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Mini Quiz 1 Take Home

● Ch 24, 25. You may use your textbook but please complete it
without help from anyone else.
● Each question is worth ¼ point. Worth 2.5 points total

Choose the BEST answer. Place the correct letter on the blank line below the

Note: Be very careful when choosing the correct letter (don’t let the vitamin
name get you confused with the correct answer letter)!

Uncle Ned had to drive to town to the feed store to get some supplies and he
asked Niece Nellie if she would like to go along to help. They worked up quite an
appetite after lifting all the heavy bags of chicken feed and as a treat Uncle Ned
took Nellie to the restaurant for some lunch. Uncle Ned ordered the usual: double
cheeseburger, large fries with gravy, large cola and a piece of apple pie with ice
cream for dessert. When the waitress asked Nellie for her order she said that all
she wanted was a small garden salad without dressing and a diet cola. She had
recently been trying to attract the attention of a boy in her homeroom class
named Delbert and all she had eaten for the past week was salads. Even though
her PE teacher said her weight was normal she still felt fat and was determined to
lose all those extra pounds she had gained over the winter. She knew that she
may be lacking some important nutrients so she had been taking extra vitamins
each day instead of just one tablet. You become quite concerned with both their
diet habits and can determine the following:

A. Vitamin A H. Vitamin C

B. Vitamin B1 I. Vitamin D

C. Vitamin B2 J. Vitamin E

D. Vitamin B5 K. Folacin

E. Vitamin B6 L. Biotin

F. Vitamin B12 M. Niacin

G. Vitamin K

1. Niece Nellie may be at risk developing hypervitaminosis from ingesting too

many vitamin tablets. The most harmful would be (list all that apply):

The most harmful vitamins that are toxic when ingested too much are vitamin A,
vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K.



2. Uncle Ned doesn’t believe in taking vitamins. At home he drinks plenty of fresh
milk every morning after milking old Bessie. You tell him while milk is a good
source of many vitamins he may be missing one important fat soluble vitamin in
his diet that may cause a disorder. This vitamin is usually added to store-bought
milk. List the missing vitamin (2a) and its effects of deficiency (2b).

2a.___Vitamin D____________

2b. B._____ Deficiency of this vitamin in the diet may result in:

A. Beriberi

B. Rickets

C. Jaundice

D. Pellagra

E. Scurvy

FILL in the BLANK.

3. Niece Nellie’s friend, Lila Mae, just found out that she was in the “motherly
way” (pregnant). Lila Mae told Nellie that she was going to go on the Atkins diet
to avoid gaining too much weight. Niece Nellie was immediately concerned
because she had heard you mention how dangerous the Atkins Diet could be.
Below is your explanation to Niece Nellie about why her friend should not go on
the Atkins diet. Unfortunately, you forgot to include an important piece of
information for Niece Nellie that you need to complete.

Dear Niece Nellie,

The Atkins diet eliminates many fruits, vegetables and carbohydrates and these
are important sources of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. The Atkins
diet and high protein/low carb diets have also been associated with heart
disease, colon cancer, kidney disease and osteoporosis. The bottom line is that
the number of calories you eat and your level of energy expenditure determine
how much weight you gain or lose. In addition, if Lila Mae eliminates bread,
cereal and vegetables from her diet she may be missing a very important
vitamin that is important especially for her developing fetus (unborn baby). Lack
of this vitamin can result in retarded growth, anemia, gastrointestinal disorders,
and of most importance to Lila Mae’s developing baby, neural tube defects
(NTD), which may lead to developmental abnormalities.

List the name(s) of this important vitamin that you forgot to include in the letter.

3. __Iodine and folacin_________________________________


CHOOSE the BEST answer. Place the correct letter in the blank beside the

_C___ 4a. Pantothenic Acid is also known as Vitamin _____.

A. B1

B. B2

C. B5

D. B6

E. B12

__A___ 4b. This mineral is a major cation in body fluids and is essential for
normal membrane function.

A. sodium

B. calcium

C. magnesium

D. iron

E. selenium

F. phosphorus


CHOOSE the BEST answer. Place the correct letter in the blank beside the

A. Oral Cavity/Teeth/Tongue E. Small Intestine H. Stomach

B. Salivary Glands F. Large Intestine I. Pancreas

C. Pharynx G. Liver J. Gallbladder

D. Esophagus

_E____ 5. Enzymatic digestion and absorption of water, organic substrates,

vitamins, and ions.



6. Identify all of the structures.


7. Identify all of the structures.


8. Identify all of the structures.

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