
Everything inside me wants to jump and scream, but one wrong step here
and I can easily take a bad tumble down the rocky slope. It won’t do to cry
victory now just to end up dead at the foot of the mountain in the end.
The more I walk, the heavier the storm becomes, but I don’t stop until I
find myself at the edge of a cliff. I look down and my head spins so I
stumble back.
No! There aren’t supposed to be any cliffs on the mountain I climbed.
Where on earth am I?
“Why do you keep running from me?”
Aldrick’s voice comes from behind me and I swivel around so fast, I
almost fall off the cliff. He begins to approach me but I’m unable to create
any more distance between us on account of the cliff.
“Don’t come any closer!” I scream at him.
He's still bleeding and my stomach sinks. I don't know why I hurt him.
This wasn't planned and now, seeing him like this makes me want to launch
myself into his arms and just kiss him.
“I’m not going to leave you in the storm,” he says, ignoring my screams
and stopping in front of me. His eyes are an intense red but he looks more
irritated than angry, like a person who has to deal with a troublesome child.
I’m such an idiot! What was I thinking? Obviously, he was going to
follow me. And the thought hits me again, over and over: Why did I run in
the first place? When I had a good plan, too? All it would have taken was
waiting a few more hours in that godforsaken place.
Why did I jump the gun?
In one swift movement, he places both hands on my waist and flings me
over his shoulder like I weigh nothing. What the—? I start hitting his back
with my fists but I bet he doesn't feel a thing. He just keeps walking without
flinching. I continue to hit him until I get too tired. Much good that did me.
“Let me go!” I squeal. “What are you doing? Put me down! You don’t
own me!”
I scream like a banshee but the storm drowns my voice. It's still raining
pretty heavily as he carries me over the edge of the mountain. Moments
later, I bite into his arm as hard as I can, completely furious now.
“Calm down, woman. You’re not staying here. You will get sick,” he
says as he heads back toward his castle with me on his shoulder.
I arch further down his back as my hip butts against his head and then,
desperate, I bite him again, filled with overwhelming fury.
“You’re asking for punishment,” he says, and there’s a tinge of
excitement in his voice. His grip around me tightens. “I can bite, too.”
I bite viciously into his flesh again and then I feel a light whip on my
butt. Just as I’m about to ask what the hell that was, I see his tail hanging
over my head.
“You did not just spank me!”
“For Gods, Jane, you liked it!” he growls, and although I can’t see his
face, I hear the smirk in his voice.
I'm too tired at this point to even answer, but deep down I know he’s
right. I did in fact like it. That small smack ignited something in me, a soft
fire that creeps its way to my core to settle as a dull throb in my pussy.
But is all that really worth it? Yes, I had fantasies of being taken by the
monster of the mountain. But fantasies never come true, do they?
The castle comes into view and my spirits sink even further. All that for
No, not for nothing. I set myself up to be punished.
My screams pick up again. But Aldrick ignores me, as usual. When we
get to the door, he kicks it open and despite my protests, I’m once again
covered by darkness.

I don’t know when it happens exactly, but at some point, while

Aldrick is carrying me back into the castle on his shoulder, I stop fighting.
Around the same time, I notice I have stopped hitting or biting him. I also
realize his hand is on the small of my back, stroking me gently. My brain
makes a quick connection between these two actions—his soothing stroking
on my back is possibly the reason I have become calm and stopped fighting.
Or maybe I’m just exhausted and it has nothing to do with him.
When we get back to the room, Aldrick places me on the chair on the
right side of the wall and then leaves. I remain in my completely soaked
dress, shivering like a leaf with my arms wrapped around me and staring
into nothingness. How could he just leave me like this, soaking wet and so
fucking cold?
Ah yes, stupid me cut him with a knife! Dammit… Granted, I did run
into the storm with my own two legs, but I wouldn’t have had to do that if
he would have just given me my freedom. This is all his fault.
There. I’m putting the responsibility firmly on him.
The door bursts open and Aldrick remerges. But this time, his
expression is stone-cold. He has a brand-new nightgown in his hands. When
he reaches me, he begins to undress me without a word or any form of
Maybe it’s the cold and how helpless it makes me feel, or maybe it’s
because my self-control is inversely proportional to the distance between
us, but when Aldrick attempts to take off any article of clothing, I don’t
fight him. He starts from the shoes which he slides off each foot with such
ease, I barely feel a thing. Then he proceeds upwards and before I know it,
I’m in my underwear still shivering and slightly covered in rainwater.
By now, I can sense I’m not menstruating anymore. Small mercies.
Have I been here at least four days then?
“Dry yourself up and put this on,” Aldrick says as he hands me the
nightgown. His eyes are a muted red, his tail only partly out. Once I take
the nightgown from him, he gives me his back and walks out of the room
without another word.
My entire body shakes as I take off the rest of my underwear, the towels
I find I don’t need anymore, and pat myself dry with another, larger towel
folded on a small table. Once I put on the nightgown, I climb on the bed
and crawl under the sheets, quivering as I drift off to sleep.
I must have been lost in slumber for hours before I stir awake. When I
do, I wish I’d just remained asleep. Last night while I was shivering, I’d
hoped the cold I felt then was all due to the consequences I would face for
running into a storm. But waking up now with a congested nose, a tight
chest, and a blinding headache tells me that this is just the beginning of my
I try to sit up in bed, but I barely raise my head up to a thirty-degree
angle before I fall back with a groan. Lying on my back doesn’t help my
breathing, so I roll over to my side, which makes it only slightly better. I
close my eyes and try to go back to sleep, but I can hear the air going in and
coming out of my nostrils. The sound of my breathing is like a low-volume,
high-pitched whistle. I haven’t had to actively control my breathing in this
manner since the last time I had the flu.
From the left side of the bed, I roll to the right, trying to find the right
area of the room where the air is thinner and more likely to enter my
nostrils with minimal effort. When the right side of the bed isn’t any
different, I place my head on the foot of the bed and raise my legs up on the
wall. Then I realize that this position is against gravity and may be
counterproductive so I roll off the bed and sit beside it with my head in my
hands, trying to breathe as my chest rises and falls. I’m in complete distress.
Even when I hear the door open, I don’t raise my head because I’m too
busy fighting for my life, struggling to breathe and failing. Whatever fresh
hell just entered the room with me can’t be any worse than this.
“Are you all right?” Teon asks, and I don’t bother answering. Too much
work is going into getting air into my body. I don’t want to expel the little I
can get.
“Master Aldrick suspected that you wouldn’t be,” Knox says. “He has
asked us to come to you.”
As I pant, scrambling for air, I glance up at the three servants. Sitting
cross-legged on the floor, I’m at the same height with them for the first time
so I can look directly in their eyes and see how amused they seem at my
condition. If I didn’t feel like a weak piece of garbage, I would throw
something at them.
“I think I’m dying,” I say instead, and my body goes into a coughing fit
as if to confirm that. “My chest is tight.”
“Your human lungs can’t bear a minute of the storm on Mount
Moorhead. The mountain is stronger than any being on Earth, and it can
never escape its violence,” Knox says. “You will have to come with us.”
I nod without argument and get up on my feet, not really getting his
reference. This isn’t the time to ask questions about where they might be
taking me when I genuinely feel like I’m about to die from lack of oxygen.
