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Name Date Week 3 Lesson # 4

Lesson type Reading Level Intermediate Lesson length 45 minutes # of Ss (for tutor)
Main aim Appropriate lesson
Learners will have practice in reading for gist and detail in the context of an article about a person with special talents.

Sub aim YES

Learners will develop oral accuracy and fluency skills when having to summarize the story and speak about a person they

LANGUAGE ANALYSIS (delete as applicable) Sufficient language

vocabulary / grammar / functions / no analysis submitted
Language to clarify
For systems lessons, list target language you will clarify
For skills lessons, list vocab that you will pre-teach
List all handouts and other materials you will use in the lesson and on all photocopies that you give to Ss
● Coursebook handout: Speakout Intermediate Students’ Book, Antonia Clare, JJ Wilson, Pearson, Page 83

● Teacher’s own speaking activity handout for follow up task.

● Powerpoint Slides- visuals, discussion questions, activities.

Planning /
Action points

This lesson is AT standard for this stage of the course

(tutor signature)

I have read and understood this feedback. I have asked my tutor about anything that is unclear.
(trainee signature)
Problems (timing, grouping, instructions, topics, etc – NOT language) Solutions
Include at least 3, specific to the stages and activities in this lesson Include one solution for each problem

● Students may have difficulties coming up with creative ideas ● Present a template to the class before the activity, which they
about the person they admire for the final productive task. can use to base their own work on.

● The students may be unfamiliar with the procedure for ● Display the seating arrangement visually and give instructions clearly
the jigsaw reading activity. and step by step. Model the task with students.

● Assign fast finishers an extension task. Ask learners to report their

ideas to other groups in the class or give feedback to each other on
● Learners may finish the follow-up speaking activity before
their speaking.

Aims Approaches
What action points from previous lesson(s) are you working on? What is your strategy to improve in each of these areas?

● Allowing students to have sufficient time to work on the final ● Pace each stage appropriately. Be efficient with arranging the
productive task. Allow enough time for feedback at the end of seating arrangements for different activities to ensure an optimal
the lesson. amount of time for the final speaking task.

● Being aware of my position when nominating students and ● Be visible to the whole class during feedback. Sit in a central position
conducting whole class feedback. during feedback.

● I want to make the reading lesson as communicative and ● Using a jigsaw reading activity to get students to engage in the text
learner centered as possible. and to actively have to communicate with others to comprehend the
● I also want the students to be independent by taking control
of the questions they create and answer during the reading ● Encourage learner autonomy during this stage and clarify that the
for specific information stage. aim of this stage isn’t creating grammatically error free questions,
but rather to engage with the text and create questions about what
details they consider most relevant.
(5 T-Ss-T Lead in: T displays visuals related to the topic
minutes) S-S -Generate interest around the room.
in the topic. T sets the task for Ss to work in pairs, move
-Activate schemata around the room and discuss the pictures
T ICQs on time and interaction pattern.
Ss talk about the pictures.
T conducts whole class feedback with one

(3 T-Ss-T Prediction: T displays a picture of clouds and asks ss:

minutes) S-S -for learners to “What’s going to happen?”
make a prediction T elicits from ss using a gap fill sentence: “I
about the content predict it’s going to rain.”
of the lesson. T sets the task for ss to make a prediction
about today’s lesson, based on the pictures
they have discussed.
“I think the lesson is going to be about…”
Ss discuss their predictions in pairs.
T conducts brief whole class feedback.

(5 Pre-teach: T sets the task for students to match the

minutes) -unblock unknown correct definition to each word.
vocab needed to Ss discuss their answers in pairs.
help students T conducts brief whole class feedback and
complete the task. clarifies TL.
Using visuals, T elicits the target language
from students.
1. ‘diagnose’ (v)

2. ‘ art gallery’ (n)

3. ‘MBE’ (n)

4. ‘autistic’ (adj)

1. Is this an action to identify the
nature of a medical condition of

2. Can you view paintings here?

3. Is this an award? Is it given to a

person by the Queen for a
special achievement?

4. Does this word describe a mental

condition people have? Is it
difficult for a person to
communicate and form

T drills the correct pronunciation with

students and highlights word stress.
(4 T-Ss-T Gist Reading T states the task.
Minutes) S -develop Ss reading “Read the text below. Then read the article
S-S for gist of the text and check whether your prediction was
and to provide correct. ’
context for the TL T ICQS
“Do we need to understand every word?”
No- Just read quickly for the answer.
Ss complete task.
Ss discuss their answers in pairs: How was
your prediction similar or different?
Brief whole class feedback of ss reporting
what their partner said.

(8 T-Ss-T Reading for specific T organizes class into two groups.

minutes) S information T states the task.
S-S -develop scanning “Group 1: You have the first half of the
for specific story.
information Group 2: You have the second half of the

Read your story.

With your partner, create three questions
about the text. “
T demonstrates an example with students.
T ICQs the task.
“How many questions do we need to
create? (3)
“Who do we work with?”(Partner)
Ss complete task.
T monitors.
Ss ask and answer their questions in their
Brief whole class feedback.

(8 Detailed Reading: T sets up classroom arrangement into two

minutes) T-Ss-T -to develop Ss parallel rows using visual aids.
S-S reading for detailed
comprehension “You can’t look at the text.
Blue student (Group 1): Tell the green
student (Group 2) about what you read.
Green student: Listen and ask questions.
Green student (Group 2): Tell the blue
student about what you read.
Blue student: Listen and ask questions.”

Ss from group 1 swap their half of the text

with ss from group 2.
Ss discuss with their partners: Did their
partner describe the story accurately? What
did they mention? What didn’t they

(12 S-S Productive follow T displays template for ss and states topic.
minutes) up (Speaking): Topic- Talking about an inspiration person
To respond to the or someone you admire.
text and further T scaffolds task by displaying the example of
personalize the the person I admire- my sister.
topic. “I have made some brief notes about the
person I admire- my sister. I have
mentioned some details to describe her, her
hobbies, likes and dislikes and why I admire
her. Now you make some notes about
someone you admire”

Ss prepare brief notes to prepare for

productive task.

T ICQs on interaction pattern and timing.

Ss work alone on task.

T monitors and support ss during task.

Ss take turns and speak to their partner
about the person they admire.
Flexi extension task: Ss mingle and share
with others in the class about their partner.

T conducts whole class feedback. T boards

sentences and ss work together on error

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