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Comparative and superlative adjectives Generally, we add -er to the end of short adjectives to form the comparative. Adjective Comparative Adjective Comparative long longer short shorter ~~ small smaller deep deeper high higher slow slower Look at these other rules: Adjective ending Example Add Comparative adjective -e wide tf wider consonant + vowel 4, double the final 59a, + consonant 9 consonant +-er 99 When we want to directly compare two things, places or people, we use than. Cairo is bigger than London. Charlie is taller than Harry. 44 Unit 9 1 Add r, ger, or er to the words to make comparative adjectives. 1 long longer 3 young 5 deep 7 big 2 Write the comparative adjectives. 1 small _smaller 3 loud 5 quiet 7 slow 9 fast L. 1 old 2 4 6 8 short wide high loud — tall long big high short young 3 Write sentences, using the comparative adjective of the word in brackets. 5 (quiet) 6 (tall) Unit9 45 To form the superlative of short adjectives, we add -est or -st. Adjective Comparative long longest small smallest high highest short shortest deep deepest slow slowest Adjective ending Example Add Comparative adjective se wide seaetl widest consonant + vowel. + consonant : doublethe final big consonant + -est biggest A. The always goes before a superlative. 46 Dad is the tallest. The yellow car is the fastest. Note that we can say in the world with superlative adjectives. Which is the highest mountain in the world? The river Amazon is the longest river in the world, Unit 9 4 Write the superlative adjectives. 1 small the smallest _ 2 fall, 3 loud 4 long 5 quiet 6 big ane 7 slow 8 high 9 fast a 10 short 11 old 12° young 5 Look at the table. True or false? Write T or F. High Long Tall Mountain A 2000 m River D 400 km Building G 150 m Mountain B 1000 m River £ 175 km. Building H 300 m Mountain C 3000 m River F 500 km Building I 75m | 1 River Eis the longest. — 2: Mountain Aisthe highest. __ 3 Building Tis the smallest. 4 Mountain C is the smallest. = 5 River isthe longest. 6 BuildingHisthetallest. = __ 6 Complete the sentences. Use a comparative or superlative form, and add than if necessary. 1 Mountain Ais higher than Mountain B, but Mountain C is ___the highest _ 2 RiverDis = ________ River E, but River Fis —___ . 3 BuildingGis —____ Building H, but Building Lis — 4 Mountain Ais Mountain B, but Mountain C is 5 River Dis River F, but River E is 7 Complete the sentences using a word from the box. younger bigger oldest smaller longest 1 The Nileisthe longest river in Egypt. 2 The USA is ___ than the UK. 3 Mount Fuji is — than Mount Everest. 4 My baby sisteris than my Grandma. 5 The man in the world is 113. Unit9 47 Review 3 Units 7-9 1 write sentences. Put the adverbs in brackets into the correct place. 1 Iplay tennis. (never) I never play tennis _ a 2 We do our homework in the Library. (sometimes) 3. Karl wakes up before 7 o'clock. (usually) 4 Mum and Dad don't go to the theatre. (often) 5 My friends are asleep before midnight. (never) 6 I'mtired. (always) 7 You're late. (sometimes) 2 Complete the sentences using in, on or at. My birthday is ‘March. 2 Wego tothe café __ Saturdays 3 There’sa party __ 8 o'clock tonight. Would you like to come? 4 Calum is going to Paris ___ Saturday. 5 The class starts 9 o'clock. 6 Mum and Dad go on holiday August. 3 Write a, an orsome, 1 _some _ rice a, (ates: 3 orange 4 grape 5 spinach 6 —___ sandwich 7 water 8 coffee 5 lemon 10 lemonade " _ glass of orange juice 12. ______ asparagus 3 — tea 14 aubergine 48 Review 3 4 Complete the conversation using the expressions in the box. Would you like ‘dlike No,thanks Td like Doyoulike would you like” Waitress: Milly: Waitress: Milly: Waitress: Mum: Waitress: Mum: Hello. What (1) would you like to eat? Idon’t know. (2) ice cream? Yes, of course I do! Chocolate is my favourite. OK, some chocolate ice cream for you. And 1(3) some fruit. (4) some cream with your fruit? (5) , but (6) a glass of water. 5 Look at the pictures. Write two sentences for each picture, using a comparative adjective and a superlative adjective. wide’ big fast long old A is wider than B. A is the widest Review 3 ao

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