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7/6/24, 11:16 AM One View by AKTU SDC Team


Student Result

Institute Code
& Name
Course Code & Branch Code &
: (20) MCA 2Y : (14) MCA
Name Name Print One
RollNo : 2300910140049 EnrollmentNo : PROVISIONAL View
Name : RAJ HANS MAURYA Hindi Name : राज हंस मौर्या
Father's Name : NEERAJ KUMAR MAURYA Gender : M

One View Result

Session : 2023-24(REGULAR) Semesters : 1 Result : Marks : 643/1050 COP :

Semester : 1 Even/Odd : Odd

Total Subjects : 8 Theory Subjects : 5
Practical Subjects : 3 Total Marks Obt. : 643
Result Status : CP( 0) SGPA : 6.39
Date of Declaration : 05/07/24

Code Name Type Internal External Back Paper Grade

KCA101 Fundamental of Computers & Emerging Technologies Theory 41 41 -- C
KCA102 Problem Solving using C Theory 43 41 -- C
KCA103 Principles of Management & Communication Theory 34 40 -- D
KCA104 Discrete Mathematics Theory 35 53 -- C
KCA105 Computer Organization & Architecture Theory 43 31 -- D
KCA151 Problem Solving using C Lab Practical 42 40 -- A
KCA152 Computer Organization & Architecture Lab Practical 43 37 -- A
KCA153 Professional Communication Lab Practical 35 44 -- B+

Semester : Even/Odd : Even

Total Subjects : 0 Theory Subjects : 0
Practical Subjects : 0 Total Marks Obt. :
Result Status : SGPA : 0
Date of Declaration :

No Result found for the above semester.

MOOCs Certifications

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