Unsurprisingly, the closed hallway and the fumes from all the burning
lamps don’t make my condition any better. We’re barely halfway through
before I start gasping loudly and clutching at my chest. Every cough, loud
as a trumpet, feels like a blunt force is hitting my torso. If this cold will kill
me, it should just do so now and spare me all this pain.
In my distress, I continue to follow the three servants to the garden.
There, I see that it is morning and that the roof of the garden, which has
been enclosed on my previous visits, is wide open and the whole area is
completely bathed in the glow of sunlight. I thought this place couldn’t be
any more beautiful, but I was dead wrong.
In addition to its glorious beauty, the clean air makes my breathing a
little better the moment I step in so I no longer have to hold my chest
although it is still, to an extent, a Herculean task.
But by far the best part of all this is what I see when we are only a few
feet away from the pool. Drifting in the water, completely naked and in all
his glory, is Aldrick. He‘s having a bath in the bubbling water so I can only
see above his waist, but even that is enough to leave my mouth hanging
open and choke up my already obstructed airways. His broad chest rises and
falls in a gentle rhythm while his eyes are closed, and I get a sudden urge to
run my hands all over him. I want him so badly because now, I feel like I'm
finally ready.
A few feet from the pool, a mat has been prepared with several pillows
and layers of sheets placed upon it. At the head of the mat sit jars that
appear to contain different kinds of liquids, and the perimeter of the mat is
marked by white flowers sprinkled all around.
When we take a few more steps toward the water, Aldrick opens his
eyes slowly and looks right at me.
“I warned you about that storm, Jane. I said you would get cold and you
didn’t listen. You chose to bite me instead,” he says with a smirk.
“I…I—” I try to talk, but nothing intelligible comes out of my mouth.
Between my congested airways and the sight of a naked Aldrick, there isn’t
much energy left in my body that can be allocated to speaking.
When he emerges from the water, I can't look away. My eyes fall on his
two cocks— one is bigger than the other. I swallow hard, wondering how I
didn't see that sooner. No wonder why Knox said all three of them needed
to prime me for Aldrick. "I'm sorry I cut you."
“Lie on the mat,” he says, completely ignoring my heated stare. Images
of him on top of me, fucking me with both cocks at the same time, invade
my mind and send heat rushing through me and over my skin. "Don't worry,
it was only a graze. I'm perfectly fine."
Once again, words fail me.
Aldrick watches me as I change positions on the mat at least four times,
trying to find the one that allows air to come into my lungs. I eventually
settle on lying on my right side.
“Leave us,” he says, and in my peripheral vision I catch the three
servants depart the garden.
Now that it’s just the two of us, Aldrick returns to basking in the water
and sunlight with his eyes closed while I shut my heavy eyelids, exhausted.
I’m awakened a minute or so later by an urge to sneeze which disappears
into my head as an irritating, peppery sensation. As I try to blink out the
water pooling in my eyes from that sensation, my attention goes to Aldrick.
A gasp escapes me at the sight and a fire ignites within me.
Aldrick is still in the same position in the water, his eyes are closed, but
now, his hands are wrapped around both of his cocks. Those things are so
big, they stick out of the water like towers. My mouth waters at the sight of
the pink and shapely heads. With each movement of his hands along the
shafts, ripples appear along the muscles of his arm. He parts his lips slightly
and bites on his lower lip as his stroking quickens. I feel my heart pounding
against the wall of my chest as though it wants to jump out.
Suddenly, the silence and our relative positions start to feel unnatural.
There’s a desire awakening in me that is so intense and so raw, my own
thoughts feel like someone else’s. Even my struggles with breathing take a
backseat. All I want is to be in that pool with him. I wish the silence could
be replaced by his grunting, with his lips placed right behind my ear. I want
him to sink both of his cocks into me. This is beyond what I ever imagined
in my life. I never fathomed that on top of Mount Moorhead would live a
monster with two cocks—well, I fantasized about it, but never really
thought it true.
This is no fantasy.
What is he doing to me?
A low grunt escapes his lips as he strokes himself to completion and
thick, creamy liquid shoots out of his shafts. There’s a lot of semen, more
than I’d think possible. Then, as though somebody pressed a button on his
head, his eyes fly open and land on me. I look away in shock and try to
pretend I haven’t been ogling him like a starved wanton, but it’s too late.
I’m so fucking wet again, wondering how it would feel if he slid inside both
of my holes with his enormous cocks.
Aldrick doesn’t say anything and I don’t look back at him as I hear him
come out of the water. A few moments later, I feel him next to me and I
open my eyes slowly to find him crouched beside me. He has a towel
wrapped around his waist, but it’s doing a poor job of concealing any of his
humongous features, including the mouth-watering bulges that are only a
foot or so from my face. Behind him, the water in the pool starts to drain by
some automatic plumbing system and is replaced by clean, fresh water. The
mechanisms of this castle pose too many questions that can’t possibly be
answered. What era am I living in? Is this some sort of alternate universe or
merely an extension of the world I know?
“Time to get that cold out of you,” he says, then begins to open the jars
placed beside the mat.
One by one, he applies a little bit of the contents of each container to
various parts of my body—my forehead, around my nostrils, my ears, my
chest, above my breasts, and even on my back. The ointments are of various
colors and consistencies, but a majority of them have a strong menthol scent
which makes my airways infinitely thankful as they open up right then. He
does all of this application with gentleness and calm movements, and I feel
myself drifting off to sleep under his touch more than once.
“Why are you taking care of me?” I ask as my eyes threaten to close
again. One or more of the ointments are definitely putting me to sleep.
“You are my responsibility now, Jane,” he says as he draws a circle with
another ointment on my neck. An instant warmth blooms in that area.
Being cared for in this manner with such attention and intention is
definitely a brand-new experience for me.
“Take care of yourself and call me when you get better,” Brad texted me
once when I told him I might have a cold. That text was funny for two
reasons. One, he was my boyfriend who knew I lived alone, and two, he
was technically the reason why I got the cold seeing as I had to wait for two
hours outside a club the previous night because he forgot to tell me he was
running later than the time we agreed to meet. Stupid me for not heading
inside without him.
And true to his words, he didn’t show up to my apartment or even call
me once to ask how I was doing until I texted him two days later to tell him
I was fine.
Now that I think about it, I see that Dorothy was right every time she
told me I was crazy for staying in that god-awful relationship with Brad.
“I just don’t know what you see in him. You can do so much better,” she
said once, no longer able to keep her feelings about my boyfriend hidden. “I
mean, he’s a good-looking guy but he is ugly on the inside.”
“He’s your friend!” I said with a laugh.
“Yes, I thought he was better at first, but I will always regret ever
encouraging you to get involved with him.”
I laughed in astonishment. “He’s actually a really nice guy at his best.”
“That’s not good enough for you, Jane…”
But this one right here—this supposed monster—is showing more care
and tenderness than I believed men were capable of. So much more.
My eyes flutter open and I realize I was in the middle of a light sleep
and my past memories of Brad and Dorothy were coming back to my mind
in the form of vivid dreams. Right now, I’m currently in the hallway
heading back toward what has become my room, but I’m not walking.
Instead, my face is nestled against a broad chest and my body is supported
by big, strong arms wrapped tightly around me. Aldrick is carrying me back
to bed, bridal style!
My first instinct is to protest and demand that he put me down, but I feel
so weak and his muscles feel so sturdy that I just relax into him. I suspect
that he feels me relaxing because he pulls me closer to him so that my body
is engulfed by his warmth. I close my eyes and breathe him in.
