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Name Date Week 3 Lesson # 6

Lesson type Grammar Level Intermediate Lesson length 45 minutes # of Ss (for tutor) 10
Main aim Appropriate lesson
By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to use the third conditional in the context of parties and personal lives.
Sub aim
They will also practice their speaking skills using third conditionals, in the context of their personal lives.

LANGUAGE ANALYSIS (delete as applicable) Sufficient language

Language to clarify
The third conditional, used to describe imaginary events in the past.
If + subject + had(n’t) + past participle + object + subject + would(n’t) + have + past participle + object.
If + subject + had(n’t) + past participle + object + would(n’t) + subject + have + past participle + object?
List all handouts and other materials you will use in the lesson and on all photocopies that you give to Ss


This lesson is AT standard for this stage of the course

(tutor signature)

I have read and understood this feedback. I have asked my tutor about anything that is unclear.
(trainee signature)


Problems (timing, grouping, instructions, topics, etc – NOT language) Solutions
Include at least 3, specific to the stages and activities in this lesson Include one solution for each problem

● Students might struggle to understand that the situation ● CCQ a marker sentence, and hone in on the situation that would
represented in the third conditional is imaginary. have been then elicit whether it is real or not. If they still don’t
understand support the marker sentence with a diagram.

● Students might use past simple, rather than past participle in ● Use a table to help Ss consider the form of the third conditional,
the form of the third conditional sentences. specifically labelling the past participle. Use a controlled practice to
support students using the past participle in a sentence.

● Students might struggle with the weakened pronunciation of ● Provide phonemic script and finger drilling.
would’ve and wouldn't have.

● The guided discovery only works if the students grasp the

● If they still don’t understand support the marker sentence with a
meaning of the third conditional.

Aims Approaches
What action points from previous lesson(s) are you working on? What is your strategy to improve in each of these areas?

● To pay more attention to word and sentence stress ● I have included this on my slides. I have practiced drilling the stress
and finger clicking.

● To complete a successful guided discovery lesson. ● I have utilised the course tutors expertise extensively; researched
the grammar point; considered the best use of my materials;
included strategies to approach previous action points. I am
prepared to receive feedback on areas to improve.

● I have included two freer practice activities. One could be set for
● Include freer practice activities
homework if necessary.
4m T-S Lead In T shows Ss a picture
S-S To generate interest in T elicits:
the topic and set the What's going on in the picture -
scene for the lesson. To - its a birthday party
help Ss anticipate How do you know?
context of the text. - cake, candles, happy birthday sign
T arranges Ss into groups
Part A Gives out GD Handout - asks to discuss section
A questions: 2 minutes
a) What did you do for your last
b) Have you, or anyone you know,
had a surprise birthday party? Did
you like it?
c) If you could have anyone at your
party, who would it be?
Class feedback
Error correction if necessary
4m T-S Gist Watching Tell Ss they’re going to watch a short video.
S To develop watching for While they watch the video they’re going to
S-S global understanding. do a short quiz.
To provide context for Ask Ss to read over the questions in section B
the grammar point. - 30 seconds.
Play video
Part B Peer check answers.
The sentences in red - what are they?
vocabulary?.... (grammar)
Class feedback.
3m T-S Noticing examples T asks Ss to work alone to match the sentence
S from the text halves & identify the sentences from the
S-S To give Ss an video
opportunity to notice Discuss their answers in pairs
the language in context Class feedback.

Part C.1
10m T-S Language Focus Meaning -
S To clarify meaning, T writes marker sentence on the board:
S-S form and pronunciation If I’d known, I would have worn something
T-S of the target language. nicer.
Part C.2-C.4 T asks Ss to discuss questions in C.2 together -
These are CCQS
a) What didn’t she know about?
(the party)
b) What did that affect? (her
c) When was the party? (past)
d) When did she make her
decision about her clothes?
e) So she’s wearing normal
clothes because she didn't
know about that party -
correct? (yes)
f) Which clause contains the
cause of the situation? If
g) Which clause contains the
result in this situation?
h) Is this situation real or
imaginary? (imaginary)
After discussion, T elicits answers
[If Ss don’t understand, T supports with a
Part C.3
Form -
Ask students to alone & complete the table
Discuss answers in pairs
Class feedback - T elicits form and writes it
around marker sentence
T elicits question form
T asks
- how many clauses are there?
- can they go in any order?

- Pron
T elicits stress in marker sentence
T drills stress
If I’d known, I would have worn
something nicer.
5m T-S Controlled Practice C.4
S-S To provide Ss with T asks Ss to work in pairs and complete the
T-S restricted practice of gapfill
the target language 1) had saved, would’ve gone
2) had understood, would’ve done
3) hadn’t felt, wouldn’t have gone
4) hadn’t eaten, wouldn’t have
C.4 continued
Pron -
T elicits answers
T elicits sentence stress, using slides &
practices stress
1) saved, money, gone, holiday
2) understood, it, done, homework
3) hadn’t, sick, gone, doctors
4) eaten, fast, gained, weight
8 T-S Semi Controlled C.5 & 6
S Practice T asks S to work alone & write three endings
S-S To provide Ss with to the sentence starts provided.
semi-restricted practice In pairs discuss and try to find where the
of the target language sentence stress is
Part C.5 T monitors and assists as necessary with
sentence stress or other errors.
Class feedback on common errors.

5m T-S Freer Practice C.7

S To provide Ss with T asks Ss to think of two things that happened
T-S freer, more authentic to them last year
S-S practice of the target Write conditional sentences about them.
language. Assign Ss a number and have them change
partners - I don’t want them to work with the
person next to them in case they saw their
T models with strong student
Strong student reads out their first clause; T
guesses second clause.
Ss work in groups trying to guess the second
clause in the sentences.
T monitors and makes notes on common
3m T-S Flexistage T models with picture of my dog.
S-S 2nd Freer Practice Who do you think this is? (my dog)
To provide Ss with If I hadn’t moved to Vietnam, I wouldn’t have
freer, more authentic gotten a dog.
practice of the target T asks Ss in groups to talk about a life
language. changing moment in their past.
T monitors and makes notes on common
3m T-S Error Correction T boards common errors and elicits
To give delayed corrections..
feedback (and praise)
on target language

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