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Class : 2BAV



Basic Electronics

Report 2



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To prove that our body acts like a very high resistance that providing a low curren

1) The transfer resistor operation circuit was set up as figure 1
2) Moist up your finger to reduce the body resistance
3) Use your finger to hold on the leads.
4) The bulb will light up
5) This is due to there is current flow through your body and into the pole of the transistor.
6) Result was read and been recorded.
Input current:_____254.5 μA___________
Output current (Typical lamp):____36 mA ______________
1) The value of base current in the above circuit is determined by the voltage drop across
2) The voltage gain in an amplifier is calculated by dividing the output voltage by input
3) The transistor operating point in the amplifier above is adjusted for a DC voltage at the
collector by varying the 1M pot
4) When an NPN amplifier is severely overdriven the output waveform flattens at the bottom.
5) In the circuit, when Rb is decreased , the base bias current
Our body have a really high resistance, however, if it is wet, the resistance will decreased and there
will be a lot of current that will flows through our body.
Experiment we will vary base current to result in operation in the linear portion of the
transistor operation, will apply an input voltage and measure the voltage gain then measure the
gain for different values of collector current and for different values of load resistor.

Common emitter amplifier

The common emitter amplifier circuit has a collector resistance of 2.2k ohms is used as a load. The
1M pot is used to vary the base current and thus the transistor operating .

- Wire the common emitter amplifier.

- Set the frequency generator to 1 kHZ.
- Set SINE AMPL to LO with the knob CCW(at zero).
- Set CH1 to 0.5 v VOLTS/DIV and CH2 to 10 mV VOLTS/DIV.
- Use the AC input and a 0.5 ms sweep time/div.
Varying AC input signal and gain part 1.

- procedure
- collector voltage set to 4.0 volts increase the sine ampl. Until you the sinewave on the
Oscillosope is 2.0 volt peak to peak (vp-p)
- record the operation parameter
- calculate the gain for NPN transistor amplifier by dividing Vout by Vin
- Result
- The frequency generator input to the NPN amplifier for an output of 2.0 volts peak to
peak is closest 0.015 vp-p
- When record the operating parameter on data sheet BIAS VC= 4 VDC thus IC=
- Also record the value of peak to peak input voltage needed to obain a 2 volt peak to
peak output voltage with the above circuit, VIN= 7.1 vp-p , Vout = 2.2 vp-p with 2.2k
ohm load.
- When we calculate the midpoint gain, we got data = 272
Varying biasing

- procedure
- change CH1 to DC inpt and adjust the amplifier Output waveform position for the
added DC level. Watch this waveform as you rotate the 1M pot knob CCW changing
the amplifier bias point.
- Result
- 1M pot is varied until it’s effective value is zero resistant the output at the collector as
seen on the Oscilloscope flattens at the bottom.
- As we turned the 1M pot CCW lowered the value of resisternt it contributed to the
biasing circuit and changed the operating point.
- The output waveform flattened from the bottom as its peack to peak output voltage
became smaller and eventually it became nearly zero.

Singal input

- procedure
- rotate the 1M pot CW to adjust amplifiers bais point for a DC collector Voltage of 4.0
volt. Readjust he Sine ampl. Input for a CH1 Ac output sinewave of 2.0 volts p-p if
- Set CH1 to 2v Volts/div and CH2 to 50mV volts/div
- Keeping the bais constant increase the amplitude of the 100 Hz input signal until the
bottom of CH1 waveform begins to flatten.
- Turn the SINE AMPL. Knob to zero (CCW). with the switch it the high mode slowly
increase the input signal until the output begins to clip. Continue to overdrive the

- Result
- When record the maximum p-p input voltage before clipping 19.1 vp-p
- When the input signal is too larger to accurately be reproduced at the output of a
transistor amplifier it is said to overdrive the amplifier.
- When an NPN amplifier is severely overdriven the output waveform flatten at the top
and bottom.


- The value of base current in the above circuit Is determind by the voltage drop across
the capacitor.
- The voltage gain in an amplifier is calculated by dividing the output voltage by the
input voltage.
- The transistor operating point in the amplifier above is adusted for a DC voltage at the
collector by varying the 1 m pot.
- When an npn amplifier is severely overdriven the output waveform flatten at the top
and bottom.
- In the circuit above when rb is decreased the base bias current is increased.

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