I know we’re at the door to my room when Aldrick lifts one hand off
my body and the sound of the creaking hinges follows. I open my eyes
immediately and stir so he knows I’m now awake. He heads straight to the
bed and places me gently on it, with my head supported by the pillow.
When he is satisfied with my position, he remains beside me, studying me
with those intense eyes. I’m unable to look away.
“I saw you watching me in the water, Jane. Did you like what you were
seeing?” he growls, and my body shudders, but this time not from the cold.
“I-I wasn’t…” I swallow the rest of my unconvincing denial. "I'm
amazed with the fact that you have two cocks. I mean, human men, they
barely have one."
“That's how we are built, Jane. Do you want to see more?” he asks with
a smirk.
"Yes, I do want to," I admit. “I … I want to feel them both inside me. A
bit late to be shy or squeamish, and I’m tired of games.
He literally helped me breathe. He cared for me.
“Get on your knees,” he instructs.
With newfound strength, I lift myself up on the bed and kneel. A big
part of me is surprised that I didn’t get furious at his demanding tone, but
I’m finding with every minute that passes that I quite like it, and the part of
me that instinctively protests is slowly getting silenced. More importantly, I
don’t hate that it is.
As I kneel in front of him, I cannot miss the pure desire in his eyes. He
tilts his head to the side as if examining me properly and then takes my chin
between his fingers.
“Good girl,” he says, and I think those words make my brain explode.
Then, he lowers himself down and presses his lips to mine. My whole
body is heats up as he's kissing me in the gentlest way. I'm shell-shocked
for a split second, unable to move until I kiss him back. He tastes like a
ravaging storm and rich oak and suddenly, I can't get enough of him. He
devours my mouth, and by the time he pulls away, I'm breathless and very,
very wet.
As though happy enough with this development, Aldrick lets go of my
chin with a smile on his face and takes a step back from me.
“Get some rest. You’ll need it,” he says and then leaves.
Angry and devastated, I huff like a toddler that’s been denied her
favorite ice-cream. This sucks because then, I’m left with the dismal
alternative of fingering myself to sleep, thinking about him ramming his
two cocks into me.

I ’m running in the middle of a dark forest. Although I try to exert all

my power to propel myself forward, my legs feel heavy and I’m unable to
run as fast as I wish. Just then comes a deafening thundercrack, and heavy
rain starts to pound me. The rain is accompanied by a strong wind that
blows in the opposite direction I’m running in, creating even more
resistance to my movement. When the conditions become exceedingly
unbearable, I fall to the muddy ground and begin to weep.
“Jane!” someone calls from behind me, and I look back to see Brad
several feet away. He is drenched from head to toe and has one hand
stretched out, beckoning for me to come closer. “Come back here. Come
back to me!”
I open my mouth to speak, but I‘m cut off by the sound of a low growl.
“Jane!” Aldrick’s deep voice calls from ahead. He is the same distance
in front of me as Brad is behind me, so I’m right in the middle between
them. “Come to me. Come forward.”
I lob my gaze from one to the other, contemplating which direction
constitutes the better decision. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time to
think about because my feet begin to sink into the ground.
“No! No!” I scream out as half my body disappears into the ground and
the rest of me also gradually gets swallowed. “Aldrick! Help me!”
But it’s too late because my face gets buried and everything goes dark.
I jump awake. It was just a dream, I tell myself as I take in deep breaths
and try to regain my calm. As I do so, I realize that my cold is gone, my
airways freer than they have ever been, perhaps in my entire life. All those
ointments Aldrick applied definitely did a fantastic job.
Knox, Herb, and Teon enter the room as my breathing finally steadies. I
throw them a sideways glance that tells them I’m not happy with the way
they simply barge inside without a knock.
“We trust that you are feeling better now,” Knox says, and I shrug in
response before returning to a sleeping position. “It is best if you come with
us to the bath and wash off all those ointments. They don’t smell as good
when they remain on your skin for more than a day.”
On the way to the garden, I say a silent prayer that Aldrick is there in
the water again, doing the same exact thing that almost gave me a heart
attack. This time, I might even let him know how much I enjoy the show.
When we reach our destination, though, I’m unsurprised to find it empty.
I allow the servants to wash and scrub all parts of my body. We have
done this activity so many times that it has registered in the part of my brain
that recognizes normalcy. However, this time, I don't want any of them to
fuck me—I just want Aldrick's two sizeable manhoods inside me.
Throughout the bath, I keep glancing in the direction of the door, hoping
Aldrick will come in and instruct the servants to leave us like he did the last
time. I just want him to be around and within eyesight, even if all he does is
sit and watch me.
When we get back to the room, there’s a pastel blue dress on the bed
with shoes to match.
“Master Aldrick wants you to meet him in the garden for breakfast once
you are fully dressed,” Herb says, and then the three servants leave the
At the mention of Aldrick’s name, a giddy feeling begins to form in my
stomach, and my face morphs into a smile of its own accord. Part of me
understands what is happening, but I’m unwilling to put a name to it. In
addition, my mind is no longer preoccupied with thoughts of escaping.
Sure, I still want my freedom desperately. But even more so, I’m excited to
see what else is in store in this place and what other version of Aldrick I
might see today. It all feels so strange yet so familiar.
When I’m done dressing up, I stand in the center of the room and take a
moment to reflect and ground myself. Everything around is still the same
way it was the first time I saw it. The painting is there without blemish and
in perfect alignment on the wall. The vases on the shelf are still separated
from each other by equal distance. Once again, I fight the temptation to
walk over to that shelf and check what is written under all the other vases.
To prevent myself from doing something I might regret, I turn toward the
door and leave the room.
I can’t help but notice that this is the first time I’ll be going to the
garden without the three servants accompanying me. What that means
concerning Aldrick’s confidence about my desire to run away isn’t lost on
me. When I pass the fifth door on the right, a little part of me still wants to
push it open and make another run for it, but that part is quickly
overshadowed by another which is really sure I will still get caught and yet
another that just wants to see Aldrick again.
When I push open the door and step in the garden, the clean air hits my
nostrils and puts a smile on my face. I doubt I’ll ever stop being in awe of
this particular space. It doesn’t take me long to spot Aldrick sitting on a
bench to my right, an unreadable expression on his face.
There are several similar seats like the one he is in all around, as well as
circular concrete benches in the middle, surrounding various tables of the
same material. They must have been built in a time when this castle was
bustling with people who constantly came here to have discussions on
pretty days such as this. I wonder what stories they’d have to tell.
When our eyes meet, he waves me over and the gesture puts a smile on
my face. Aldrick follows my steps until I’m seated right opposite him. On
the table between us, a breakfast meal has been spread which once again is
far too much for just me. But clearly, Aldrick and his servants don’t care
about food wastage.
“How are you feeling now?” he asks, his voice smooth and velvety
“Better.” My voice comes out like a croak, so I clear my throat and
repeat myself. “Better.”
“Good. I have a story to tell you,” he says, and when I don’t say
anything he adds, “About Celia, and Laura.”
Inside me, I’m squealing in excitement but on the outside, I maintain a
calm demeanor so he doesn’t change his mind. While I haven’t brought it
up since I was thrown in the dungeon, I can’t say that I haven’t constantly
thought about who Celia and Laura are and wondered about what all the
possible names written underneath all the other vases might be. So, it is
beyond interesting to me that Aldrick is offering this information himself
without prompting. I distract myself with the food in front of me as I begin
to eat.
