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| | The past simple (1): be, have and regular verbs A school play Pact dine onieesons i were a lot of people at the play. They had a great Charlie acted very well and the audience clapped. a a When we form the past simple, we add -ed or -d to most regular verbs. Here are some more rules: Verb Example Change Past simple Negative endsvowel+ stop double the last stopped didn’t stop consonant consonant + -ed ends consonant tidy Su(+ ied tidied didn’t tidy ty inreqular verbs be was/were wasn’t/weren’t have had didn’t have In questions we change the word order. Did Molly act in the play? Be is different. Were you excited? Was the play good? 1 Circle the correct answer. 1 3 5 7 2 Therewas,/ were a piano on the stage. 2 We were / was excited ahaut the concert. 4 Was / Were you at home? Leo and Seb wasn’t / weren’t at the concert. Unit 2 6 8 Ethan's voice weren't / wasn’t very loud, Why was / were Anna and Kate tired? All our friends were / was in the audience. What was / were the name of the play? 2 Complete Harry’s diary. Write was, were or had, \et_had a. school play this week. Charlie e a hare programme about the « Molly played the p her friends Suay a a Everyone” ily our friends and fo 2 in the I Tre audience. Last week, WE recorders, It 2 _a concert Very good, but Molly, Suzy ae id Ji 0 at school. Mum and Dad and Jane : tere, but all very tired at the our friends ® 3 Complete the sentences and questions. Use the past simple of be or have. 1 Phil's very happy because the exam wasn’t very difficult. 2. I'mvery hungry. 1 breakfast. 3 Louise cake at the café? 4 The people in the audience agreat time. 5 He ten yesterday. 6 you at Emily's birthday party? 7 My grandparents rich. They lived in a very small house. er a baby when we moved to London. 9 the film good? Did you Like it? 0 The homework hard. We all got good marks. 4 Complete the text. Use the past simple of the verbs in brackets. It'__was (be) George's birthday party on Friday. We 2 (have) a great time. George? (invite) all his friends und everyone * (enjoy) it. The lights 2 (sparkle), we * (listen) to music and z (dance) all evening. We and* (play) games. 1° (clap) when George ® (open) his presents. We all” (tidy) up when the party 2 (end) andI” (not want) to go home! Unit 2 13 Past time expressions I've got a lot to tell you. There was a 1 ago after a period of time yesterday + morning / afternoon / evening last + night / Friday / week / month / year We use these expressions to talk about when something happened in the past: Iwatched a good film last Saturday. We went to London three years ago. Temailed her yesterday evening. Time expressions can go at the beginning or end of a sentence. Iplayed in a concert last week. Last week, I played in a concert. 5 Tick (/) the correct sentences. 1 Last week, Jane had a party, Jane had a party week last. (_) 3. Frank's birthday was yesterday. (_} Yesterday Frank's birthday was. (_] 5. Tina had dinner evening yesterday. (_} 7 Thad an exam yesterday afternoon. (_] 4 Tina had dinner yesterday evening. (_) Thad an exam last afternoon. (_} Unit 2 Ago two weeks it was my birthday, (_] Two weeks ago it was my birthday. (_] We had yesterday a big party. (_} We had a big party yesterday, We played tennis ago two hours. (_) We played tennis two hours ago. (_) I phoned you a Friday ago. (_) I phoned you last Friday. (_] a Complete the sentences. Use the verb in brackets and a time expression from the box. Then rewrite each sentence with the time expression at the end. Today is Saturday 15th November. LastSaturday Last month Yesterday evening Last Monday Yesterday —_Last Thursday (ruts Last Saturday , Clare played _ (play) tennis. Invent Clare played tennis last Saturday Vt 2 [Tuesday vit (be) my birthday. 3rd October (& 3 | thursday Jason (play) badminton with Henry. Bth 4 = re (tidy) my room. 5 ,we (watch) a play at the theatre. , Dad (phane) Roger Look at the things that happened in exercise 6. Write when they happened. Use time expressions with ago and the words from the box. Remember, today is Saturday 15th November. It is 9 a.m. one-week fourteenhours twodays fivedays amonth aday 1 _one week ago 2 3 4 5 6 Unit2 15 bes We saw a shark! This pasteimple (2 regular verbs st simple affirmative and negative: irregular verb ‘Many common verbs have an irregular past simple form in the affirmative. You already know was/were and had. Here are some others: Verb buy eat fly go —-hear_~= make see think Past simple bought ate flew went heard made saw thought For most regular and irregular verbs, we form the past simple negative with didn’t + base form. See page 80 for a list of irregular verbs. We didn’t look at the postcards. Amy didn’t go to the museum. Remember that the third person form of the past simple doesn't change in the uffirrnutive or negative. The exceplion is Lie verb be (was, were, wasn’t, weren't). 1 Match 1-8 with the word endings to make irregular past simple verbs. 1 _heard he ught 2 at ard 3 ma w 4 sa nt 5 fl ght 6 thou de 7 we = 8 bo ew 16 Unit3 . Write the past simple of the verbs in the box into the correct List. -ask~ have hear live hate wait go eat Regular Irregular asked | Circle the correct verb form. We eated /(ate)lunch very early Eric saw / seen a robot at the exhibition. Holly heard / heared the music. Jasper and Ryan buyed / bought a sandwich. Iwent / goed to school yesterday. Jamle make / made breakfast this morning. The birds flew / flied away. The scientist thinked / thought about the question. oNanewn a Look at exercise 3. Write negative sentences. We didn’t eat lunch very early @onNanewna Complete the text. Use the past simple of the verb in brackets. Olly and 1" (g0) toc lovely old village last weekend. tt? (not be) very far away. We* (buy) some cheese, bread and fruit, and we * (think) about having apicnic near the river. We® (not have) very much water. Olly * (see) a shop but it” (be) closed. We 2 (eat) our food and® (fall asleep) under the trees. Unit3 a7 i We form past simple questions Relais in the same way for most A regular and irregular verbs. * We use did + I/you/he/she/it/ we/you/they + base form. Did you buy any souvenirs? Did Amy have breakfast this morning? We can use a question word before did, such as what, who, where, when or which What did you see at the seaside? We can use which and what \ ) os anoun. ; What did you | Which museum did you go to? 4 We learnt about sharks, We form past simple short answers in the same way for most regular and irregular verbs. Did you enjoy the trip? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. 6 Write the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 you /eat / did / what What did you eat? Henry and Andy / where / have Lunch / did why / Max / buy / did /ten postcards the money / where / did / find / they you / learn / did / about rocks and plants / what you / did / hear / when / the good news which / the class / go to / did / part of the coast Unit 3 7 Look at the pictures. Write questions and short answers. Sally / buy /a postcard Did Sally buy a posteard? Yes, she did they / have Lunch / in a café Mum and Dad / go / to a concert the children / hear /a funny Poppy / find / anything interesting Unit3 19

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