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sy1t24, 233 PM Johar Sicat- Personality Profle NEW REPORT: The 2024 Meeting Prep Survey - is ‘, A Download fr t x pre-meeting research really worth it? @ nro Free espor Stabilizer (SC) Johnlery Sicat @ Johnlery tends to be fiercely loyal, detail-oriented, and personable. hntps:lwwwcrystalnous,comip/Tat42061-4753-417e-8740-935ca9532080?publc_assessment-tue we. si1124, 228 PM Johelery Sicat- Personality Profle NEW REPORT: The 2024 Meeting Prep Survey - is x pre-meeting research really worth it? Q Map Disc ® My Personality it on hh Stabilizer (SC) gio Dl ig Johnlery tends to prioritize stability and ¢ a consistency in their environment. They are é é - likely to be even-tempered, attentive to 4 = details, and structured in their approach. 8 = | Evenifa task may appear tedious, they can & likely work through it patiently and & s correctly. PERCEPTIVE ) (CONSISTENT ORGANIZED a: nips ww.crystalknows.comipyTat42061-4753-4f7e-8740-935ca9530080 publie_assessment=rve ane si1124, 228 PM Johelery Sicat- Personality Profle NEW REPORT: The 2024 Meeting Prep Survey - is x pre-meeting research really worth it? Q Risk tolerant ww Risk averse Trusting @ Skeptical Optimistic @ Pragmatic Deliberate © Fast-paced Matter-of-fact 6 Expressive Autonomous @ Collaborative Supporting @ Dominant A, Behavior Giving others time to adapt to change Finishing one task before starting another Appreciating formality in business meetings Feeling comforted by certainty nips ww.crystalknows.comipyTat42061-4753-4f7e-8740-935ca9530080 publie_assessment=rve ane 1124, 299 Pu ohnlery Scat - Personality Profle NEW REPORT: The 2024 Meeting Prep Survey - is pre-meeting research really worth it? Q yecurity Predictability Cleanliness & organization Peace \_ Drainers Chaotic environments Uncertainty Vague directions Making things up on the spot & Strengths Following through with established plans Being highly organized and attentive to details Thinking through important decisions Maintaining a steady, stable environment nips ww.crystalknows.comipyTat42061-4753-4f7e-8740-935ca9530080 publie_assessment=rve si1124, 228 PM Johelery Sicat- Personality Profle NEW REPORT: The 2024 Meeting Prep Survey - is pre-meeting research really worth it? Q May be overly risk averse In times or uncertainty May rely too much on written instructions when verbal communication is necessary May spend too much time analyzing information before making a decision May hesitate to make their needs known [J Make a great first impression with Johnlery Give them reason to trust you Talk through the implementation process Expect along sales cycle Address any apprehension or hesitation Q Building trust Ask about their skills Take the lead Guide the conversation with questions Emphasize past results nips ww.crystalknows.comipyTat42061-4753-4f7e-8740-935ca9530080 publie_assessment=rve siz si1124, 228 PM Johelery Sicat- Personality Profle NEW REPORT: The 2024 Meeting Prep Survey - is pre-meeting research really worth it? Q Mention wnat topics you will cover at the start of the presentation Be sure to highlight proven features, rather than just focusing on new, trendy ones Go a bit more slowly and don't gloss over context Don't overwhelm them by trying to pack in too much A. Negotiating Make sure your terms are consistent Ask discovery questions to learn all of the relevant details Take a long time to deliberate when the time is available Give them plenty of well-supported facts &> Pricing Give them time to analyze the details on their own Explain how you can eliminate risks when they purchase Provide formulas, calculators, or visuals if possible Provide options for a long-term commitment nips ww.crystalknows.comipyTat42061-4753-4f7e-8740-935ca9530080 publie_assessment=rve ez 124, 298 PM ohnlery Scat - Personality Profle NEW REPORT: The 2024 Meeting Prep Survey - is pre-meeting research really worth it? Q Give them a Tew time options to select trom Let them know that you will take as much time as they need Say specifically which topics will be covered Collaborate to set the meeting agenda © Following up Ask for details about the current process Bring up something specific they mentioned before Ask about the decision-making process Offer to provide information, certainty, and clarity ©&) writing style - How to write an email to Johnlery Give them plenty of time to think Respond to questions with thoughtfulness over speed Ask them something that will require a long and contemplative response Provide a great deal of information nips ww.crystalknows.comipyTat42061-4753-4f7e-8740-935ca9530080 publie_assessment=rve me sy1128, 233 PM Johelery Sicat- Personality Profle NEW REPORT: The 2024 Meeting Prep Survey-i§ oo coat pre-meeting research really worth it? @ pete Find out your Big Five trait scores ‘Answer a few additional questions to learn more about your personality. ms hntps:lwwwcrystalnous,comip/Tat42061-4753-417e-8740-935ca9532080?publc_assessment-tue x sy1128, 233 PM Johelery Sicat- Personality Profle NEW REPORT: The 2024 Meeting Prep Survey - is Downloa pre-meeting research really worth it? @ fact Find out your Enneagram Type Answer a few additional questions to learn more about your personality. ms Already know your type? hntps:lwwwcrystalnous,comip/Tat42061-4753-417e-8740-935ca9532080?publc_assessment-tue sy1128, 233 PM Johelery Sicat- Personality Profle NEW REPORT: The 2024 Meeting Prep Survey - is ' i Download free report x pre-meeting research really worth it? @ ' Extroverted Introverted Sensing Intuitive Thinking Feeling Judging Perceiving Find out your 16-Personality Type ‘Answer a few additional questions to learn more about your 16-Personality Type. TART TEST Already know your type? hntps:lwwwcrystalnous,comip/Tat42061-4753-417e-8740-935ca9532080?publc_assessment-tue ron sy1128, 233 PM Johelery Sicat- Personality Profle NEW REPORT: The 2024 Meeting Prep Survey - is pre-meeting research really worth it? @ 1 Download free report x 2 Find out your Strengths Answer a few additional questions to learn more about your Strengths. Ue hntps:lwwwcrystalnous,comip/Tat42061-4753-417e-8740-935ca9532080?publc_assessment-tue we sy1128, 233 PM Johelery Sicat- Personality Profle NEW REPORT: The 2024 Meeting Prep Survey - is pre-meeting research really worth it? @ Download free report x Find out your Values Answer a few additional questions to learn more about your Values. me intps:hwwwcrystalnous,comip\7af42061-4753-4176-8740-935ca9S3a080?public_assessment-ttue rane

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