“I suspect you have your own theories about who they might be,” he
says with an almost undetectable smirk.
“I do,” I say with a nod.
“Care to venture a guess?”
“Women like me who have come to this castle and met horrible ends,” I
say without meeting his eyes.
He remains silent for so long that I fear he may have somehow
disappeared, and when I look up, I see that he is watching me with
narrowed eyes.
“Do you think I go around kidnapping your kind?” he asks, and I can’t
tell if it’s rhetorical or if he wants me to give an honest answer. After a
pause, he continues, “Celia was my sister, and Laura my mother. All those
vases were made in honor of each member of my family who used to live in
this very castle as members of this court.”
I sit up immediately on the bench. Definitely not what I was expecting.
I’m ashamed to say but I haven’t even once imagined Aldrick, this monster
facing me, as anyone who could have ever had relatives, especially female
ones in whose honor he would have mementos made.
“What happened to them?” I ask, my voice barely a whisper.
“There was a time when this mountain was our home and all around it
was teeming with our kind. My family ruled here, and we faced no trouble
for several millennia. Then, two centuries ago, I ran into a woman, very
much like you,” he says, and I shift uncomfortably in my seat. “My family
didn’t approve of her, but I trusted her so much, I was willing to leave this
mountain and go somewhere far away to be with her.”
He remained quiet after that, and I feared that was the end of the story.
But when I looked at him and saw the anger welling in his eyes, I could tell
there was more. More that I probably didn’t want to hear but also needed to
“What happened?” I ask. “Did your family kill her?”
“Jane,” he says in a tone that tells me he is semi-exasperated. “I suggest
that you keep quiet and just listen, seeing as your assumptions tend to be
“Oh, okay,” I say, feeling mildly insulted. I'm too nosy for my own
“It was she who betrayed me,” he said slowly as though he wanted
every word to sink into my head. “She was a member of a group of human
hunters whose sole intention was to eradicate my kind. She succeeded in
infiltrating this castle, and on the day her group came, it was a surprise.”
“Oh, no,” I hear myself say.
“They killed my entire family,” Aldrick says. “And although not one of
them made it out alive, my actions weren’t enough to save any of the people
I loved. I made sure that I killed her myself. She tried to run, but I tied her
up and slit her slender throat. I have been here since, by myself, waiting
only for my mate. So, you must see why I couldn’t just let you go as you
Aldrick must see that I’m too stunned to speak or continue eating
because he doesn’t ask me to make any comments. Instead, he rises to his
feet and asks me to follow him. Without saying a word, I stroll next to him
around the garden while he tells me which of his dead family loved which
flower and which one usually sat where.
By the time we walked the length and breadth of the space, my ability to
speak hasn’t returned, and Aldrick is no longer just a ten-foot monster who
only showed up to mess with my mind. He is somebody’s son and brother
and protector and perhaps the last of his kind.
“I know this might be a lot to take in, so I’ll let you return to your
chambers,” he says. “Do not touch my vases. I will know if you do.”
I return to the room with nothing on my mind but the story Aldrick just
told me. The heaviness of it all pulls me down so that I crash on the bed and
just lie there on my chest, my head covered with a pillow. No matter how
hard I try, I can’t shake off the vivid images forming in my head of all the
scenes he described—meeting that woman, standing up for her against his
family, watching his family get murdered because of her, and finally, killing
her himself. I can’t imagine what it must have been like experiencing that
Sometime in the middle of my deep thoughts, I fall asleep and my
musings take the form of a dream. I’m in the garden in this very castle, but
there are so many people around that all the seats are filled up. A thick
cluster of people gathers in the middle so I hurry there to see what the deal
is. Everyone I ask on my way to tell me what is going on ignores me and
the closer I get, the more afraid I feel. I push the crowd of people out of my
way until I am standing in the center.
There, on the floor right next to the pool lies Aldrick’s lifeless body. A
bouquet of lilies has been placed inside his mouth, and everyone around is
weeping profusely. One by one, I scan the faces of the people crying but see
no one I recognize until my eyes land on the woman standing over his head.
I gasp as I watch myself holding a knife over Aldrick’s head, sporting a
wicked and unrecognizable smile on my face.
“What? Who are you and what have you done?” I scream out.
“You’re next,” the strange me says, and then she begins to walk toward
I wake up panting before strange me is able to do anything more in the
dreamscape. It’s truly bizarre how frequently I’m having nightmares and
dreams all of a sudden. I hear a sound from the right side of the room and
my eyes dart to its source. Sitting in the same chair I saw him in the first
time I woke up in this room is Aldrick, and he is watching me intently.
“I had a nightmare,” I say even though he didn’t ask.
For a few moments he gives no reaction, then a wide smirk forms on his
lips. “Was I in it, woman?” he asks as his smirk fully transforms into a
cocky grin.
I look away from him and choose not to answer. Of course he was in it,
but telling him so will just give him more ammunition to be smug about it.
“WAS I IN IT?” he repeats, this time louder and stronger, and my body
I look back at him and see that in a matter of seconds, his eyes have
taken on a red glow, and his body has swollen to an even more dangerous
size. I shift uncomfortably on the bed.
“Are you going to kill me as you did her?” The question comes out of
my mouth before I can think it through, but I can’t say it hasn’t been on my
mind since he told me without remorse that he slit the throat of the woman
he loved.
Aldrick’s grin widens at my question, and then he gets up from the chair
and walks toward me, stopping by the edge of the bed. By now, his tail has
fully emerged from his body and a dangerous bulge has formed in his
crotch. I close my eyes and force myself to swallow the lump in my throat.
A second later, I feel his tail on my cheek. It’s the same soft feeling as
before, so my body relaxes against it and I let out a deep sigh.
“Oh, love,” I hear him say although my mind is turning into water. “I
would never put a hand on you unless you wanted it. No, you see, I’m
going to watch you slowly going crazy with desire until you beg me to
touch you, to use you in any way I see fit.”
Once again, a small part of me wants to protest all this, but that part is
quickly silenced and I fear that once and for all, it has even died.
“It’s happening,” I hear myself whisper as I open my eyes to see
Aldrick watching me. “I’ve been crazy with desire for you since the
moment I saw you in the pool. I want you, Aldrick, so take me. Fuck me
until I come undone, until I beg you to stop."
“So, beg me,” he says. “Beg me to use you. Beg for my seed.”
“I want it. Please. I want your seed.”

I t’s as if my words are all the encouragement Aldrick has ever

needed because in a fraction of a second, the atmosphere in the room
changes. On every tiny spot of my skin, I can feel the erotic energy shooting
in the air. I have never been more certain of anything in my life. This giant
monster is driving me crazy, and my heart is beating loudly for him.
I want him.
I want him with a passion I cannot describe or understand.
“Get on your knees,” Aldrick instructs.
I immediately get off the bed and kneel in front of him. Better that I’m
kneeling, anyway, because there’s no way I’ll be able to stand on my own
two feet with how weak and dizzy I am. Something about all of this feels
very intoxicating.
Aldrick places his hand on my chin and tilts my head upward so I’m
looking right into his glowing eyes. His tail remains on my cheek and
gently caresses me as if to reassure me and keep me rooted in the present.
He rubs my chin gently with his thumb and then places it on my lower lip,
where pushes my mouth slightly open.
“Do you think you can take both of my cocks at the same time?”
