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व्यक्तिगत व्यवहार


-a mix of responses to external and internal stimuli.....

 Individual behavior can be defined as a mix of
responses to external and internal stimuli. It
is the way a person reacts in different
situations and the way someone expresses
different emotions like anger, happiness,
love, hatred, joy, disguise, sadness, agony,

 Causes of Individual Behaviour:

◦ Inherited characteristics
 Genetics and personal characteristics
◦ Learned characteristics
 Personality, perception, value, attitude, etc.
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-the aggregate whole psychological system.....

 A dynamic concept describing the growth and
development of a person’s whole psychological
system that determine his unique adjustments to
his environment. (Gordon Allport)

 Rather than looking at parts of the person,

personality looks at some aggregate whole that is
greater than the sum of the parts.

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MBA/Kujur/OB/U-2/Personality 11/07/24
 Heredity:

It refers to those factors that were determined at

conception. Physical structure, facial
attractiveness, gender, temperament, energy level

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 Environment:

Among the factors that exert pressures on our

personality formation are the culture in which we
are raised, our early conditioning, the norms
among our family, friends and social groups etc.

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 Situation:

A third, the situation, influences the effects of

heredity and environment on personality. An
individual’s personality, generally stable and
consistent, does change in different situations.

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Myers Briggs
Personality Traits


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Perception Learning Personality

Perception: Stimuli –Attention –Recognition –

Translation -Behaviour

Learning: Perception –Reinforcement -Stimuli -


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Groups of traits serve as basis for classifying personalities
◦ Introvert and Extrovert Personalities
a. Look inward and experience/ process their thoughts & ideas within themselves.

b. Friendly, sociable, lively, aggressive & expressing their feelings & ideas openly.

◦ Type A and Type B Personalities

a. Hard-working, highly achievement-oriented, impatient, have sense of urgency, aggressive,
with competitive drive.

b. Easy-going, sociable, free from urgency of time, laid back & non-competitive.

◦ Judging and Perceptive Personalities

a. They like to follow a plan, make decisions and need only that what is essential for their

b. They adapt well to change, want to know all about a job and at times may get

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 Openness
 Conscientiousness
 Extraversion
 Agreeableness
 Neuroticism

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 Locus of Control
 Machiavellianism
 Self- Esteem
 Self- Monitoring
 Risk- Taking
 Type A Personality

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 Humanistic Theory

 Trait Theory

 Psychoanalytical Theory

 Social Cognition Theory

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 Maslow believed that personality was not a matter of
nature but of personal choice. Specifically, he
suggested that people possess free will and are
motivated to pursue the things that will help them
reach their full potential as human beings.
 The humanistic perspective emphasized the
importance of using free will to become the best
human, a person can possibly be. People are always
looking for new ways to improve, learn and grow and
it's these choices that determine our personality and

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This theory was proposed by Digman and Goldberg as
the ‘Big five model of personality’
Openness, or how open-minded you are and how
much you like to try new things.
Conscientiousness, or how reliable, organized and
diligent you are.
Extraversion People who score low on extraversion
(introverts) gain energy from inside themselves.
Extroverts gain energy from people. They tend to be

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Agreeableness, or how friendly, tolerant and
compassionate you are.
Neuroticism, which refers to emotional instability and
the level of negative emotions a person has. It
measures the ways in which individuals react to stress.

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 Sigmund Freud believed that personality is made up of
three components. The id is our impulse energy. It is
responsible for all our needs (nourishment,
appreciation) and urges (hate, love and envy). The
superego, or conscience, represents morality as well
as the norms of society. It contains all the ideals for
which an individual strives and makes us feel guilty if
we fall short of these standards.

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 While the id strives for pleasure and the superego for
perfection, the ego acts to moderate the two. It works
on the reality principle, mediating the competing
demands of the id and the superego and choosing the
most realistic solution for the long term.

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 The pioneer of the social cognition theory, Albert Bandura,
argued that when people see someone gaining benefit from
a certain behavior, they copy that behavior in order to earn
a similar reward.
 Thus, social cognition theory considers personality as
behavior of social interactions, so our personality traits
interact with our environment to influence our behavior.
This gives a much clearer view of the effect that other
people have on our personalities.

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