“Yes,” I say. “I’ll take anything you give me.” And I mean it.
“Good girl, but I don't think you're ready for two cocks. Suck one first. I
don't want to break you just yet, little Jane,” he says with a smile, then
slides the tip of his thumb into my mouth. I lick it slowly at first, and when
I try to put the length of the thumb all the way in, he withdraws his hand.
“Let’s save the sucking for something else,” he says with a smirk, and my
eyes dart to his crotch.
“I want your cocks, Aldrick,” I say.
His eyes twinkle and glow when I say his name.
“Take off my rings, woman,” he says breathily, his tail still caressing my
cheek. I take his big right hand in mine and start to pull the ring from his
chunky fingers, starting from the index. “With your mouth, woman!”
My body burns at his words, and I think I may go blind from
excitement. I have never been with a man so in control and so sure of what
he is doing. This is nothing like I have felt before. My thighs are shaking
with anticipation.
One by one, I take each finger into my mouth and begin to rid them of
the rings that adorn them. Before I pull out any ring, I wrap my lips around
the length of each finger and trail its sides with my tongue. I stay on each
finger, sucking and licking, until I hear a low growl emanate from Aldrick’s
lips, and then I go to the next. When all ten fingers are free, I look up at
him, ready for my next instruction.
He places his ringless hand on my forehead and then brushes my hair
back in a gentle, soothing motion. “I will be rough,” he says. “I will destroy
your mouth.”
“I like the challenge,” I whisper, and his eyes become a stunning shade
of red.
Aldrick grabs a hold of my right hand and gives it a squeeze, then
places it on his crotch. Over the fabric of his pants, I trace the contours both
his hard cocks, and the urge to tear off the clothing and just hold those
glorious tools in my hand blazes through me.
But as much as I want them to fill up every hole in my body, I also want
to take the time to worship them. I rub the bigger cock gently through the
fabric for a few seconds and then place my lips over it and breathe him in.
Aldrick places his hand behind my head and pushes me into his crotch. I
hear him groan as I open my mouth and swipe my tongue over his clothing.
His second cock is hard and thick, so I wrap my hand around it and give it a
“Take them both out,” he instructs, and my heart pounds against my
Without further questions, I place my hand on the waistband of his
pants and start to tug mindlessly and hurriedly, wanting the cocks to be free
as quickly as possible.
“Relax, woman,” he says with a hint of amusement in his voice. “The
cocks are all yours. You don’t have to rush.”
I try to pull down his pants again, this time carefully and with precision.
As the fabric slides down his body, the air gets knocked out of me as more
of him is exposed, inch by inch. Even before the first cock fully comes into
view, my face is already buried in his crotch, smelling him and sucking on
every piece of skin and hair I can find. When the pants come fully off, I
take a step back so I can take a better look. A gasp escapes my lips.
Rock-hard and swinging in front of my face, Aldrick’s cock is slightly
longer than my forearm and just as thick. Just the sight of it causes my heart
to start racing. It’s magnificent. The second one is hard, too, tucked in
underneath the first. Damn, I'm such a lucky girl.
“Don’t worry. You can take the first one for now,” Aldrick says, and
that’s all the encouragement I need.
I hold the base of his larger cock and place my lips gently on the tip,
giving it a little kiss. And then I move along the length, marking it with my
kisses and licking each spot a little. He's massive, and I have no idea how
it’ll fit into my mouth. Each action elicits a low growl from Aldrick that
tells me to keep doing exactly what I’m doing.
“You’re such a tease, Jane,” he says. “How did you learn to tease a cock
like this?”
I don’t give him an answer. Instead, I part my lips and try to fit him into
my mouth. A deep grunt escapes Aldrick’s lips at my action, and I feel his
whole body vibrate, including in my mouth. I start to suck on the tip,
licking and pushing further with each bobbing of my head. It's a struggle
but I want to please him, so I keep going.
I look back at the cock after a minute or so and see that I have barely
covered the length, so I immediately put it back into my mouth and suck it
harder. My left hand is on the ground supporting me while with the right
I’m stroking the base of the bigger cock. Meanwhile, Aldrick’s hand is
tangled in my hair, and he is massaging my scalp as I worship him with my
mouth. Then, he guides my head down the length of his cock, and I
suddenly feel my eyes water. I push my head back as I start to cough.
“Relax, Jane,” he says. “You can do this. Just keep breathing.”
I pull in a deep breath as I take him back into my mouth, more
determined than ever. I push his cock in and proceed along the length until I
feel completely stuffed and the only thing my brain is picking up is the
sound of Aldrick’s growls and grunts. When I feel the tip of his cock touch
the base of my throat, I suck on it harder than ever and then pull back for
air. Tears are streaming down my cheeks and my mouth is achy. I touch the
second cock gently and mold his balls.
I look up at Aldrick and see that he is watching me in awe. His eyes are
burning like fire, his lips slightly parted.
“You have surprised me again, woman.”
“My name is Jane,” I say with a smirk, feeling like I earned that
“Get up,” he instructs, and I rise to my feet. “Turn around. I want to
explode inside you, not in your mouth.”
Barely a second after I turn away from him, I feel Aldrick’s chest
against my back and I relax into him. Just the touch of his body against
mine already feels so good that I can’t wait for him to fully put his mark on
Without warning, he buries his head where my neck meets my right
shoulder and grazes the sensitive skin with his teeth while he wraps his left
hand around the circumference of my neck. My eyes close in an instant, and
I tilt my head to give him more access. I whimper.
While he sucks on the skin on my neck, his hands move to my bodice
and attempt to undo my laces. But about five seconds later, the complicated
dress seems to be getting in our way, so Aldrick pulls at the top of the lace
and I hear a loud rip. I gasp loudly, and this only makes Aldrick hold my
neck tighter and tear off my dress faster.
I reach my left hand around so that it lands on the back of his head and
push his face deeper into my neck. Before long, the dress falls off me in
now useless pieces, and my naked body is exposed to him. His free hand
fondles my breasts and squeezes them while he pulls me even closer. I can
feel his tail brushing against the small of my back, and that sensation sends
me into overdrive.
In a matter of seconds, I’m whimpering and moaning and begging for
more. Aldrick is showing me things I didn’t know were possible with just a
touch. Before I can react to one feeling, I’m being hit by another that’s even
stronger than the last. His right hand travels down my breasts, comes down
my torso, and lands at my center. He sucks, squeezes, and rubs all my spots
with such skill that I become both blind and dumb at the same time. In a
brief moment, I get some of my senses back so I reach behind my back and
grab his tail … except the thing has become so engorged, my hand can’t
wrap around it.
“Your … your tail,” I manage to say.
“That’s not my tail, woman. You're holding the second cock," he says
into my neck, and I melt into him.
Now that I know I’m holding his second cock, I start to stroke it again.
He pushes his larger cock into my hands and rubs circles over me with his
right hand. I realize I can feel the blood moving through my body—I have
never felt like this before. The desire erupting in me is thick and dangerous,
and I’m lost inside it.
“You’re fucking beautiful and I want to possess you,” he says gruffly.
Every word from his deep, booming voice enters the nape of my neck
and creates a tingling sensation that travels along my spine and settles in my
“Possess me then,” I whisper as he runs his fingers along my
collarbone. I shiver, and then he yanks my body even closer. There’s no
space between us anymore, and all of me is covered completely by him.
Right now there’s only one direction I can go, and that is one where he
takes over my whole body and shows me all the feelings that are sure to
break me apart.
“Lie on your back,” he says into my ear as he steps back from me.
Walking over to the bed, I do as he says. Naked, I climb the bed and he
strokes his longer cock as I rest my head on a pillow, my chest falling and
rising rhythmically.
I have barely settled into the supine position when he joins me on the
bed and towers over me. With his left hand he pins both of mine above my
head while with his right he finds my core again as he begins to plant gentle
kisses all over me. I squirm underneath him. While he kisses my skin, I try
to push my body up toward his, seeking more contact, but Aldrick’s hold on
me is so strong that it’s clear my body is his to do with as he wishes.
“I want you deep inside me,” I’m able to say between moans.
“Say no more,” he says with a smirk.
Aldrick’s fingers find the opening of my pussy, already so wet and
slippery, and he begins to rub, easing me up and preparing me for his
enormous first cock. I want to tell him that I want his second cock in my
ass, but I’m too scared at this point and too eager to have at least one of
them inside me.
I don’t even know how loud I’m moaning, but I’m sure I wouldn’t be
able to get away with it if we were on land with people. It’s taking all I have
not to beg him to ravish me. When one of my hands slips out of his hold, I
decide to take matters into my own hands by grabbing his huge cock and
directing its head into my hole. Aldrick grunts as his shaft slides into me
while the other one presses over my perineum.
I grab onto his arms for purchase and my fingers press into the part of
his skin where I cut him with a knife. He doesn’t thrust all the way in.
Instead, he backs out slowly and then drives into me again.
"Are you all right?" he asks, looking down at me.
"Yes, just fuck me," I say, despite knowing he is huge and I'm already
stretched to the max. I want every inch of him inside me.
He starts moving, going in farther each subsequent time until I don’t
even realize when he begins to pound me into the bed.
I raise my hands above my head to grab something and find nothing but
the sheets. When I open my mouth, all that comes out are screams of
pleasure, and when I open my eyes, all I see are Aldrick’s glowing red eyes,
burning into me.
Aldrick is grunting and sweating all over me. I move closer to him and
push myself onto his cock so he is deeply buried within me. I want all of
him, to the hilt, and I want it all over me. I close my eyes and bite my lip so
hard, I taste blood as the first wave of pleasure crashes into me. I’m
coming, and from Aldrick’s loud grunts and deeper strokes, so is he.
Seconds later, we crash into each other and just stay there, our sweaty
bodies wrapped around each other as he crushes me underneath his weight.
Yet, there is nowhere else I would rather be.

I can’t say how long Aldrick and I remain in that bed because it’s as
though time doesn’t exist while we’re there. We don’t let one second go to
waste. If we are both clearly trying to catch our breaths, we pause, and
before I know it, we are stuck together again like glue. More than anything,
it makes me happy that he is clearly impressed by the fact that I can keep up
with him. Every time he says, “Good girl,” I just feel the urge to make him
even happier. At some point, he lies on his back and I place my head on his
chest as he gently plays with my hair. It is in this blissful position that I fall
When I wake up, I’m disappointed to find myself alone although I’m
impressed that Aldrick managed to leave without waking me, seeing how
I’m a very light sleeper who can be woken up by the sound of a butterfly
flapping its wings outside my window.
I get up from the bed and pick up the nightgown that has been set aside
for me and put it on. As I try to walk back to the bed, I feel a cramping pain
in my lower abdomen that is so sudden, I grab a hold of my tummy and
The first thing my mind does is think about all that I have eaten in the
past twenty-four hours that might not be sitting well. The pain intensifies
while I’m standing, so I make my way across the room and sit on the edge
of the bed and continue to wonder what the cause might be. When I can’t
think of any food that might have done it, my mind wanders to Aldrick and
if perhaps, his cock has done some internal damage. That's possible,
although he only used his first cock and only played a little with the second
I laugh at that and shake my head. My experience with Aldrick felt too
good to be triggering this kind of pain. My abdomen cramps up one more
time, and at last I recognize how familiar this feeling is.
If I were at home or had my phone, I would have known my period was
coming and would have been better prepared for it. That is, if I were due.
But I just had my period a few days ago, right? It lasted way less than usual,
and the flow was light, but this is too early to be getting it again. Unless …
the huge cock did something to my system and caused it to go haywire,
causing another round of menstruation that may last a day or two, if that
This is so weird. I haven’t been here that long. I have lost count of the
days and every sense of time since I arrived in this castle, but even though I
have no clue what day it is, I shouldn’t be seeing my period today.
The weirder thing was the first time around when I got my period and
the three brothers brought me to orgasm in the pool, I had no cramps
whatsoever. Oh, dear.
For one big reason, I’m very disappointed with this. After what Aldrick
and I spent all of last night doing, I hoped we would continue today and that
maybe he would take me to even higher levels of pleasure than I have ever
reached. But with my period showing up, that is unlikely to happen.
Brad, for one, wouldn’t want to touch or be around me until he could
confirm that I was done with my period. He also didn’t care about my
discomfort or make allowances for it. If we had plans and he would
somehow show up as agreed—not a frequent thing—he’d expect me to go
along without complaint. God forbid I happened to be irritable, too…
I tarried a bit, reminiscing about one evening when we’d made plans to
see a play we’d both waited months to get tickets for, put together by a
traveling company going around the country with their stage shows. That
night was one of the few nights when Brad actually showed up exactly
when scheduled. Unfortunately, I had gotten my period that morning. He
arrived at my apartment and didn’t mention anything about the fact that I
was curled up on my couch with a blanket over me. He just wanted me to
hurry up and get dressed.
“If we don’t leave in fifteen minutes, we’re going to miss part of the
first act,” he said while constantly checking his watch.
“I’m not feeling too well,” I said. “Just give me a few minutes to
freshen up.”
“Just hurry!” he yelled at me after I finally got up and walked into my
bathroom. I actually preferred that he continued to rush me obliviously
because if he knew I was on my period, he would have started to tiptoe
around me and try to get me to say that he could leave me to go to the play
by himself, so I did my best to pretend I was just feeling tired. When I got
out of the bathroom fully dressed and ready to go, the sudden brightness of
the light in my living room gave me a slight headache so I hurried to the
dimmer and reduced it.
“Woah,” he said as he watched me with narrowed eyes. “What’s wrong
with you?”
“Nothing,” I said. “I just feel a little irritable.”
“Why? Are you on your period?” he scoffed. And something about the
way he asked it and that stupid look on his face just pissed me off more than
I can measure.
“Yes, Brad,” I said. “I’m on my period and you don’t have to be a baby
about it.”
“A baby? See, this is why I don’t like to be around you when you’re like
… this. Because what are you calling me a baby for?”
For several seconds, I just stared at him in disbelief. There was no way I
could win now that he knew I was on my period. He could say whatever he
wanted and no matter my reaction to it, he would just blame it on that and
say I’m being irrational.
“Do you want to go to the play by yourself?” I asked him as calmly as I
could, but deep down I wanted to shout, "Go fuck yourself and leave me to
suffer in peace!"
Brad opened his mouth to speak and then closed it. Clearly, he had been
expecting me to fight and was surprised at how easily I suggested that, but
he regained his composure seconds later and frowned at me. “Why would
you suggest that? Now you want to make me look like the bad guy who
won’t stay with his girlfriend when she’s on her … period.”
I groaned. “You’re unbelievable.”
“Where are you going?” Brad called after me when I walked away from
him, toward the door.
I stopped at my front door and pulled it open, then turned back around
and faced him. “Get out. Go to your play and come back in a few days to
tell me all about it.”
Brad didn’t respond to that because he was clearly dumbfounded, which
in itself was a rare feat because he is the kind of man who must always have
the last word. He picked up his jacket from the edge of my couch and
stopped for a moment in front of me. “Call me when you’re more rational,”
he said, then stepped out in a huff.
I slammed the door after him.
I sighed, thinking how different Aldrick was to Brad or frankly, any
man I had ever met. I was in such a pickle. What was I to do now?
The door to my room opens, and I’m not surprised to see the three
servants come in. A small part of me is disappointed that it’s not Aldrick,
but a bigger part is glad as I’m not sure he would want to be around me in
this condition.
“We trust you had a wonderful rest,” Knox says.
“Where’s Aldrick?” I ask hurriedly, to which all three servants furrow
their eyebrows at me.
“Master Aldrick is resting in his chambers,” Teon says.
“Okay, good,” I say with a sigh. “Take me to the garden quickly. I need
to make sure I don’t run into him.”
“Okay,” Teon says with a nod, and I can see that despite their
compliance, they all look concerned.
I don’t know how long I’m planning to avoid Aldrick for, but I will give
it the best I can. I truly don’t want him to see me like this and be grossed
out when whatever is going on between us has just gotten good. If a mere
man like Brad can have such a strong reaction, I can only imagine how
much stronger Aldrick’s will be.
True, the three brothers didn’t seem to mind when we had our little
session in the pool … but they were servants. Probably used to all kinds of
weird things while in the employ of a monster.
I follow the three and constantly look back over my shoulder to make
sure Aldrick is not hovering in the area. When I tell them to walk faster, the
three exchange glances but increase their speed. And right there as we walk
in the hallway, I feel the blood begin to trickle down my thighs and I let out
a sigh.
Dammit. I should have worn some kind of protection, like the towels I
used before. What was I thinking.
“Are you okay?” Herb asks when they turn around and see that I’m no
longer walking.
“I’m menstruating and I need a pad.” I sigh. “Or whatever it is your
women use here.” I smile at them, a gesture intended to minimize how
awkward I feel. This is truly humiliating and it doesn't help that the three of
them are all men. Why does Aldrick not have a female servant?
“That’s all right,” Herb says. “We are heading to the bath, anyway, and
we have everything you need. Don't worry.”
They don’t look confused at all, which puzzles me—but I won’t
question it. I'm just so relieved that men here heard of pads for women. I
should have asked the first time. I frowned … because I had told them I
was bleeding, so why didn’t they offer me something then? How odd.
Maybe they had to be told specifically what to do.
When we reach the pool, I don’t waste time taking off the nightgown.
But just as I’m about to dip my toe into the water, I hear the door swing
open and turn around. My breath hitches in my throat.
“Leave us!” Aldrick’s voice spreads around the garden like thunder, and
his servants scramble toward the exit. “Not you, Knox. Wait by the door.”
I remain rooted in one position as Aldrick gives these instructions and
then starts to make his way to me. He keeps his eyes fixated on me like a
tiger on the prowl as his tail swings behind him.
“I need some privacy today, please, Aldrick,” I say when he is only a
few feet away.
“And why is that?” he asks, frowning. There’s no way I’m going to say
anything. “I smelled you all the way from my chambers and couldn’t
Of course his words make me shudder. Aldrick reaches my side and
closes his eyes, then sniffs the air. He bends forward and places his head on
my neck, inhaling deeply, then steps back with a rapt expression as if he’s
just consumed an intoxicating drug. Then, in one quick motion, he sweeps
me off the ground and lifts me in his arms. I yelp but don’t protest. I know
enough that relaxing against him is the best way to experience him.
Aldrick lays me gently next to the pool and attempts to open my legs,
but I close them tight and cover myself up with my hands.
“No!” I protest, quickly catching his wrists.
"If you ever stop me from touching what's mine, human, I'll punish
you," he warns, his tone brooking no argument.
"You don't understand. I'm menstruating … bleeding!" I had to admit
this once before but the experience wasn’t as humiliating as this. I wanted
the earth to swallow me whole.
He grins. “Your rich scent is driving me mad, woman. Open your thighs
for me!”
He runs his hands along my thighs and my cheeks flush with
embarrassment. “No, no, no.” I shake my head. “I need to get in the water
now, then I need a pad or tampon—”
My words do nothing to dissuade him because he kneels in front of me
and inhales sharply, closing his eyes. “Open up now. Let me taste you as I
As he talks, he rubs my thighs gently so I don’t even know when I
spread my legs apart and open myself up to him. He lets out a deep groan
when he buries himself between my legs.
I close my eyes and bite my lip while I grab one of his horns. His forked
tongue protrudes to its full length and I can feel the split in the middle when
he runs it across my body. I’m in heaven. Then, as if he hasn’t surprised me
enough, he licks the drop of blood that trickles down my thigh. My mind
goes numb as he groans and proceeds to devour me with just his tongue.
Waves over waves of pleasure crash into me, one right after the other. He
doesn’t stop until he feels me shake from head to toe and knows that I’m
“Oh, Aldrick!” I scream out as I temporarily lose the ability to see and
my whole body stiffens.
He lifts his head and looks at me with a wicked grin on his face. Then,
he licks his lips and gives me a hungry look as though he wants to devour
more of me.
“You beast,” I say between deep breaths. “I didn’t think you’d want me
like this, but the orgasm helped me. I'm not cramping anymore.”
“When are you going to learn, woman, that I’m not a mere man?”
“I know that now,” I say and before I can finish that sentence, he is
planting kisses over my belly and covering up my body with his again.
“I’m going to plant more of my seed in you,” he says, and I feel the tip
of his cock on my entrance.
“Yes,” I whisper as he slides in his longer cock. This time, he goes all
the way through the first time, and I whimper underneath him.
“You’re doing great, Jane,” he says. “Your scent is irresistible.”
I wrap my hands around him and dig my fingernails into his muscular
back as he plunges into me with his cock, then he pulls it away and thrusts
his second cock inside.
He keeps switching and then goes at a steady rhythm that shakes my
entire body and sends me into oblivion. I absorb everything, becoming part
of this paradise—his touch, both his cocks, the smell of all the flowers and
the clean air. Aldrick doesn’t stop pounding into me until I feel him spill his
seed inside me and he lets out a low grunt.
He stays still for a couple of seconds and then, as though completely
refreshed, he lifts himself up by his right arm and pulls out his cock. When I
try to move, his other hand holds me down at my waist, and he smiles at
“Calm down, little one, and don’t move. We’re not done and we don’t
want you to spill a drop,” he says, and then I feel myself being penetrated
by him again, except this time, it is by something a little slimmer than his
smaller cock. This sends a brand-new feeling all across my body. It’s as
though my insides are being tickled by feathers and getting cleaned up
really nicely. My eyes roll to the back of my head.
“Is that… Is that your tail?” I gasp.
“Yes,” he growls. He starts moving his tail in and out of me, and I can
barely keep up. My mind is complete mush by now, but I know that this is
just the beginning. This is going to be a long day, and I bet he’ll keep going,
letting his attentions spill into the night, too.
I wonder if his cum will work even if I’m on my period. Can I get
pregnant, or does monster seed work the same as human seed, requiring an
ovulation period? The thought nags me a bit, almost throwing me out of the
But then, his loud and thunderous voice pierces through my thoughts.
“Knox, get over here!”
“What?” I whisper from under him, but all he does is smile at me. Knox
leaves his position by the door and approaches. His cock is harder than a
brick, and his eyes are like flashlights.
“I know you seduced Herb and him to try to get free,” Aldrick says. “I
also know you wonder what his cock must feel like. I want him to please
you and fulfill your fantasies.”
Knox stands over me with his cock dangling in my face, and for the
billionth time in just twenty-four hours, I completely lose my mind.

I n Aldrick’s study, he shows me a large book containing the history

of his people. He tells me it was written 2500 years ago, and as I sit next to
his table and flip through it, he devours me with his tongue underneath my
dress. At breakfast, while I eat pancakes and drink orange juice, he grazes
my nipples with his teeth, fingers fucking me the entire time. At lunch, he
carries me all the way to the garden and takes me in the pool with the water
splashing around us. At dinner, he pushes all the food off the table and
chokes me as he penetrates me with his cocks, switching now and again—
until the legs of the table threaten to give in under our weights.
“I have been waiting for you for far too long,” he says as he finds his
release inside me. “You are more special than any woman I’ve ever met.”
If I wasn’t so busy trying to catch my breath, I, too, would tell him that
I’ve never met anyone like him and that I have also been waiting for
someone like him. In fact, every second of my experience here still feels
like a dream.
We now are in Aldrick’s chambers. He’d brought me here sometime in
the middle of these hazy past few hours. In between our displays of
blinding passion, I haven’t had time to fully examine what his chambers
look like compared to mine, but now, I can do so properly.
Much like everything else associated with Aldrick, this place is huge.
It’s at least twice the size of the room I’ve been staying in. On the left side
of the wall is a lion’s head while the rest of the walls are covered by several
paintings similar in style to the ones I have already seen. The bed here is the
same size as mine, but because of the relative space that exists in this room,
it looks a little smaller. There’s a partition in the middle that is slightly open
so I can see what is on the other side of it—three chairs arranged to face
each other, a table in the center. The entire place looks like a big and ultra-
expensive hotel suite.
While I drink in everything I see, Aldrick is touching me, sucking on
my neck and fondling my breasts. Even when he has just come, he never
stops. He truly is a magnificent beast. I can hardly keep up with his
overactive libido.
Unfortunately, I’m unable to stay fully present as a thought that has
crossed my mind too many times over the past few hours comes back. I
clear my throat and tap Aldrick’s shoulder.
“I need to tell you something,” I say.
“What is it?” he asks as he bites my neck and a spontaneous moan
escapes my lips.
He looks at my face with a satisfied smug and then returns to marking
my body as his. This time, he takes my left nipple in his mouth and begins
to draw circles around it with his tongue. Damn it, he is too distracting, and
I really have to talk to him.
“I don’t know how long I’ve been here,” I say. “I know my best friend
is really worried right now.”
“Why would she be?” he says into my breast.
“Why wouldn’t she be? I’ve been gone for days. They probably have a
search party out looking for me as we speak,” I say. "I'm afraid they might
send the helicopter here in order to find me."
Aldrick raises his head to look at me, and I see he is slightly amused.
“Do they, now?”
“This isn’t funny,” I say with a groan. “You know you practically
kidnapped me. My friends and family need to at least know that I’m fine.
None of this is fair on them.”
“For the last time, woman, I didn’t kidnap you. You came to me,” he
says, his smirk deepening with each word, and I roll my eyes in response.
“If you truly feel that your friends and family must know you are fine,
although I don’t believe that is necessary, then you may go. I can’t stop you
any longer.”
“So, you’ll let me go?” I ask, surprised by his words.
“I don’t have to fight to keep you here anymore when I know you will
never truly leave,” he says and with that, he trails kisses down my abdomen
until his tongue finds my core.
I’m no longer his prisoner. Something shifts in the air around us, and it
feels like unseen shackles have come unbound.
Why does this feel so strange? So Aldrick can’t keep me here now
unless I want to?
The better question is: Do I want to stay?
But just the memory of his touch, of his cocks pounding into me… His
scent. I breathe him in now. That particular musk of his slams into me like a
hit. It relaxes me, even more than his tongue doing such attentive
ministrations to my pussy down below. In all the time I’ve had periods, I’ve
never gone without a pad or tampon. Here? No need to because Aldrick sips
on those fluids like they’re the sweetest ambrosia.
I take another inhale. I can smell it, the rich scent wafting from me. I
also register the aroma of Aldrick’s entire being. So exhilarating. So potent.
It really is like a drug! Pheromones, I think they call it. Scent molecules that
make you want, make you desire. Obviously, he’d be this intoxicating
because he wants me to mate with him, to ensure he breeds me…
This other thought also slams into me like a train hurtling at full speed.
What are we doing? I’m on my period, so no chance I’m fertile right now—
again, unless things work differently here—but what happens in two weeks,
when I ovulate? The gallons of cum Aldrick is and will continue to dump
into me will probably ensure I conceive right away. Maybe multiples, too.
A ton of bricks falls into my gut and panic grips me.
Fuck! I can’t get pregnant! What was I thinking? No way can I talk of
contraception to Aldrick … because he wants to breed me.
Lust after me he may, but all he wants is a broodmare to give him
children, to carry on his legacy.
I swallow hard as the shock of that realization takes me under.
Another thought chills me further. Aldrick is the last of his kind. Giving
him children means that won’t be the case. In fifteen, twenty years, these
children will be able to breed themselves. More little monsters coming into
this world. Enough to dominate the mountain once again?
And worse, the humans who live around it?
Horror grips me just as Aldrick’s teeth close on my clit so instead of
pleasure, pain rushes through me. My whole body has gone stiff, solid,
frozen, and the tremors that rush up now from my core are painful to say
the least.
Oh my goodness! Shit … I can’t stay here…
Without thinking twice, I push Aldrick’s head off me and rush to my
feet, my steps already taking me out of the room and into the hallway, in the
direction of the fifth door on the right.
“Jane!” Aldrick screams behind me, but I tune him out.
A door opens to my left—Knox, Herb, and Teon step out but make no
move to stop me.
Maybe they can’t? Aldrick did release me back there.
Quick, there’s no time to waste. I reach the door and fumble to open it.
The handle won’t move and in my exasperation, I slam the wall to the side.
Wait, something’s groaning, like rusty cables. When the door swings
softly open a moment later, I blink at the sight greeting me. Not the storm,
but the clearing I stumbled upon on my way here.
Freedom! It’s mine. I need to run. I need to warn the world about
Aldrick and the possibility of him breeding and then exterminating us all in
a few decades. After all, a human woman decimated his family. I wouldn’t
put it past him to want to exact revenge by any means. He has waited two
centuries—he’s got the patience.
I rush out and head down the path most trodden. The sun is shining just
beyond the copse of trees. I’m almost there because I’m running faster than
I ever have. Granted, being in a long nightgown doesn’t help, but I’m
Yet, all that determination isn’t enough when I trip over the hem of my
gown, my foot slides on loose gravel, and I’m suddenly flying in the air.
I hear more than feel the sickening crunch my head makes as it hits a
boulder. There’s no time even for terror to set in.
And then, just like that, darkness encroaches and wraps its talons around
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